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choochoopaul posted:

What is with the Slimware driver update?  Says to update the windows 10 drivers, then asks for 29.95 for a years coverage.  

The link is on your page.

Please ignore that.  Uninstall anything that you installed and restart the computer. Only use what looks like a download link, not a big shiny button.

Use Mixy's method

Hi Carl,

Yes, the MTS PE is good for life and several users already are very happy with it 

Once activated, it will be able to be downloaded, installed and re-installed on the same PC again, if needed. If something bad happens with the PC and some hardware components needs to be replaced (i.e. new motherboard), the license must be unlocked and re-activated. And I will of course do that, per user request (send by e-mail).


Attention Mixy!

Love the simulator and have played with it a lot.  However on my latest creation I get an error message that I have not got before.  The scenario is this, 2 rail Atlas O scale track library and the simulator.  Error message pops up as the engine crosses the second turnout frog, moving from left to right, clears first turnout.   Russ

Last edited by ChiloquinRuss


A bug was reported and confirmed in the last version of SCARM that may prevent starting of the program on some computers. The patched version of the program was released today. Please upgrade to SCARM 0.9.36, which can be downloaded from to fix the issue.

See more about this bug-fix update in the following blog post: SCARM v. 0.9.36 Released.

I am sorry if the bugs caused any problems and inconvenience in your work with SCARM. If you see another problems, please report them here or in SCARM Blog and I will try to fix them ASAP.


At last, I was able to catch and reproduce one bug reported here a while ago - it is about some keys (i.e. Del) that stops to work at some point of operation in the program. Actually, that happens after placing or editing text, while the Toolbox is open on the screen. The bug will be fixed in the next update of SCARM


Kevin, SCARM is free at the moment, but I believe it's moving toward retail once v1.0 is released. What form/price that will take is unknown at this point. Mixy may keep the basic program free and charge for expanded features. There is already an expanded library of engines and rolling stock for the simulation feature that currently has an introductory price of $14.95 and is well worth it for anyone who wants to run multiple trains on their designs.

As for moving away from RRT, that's not something I'll discuss in this SCARM thread. I'll be happy to give you my thoughts via email, my address is in my profile. However, we leave for a road trip to Georgia in the morning, so I can't promise when I'll be able to respond. I will have email each night when we stop, but it will all depend on what kind of time I have. I will respond though, just might take me a couple of days. If you do email, please let me know what version of RRT you have and some of the things you don't like or find difficult. That will help me give you some better information.

Moonman posted:


Hey, long time. How are you?

If you mean the baseboard, select it and then right-click and select move.

Hi Moonman and all my online friends,

The problem I was having turned out to be a malfunction of the mouse. The switch under the mouse wheel has gone bad. The plot is the term used by SCARM to designate the work area where you design benchwork, trackplan, etc. The plot can be dragged around by clicking the mouse wheel if equipped. The workaround is to use the arrows on the keyboard.


I want to thank you for the work you have put into this software, I have used it to do my original layout and it is posted on the NASG website. I am currently doing a modification of my layout in which I have had to cut sections of track and also modify AC Gilbert switches. I would like to redo the SCARM drawing I have done, is it now possible to modify pieces of track [Gilbert American Flyer track] with the program?



Hello Ray,

If you want to cut regular straight or curved track pieces, you can do that directly in the 2D editor - right click over the selected track and use "Snip off" command from the context menu.

If you want to modify a track library in v.1.0, I am afraid that it is not possible anymore as the libraries and project files in the new version are stored in new file format.

If you have custom library in the old format, it can be loaded and used in SCARM v.1.0, but only in the registered version.


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