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Seems like OpenGL driver or video memory overload - not sure where is the bug, but it is good that it is solved. Even than Microsoft claims that 32-bit software is 100% compatible in 64-bit Windows environment, some timers and other 32-bit variables may overrun when a system is working without restarting for a while. One of the "Range Check Error" bugs in an external library included in SCARM was just because of that and I was able to catch it after many days of working without need for restarting.


mwax516 posted:

New to using Scarm- can anyone tell me if its Mac compatible? I seem to be having trouble downloading it on my Mac and came across this thread and there are quite a bit of comments to read through. Thanks! 

It's not directly compatible with your Mac, you need to use a Windows emulator.

I really like the enhanced rotate and flip functions, also the convenient toolbox icon next to the measuring tape. I've noticed a new glitch though: sometimes "delete" key won't work on highlighted items, after I've been working on a file for a while. It recovers if I close and reopen the program. I haven't figured if a certain action causes the "delete" to quit functioning.

Mixy posted:

Hello Ace,

If you observe that again, try to use Delete command in Edit menu and see what will happen. If it works, it could be the Del key on your keyboard not always functioning. But if you have selected items and Delete command is grayed out, then it is a bug and I will need to catch and fix it.


My Delete key quits working once in awhile too, but it does the same thing in RR-Track at times, so I just chalk it up to something on my laptop. In each case, selecting Delete from the menu works. Only thing is that restarting both programs fixes it and I believe it's only those 2 programs it ever happens with. My guess is I'm hitting a key combination of some sort that turns off the Delete key, just like hitting Ctrl-I instead of Shift-I turns on Italics.

Bob Delbridge posted:


Just started using your software, very nice thank you  

It took me maybe 2-3 tries before I got the hang of the basics, but now I'm running into a couple of things I need help with. 

I'm using Gargraves track, I couldn't locate the instructions on how to make a half section of 072 curved track, or how to make a piece shorter than a 14" straight. 

How do you fill a gap shorter than the standard lengths?

Left click to highlight track. Point to where you want to cut track and right click, select "snip off". This cuts the track at that point. Very convenient! If you do this on flex track it says "split" instead of "snip off".

You can also use flex track and specify dimensions using "tool box".

Maybe too little too late, but I was (as in not for a year+) having occasional lock ups and/or seemingly random deletions, and object groups that overlapped the streets might start"floating at random heights" when using roadways with intersections. It seemed more a quirk than a full blown bug issue.

 One layout gave me more lock ups than others. I deleted the roadways and started them over. I think that was the last lockup I've had (about a year).

  I wonder if its how I used the roads then, they didn't always connect. During rough planning, I would butt roads close together -vs- using intersections. I felt it was that, or the use of flex roads without a final piece on the end to terminate the road, but couldn't really verify anything through elimination, and it stopped, so I figured an update fixed it.

Ace posted:
Texas Eagle 77 posted:

Can you ad K-Line shadow rail and K-Line Super Snap to your library?


Don't those have the same track geometry as other traditional 3-rail track systems already included in the SCARM track libraries?

I think they do on some pieces..

  I used Atlas early on to approximate Super-O's path. Till things change, a "stand in" is not perfect, but better than nothing.

  Marx 0-27, and many of the other scales, also mirror their competitors track.

   A novice purchasing the K-line, may not have a clue as to if things match up, or not, so I think its eventual inclusion would be prudent.

  Detailed lists of manufacturer's measurements and part numbers are where Mixy seems to prefer to draw his info from.

Helping to supply the info to him is a good way to speed the process .

The best way to get K-Line info and specs now is the site:

Just type in Shadow Rail and SuperSnap and you can get the specs.

As far as I know K-Line is the only manufacturer that made 120" curves in tubular track.

Austin Tinplate Trackers uses K-line track almost exclusively on our mainlines. I wish Bachmann would pick it up in the Williams line. It seemed to be a very popular for K-Line. It would give them their own line to put in sets and allow them to compete with Menards.


Texas Eagle 77 posted:

The best way to get K-Line info and specs now is the site:

Just type in Shadow Rail and SuperSnap and you can get the specs ... 

That site is not showing precise dimensional specs; it only shows former catalog listings of track items. Curved track pieces described as 31" - 42" - 54" are similar geometry to other brands of traditional tubular track, and the numbers are only nominal dimensions of overall diameter, not a precise measurement.

With SCARM it is already possible to create customized sections of track with user-specified dimensions for flex-track, and you can quickly copy them to make additional pieces. That is an expedient method to represent less-common varieties of sectional track which are not already included in the SCARM track libraries.

Last edited by Ace

  Yep, What Ace said. ......Getting the dimensions as right as possible, is a necessity for large layouts, clearances, using 2 gauges, 2 brands, etc..  I was gathering averages from Super O measurements with a dial caliper till Mixy saved the day and landed all the info himself somewhere. Our "track play" (or "close enough") in fitting tubular track, doesn't translate as loosely to the screen without adjusting O parameters. (you can, its open code, but they are "tight" for the reasons listed). Plastic snap tracks (hey that's you) and/or small scales don't share the luxury of accepting the small offsets many in O can just shrug off.

I move tracks/objects around quite a bit and while cut/paste works, the new "Transfer to Layer" option is quicker, easier and more intuitive. The "Height Shift" option is also a very welcome addition. I especially like that it includes switches. That makes raising/lowering a yard, a separate level, etc., a very simple process.

Last edited by DoubleDAZ


Just wanted to let you know that I again had trouble installing your latest version because Panda Anti-virus intercepted the installation and deleted the install file.  Obviously, I can't speak about any other anti-viral programs, but the "work-around" is to turn Panda off for a few minutes until install is completed, and then turn it back on.

Please try to resolve this before the next update.


atka72 posted:


Soon, it completed the conversion program. It is possible to import an OBJ models into the SCARM. A preview as the attached pictures show models have been added to this. The attached atka_vehicles.lib file is copied to the SCARM\\Lib folder, and you can also use them. smile.gif

3D preview converter


I can't figure out how to use, or change this.

It gives a "wrong file header" message, and just opens a blank Scarm page.

PRR1950 posted:


Just wanted to let you know that I again had trouble installing your latest version because Panda Anti-virus intercepted the installation and deleted the install file.  Obviously, I can't speak about any other anti-viral programs, but the "work-around" is to turn Panda off for a few minutes until install is completed, and then turn it back on.

Please try to resolve this before the next update.


Here is the virus report for SCARMsetup_0_9_33.exe from VirusTotal. Detection ratio is "0/67 => Clean". If you click on downloaded file analysis, you'll see that Panda with signatures from 20160610 also reports it clean.

Sorry, but I cannot do anything if your antivirus software is stopping you from installing legitimate and clean program. I don't know what signatures are installed and what options of the AV scanner are set. If you are using a commercial version for which you are paying license fee, contact Panda support and complain about that issue.


Adriatic posted:

I can't figure out how to use, or change this.

It gives a "wrong file header" message, and just opens a blank Scarm page.

You download the file and copy/move it to the SCARM lib folder. I used the defaults when I installed SCARM, so you can see the file location on my system in the address bar.


Then when you open SCARM, you open the Objects/Vehicles library. There you'll see the Tank and Bus objects.


You select which ones you want and add them to your layout the same way you do tracks.


The view them in 3D.




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Last edited by DoubleDAZ

 I had finally figured out a way, but thanks Dave.

     Originally with two tandem Op.Systems, the program files aren't real easy to access on this system.  Last one wasn't much easier, but was, as things were more traditionally organized.  I.e. This isn't the first time I've had issue with Lib. files.    Other software I run now, also sees those lib. files as "playable", and then puts them in an odd spot where they don't show, as it sees it's not music, or video, so assumes it's "special data" to accompany another file. (Long searches were needed, just to find each extra "link" file to "clean up". 

 Repeatedly, I only saw it as a link, and no option to save, rename, or move it as otherwise; it just gets read as a different file, so I opened it with? (I forget) and copied the text version, then"rebuilt" it.

      I also didn't actually realize it was a SCARM program library file vs a "more readily accessible" "figure file" either, because the Scarm figure grouping files are in another "library type".

    Stored in the system files, the bus and tank it will be "lost" if I have to reinstall SCARM. (like the locomotives someone made)

  "Figure groups" are just easier to deal with, they get saved outside the program, and I like "grabbing" portions of the homemade objects too.

...but tanks a bus anyhow

Maybe I can still have some fun ...

tank full 2

And folks think I don't have a full tank!  



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  • tank full 2

Hi Mixy, Welcome to our O Gauge Railroading Forum. Mixy I have a major problem I'm hoping you might be able to help me with. I just finished reading 4 out of the 14 pages about 80+ replies & I've been noticing that the majority of your replies were done back in 2013. 

I appreciate what you've done for the members of the forum, but I'm wondering if anyone can do this for me I hope It would be you Sir. Besides I'm hoping that I have at least a little hope In my favor. I do have one thing that might give me that edge I'm looking for & that Is the fact that I'm at least 3yrs. ahead of all the replies that was written back in 2013. 

So now I'm going to take a risk here to see if there is hope for me yet. Here I go Sir In the last 3yrs. we're you able to help people like myself who doesn't own a desk or laptop computer, but my  (and I'm talking about myself here) only source to the Internet Is through both my Cellphone & Tablet. 

Both of them comes with Android not Windows. Please Sir Can You Help Me. I'm Permanently Disabled without your software I couldn't draw Stick Figures Let Alone drawing up my Dream Layout even If my Life Depended On It. I learned how to operate large layouts before my disability came because I use to belong to several Model Railroad Clubs 2 clubs back home when I lived in So. California & 2 here in MO.

To make matters worse I'm 60 yrs. Old & now I need to look for someone who is a expert in the field of Designing, Electrician, Carpenter, must have Creativity & most Importantly Reasonable to help me build my dream layout. The last time I was In a operating session with my club members was over 20 yrs. ago. 

So Mr. Mixy I hope you understand how Important your software could mean to me. You see with your software I can finally hold my head up high with pride & at least I can only say that I designed my Dream Layout. I prefer Lionel FasTrack Only!!! 

Mixy Sir Thank You for taking the time to read my comments & I hope to hear from you soon & I Hope You Enjoy The Rest Of Your Life. Again THANK YOU!!! 

P.S. my E-mail Address is & my Cellphone number is 1 (314) 537-4733.

Allan G. Martinez 


Hello Allan,

SCARM requires Windows OS or at least Wine emulator for Linux or Mac platforms in order to be able to start. It cannot be installed in Android or iOS phones and tablets natively and I am afraid that I cannot do anything to solve that.

SCARM can be operated from a tablet device if there is already a Windows PC where the program is installed and internet connection is established between the two devices. I published about this option a few posts above and will publish the link that explains that in my blog again for you:

Using SCARM on iPad and Android Tablets

However, SCARM is not yet optimized for working on touch screens and I cannot guarantee that you will be able to use it on your tablet or cellphone.

Hope that helps.


Mixy has done a tremendous amount of work to develop SCARM and has very generously made it available as freeware for Windows.

For the folks who want to use SCARM freeware but don't have a computer with Windows, may I suggest that you get yourself an inexpensive older laptop computer with Windows specifically to run SCARM.

I bought a good secondhand XP laptop for $20 off Craigslist a couple years ago and I use it to run Train Dispatcher 2 freeware that doesn't run on Windows 64-bit systems. It was the easiest work-around.

Last edited by Ace
Ace posted:

Mixy has done a tremendous amount of work to develop SCARM and has very generously made it available as freeware for Windows.

For the folks who want to use SCARM freeware but don't have a computer with Windows, may I suggest that you get yourself an inexpensive older laptop computer with Windows specifically to run SCARM.

I bought a good secondhand XP laptop for $20 off Craigslist a couple years ago and I use it to run Train Dispatcher 2 freeware that doesn't run on Windows 64-bit systems. It was the easiest work-around.

Curious of the "going rate" myself, yesterday, I priced the local C-List for used Windows 7 or W-10 laptops. At $10-25 there where options, dozens under $50, $50-75 there was a few dozen nicer ones to choose from. Plain & simple the prices are cheap, and considering they can do things some tablets can't, it's an upgrade of sorts. Doesn't mean the tablet use is over, just complimented.

    I can't use Scarm in a reduced sized window, but I'm pretty sure I've done it in the past.

   It's "full page" or "no page" right now.

    Both window control buttons next to the close X do nearly the same thing. The "flat bar button" requires you to recall the window from the task bar; the "reduce window size" leaves a widget control that doesn't have much use IMO.

 Any chance at a standard, adjustable border, reduced window?

   If in means canning the widget, it's fine by me, it drops to the back and hides anyhow .

Last edited by Adriatic

Do you mean a window like this?


I never used SCARM in a smaller window, but when I clicked the resize button to see what you were saying, it shrunk to a very small window in the upper left of my laptop display with only the title showing. So, I dragged the lower right corner the same way I do to resize any window and adjusted it to the size you see above. Once I did that, I can no longer resize it to original small window, it only goes as small as Windows allows. Each time you resize a window, you have to click the "Fit To Screen" button to resize the layout.


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