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Considering that this is the basis for the SD40-2  should not be a bit surprising .   G.E. has never done anything that will ever approach this record...and why is that?  EMD -  Best design, and best materials, coupled with best quality control.  Makes you wonder what people will be saying when these units bust a hundred !

They made them too good-rebuild instead of buying new, bad for business.  I had a friend who worked for GE in Erie some years ago when they were getting big 100+ unit orders and lose money on them. They planned to make money on the maintenance and repair contract plus increase your unit population. same as selling big industrial pumps also penetrate new markets.  Which will be gone first ?? old Lionels or EMDs ??  I can just see the TRAINS magazine story-"Last operational EMD has been retired . The only ones left are in museums rusting away."

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