This is not perfectly train related, but is applicable because train circuit boards contain many micro components.
My grandson and I were replacing the hard drive in his HP laptop computer. When we were reassembling the computer, we noticed that a switch, which turned out to be the power switch had fallen out. The micro switch was about 3/16th inch square with very tiny solder joints on all four corners. When the switch was set in the proper location, neither the solder points on the switch nor solder points on the circuit board were visible so it seemed to me impossible to perform a solder repair.
We searched online for a replacement circuit board but the Google search turned up zero results.
For an interim fix, I just glued the switch over the solder joints with epoxy. The switch works, intermittently, but I expect it won't last. If the switch moves less than 1 mm laterally, it won't make contact with the circuit board contacts.
Is there any cold solder type of product that I can use to reattach the switch to the circuit board contacts?