This concerns a Lionel no. 82825 LionChief Plus CP Rail GP38. For some reason, it has started pausing periodically when running. It runs normally, and then after a varying amount of time and distance, maybe averaging every 6-8 feet or every 12 seconds or so (I'm running it slowly), it just stops and makes the air discharge sound. The lights stay on. Then after maybe 6-8 seconds, it starts moving again and running as if nothing happened. This keeps repeating like that. It's as if the engine were programmed to make periodic stops. Anyone know what the problem might be? Thanks.
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An update. I turned the engine off for awhile, then tried running it again, and (so far) it is back to running normally without the stops. Hopefully this will continue, but no way of telling. The question still remains, though, as to what caused the odd periodic stopping behavior.
Is this engine part of the plus 2.0 or older plus with out Blue tooth ?
My diesel came with all gears not oiled or greased . if your gears are not oiled ,please oil & grease .
Are you using it in Conventional mode or Handheld mode ? Check the little switch on the engine to see what mode you are in .
Are you using the wallwort or regular transformer ? if you are using the wallwort , make sure it is not loose in the outlet !
if you are using a regular transformer , make sure you not going over 18volts !
My Lionchief plus Gp-20 NYC (First or second version with no bluetooth ) was doing something like yours .
Good luck !
Bill in Tosa
Thanks, Bill, for the information. It's a LC+ engine (not LC+2), 3-4 years old, oiled and greased, in handheld mode, using a regular transformer at approx. 16-18 volts. The engine was running fine until this begain to occur, and has never before displayed this stop and go behavior. Another LC+ engine running simultaneously on the same line was running fine.
In any case, the problem seems to have resolved itself after I cut power to the engine and then started it again, with no further issues. Looks like the source of the problem will remain a mystery. I guess like most electronics, when in doubt, reboot, and often the problem goes away.