Hello all,
I picked up a MTH 4 car subway set last summer and just got around to opening it and getting it going. Absolutely LOVE IT and have it set up to make stops on an out and back run. Works great…
I want to expand its operation outside of my double main line but to do so it will need to be elevated. Herein lies the question that I’d like a realistic answer to. Can it realistically climb 6 inches in height over a 70 inch span of track? The current “end” of the subway line is up against a curve and the start of the end line is 70 inches from the curve.
I know it’s quite a steep grade, but this subway would be the only thing to ever climb it. I know any wheel slip at all would affect the out and back program so I don’t want to do it if it’s not possible. So, possible or pipe dream? Thanks.