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Hello everyone I need some help with my dcs ,it seems I all off a sudden lost my variable signal, both fixed work lost both variable I'm running two tiu,s in super mode everything was running great I have six  loops four on fixed and the other two on variable I checked my fuses and their good also the remote is telling me ,I think , that it's in Z mode when I soft key  si to tiu track it just goes back to Z mode when I dile up but I'm not even connected to Z mode I'm running the variables off a Lionel ZW  like I said both fuses are goodPXL_20220416_201534605PXL_20220416_201542133PXL_20220416_201553412


Images (3)
  • PXL_20220416_201534605
  • PXL_20220416_201542133
  • PXL_20220416_201553412
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