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Dear Fellow Trainees:

I have been going through my Super-O track, and besides discovering a few of the early 1957 pieces with the writing in the middle of the pieces, I believe that I found something rather peculiar.

I looked at the 1959 Lionel catalog page 39 and other catalogs, and the half straight shows 11 ties, while the actual issue has only 10.

This being said, I found what I thought was a custom cut piece.  It is 4 1/4" long.  When I turned it over, I was quite surprised to notice that there were sets of interlocking tabs on each end, which would not be there if it was in fact, custom cut.

Notice that the ties of the Straight and half straight do not coincide.

Has anyone ever come across something like this before?

Bob Mintz





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Hi Bob,


It looks to me like you do have a custom cut piece, but it was very well done to preserve the connectors.  Essentially, three ties were cut out of the middle of a standard short straight (not actually a 1/2 straight).  This is the same way we make custom length sections with ScaleTrax.


If you look closely you can see the cut lines in the plastic between the ties.  The ties spacing where the cut was made is also tighter than normal.



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Trainphreak:  While not about Super"O", this condition also exists with Lionel tubular track, full straight vs half straight.  A full straight (OS)  is 10" long, while a 1/2 OS is 5&1/2" long; not a true 1/2 track. Obviously, not having extra ties on the track leaves room to cut custom sections with little difficulty in worring about track ties spacing. Dennis M.

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