Well hello everyone, welcome back to T.E.T. @Sitka - let me compliment you on your night shots, Although the cabooses are neat, I loved the cows and the milk platform in the foreground, neat photo.
Today I have assembled a few shots from my archives to keep things moving. First, after all you folks presented your beautiful scale and sometimes die cast NYC cabooses, let me show you one that's close to 90 years old but a "model" of the same type caboose. This is the Lionel # 1682 NYC lithographed caboose from 1933-1942. The blackened journal covers mark this specimen to the later part of that period. Note the lithographed "wood" sides and window sills. Mr. Cowen did not like lithography, especially before the post war period, as he felt it was "cheap" looking compared with his beautiful enameled finishes on his top lines. However, the depression and wide spread unemployment forced his hand into creating lower price point trains or go out of business.

By the way...this guy even came with his original box!! Not bad for 80-90 years old.

In the same time period, Lionel took over the Ives line of trains. In 1932 they produced this caboose but with the name "Ives" in the black circles. In 1933 Lionel ceased production of Ives trains and transitioned these well designed cars to "Lionel" by substituting the name Lionel in the black circle (as shown below). Although (perhaps because of his pride), these cars were never shown in the Lionel catalog but they were used in numerous low end "outfits" as Lionel called its "sets".

As a change from all the NYC cabooses, how about a PRR caboose. This is the Lionel (MPC) #19807 PRR "extended vision" caboose from 1988. This guy is a SMOKER! with a smoke unit inside exhausting through that large diameter stack in the roof.

Happy Tuesday, hope you are having a great week
Best Wishes