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The TCA Convention MarketPlace opens tomorrow , June 20th.

Location the Lancaster Marriott/Lancaster Convention Center in downtown Lancaster, PA

The hours are are:

June 20th Thursday 5-8PM.   TCA members only

June 21st Friday 9AM-5PM. Open to the Public.

June 22nd Saturday 9AM-2PM Open to the Public.

You do not have to register for the Convention to go……there is just an entry fee at the door.

130 tables are sold.

3 layouts for viewing…….

Raritan Valley HiRailers’ 24x60 layout

Standard Gauge Model RailRoad Association’s  36x23 layout

LCCA layout by Kevin Davis…..size to be determined.

Come join us ………beat the heat in this 15,000 sq ft air-conditioned room full of trains to buy and trains to watch……..

I’ll be walking around all three days (I’m the layout coordinator). Please look for me…….I love to put a face with a name.


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Well, I can't make that of course, work. It will also be my parents 65th wedding anniversary if they were both around.

Peter, please be sure to either have someone take a bunch of pictures to post or see if you could find time(better to ask someone I should think). If I was able to come, you bet I'd shoot a ton of pics.

Have fun, and give that smile to everyone as you always do.

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