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Hello follow tin-platers..


Last night I screwed down the two loops of early split pin Lionel track .... ( after last weeks successful  trip to pick up more straight track...note this is all split pin track  circa 1907-1911) .   Screwing down the track really boosts the noise level in the room ... but that is the look, feel and sound I was going for .  

Running the early pieces with a single shoe pick up  over learn to pace your momentum...  need enough  speed to coast through the dead gaps.  

I always admired the figure 8 within the loop shown in all the manufactures catalogs doubt to boost switch and crossing sales ....  in reality ... switches and crossings are rough on trains ... this crossing is brutal will need some major  fine tuning before the green light is raised .

 The 1912 needs to have the right momentum to get through the curves .... speed up on the straights and automatic braking through the curves .

Now to add the station and sidings , second loop of 2 7/8" , elevated standard gauge  trolley line, etc , etc  ...the fun never ends .

Fun to play with trains

Cheers Carey

check out the riveting action scenes. at



Original Post
Carey Williams posted:

Hello follow tin-platers..


Last night I screwed down the two loops of early split pin Lionel track .... ( after last weeks successful  trip to pick up more straight track...note this is all split pin track  circa 1907-1911) .   Screwing down the track really boosts the noise level in the room ... but that is the look, feel and sound I was going for .  

Running the early pieces with a single shoe pick up  over learn to pace your momentum...  need enough  speed to coast through the dead gaps.  

I always admired the figure 8 within the loop shown in all the manufactures catalogs doubt to boost switch and crossing sales ....  in reality ... switches and crossings are rough on trains ... this crossing is brutal will need some major  fine tuning before the green light is raised .

 The 1912 needs to have the right momentum to get through the curves .... speed up on the straights and automatic braking through the curves .

Now to add the station and sidings , second loop of 2 7/8" , elevated standard gauge  trolley line, etc , etc  ...the fun never ends .

Fun to play with trains

Cheers Carey

check out the riveting action scenes. at



That croc has seen gentler times but I really like the look of it.

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