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But for what it's worth, I think there is room for this track. It would just take a minute to catch on. So many people are in deep with Ross and Gargraves (including me). The company making it would have to be prepared to sit for a minute. I think that's not a big deal if you finance it right and use machines but that's just my opinion. There is a member here that used a small rail (N or HO?) for a center rail and the results are impressive.

You might get some customers from people relatively new to the hobby, but for those of us in too deep, you might consider how our rollers would adjust from your "lower profile" center rail to our existing "high profile" center rail if we wanted to mix the two types.  Maybe some type of "sloped" connection piece?  That way, if we wanted to expand an existing pike into a section that looked more "scale-like," it might be possible.  Still, your biggest issue would be switches with the "lower profile" center rail; would you also produce those?


@PRR1950 posted:

You might get some customers from people relatively new to the hobby, but for those of us in too deep, you might consider how our rollers would adjust from your "lower profile" center rail to our existing "high profile" center rail if we wanted to mix the two types.  Maybe some type of "sloped" connection piece?  That way, if we wanted to expand an existing pike into a section that looked more "scale-like," it might be possible.  Still, your biggest issue would be switches with the "lower profile" center rail; would you also produce those?

Not only couplers, but the mention of Atlas being "Code 181", would also apply to Ross/Gargraves.  If you reduced the rail height to truly be Code 100, every 3-rail wheel flange would be riding on the ties!  If you're thinking of only 2-rail, it's a much smaller market, but you solve the problem of the center rail.

@PRR1950 posted:

You might get some customers from people relatively new to the hobby, but for those of us in too deep, you might consider how our rollers would adjust from your "lower profile" center rail to our existing "high profile" center rail if we wanted to mix the two types.  Maybe some type of "sloped" connection piece?  That way, if we wanted to expand an existing pike into a section that looked more "scale-like," it might be possible.  Still, your biggest issue would be switches with the "lower profile" center rail; would you also produce those?


Not sure the center rail has to be lower. Super O has the least obtrusive center rail IMO because its thinner and the copper blends in with tie color better. Ballasting helps camouflage the raised ties to large degree. Not sure it has to be that high in an improved version though.


Last edited by Norton

As I try to decide what 3R track type is best for me...

So started to experiment with some used Atlas 3R track (a natural extension from HO).  Well I don't really like it.  The joiners don't work as well as they do in HO.  Bending it isn't as easy as HO ... and the rails are HUGE.  O equivalent to Code 100 would be Code 181.  Probably the most important fact, the cost is astronomical (about $1 per inch).

Please if you read this, just post a yes or no.

Thank you!

I have two layouts with Atlas O 3-rail track and switches. A 12'-by-8' with about 80 feet of track and 5 switches (O-72, O-54) built 1999 to 2004 and a 10'-by-5' with about 28 feet of track and two O-54 switches built 2014 to 2019. In 25 years of operation, I've never replaced a switch and only replaced one or two pieces of track due to rails loosening from the ties.

I prefer Atlas O track because its solid flat-topped nickel-silver rail is precisely shaped and gauged, and looks most realistic in my opinion. It's quite strong (not flimsy) and O gauge steam locomotive driving wheels make perfect contact with the flat-topped rail. The rail and track joiners make good electrical and mechanical contact and, in my case, have never required replacement. Some 0-6-0 and 0-8-0 steam locomotives with small driving wheels may have difficulty on O-54 switches but not on O-72. On my layouts, diesels have never had problems on the switches.

Why do you want to bend O gauge track? This is not HO. Atlas O offers flex track and numerous sectional curve radii to make any reasonable track plan. The rail height is 0.225 inches - 10.8 inches full scale compared to real rail that is about 7.5 inches in height. Model railroad track is a compromise between strength/durability and scale accuracy. In my opinion, Atlas O comes off well in that regard.

Yes, Atlas O track is expensive, but model railroads are an investment that can last for a long time, so its cost per year has been acceptable for me.

The debate about the best 3-rail track is endless but, in my opinion, there are enough brands/types of 3-rail O gauge track from which to choose. You pay your money and make your choice. So, to answer your question, NO. I would not invest in production of another type of O gauge track.

Like you, I'm a retired engineer.


Last edited by MELGAR
@PRR1950 posted:

You might get some customers from people relatively new to the hobby, but for those of us in too deep, you might consider how our rollers would adjust from your "lower profile" center rail to our existing "high profile" center rail if we wanted to mix the two types.  Maybe some type of "sloped" connection piece?  That way, if we wanted to expand an existing pike into a section that looked more "scale-like," it might be possible.  Still, your biggest issue would be switches with the "lower profile" center rail; would you also produce those?


Want to clarify where my thinking was originally headed, although "not set in stone" it would be modified based on input received.  Didn't want to post this originally to influence feedback too much.

The product would be a cross between Gargraves and Super O.  It would look similar to Super O but be constructed like Gargraves.  If you examine a piece of Gargraves track, instead of the current tie, it would have ties like Super O.  This could (an option when track is ordered) include a "double tie" with the mounting web and holes about every 6 inches (like Super O).  The center conductor would be a brass strip like Super O.  The top of the center conductor would be the same as the outer rails.  If you compare existing Super O to Gargraves they are the same height wise, so this would also be.

BTW For those that many not be aware, Super O and Gargraves outer rails go right together.

Because of tooling cost this would just be track.  Ross, Gargraves or Super O Switches would be recommended, "take your pick".

Super O GG SideSuper O GG End


Images (2)
  • Super O GG Side
  • Super O GG End
Last edited by MainLine Steam
@Norton posted:

Not sure the center rail has to be lower. Super O has the least obtrusive center rail IMO because its thinner and the copper blends in with tie color better. Ballasting helps camouflage the raised ties to large degree. Not sure it has to be that high in an improved version though.


Following the guidance of a couple of 3RS forum members, I constructed some 3 rail track from Atlas 2 rail flextrack and an N-scale or HO-scale recessed center rail.  I used it on sidings and on a long trestle bridge.  All was good until I ran some recent Lionel Heavyweight Passenger cars over it.  Turns out that the center rail pickup couldn't reach the N-scale center rail (HO rail was ok).  So you can go too low . . .  

Fortunately my locomotives and all my K-line passenger cars had no trouble.




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  • IMG_4081
Last edited by RRDOC

The product would be a cross between Gargraves and Super O.  It would look similar to Super O but be constructed like Gargraves.

I'm sure there might be some interested parties, but I just don't know if this is the product development hill you want to die on.  It's hard to imagine a fledgling startup competing on price in this product arena.  I suppose anything's possible, I just see this as a pretty heavy lift.

@RRDOC posted:

Following the guidance of a couple of 3RS forum members, I constructed some 3 rail track from Atlas 2 rail flextrack and an N-scale or HO-scale recessed center rail.  I used it on sidings and on a long trestle bridge.  All was good until I ran some recent Lionel Heavyweight Passenger cars over it.  Turns out that the center rail pickup couldn't reach the N-scale center rail (HO rail was ok).  So you can go too low . . .  

Fortunately my locomotives and all my K-line passenger cars had no trouble.



Bob please confirm that K-Line Aluminum and Heavyweight Passenger Cars run on Code 145 without problems.  If so then my need for a "new" track becomes a moot point for me.  You have my solution.  Thank you very much!

I'm sure there might be some interested parties, but I just don't know if this is the product development hill you want to die on.  It's hard to imagine a fledgling startup competing on price in this product arena.  I suppose anything's possible, I just see this as a pretty heavy lift.

Thank you John, I truly appreciate your concern and guidance (unlike the guys trying to burn down houses and electrocute people with a "better" power supply).  It didn't get to this age without thinking before "jumping in" (the reason for this topic).

Last edited by MainLine Steam

One point I didn't make previously is that I think it's unlikely that people with established O gauge layouts would replace their track with a new product, even if it is better. In my case, I would not re-track either of my layouts due to the expense and work involved. So, any new brand of track would probably sell only to new O gauge model railroaders, and it would take a long time to see a return on your investment.


It would be an uphill struggle to introduce a new track to three rail O gauge. Essentially the only sets, most people's introduction to this niche of the hobby, are made by Lionel and include Fastrack.  While not everyone loves this product, it has lots of folks who like it and continue to use it if they stay in the hobby and expand a layout.  So that's a formidable obstacle.  If there were no other good options, perhaps a market would exist for a free standing track producer, but the presence of excellent options with Gargraves, Ross and Atlas tracks suggests to me that it is unlikely that a truly superior product could be produced, much less sold in volume.

My home layout and the G&O garden railroad all run on Atlas track.  I chose Atlas because I think it is the most prototypical looking track available.  The ties, etc., on the other brands are too large and the spacing isn't correct.  Atlas track is also rugged.  You can stand on it and it won't break.  It is not affected by weather.  This is important for an outdoor O gauge 3-rail layout.  

I would use Atlas again if I was starting over.  I have found that the there is a lot of Atlas track and probably other brands on the used market at trains shows, etc.  Purchasing used track is much less expensive than buying new.  Used track is often in great shape.  Look at the used track market if you want to reduce your costs.  

The reason there is so much used track available is that many of us, myself included, are arriving at an age where we can no longer maintain or run a layout.  You will see posts on this and other forums all the time about layouts being torn down.  The track and switches are going to the local train show.  

Good luck whatever your choice is.  Happy Model Railroading,  NH Joe

Hey Jim,  it's interesting that only Marty E responded with a simple 'NO' per your original request for a Yes/No answer.  I tried but bit my lip anyway with my initial reply of "Gargraves Rail is too big".  Lol!

Truthfully, when Atlas's 20th Century Track System was first introduced it was designed to mate right up with Gargraves so it is 'too big' as well; or as you mentioned in your initial post "Atlas rails are HUGE".  Otherwise Atlas is the most prototypical track for us but would have been much more appealing had they used a thin center blade like Super O or MTH ScaleTrax.

I had a nice layout using ScaleTrax and found that our trains appeared to be much more massive because of the visible smaller outside rails and the center blade was significantly less obtrusive. I actually pulled the center rail of a piece of Atlas and replaced it with the MTH blade and it was a huge improvement visually even with the larger oversized Atlas rails.

In hopes of having another layout someday, I have been acquiring a good supply of used Atlas but would welcome a new track with outer rains from Atlas 2 rail and a center blade like Super O or ScaleTrax.  Now, how many new people coming in would be aware of and desire more 'scale' looking track is anybody's guess but I certainly would!

Here are some photos of my old layout showing how nice ScaleTrax looks and the effect it creates for enhancing our models. It was very easy to work with as well - very similar to HO flex.



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  • DSC02099
  • DSC04612
  • DSC01884
@Dave_C posted:

It’s funny Pete. Back then most of the critique from non 3 railers was the middle rail. I had many visitors say how real my layout looked. To bad it has that middle rail. Real trains run on 2. No one ever mentioned anything about the huge couplers or the floating pilots on diesels being a bad look.

I've had similar experiences.  I was fortunate enough to present the layout at the RPM meet last year.  A number of 2-rail HO folks attended and paid me what I believe is the best compliment you can get - "would you consider going to 2-rail O?"  While flattering, the real cost of such a conversion would be tens of thousands of dollars for a mid-large layout.

As to solving the "perfect 3-rail track", that is a very difficult technical and aesthetic problem.  Previously, I noted my use of GarGraves / Ross track and Ross / Curtis switches.  Back when I was making those choices, I was intrigued by the Atlas solid rail offering, but the price was out of my reach.  GarGraves was the economical choice and looked pretty good, too (especially with ballast).  Tubular (of any variety or make) was never going to get my vote.  K-Line had a viable option until they fumbled the future.

Of course, over the past 5 years all of the major track brands have increased their prices, some of them astronomically.

MTH produced a great looking product called Scale Rail which had the lowest profile, but they never seemed to fully commit to it.  There were some serious production shortages and gaps in curve and switch sizes.  I recall the "stud rail" offerings early in the 2000s.  In fact, I thought OGR was interested in either producing or marketing it (my memory might be incorrect here).  It seemed like a very intriguing product, but then completely disappeared from view.

All in all, I think there's a lot of risk in the idea.


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