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Thoroughbred Limited 2015

(Click HERE to go to the web site.)

The MCR CONVENTION will be hosted here in Lexington May 14-17, 2015  at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (formerly The Campbell House); we have a contract with great room rates, lots of amenities, and great  financial arrangements.

Charlie Getz, the President of the NMRA, and probably the best speaker around for model railroaders, has agreed to speak at our banquet! 

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<caption>Upcoming Mid-Central Region Conventions</caption>
DateConvention NameLocationLink
14-17 May 2015Thoroughbread LimitedLexington, KY (Div. 10)WEB
2016 Columbus, OH (Div. 6) 
2017 Louisville, KY (Div. 8) 
2018 Cincinnati



<caption>NMRA National Conventions</caption>
DateConvention NameLocationLink
14-20 July 2013Peachtree ExpressAtlanta, GAWEB
13-19 July 2014Cleveland National Convention 2014Cleveland, OHWEB
23-30 Aug 2015Portland Daylight Express                  

                                                                                                                                                 this is all i can find                          


Welcome to Cleveland --- The Next Stop for the National Model Railroad Association!


East Fourth Street - Cleveland

Cleveland Maps Submitted by Dave Wiliams



2014 Cleveland NMRA National Convention Host Committee

The New Cleveland Convention Center

New Cleveland Convention Center
300 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114


MCR - Mid Central Region....


2015!!  Well, nothing like a little advance planning and advertising, but where is it in 2014?  Looking more than a year out in time is hard to put on my calendar.


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