One of the problems with home wifi is that it generally won't cover the whole house the way people have it set up. Usually the router is in a main area, and the signal has to travel through floors and walls to get to various rooms, and it degrades the signal and the speed. You can get 500m in the living room lets say where the wifi router is, and in a bedroom a level up get only 15 meg speed and a poor signal. When I get to that point I may run an ethernet cable to the basement from my living room where my main router is(living room is literally right above the basement where my trains are) and have another wifi router in the basement wired to the main one.
There are options with this, you can put in wifi extenders, either wireless or ones that use the house wiring (IDK how well that works.....), or a so called mesh network where you have routers throughout the house that talk to each other and to the main one.