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Here is one of my pandemic projects.  I disassembled this engine and tender years ago and primed it sometime prior to 2015.  Last year as the pandemic went on, with no train shows, and not seeing much to buy, I started on some of my projects.  This got painted and then sat the winter prior to re-assembly.  I finally got what I could get done, finished and then took it to a friend to re-assemble, as I knew I was missing parts and he could get it back together.  Picked it up today.  It is running with 3 of the Millennium Mayflower cars. 


Couple of new find this week ... one a cheep and cheerful Bing from the 20's or 30's

Its just so cute and cartoonish I could not resist

Obviously a very low end set , but when has that ever stopped me ... poor cheapies need lovin' too!

The second item has sparked me on a google-fu finger frenzy over the last few days as I was tossing up whether to have a bid on it or not , and all I have managed to come up with so far is the manufacturer "ZAX" is a sought after Italian maker from pre-war and post war times , but the majority of stuff post war I can find is made of wood or wood/tin/bakelite composites ... although I did find one toy car that was diecast in a large size pre-war , so obviously they had the capability at some point ?

sourced locally in Australia in an auction at a very good price ( if its real lol ) ... I really need some help with this one ! if its legit it could well be another bargain buster acquisition?

It doesnt seem likely to me that an Italian company would make a model of an "Outdated " USA Streamliner after the war , so could it possibly be from the Golden Age in the mid to late 30's?

Not in hand yet but it appears to be quite a quality cast alloy body and tin base toy with possibly bakelite or early composite plastic wheels ?

It could well be later in manufacture though , 50's on? I am really scratching the dirt for info on this one and cant make up my mind .. it seems too good to be early early , and yet old enough as well ? screws being all plain domed and rivets etc certainly would take "modern" out of the picture .

Oh should mention its quite large at 58cm or roughly 23" long

I have seen mention of the term ZAX- A.L.P.I.A.  bandied about with the wooden trains ( and they are ALL spendy! )

I have also read that ZAX was founded in Bergano Italy in 1946 , but I have seen auctions where cast cars were listed as pre-war .. most post war stuff I find is wood/composite tin/bakelite

https://www.vintageexperience....pubblicitario-cynar/  <-- hold onto your wallets folks!

Any and all help appreciated on this one !

Nice find @Fatman

Simon if you take a look in the book Collecting toy trains by Ron McCrindell you will find this Flying Yankee set. He dates it from the fifties and made in Italy by Zax.  For me it is more looking from that period than earlier, unfortunately i have never seen one.... Anyway excellent acquisition.

Love the look of the little BING loco too, very cute.

Very best, Daniel

I was asked by a friend to check this Hiawatha engine and tender, as it did not run.  I found it to be missing 4 screws, 2 which were the rear motor mount (which was directly connected to the bottom of the pendulum reverse unit) and 2 at the top of the bracket that holds the pendulum reverse unit in place.  These missing screws caused the pendulum reverse unit to be out of position and not work.  Replacing the screws to the top of the reverse unit, allowed the motor to run properly.  After solving that issue, I replaced the springs and brushes in the motor, added a new headlight, and tested the motor.  It ran fine, with the reverse unit operating properly.

I then put the motor back into the boiler and found the reverse unit was sticking.  I looked at the forward part of the motor and moved the headlight wire around, as that was in the way of the front of the pendulum and blocking its movement.

Lastly, I tested the whistle in the tender.  The armature moved fine, so I knew the large fibre gear that turns it was ok.  When I applied power to the unit, nothing.  Closer examination revealed that the springs were shot and were not even touching the wires that provided power.  New springs and brushes were installed and the whistle motor ran fine as well. 

Here is a video of it running.  Note how well the reverse unit works.

Finally purchased my first standard gauge locomotive.  I've had cars going back nearly 15 years to the first and track for over 5.  Last year I finally set up the loop around the Christmas tree with a borrowed locomotive.

This photo is a repost from last Christmas.

Christmas 2020

This year, I finally got around to purchasing a locomotive.  Nothing fancy, just a #8, but nothing speaks Christmas to me quite like tinplate.  I think with all the stresses of the modern world (not that there hasn't been stress in the past, I just think we have a romanticized vision of it), a simple train around the tree is just so festive and relaxing.


I also have a lot of random tinplate in my collection that has been picked up at auction.  This is an interesting vintage Flyer item.



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  • Christmas 2020
  • 20211203_172136_HDR
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Last edited by GG1 4877

GG1 4877,

The 1107/1108 cars with roadnames are some of my favorites.

There are the 1914-1915 series cars with wood litho patterns, with these being a couple of examples

Missing from the above are a UP baggage and a Penn Line in blue.

In 1917, Flyer again started making road name cars, first with the 1107 passenger cars and then later with the 1108 baggage cars.  Here are some of the baggage car examples.  I believe the Santa Fe car is the most difficult baggage to find.

Penn RR in brown

Penn RR in maroon

And of course the Northwestern Line, which you already posted a photo of


@pd posted:

Hey GG1, a nice looking early No. 8; looks like it may have been re-wheeled. That'll look great circling the tree this year. Hope you have a great one!


You are correct.  The wheels are reproduction, but I am fine with that as I'm looking for a solid runner.  I plan on having a great Christmas and I'll post video of this train running.  Hope yours is great as well!

I was asked by a friend to check this Hiawatha engine and tender, as it did not run.  I found it to be missing 4 screws, 2 which were the rear motor mount (which was directly connected to the bottom of the pendulum reverse unit) and 2 at the top of the bracket that holds the pendulum reverse unit in place.  These missing screws caused the pendulum reverse unit to be out of position and not work.  Replacing the screws to the top of the reverse unit, allowed the motor to run properly.  After solving that issue, I replaced the springs and brushes in the motor, added a new headlight, and tested the motor.  It ran fine, with the reverse unit operating properly.

I then put the motor back into the boiler and found the reverse unit was sticking.  I looked at the forward part of the motor and moved the headlight wire around, as that was in the way of the front of the pendulum and blocking its movement.

Lastly, I tested the whistle in the tender.  The armature moved fine, so I knew the large fibre gear that turns it was ok.  When I applied power to the unit, nothing.  Closer examination revealed that the springs were shot and were not even touching the wires that provided power.  New springs and brushes were installed and the whistle motor ran fine as well.

Here is a video of it running.  Note how well the reverse unit works.

Nice work.  I hope I run like that when I'm 80 years old.

I was asked by a friend to check this Hiawatha engine and tender, as it did not run.  I found it to be missing 4 screws, 2 which were the rear motor mount (which was directly connected to the bottom of the pendulum reverse unit) and 2 at the top of the bracket that holds the pendulum reverse unit in place.  These missing screws caused the pendulum reverse unit to be out of position and not work.  Replacing the screws to the top of the reverse unit, allowed the motor to run properly.  After solving that issue, I replaced the springs and brushes in the motor, added a new headlight, and tested the motor.  It ran fine, with the reverse unit operating properly.

I then put the motor back into the boiler and found the reverse unit was sticking.  I looked at the forward part of the motor and moved the headlight wire around, as that was in the way of the front of the pendulum and blocking its movement.

Lastly, I tested the whistle in the tender.  The armature moved fine, so I knew the large fibre gear that turns it was ok.  When I applied power to the unit, nothing.  Closer examination revealed that the springs were shot and were not even touching the wires that provided power.  New springs and brushes were installed and the whistle motor ran fine as well.

Here is a video of it running.  Note how well the reverse unit works.

Beautiful locomotive and tender; glad you got it running again.


Last edited by PRR8976

Sometimes you just have to live with the dirt.

   Awhile back I purchased two #59 Lionel lamps which were complete, not only with their original main boxes but also with the boxes and their contents - two No. 40 light bulbs.

  When they arrived I took everything out, screwed in the light bulbs and looked them over.  The light bulbs were, to put it mildly - filthy. Both bulbs appeared to be frosted so I took the first bulb and gently scrubbed it with a damp cloth and mild soap.  The transformation was nothing short of spectacular.  The frosted bulb (on the left) went from dirty to diamond.


  While the bulb on the right might not look too bad in the picture - trust me - it looked a lot worse in real life....So, given the success with the first bulb, I took the second and started to carefully clean it...

  The end result is, as you can see, very clean and also very different from what it was


  It turns out at some point in time Lionel shifted from purchasing actual frosted glass light bulbs to clear glass light bulbs coated with some kind of VERY water soluble white paint.  Both bulbs came in boxes with identical markings so there was nothing to indicate there might have been a difference in the two No.40's.

  The bulb paint was so soluble that a single pass with the damp cloth stripped away a wide swath. Since that made the bulb look even worse I just went ahead and cleaned the whole thing.  It would be a simple matter to dip the clear bulb in some flat white, water soluble, latex paint but I'm going to leave it alone -  my own monument to being a bit too concerned with cleanliness.


Images (2)
  • Clean_left_not_so_right
  • All_Clean
Last edited by Robert S. Butler

Sometimes you just have to live with the dirt.

   Awhile back I purchased two #59 Lionel lamps which were complete, not only with their original main boxes but also with the boxes and their contents - two No. 40 light bulbs.

  When they arrived I took everything out, screwed in the light bulbs and looked them over.  The light bulbs were, to put it mildly - filthy. Both bulbs appeared to be frosted so I took the first bulb and gently scrubbed it with a damp cloth and mild soap.  The transformation was nothing short of spectacular.  The frosted bulb (on the left) went from dirty to diamond.


  While the bulb on the right might not look too bad in the picture - trust me - it looked a lot worse in real life....So, given the success with the first bulb, I took the second and started to carefully clean it...

  The end result is, as you can see, very clean and also very different from what it was


  It turns out at some point in time Lionel shifted from purchasing actual frosted glass light bulbs to clear glass light bulbs coated with some kind of VERY water soluble white paint.  Both bulbs came in boxes with identical markings so there was nothing to indicate there might have been a difference in the two No.40's.

  The bulb paint was so soluble that a single pass with the damp cloth stripped away a wide swath. Since that made the bulb look even worse I just went ahead and cleaned the whole thing.  It would be a simple matter to dip the clear bulb in some flat white, water soluble, latex paint but I'm going to leave it alone -  my own monument to being a bit too concerned with cleanliness.

You could spray it with a glass frosting, which can be found in the window blinds section of Menards.  You will likely need a couple of coats, and would want to have the bulb in some sort of junk socket (to protect the part of the bulb that screws into a nice socket).

Very unassuming pick up this week from a cold and chilly UK

Nothing special , it looks like many of the German locos of the period , Nothing Fancy about it , simple and with a mid quality clockwork mechanism , So why then am I pretty chuffed to have found it ?

Well it tells the tale very much of a huge part of the German toy industry in the Pre WWI era ... On first glance 99% of train collectors will look at it and say " Nice Karl Bub locomotive" but it isnt?

( Correction from @Arne It was made by BUB , but had the G & C Added to the front beam for inclusion and sale by Carette )

If pushed they will then say "Hmmm OK .. Issmayer?" and they would have perfectly acceptible reasons for thinking those two brands , as they both DID produce very similar locomotives over the years ...
It is only with closer inspection you will see the "Magic"  " G. C. & Cie"  on the front of the loco frame ...
" G. C. & Cie" stands for Georges Carette & Co , a Firm started in the 1880's by said Georges Carette , a Frenchman , who travelled to Germany as a boy and did an apprenticeship with the Bing Brothers , and who impressed them so , that they decided to back him in a private company to supply components for Bing and other German manufacturers is a sort of ambitious Co-op arrangement ...
Carette then for the next decade made bits and bobs for most of Germany's top tier toy-makers. After a time Carette realised there was far more money to be gained in making the actual toys himself , and because of his hard work and skill, he began to produce toys that outshone many of his former customers , in 1896 he travelled to the American Expo and demonstrated some of  the first electric trains seen there... As electricity was becoming less rare in the USA scientific toys such as trains became huge ... and with that introduction Carette reached the pinnacle of toy design innovating rather than copying, which set many of his toys above the crowd. But being a good businessman he still had the grace to remember his roots and still work with other firms making items for them to onsell as well :)
Then the First World War started rumbling , and despite being married to a German lady, he was still seen as "FRENCH" and had to go ... he fled Germany in 1916 and his company was liquidated in 1918 .. much of his tooling etc was snapped up by other manufacturers , which is why people think this little loco is a post WW1  Bub, Bing, or Issmayer ... but in reality it was made a decade earlier by a very clever man :)
He lived a long time in France and died in 1954 aged 93 ! ... but he never went on to produce toys again , rather enjoying his fortune and family in a modest way ... Carette Items regularly top "Record Prices" made at auction for various toys , he made elaborate cars and boats for example and pioneered new methods of lithography in his time , allowing elaborate designs other manufacturers could only dream of  .. I am happy to have found this little loco ... my own small part of his very large tale

As an aside here is a link to some of Carette's boats made , if you got one of these as a kid , you parents loved you or just had STUPID money!
Last edited by Fatman


your loco is a No 480L made by Karl Bub. Was made 1913-1924. Was only sold by Carette. Bub had made this locos with embossed name by request of Carette.

All cheaper trains in the Carette catalogs was never made by Carette, all was buyed by other manufacturer like Bub, Issmayer, Schuhmann and other.


@Arne posted:


your loco is a No 480L made by Karl Bub. Was made 1913-1924. Was only sold by Carette. Bub had made this locos with embossed name by request of Carette.

All cheaper trains in the Carette catalogs was never made by Carette, all was buyed by other manufacturer like Bub, Issmayer, Schuhmann and other.


Arne again your knowledge floors me , while I am piecing stuff together as I find it and hopefully getting things right , I can certainly accept correction and indeed welcome it !  I still love the fact this loco is a demonstration of the co-operation between factories at the time to provide a wide range of items ...

I can take it then that this loco IS of the earlier period as it must have been pre 1917 for Georges Carette to want the logo.


yes, was made before 1917.

Sometimes even the knowledge of the experts is not enough. here a car from the Carette catalogs 1911 and 1914, of which the manufacturer is still unknown. It's made too cheaply even for Issmayer.


And again news in the collection.

Bub electric loco from the 50s.


Issmayer tunnel around 1930.


Small Adolf Schuhmann coach for 28 mm gauge from the 20s.


I don´t have a Schuhmann loco in this size, here with a matching Bub loco.




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  • carette1914
  • unb-gw-01
  • unb-gw-02
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  • unb-gw-05
  • unb-gw-06
  • bub-nk-001
  • bub-nk-002
  • issm-tunnel01
  • issm-tunnel02
  • issm-tunnel03
  • issm-tunnel04
  • schuh-28mm01
  • schuh-28mm02
  • schuh-28mm03
  • schuh-28mm04

Arnie - fantastic photos, thanks for posting.  I loved the Bub electric loco from the 50's and the tunnel with a zeppelin on it.

Just for fun, here is my MUCH NEWER Bub loco and train.  Likely from the 60's although I really can't say for sure but his drivers are plastic so that would say at least middle to late 50's probably later.

Karl Bub engine side

Here he is with his little train.

Karl Bub train

Here he shows his "Bub" logo on the front just below the boiler.

Karl Bub engine front

To go earlier, here is a Hornby M0 train in its initial livery, about 1930.

Hornby M0 - locomotive & tender

Best wishes to all...



Images (4)
  • Karl Bub engine side
  • Karl Bub train
  • Hornby M0 - locomotive &amp; tender
  • Karl Bub engine front

Back from an antique toy show last sunday, I returned at home with a little JEP set from 1931 in high voltage. Not a great model, entry level set with a very simplified steam engine, no linkage, handrails or anything, Hard to make more simple. Anyway I find a little charm of it's own to those little pieces.

120 electrique 1120 electrique 2120 electrique 3120 electrique 4

Very best,  Daniel


Images (4)
  • 120 electrique 1
  • 120 electrique 2
  • 120 electrique 3
  • 120 electrique 4

Daniel what an interesting set and the condition is just amazing considering its age.  The light bulb to change resistance and hence reduce voltage  as Palallin said, an interesting historical study in itself.   I can't imaging what Mom's of the day thought about their children playing with toys plugged directly into the 220 volt mains!!

Best wishes


Far too quiet in here Folks !

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Xmas and that 2022 brings you much joy and happiness ( its a tad overdue I think?)

Been busy squirreling away some new finds with the awesome help of a few friends far and wide

A little Hornby Nord , Quite a cutie , sadly missing his other side wheel splasher ( which will be hard to find I think , he might have to do with something else for a while )

Coming with him is some nice little wagons .. A Nord Brakemans and a PLM Tarpaulin wagon

Also coming for a holiday in the sunny South are a bevvy of German beauties

A nice little post war HWN with brake and reversing

Some HWN freight and Passenger

Banana and Baggage wagons

Some lovely DSG Coaches in very good condition!

And a gaggle of assorted Bub !

But the stand out little beauty of the bunch is a Konrad Dressler Kranwagen ( I love a good Kran! )

I hadn't seen this set up before , but the actual Crane reminded me of something I had seen before on an over track accessory pillar crane , It looks to be the same unit indeed , but here it is on an actual  KD Chassis for track use

One handle for rotation of the whole crane cab , the other for in and out with the crane line ... Ima little in love

( picture below borrowed from our friends at all rights to them )

Same same cab crane !

@Fatman posted:

A little Hornby Nord , Quite a cutie , sadly missing his other side wheel splasher ( which will be hard to find I think , he might have to do with something else for a while )

Coming with him is some nice little wagons .. A Nord Brakemans and a PLM Tarpaulin wagon

Hello Simon, sad to see this little Hornby without her right side splasher,   looking in the spare parts department and .... voila .... Any interest ???? Not new but it can be ship down under very easyly....


All my best wishes,   Daniel


Images (2)
  • 20211231_164459
  • 20211231_164511

Daniel you are a living Treasure !!!!

I was actually going to email you after the New Year ( to give you some peace over the holidays lol ) asking if you could look in your spares or keep an eye out for me for one !

I would most definitely be interested and thank you so much!

Just proves why @FRENCHTRAINS are best !

( actually he will fit in perfectly as the rest of the loco is no stunner ... its Period AND Patina correct ! )

Last edited by Fatman

Fatman, what a great find.  The HWN engine and cars is really beautiful.  The KD crane wagon is also rather neat.  Did you notice on the end of the crane cab was stamped "Made is US zone Germany" over the KD trademark.  That would date the toy from 1948-1955 although Arnie has mentioned that toy makers were sometimes slow to remove the "zone" stamp.  Beautiful cars/ engines for sure.

Well I thought I would start off the New Year, 2022 with something about one CENTURY old (1922-25) just for fun.  These are the Lionel # 603 Pullman and #604 Observation car.  Orange body and wood grained doors and trim date these cars from 1922 -1925 (IAW Greenbergs reference on Lionel Trains Vol 1).  They have, what I find most interesting, Type 1s "latch / combination" couplers.  These were made so that the newer latch coupler cars could be coupled up but the older tab/slot cars could still be attached.

I found these in an Antique Mall in or near Springfield Ohio.  It was an enormous place but mostly held furniture (My wife's passion is turn of the century oak much of which we can no longer afford but still love to admire) .  These cars were about the only toy / train items I could see and were stuck in the back of a rather dusty display cabinet.  After a rather long search for some staff member with a key to that cabinet, they were mine!! They have what Fatman has labeled "Patina" which I like, it shows sometime in the distant past, some young person really played with them to great joy I expect.

Here is the #603 Pullman.  Note that both these cars were illuminated which would have made them a premium offering in the day.  The lamps on the inside pick up power from center rail contact rollers between the wheels of one of the trucks.  With a proper bulb, they still work.

Lionel 603 Pullman side

Here is the #604 Observation Car.

Lionel 604 observation

The observation railing on the rear platform.  Yes I apologize for the accumulation of "patina" (i.e. dust) in the corners.

Lionel 604 observation rear railing

Here is what I think to be an interesting period detail.  The so called "latch combination" couplers.  Note the traditional latch coupler which was just beginning to be put onto cars in the 1920's plus the ability to use the older tab/slot type couplers by using the piece that extended outward from the latch.

Lionel 603 combination couplers

Well here is wishing everyone a happy and HEALTHY new year!!



Images (4)
  • Lionel 603 Pullman side
  • Lionel 604 observation
  • Lionel 604 observation rear railing
  • Lionel 603 combination couplers

Howdy Folks!

I trust the New Year is treating us all as good as it can .... I was kinda happy to see the end of 2021 and full of hope for 2022 to finally turn the corner , well its only 8 days in ... and here's hoping for a really good 2023 LOL!!!

Its funny how life throws you curveballs .. it wasn't long ago I finally completed my 5 year search for a set of tracks to go with some pre-war technofix locomotives I had ... it didn't matter that they were in Spain ( of all places) and due to Covid and airplane interruptions would have to come to me via Dutchboy in Holland as there were NO freight flights whatsoever from Spain to Australia for literally months! ... I think it was over six months before they finally arrived to me here in my little island hideaway

That set of track were the only set I ever saw in those 5 years ... and bugger me dead if one of my U-Beaut searches on ePay didn't throw me up another one this weekend ! Seller had no clue even tho it was complete with locomotive as well!

So.... well... It's mine now .......  I didn't even mind paying ePays extortionate GSP shipping .....mainly because the final price was low low lowww! (a "mere" 22£ " ... but by the time everyone had a piece of me it was just under 100AUD all up )

1938 Technofix Rangierenbahn  ...

Interesting little fellows ... the track is straight and the loco trundles back and forth controlled by little raised centre track tabs at each end which slams the transmission gear into fwd or rev .  Seen here on the moveable axle with the tabs Simple but really effective , no fancy trolley electrics required here folks !

Naturally that's NOT an O Gauge offering , so I better sweeten the post with a marvelous offering from a mate of mine in Queensland who is letting me be the next custodians of some super early Hornby ...

Two ML Carriages from 1921 ( the year AFTER Hornby started making trains , you don't get much earlier )  These are thought to be "Transitional " carriages using bases from the very first design with the chassis having new holes drilled in to accommodate the slightly changed 1921 litho sides ... Super Stoked to be given the chance to own these

Last edited by Fatman
@Fatman posted:

...1938 Technofix Rangierenbahn  ...

Interesting little fellows ... the track is straight and the loco trundles back and forth controlled by little raised centre track tabs at each end which slams the transmission gear into fwd or rev .  Seen here on the moveable axle with the tabs Simple but really effective , no fancy trolley electrics required here folks !


Dear Mr. Fatman,

Congrats on yet another obscure find. 

As a child (early 1960s), I had a cheap tinplate windup train that was somewhat similar.  It looked European - was probably German but possibly made in Japan.  Had a lithographed track that folded in thirds - single track, passing siding, and another offsetting single track.  Two freight cars and a windup loco.  The loco would move toward one car, couple to it, reverse direction, drop it on the passing siding, pick up the second car, reverse and move it to the other end, drop it off and continue repeating this operation until it needed rewinding.  It's lost to the sands of time, but I've been looking for one at meets for years without any luck.

My question for you:  What are the most effective keywords to use when searching for such a train on an auction site?   

Today we are running a c. 1930 Montgomery Ward uncataloged American Flyer set with 3195 engine, Hancock tender, and Illini cars.

The engine last ran in the late 1990s and has been in a box or on a shelf ever since.  I had the engine re-wheeled by someone else in the late 90s and it was sub-par work.  Problem was a replaced axle that had sub-par splines, which resulted in the wheels slipping on the axle and super-glue being applied to try and get the wheels to not slip.  I replaced the axle with no splines and the 2 drive wheels.  I hate sub-par work, but when I first got into prewar Flyer, I did not do my own repairs.  I quickly realized it was too expensive to have others do the work for me and began doing my own repairs.

Last edited by Nation Wide Lines

@Mallard4468  I can go one better and give you the actual names of some of those sets ... Having collected a few myself . You are right they could be German, Japanese, or more commonly today Hungarian/Czech manufacture even ...

Going by your description what you are looking for is ... a Technofix set which comes in different layouts etc but most likely is set No.241 ( also called the Technofix Nova 241 Shunting-train ) made between 1950 and 59 !

They also produced the set under the no 289 as Rangierbahn

( I bolded search terms which should find you one ) add in things like tin, wind up, or clockwork to further narrow it if needed.

Ignore the valuation in the video , he's an Italian collector and they pay a LOT for tin toys lol ... you should easily pick one up for much less .

I have this set in my collection too !

There are numerable variations in the theme as I hinted above , other fun sets are clockwork examples from

Tolato Mozdony

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This alone in the search bar of ePay will yield you several results most times ... these are far more common than technofix originals)

(Eastern European manufacturer)

Which is a straight rip off of technofix ( I also have this one)

Differing variants used the same principle to deliver loads


( Also East Europe)

Also from my collection

This one carries little tin logs on a trolley behind the vehicle and loads and unloads then to the platform going back and forth .

From the same time period you also had wonderful battery operated things like the set below from Alps Japan.

This is my set ... but the video is from Fred ! (scnf231e)

Technofix also produced three dimensional sets such as the Coal Loader

For an excellent look at all of technofix's products with a photo and factory number as reference I recommend

( site is German but easily navigable )

Last edited by Fatman
@Fatman posted:

@Mallard4468  I can go one better and give you the actual names of some of those sets ... Having collected a few myself . You are right they could be German, Japanese, or more commonly today Hungarian/Czech manufacture even ...

Going by your description what you are looking for is ... a Technofix set which comes in different layouts etc but most likely is set No.241 ( also called the Technofix Nova 241 Shunting-train ) made between 1950 and 59 !

They also produced the set under the no 289 as Rangierbahn

( I bolded search terms which should find you one ) add in things like tin, wind up, or clockwork to further narrow it if needed.


I have this set in my collection too !

There are numerable variations in the theme as I hinted above , other fun sets are clockwork examples from

Tolato Mozdony

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This alone in the search bar of ePay will yield you several results most times ... these are far more common than technofix originals)

(Eastern European manufacturer)

Which is a straight rip off of technofix ( I also have this one)

Differing variants used the same principle to deliver loads


( Also East Europe)


Also from my collection


This one carries little tin logs on a trolley behind the vehicle and loads and unloads then to the platform going back and forth .

From the same time period you also had wonderful battery operated things like the set below from Alps Japan.

This is my set ... but the video is from Fred ! (scnf231e)


Technofix also produced three dimensional sets such as the Coal Loader


For an excellent look at all of technofix's products with a photo and factory number as reference I recommend

( site is German but easily navigable )

Many thanks!   When asking about them at meets, I've always struggled for the most descriptive words; since they're not in the wheelhouse for most collectors, I've gotten a lot of dumb looks.

I removed most of the pics and videos from the re-post, but left two of them.  I'm fairly sure that the first pic (blue steamer with red and white boxcars) is the same as what I had back in the day.  The video of Tolato Mozdony shows the track configuration I had, although the box does not look familiar (but then again, I can barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday).

Now the searching begins.

@Mallard4468 , It is totally possible that Technofix in the day had a bulk order from a chain store in the US and might have had different box art than depicted in the video .... the blue steamer rake I showed IS an actual technofix one from the right period that you explained , so pretty sure its a " Technofix  Nr.289 shunting train " I just popped that exact phrase into google and it returned encouraging results for me so its pretty specific ... as to ePay , currently there is only one set on there in the US , and its wrong! lol

It has a track ( in poor condition) the loco ( again not so wonderful) and instead of the two carriages is packaged with two other little technofix trolleys , so totally not usable or correct ..  they do turn up pretty regularly ... there is currently a Mozdony at a very friendly price listed ...if you have an email in your profile I will send you the link

(edit .. sent ! check your hotmail ! )

Last edited by Fatman

Lovely Ugly Duck indeed!  @Dennis Holler

I think we would all love a duckling like that !

Speaking of Ugly Ducklings ... yesterday I scored a couple , one is just for the heck of it , the other was a "Can't believe my eyes " moment ... Both were locally found here in Australia .

"Just for the Heck of it "

An Orobr floor train ... missing his funnel and a little sad but I couldnt let him sit there ...

( Bic lighter for scale )

( Man I collect some crap don't I ? lol! )

and now to the ...

"Can't believe my eyes " selection ... I almost fell over when I saw this listed

Oh God its rough ... its been abused , look at the "Patina" ... but how in the **** does such a rare little piece end up all the way here ... Seller was just your average Joe, not a train fellow ... but somehow he came across the loco for a Karl Bub Circus train .. the Pre-war variety ... and these just are rare in any condition , I certainly have only seen a couple of sets for sale and they command a price ... if it was super lovely ( and I could not afford it ) it would look like this

Michael Bowes in his book "Issmayer and Bub Trains ( The Secret History)" postulates that this set was made for Bub by Issmayer .

This is a set that was never designed to outlive the children who owned them , cheap cheerful , and at the time marketed solely for kids , which was unusual .. highly colored great graphics and animated with figures in both the loco and the carriages moved by linkages as it trundled around the track .. a true novelty set in rather serious times . This was not a staple of production , but rather a whim and only marketed for a year or two period . I would suspect it was made in the hundreds rather than tens of thousands? ... That thought is postulation on my behalf but it was marketed by Moses Kohnstam in their 1928-30 catalogue .

The locomotive evolved into the famous "Wassamatter " loco , where the drivers head popped out sporadically as the train chuffed along

Two questions arise ... "How the Heck did this get here" ... and " OMG this means SOMEWHERE in Australia .. there might well be two carriages sitting somewhere ! " .... Mission Accepted!

That's awesome @Arne I have only seen the tender in a grainy scan of the Moses K catalogue !

( edit .. as an aside I contacted the fellow who sold this to me again today asking on the back story as to how he got it ... he is a second hand dealer and was called out to the home of an old chappie who was moving into an old folks home  , his Grandchildren were clearing out "His Stuff" some of which was brought out by the family when they emigrated in the late 1930's ... apparently the old chap , who he estimated to be in his late 70's early 80's 4 or five years ago, turned up and was most irate his kids were selling his stuff and demanded they put it back ! The dealer naturally was sympathetic to the old fellow , and cancelled the transactions he had made and got the money back off the kids! In gratitude the old fellow agreed to sell him this train and another old Hornby as an offering so he didn't waste his time .. only for a few $'s apparently ... SO it would appear this loco was possibly this mans fathers or an older brothers? as he doesn't seem quite old enough to be the original owner , but it was in the same family here in Australia and in Germany all its life it would appear... Oh and no carriages sigh... who knows where they are now  )

Last edited by Fatman

Spent this AM servicing a few prewar motors, the Flyer 1096 and a pair of Ives 3251's:

Long stories on each, but the 1096 (top) is a family heirloom, one that has likely not seen track-time in more than 80 years. A bit of clock oil along with a judicious squirt of control-contact lubricant/cleaner got it running, albeit quite roughly. Anyone know how to crack one of these open for a thorough cleaning? No screws in sight, and I hate to think bending tabs to remove the shell is required.


@pd posted:

Spent this AM servicing a few prewar motors, the Flyer 1096 and a pair of Ives 3251's:

Long stories on each, but the 1096 (top) is a family heirloom, one that has likely not seen track-time in more than 80 years. A bit of clock oil along with a judicious squirt of control-contact lubricant/cleaner got it running, albeit quite roughly. Anyone know how to crack one of these open for a thorough cleaning? No screws in sight, and I hate to think bending tabs to remove the shell is required.


Sadly, bending the tabs to remove the shell is the only way to do it.  The tabs will likely handle 1 removal/reinstallation only, so be careful and make sure you service it properly, while having the shell off.  You should be installing new springs and brushes and repairing any wiring that needs it, as well as re-wheeling if needed.


A King and a Queen, a Marklin and a Bing...

1912 Bing King George V

1920 ish Marklin 4 volt electric Queen Mary

Both made for the British market.

I've had the King for a while and he is in pretty good shape.  The Queen just showed up on my doorstep looking a little worn out

Will have to see if I can revive the little 4 Volt motor or not. I didn't get a tender with the Queen so I had to pose her with a loose sort of matching tender I had.  Not sure if it is a Bing or Fandor or what but it actually fits pretty well.

IMG_0008IMG_0009IMG_0010IMG_0011IMG_0012IMG_0013IMG_0014IMG_0015IMG_0016Marklin 4 volt motor


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  • IMG_0009
  • IMG_0010
  • IMG_0011
  • IMG_0012
  • IMG_0013
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  • IMG_0016
  • Marklin 4 volt motor

Well I encountered something fairly unusual recently ( I hate to use the word "rare" with Marx)...concerning the metal FM diesels that Marx produced in the middle 50's and up until about 1962 with some of the models.  There were three RR selected for small lithographed FM diesels, Kansas City Southern (KCS), Seaboard, and Monon.  Marx made both electric and wind up A units for all these RR over different time periods. They all started with A units in or around 1955.  However with all 3 Marx produced B units lithographed to match the A units.  These were very much more scarce, in fact IAW an article titled "spotlight on Marx Diesels from Fairbanks Morse" in the Nov 2021 issue of "Classic Toy Trains" the Seaboard B unit is the most scarce piece of the series.  Well I did not find a Seaboard B however I did recently find a Monon B unit, the 4 wheel variety (in Monon and KCS 8 wheel B units were also made), however ANY B unit is scarce and was only made for a portion of the run of the A units.  In Monon the A units were made 1955-56 and 1958-59 however the B unit was only made in 1958-59.  Given that the B units had no power, no lights, no smoke, no noise and had to be paired with an A unit to pull a train, you can see why mom and pop might have hesitated to fork over the funds for one.  Anyway it makes the B units tough to find.

Here from 1958-59 is the Marx metal lithographed FM B Unit.  This matches the powered and unpowered A units in livery.

Marx Monon FM B unit side

This shows the end design

Marx Monon FM B unit end

Here after considerable period of searching is my Monon A-B-A FM diesel locomotive.  This one is electric although they made the locomotive in wind up as well.  The only power was ever in the A units, the B units never had power of any type.

Marx Monon FM ABA side view

Here is the handsome A-B-A again getting ready to leave the depot on a caboose run.  The caboose is also Monon although not the matching tin lithographed caboose made for this set which remains a "search item".

Marx Monon FM ABA front quarter

Best wishes for a great weekend



Images (4)
  • Marx Monon FM B unit side
  • Marx Monon FM B unit end
  • Marx Monon FM ABA side view
  • Marx Monon FM ABA front quarter
@pd posted:

Spent this AM servicing a few prewar motors, the Flyer 1096 and a pair of Ives 3251's:

Long stories on each, but the 1096 (top) is a family heirloom, one that has likely not seen track-time in more than 80 years. A bit of clock oil along with a judicious squirt of control-contact lubricant/cleaner got it running, albeit quite roughly. Anyone know how to crack one of these open for a thorough cleaning? No screws in sight, and I hate to think bending tabs to remove the shell is required.


34A3C908-77C4-4073-8C66-8D5C8A79CC9AI I I just wanted to share some of our pre-war fun on display this year. It kind of follows your great post. 😎


Images (1)
  • 34A3C908-77C4-4073-8C66-8D5C8A79CC9A: Pre war fun

Mallard4468 - No hard evidence, but Marx like both Lionel and Flyer was throughout their history always trying to broaden their appeal to buyers outside of the NY metropolitan area or the east coast.  To me that might explain the selection of Monon and KCS but not Seaboard of course.  The other, more simple explanation, concerns the toys themselves.  They had no attempt at scale or detail, were way under size, and clearly designed as TOYS not model RR items.  Thus they were designed to appeal to Mom's and Grandma's (all these companies knew the ladies mostly actually bought most of the toys in that era) and so bright, colorful, liveries attracted attention.  The fact that these were really designed as toys, makes them somewhat more difficult to find.  They were cheap, played with HARD, and easily disposable.  Thus today they can be somewhat scarce.

Steve "Papa" Eastman - Thanks for showing the Seaboard and its B unit.  Really appreciate the posting.  As all us collectors say..."someday" !


pd - the method I use when dealing with tabs is to carefully straighten them, remove the shell - do whatever maintenance is necessary and before putting the shell back on, take parallel flat nose pliers and really flatten the tabs in the vertical position. Then just slip the shell back on and, again using the parallel flat nose pliers, very slightly bend in the tabs on one side only.  I've found this gives a snug fit and it allows you to remove the shell in the future without having to do anything to the tabs.

  Another possibility - I've never tried this but somewhere I read about someone doing the same thing except instead of the slight bend they just took a small cotton swab and applied a dab of Loctite to the area where the tab pressed against the frame.  This was supposed to hold everything in position and, of course, that small Loctite seal could be easily broken the next time you needed to remove the superstructure.

pd - the method I use when dealing with tabs is to carefully straighten them, remove the shell - do whatever maintenance is necessary and before putting the shell back on, take parallel flat nose pliers and really flatten the tabs in the vertical position. Then just slip the shell back on and, again using the parallel flat nose pliers, very slightly bend in the tabs on one side only.  I've found this gives a snug fit and it allows you to remove the shell in the future without having to do anything to the tabs.

  Another possibility - I've never tried this but somewhere I read about someone doing the same thing except instead of the slight bend they just took a small cotton swab and applied a dab of Loctite to the area where the tab pressed against the frame.  This was supposed to hold everything in position and, of course, that small Loctite seal could be easily broken the next time you needed to remove the superstructure.

Thanks for that, Robert. I’ve disassembled/reassembled numerous Lionel prewar freights and rarely had a problem. The one instance of broken tabs occurred when disassembling a Lionel 653. I repaired that using some Loctite GO2 on what was left of the tabs.

Other than a 3018 tank car, I’ve not taken apart any Flyer equipment. That came apart and went back together pretty well, but the 1096 looks a bit more fragile. If I can get the tabs bent straight, then I’ll feel pretty good about getting it back together later. The suggestion for a glob of Loctite to hold things in place rather than bending the tabs over seems a good one.

Well I have quite a long post for today but I hope everyone will enjoy it.  While working on an effort to inventory some of my collection, I have been going through some storage boxes that have sat unlooked at since we moved to Texas some 15 years ago.  What I found, according to a note I left in the box, was something that I purchased when I was first starting to collect in Dayton, Ohio from a train show in the late 70's.  So this item has been moved around the country waiting to be "discovered" again for some 45-50 years!!  Anyway I hope you will enjoy this.

This is the outer or set never had a locomotive or tender while I had it, likely missing from the set or perhaps it was not part of the set when purchased new.  Note that the label reads "A.C.Gilbert Company, New Haven, Conn" so it post dates Gilbert's acquisition of American Flyer in February 1938 and the move of train production from Chicago to New Haven.

AF 3171 outer box

Inside the outer carton, are the component boxes.  Still nearly fully intact they contain the individual cars that made up the set.  These cartons bear the notation..." B750 Copyright 1938 by the A.C. Gilbert Co.  A..C. Gilbert, New Haven, Conn"

AF 3171 inner box

The front of the component box.

AF 3171 component box top

The side of the component box

AF 3171 component box side

The ends of the component boxes, clearly stamped "3171 Pullman" and "3172 Obs".  Note the "R" designation on the box.  IAW Greenberg's Guide to "American Flyer Prewar O gauge" by Alan R. Schuweiler, Kalmbach Publishing Co, 1997 these 8 1/2 inch cars were offered 1930-33; 1934;1936-38 in various colors and configurations and this configuration, which you shall see,  which has the Type XII trucks and Type X coupler was listed as #3171R in the catalog but not on the car (which in fact carries no number).

AF 3171 Car box labels

Note by an unknown individual on the bottom of one of the component boxes, perhaps by the original dealer, maybe relating to the "new for 1938" Type X coupler but this reads (written in cursive, with a pencil) ... "Special Coupler".

AF 3171 special coupler note on box

Here are the cars, # 3171 Pullmans and a #3172 Observation

AF 3171 All cars display

A close up of the Pullman.  Identifying and dating information for both the Pullman and the Observation are Color (Red over Red), Wording of the Name plates. (American Flyer Lines), position of the nameplates (over the windows and under the windows to the left and right), Type XII trucks and Type X couplers.  This combination of characteristics dates these cars uniquely from 1938.

AF 3171 Pullman close up

The matching observation

AF 3172 observation close up

Here is something I find rather amazing.  These cars are all illuminated, taking power individually from the track.  But look at the undersides of the cars, they appear almost unused.  There is some slight wear on the one pick up but there is not obvious wear any where else on the underside.

AF 3171 underside

Well that was a long story and I hope you enjoyed it.  Now I have to find out what locomotive pulled this set and then find that!!  Likely a long process

Best wishes for a great weekend



Images (11)
  • AF 3171 outer box
  • AF 3171 inner box
  • AF 3171 component box top
  • AF 3171 component box side
  • AF 3171 Car box labels
  • AF 3171 All cars display
  • AF 3171 special coupler note on box
  • AF 3171 Pullman close up
  • AF 3172 observation close up
  • AF 3171 underside
  • AF 3171 special coupler note on box

Well I have quite a long post for today but I hope everyone will enjoy it.  While working on an effort to inventory some of my collection, I have been going through some storage boxes that have sat unlooked at since we moved to Texas some 15 years ago.  What I found, according to a note I left in the box, was something that I purchased when I was first starting to collect in Dayton, Ohio from a train show in the late 70's.  So this item has been moved around the country waiting to be "discovered" again for some 45-50 years!!  Anyway I hope you will enjoy this.

This is the outer or set never had a locomotive or tender while I had it, likely missing from the set or perhaps it was not part of the set when purchased new.  Note that the label reads "A.C.Gilbert Company, New Haven, Conn" so it post dates Gilbert's acquisition of American Flyer in February 1938 and the move of train production from Chicago to New Haven.

AF 3171 outer box

Inside the outer carton, are the component boxes.  Still nearly fully intact they contain the individual cars that made up the set.  These cartons bear the notation..." B750 Copyright 1938 by the A.C. Gilbert Co.  A..C. Gilbert, New Haven, Conn"

AF 3171 inner box

The front of the component box.

AF 3171 component box top

The side of the component box

AF 3171 component box side

The ends of the component boxes, clearly stamped "3171 Pullman" and "3172 Obs".  Note the "R" designation on the box.  IAW Greenberg's Guide to "American Flyer Prewar O gauge" by Alan R. Schuweiler, Kalmbach Publishing Co, 1997 these 8 1/2 inch cars were offered 1930-33; 1934;1936-38 in various colors and configurations and this configuration, which you shall see,  which has the Type XII trucks and Type X coupler was listed as #3171R in the catalog but not on the car (which in fact carries no number).

AF 3171 Car box labels

Note by an unknown individual on the bottom of one of the component boxes, perhaps by the original dealer, maybe relating to the "new for 1938" Type X coupler but this reads (written in cursive, with a pencil) ... "Special Coupler".

AF 3171 special coupler note on box

Here are the cars, # 3171 Pullmans and a #3172 Observation

AF 3171 All cars display

A close up of the Pullman.  Identifying and dating information for both the Pullman and the Observation are Color (Red over Red), Wording of the Name plates. (American Flyer Lines), position of the nameplates (over the windows and under the windows to the left and right), Type XII trucks and Type X couplers.  This combination of characteristics dates these cars uniquely from 1938.

AF 3171 Pullman close up

The matching observation

AF 3172 observation close up

Here is something I find rather amazing.  These cars are all illuminated, taking power individually from the track.  But look at the undersides of the cars, they appear almost unused.  There is some slight wear on the one pick up but there is not obvious wear any where else on the underside.

AF 3171 underside

Well that was a long story and I hope you enjoyed it.  Now I have to find out what locomotive pulled this set and then find that!!  Likely a long process

Best wishes for a great weekend


Outstanding!!!! Thank you for sharing your “new” find at home. 😎

Well I have quite a long post for today but I hope everyone will enjoy it.  While working on an effort to inventory some of my collection, I have been going through some storage boxes that have sat unlooked at since we moved to Texas some 15 years ago.  What I found, according to a note I left in the box, was something that I purchased when I was first starting to collect in Dayton, Ohio from a train show in the late 70's.  So this item has been moved around the country waiting to be "discovered" again for some 45-50 years!!  Anyway I hope you will enjoy this.

This is the outer or set never had a locomotive or tender while I had it, likely missing from the set or perhaps it was not part of the set when purchased new.  Note that the label reads "A.C.Gilbert Company, New Haven, Conn" so it post dates Gilbert's acquisition of American Flyer in February 1938 and the move of train production from Chicago to New Haven.

AF 3171 outer box

Well that was a long story and I hope you enjoyed it.  Now I have to find out what locomotive pulled this set and then find that!!  Likely a long process

Best wishes for a great weekend



Your setbox is clearly stamped 9 for Set 9 of 1938.  Set 9 featured a 4615-6 engine, which would be the 2-6-4 pacific type engine similar to the 1939 425 engine, but with decal identification instead of the rubber stamped numbers.  See below:

Robert S. Butler :  Schuweiler's book lists a variation with 2 tone red enamel but he lists this ONLY for the Pullmans and not the Observation.  No other explanation.  Given that Flyer was in the process of moving to S scale even though they were maintaining O gauge at this time its possible that the color scheme varied even perhaps to using available stock.  Who knows?  

Thank you for the catalog picture, that helps.  I will now try and find the engine / tender...


NWL - THANK YOU.  I saw the "9" on the box but did not know what it stood for.  Now I have a target for which to "hunt".  Do you think that the engine and tender might have been originally packed in the same box?  Perhaps with only 2 Pullman's and an Obs?



I would think the catalog artwork and description of having 3 coaches and 1 observation would be correct, especially since you have 4 matching cars with the setbox.  I would suspect that the engine and tender would have had individual boxes, similar to the car boxes and everything would have fit into the setbox that you have.


Since we have been talking about the red cars and the two-tone versus the single color cars, I thought I should post these cars, which are two-tone red.  I have a set of 3 coaches and 1 observation.  They are 3176 and 3177 cars, which are unlighted.  They also have the "cheap" trucks for lack of a better description, as the trucks are plain, with no journal boxes, and were often used on the champion freight cars and other cheaper cars like the blue streak cars.  I am guessing the cars date to 1937.

The difference between the two tones of the paint is relatively minor, but it is there.  I am sure that Don's single-tone cars are correct, as the condition of the cars, original decals, original boxes/setbox and the fact that he mentions having the set for 45 years or more, point to the originality of the set.


Robert / NWL :  Thank you both for driving this "one tone/two tone" discussion to a conclusion.  You are I know what engine to chase, thanks again.  By the way, NWL, I did look up the 3176 / 3177 cars in Schuweiler's book and he does describe the exact configuration you pictured.  His date for those cars would seem to be 1937 as you have mentioned.  These cars were only available (according to him) in 1931 & 1937 and the configuration you showed is the last one he lists.

Great discussion All


Greg @Greg J. Turinetti  :  You clearly have the 1938 set 5 which compared with my  set 9 has 1 fewer Pullman car and a different (apparently smaller) engine.  Of course I have no engine at the moment but going by what NWL and Robert have posted my proper engine would  be a 2-6-4 as opposed to your 2-4-2.  The catalog reads with a description of the 3171 Pullmans as 8 1/4 inches although they are often called 8 1/2 inch cars.  You have the single tone red like mine and the "automatic" couplers.  Those steel "curl a q's"  could couple automatically but not uncouple I don't believe.  The force of the cars backing into each other forced the coupler to move to the side and then spring back to couple.   The "R" on the box end designates those new for 1938 couplers.  Your cars appear identical to mine.  It is interesting to note however that the decal reading "American Flyer Lines" that appears over the windows on both our cars does NOT appear in the catalog art.

Thanks for posting Greg


Greg @Greg J. Turinetti  :  You clearly have the 1938 set 5 which compared with my  set 9 has 1 fewer Pullman car and a different (apparently smaller) engine.  Of course I have no engine at the moment but going by what NWL and Robert have posted my proper engine would  be a 2-6-4 as opposed to your 2-4-2.  The catalog reads with a description of the 3171 Pullmans as 8 1/4 inches although they are often called 8 1/2 inch cars.  You have the single tone red like mine and the "automatic" couplers.  Those steel "curl a q's"  could couple automatically but not uncouple I don't believe.  The force of the cars backing into each other forced the coupler to move to the side and then spring back to couple.   The "R" on the box end designates those new for 1938 couplers.  Your cars appear identical to mine.  It is interesting to note however that the decal reading "American Flyer Lines" that appears over the windows on both our cars does NOT appear in the catalog art.

Thanks for posting Greg



Actually, the R on the box ends denotes the car color (R = Red).


Fatman:  As usual a great "add" to our information.  Now we know these cars might have been exported and could be international !  Most interesting is the baggage car, none of the catalog art from the 1938 catalog for either set 5 or set 9 shows a baggage car.  I searched my pre-war Flyer O gauge reference book and did find this car.  It is listed as an "unnumbered, enameled car " and described and shown exactly as you have pictured it.  Especially interesting is that it came with Type XII trucks and the all important Type X coupler (curly q).  It was cataloged as the No 234 R Pullman (no number on car)  in 1939 but likely  would have been available in 1938.


Fatman:  As usual a great "add" to our information.  Now we know these cars might have been exported and could be international !  Most interesting is the baggage car, none of the catalog art from the 1938 catalog for either set 5 or set 9 shows a baggage car.  I searched my pre-war Flyer O gauge reference book and did find this car.  It is listed as an "unnumbered, enameled car " and described and shown exactly as you have pictured it.  Especially interesting is that it came with Type XII trucks and the all important Type X coupler (curly q).  It was cataloged as the No 234 R Pullman (no number on car)  in 1939 but likely  would have been available in 1938.


The baggage car is the 6.5 inch version of the 234 baggage car, as Don notes, but it is not the same length as the longer coaches.  It is also a taller and narrower bodied car, so although Fatman's pictures make it look the same size as his cars, it is not.

Additionally, it should be noted that the 6.5 inch cars, including both passenger and freight cars, featured regular hook couplers in 1938 and featured the curly q coupler only in 1939. 


Greg/NWL :  I agree, I think we all are talking about the 6.5" cars from 1939 with the curly q couplers.  I just checked my set like Greg pictured above and agree those are the cars.  I have one small difference from Greg however, my engine has "401" stamped under the cab window.  You can just make out the small number in the picture below.  Everything else seems identical to the set that Greg pictured above.

Flyer set 301 Locomotive

Great discussion everyone !



Images (1)
  • Flyer type 401 Locomotive

Since we are posting photos of Set 301, here is mine, although I am not positive about it being set 301 due to the gunmetal gray 401 engine with nickel trim and the streamline tender, which is unusual due to it not having the more common billboard type decal, but rather 2 smaller decals per side.  I note that the set also has 2 coaches and no baggage.  However, it is as found and although it has no boxes, it is in nicely matched condition,

Below it is Set 1 from 1938 with hook couplers and above it is set 303 with blue cars (with an extra coach) with curly q couplers.


NWL :  I would refer you to Schuwiler's book, pgs 72-73 for what he calls the Type XII tender and pgs 94-95 for a rather lengthy discussion on the Type XX or 401 locomotive.  Too long to quote here, but the key item might be that he mentions the 401 went uncataloged in 36 & 37 and when it returned to the catalog in 1938 it was GREY like yours.  He then states that the locomotive returned to black in 1939.  There is quite a lot of variability in this engine over these late 30's years and Schuwiler takes a number of paragraphs to try and describe the chronological order of things.  To me, such a number of changes speaks to the possibility of quite a number of variations showing up in sets as they were sold, sometimes perhaps even by the dealers at the point of sale.  OBTW beautiful 301 sets, I really loved the blue one.

Just to make matters even more confusing, I have a Type XX loco which appears to date from 1935 but it is a 2-4-0 vice 2-4-4 and has a huge whistle mounted on the back of the motor that basically fills up the cab!


NWL :  I would refer you to Schuwiler's book, pgs 72-73 for what he calls the Type XII tender and pgs 94-95 for a rather lengthy discussion on the Type XX or 401 locomotive.  Too long to quote here, but the key item might be that he mentions the 401 went uncataloged in 36 & 37 and when it returned to the catalog in 1938 it was GREY like yours.  He then states that the locomotive returned to black in 1939.  There is quite a lot of variability in this engine over these late 30's years and Schuwiler takes a number of paragraphs to try and describe the chronological order of things.  To me, such a number of changes speaks to the possibility of quite a number of variations showing up in sets as they were sold, sometimes perhaps even by the dealers at the point of sale.  OBTW beautiful 301 sets, I really loved the blue one.

Just to make matters even more confusing, I have a Type XX loco which appears to date from 1935 but it is a 2-4-0 vice 2-4-4 and has a huge whistle mounted on the back of the motor that basically fills up the cab!



Technically, only one of the sets may be a 301 set.  The red set with 4 cars and the 4603 is Set 1 from 1938 and the blue set with 417 locomotive is set 303 from 1939.

I do have a gray 4603 (that would be the correct number for a 401 type loco in 1938) engine, but it has decals on it, with no actual numbering and copper trim.  The gray 4603 engine is with my 1938 set 1.  The gray 4603 has the streamline type tender, with billboard stripe on it.  My gray 401 engine is lettered 401 (on the side not pictured) and has the nickel trim, similar to the black 401 engines.  That points to my motor actually being from 1939 or later, as the engines were not numbered in 1938.  I have seen a couple of the gray 401 engines sell and they are somewhat difficult to find. 

The whistle in the type XX locomotive is likely one of the uncataloged variations from 1936 or 1937.  I know that I have a number of these motors with the whistles, as well as some of the cheap Hiawatha locos with whistles. 

Here is a picture of the other side of the 401, note the 401 lettering below the cab window.

Here is a picture of the gray 4603, note the copper trim and decals

Here is the 417 locomotive that heads up Set 303 with the blue cars


NWL :  Beautiful 4672 and it seems to run well and smoothly as well.  I have a few std gauge sets (3 Lionel and 1 AF) but no where to run them as I have no room for a std gauge loop.  I was wondering however, behind the 4672 in the last picture is a small black steamer with what appears to be red wheels pulling a green baggage car / coaches...what is that? 



Today we are running a c. 1930 Montgomery Ward uncataloged American Flyer set with 3195 engine, Hancock tender, and Illini cars.

The engine last ran in the late 1990s and has been in a box or on a shelf ever since.  I had the engine re-wheeled by someone else in the late 90s and it was sub-par work.  Problem was a replaced axle that had sub-par splines, which resulted in the wheels slipping on the axle and super-glue being applied to try and get the wheels to not slip.  I replaced the axle with no splines and the 2 drive wheels.  I hate sub-par work, but when I first got into prewar Flyer, I did not do my own repairs.  I quickly realized it was too expensive to have others do the work for me and began doing my own repairs.

To answer Don's question about the small engine-tender and green cars behind the 4672, it is the above set.  I just was not running it today.

As for the wheel color on the engine, Flyer painted some of their wheels orange and this engine originally had the orange drive wheels on it, so the replacements are orange as well. 


Last edited by Nation Wide Lines

Just sticking my nose in here to bookmark my return. Some of you may have been wondering who was "Liking" your posts from 6 months ago that was me catching up after a long hiatus. The way my brain is wired I felt obliged to to scrutinize each and every post I had missed to earn my way back in with the Tinplate Gang. Tons of good stuff you guys have ! Happy to be back.

@G-Man24 posted:

Just sticking my nose in here to bookmark my return. Some of you may have been wondering who was "Liking" your posts from 6 months ago that was me catching up after a long hiatus. The way my brain is wired I felt obliged to to scrutinize each and every post I had missed to earn my way back in with the Tinplate Gang. Tons of good stuff you guys have ! Happy to be back.

Hi, G-Man24!  It's good to hear from you!

Dare we hope that you made progress on your layout during the hiatus?

Last edited by palallin

Fatman / NWL :  NWL, I embarrassingly did actually know that all the Hummer engines were clockwork, I just had a "senior moment" when I saw your 3195  and forgot that when I asked the question about that engine on the layout.  However the info you provided on that little guy will not go will be filed away for future hunt items so Thank you again!

To both of you...I just could not resist the Hummer engine and tender on e-bay and went for it.  The pictures make it look just like yours Fatman and I also purchased a tender. This tender has an interesting lithograph pattern on it and has the number "513" in a rectangle on the side and the words..."The Hummer" over a spreadeagled bird on the rear. I will post pictures when they arrive.

Best wishes to you both.


So desperate to be relevant am I,  that I'm posting some tinplate that is not even mine. My friend is emptying out the house he grew up in after the passing of his dad and he asked if I could list some stuff on that auction site for him. He was bringing me old board games and ashtrays and bottles and I said "you got any good stuff ? you know....slot cars, model trains, hot wheels , stuff like that...? He said "I was gonna throw that junk out !"

So the next time I saw him he had a trunk full of pretty good stuff including this old Marx Tales of Wells Fargo train set. I'm guessing it's "S" guage ?.. unfortunately the Locomotive is missing but the lithographed buildings are pretty neat and the rail cars are nice especially the No.1 baggage car.

Anyway, thought you guys might enjoy seeing it, the graphics on the front and inside of the building are a hoot.

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@G-Man24  I found one of the carriages ages ago and the William Crookes Set has been on my radar since then!

What a pity it doesnt have the loco ...It should go for a price that might surprise you nevertheless

Mine is in a crappy condition compared to your friends , but its such a departure from "regular" Marx I had to bring it home ( it wuz cheep!)

@Fatman posted:

@G-Man24  I found one of the carriages ages ago and the William Crookes Set has been on my radar since then!

GMan24:  that Marx “William Crooks” set with the box etc is quite valuable.

I have to admit when you guys were calling it William Crooks I was confused. A quick Google search and I realized that Marx had  re-branded the set as "Tales of Wells Fargo"  I also see the same set was marketed as "Pioneer Old Fashioned Train Set".

Then I remembered a broken piece of plastic that was in the bottom of the box of stuff. It said Wm. Cro.....   but it didn't look like it broke off the Wells Fargo tender so I had no idea where it came from. Now it all makes sense...


I'm afraid it also answers what happed to the Locomotive, apparently it met an unceremonious demise.



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  • IMG_7958
Last edited by G-Man24

One of the Ives 3251s recently returned to running order is this Series 3 version:

A strong runner, it's pretty battered in its current form, to the extent it's missing a door on one side and the bell is long gone. While I'm long past a time where I wanted things to be pristine, I'm seriously thinking of giving this a refurb, i.e. a strip and repaint after a bit of straightening and dent removal. It never occurred to me that the cab doors on these things were a separate piece of metal soldered into place.


Ok Tinplate fans, today I am offering something quite different.  It is an engine from my small collection of lithographed tin toys.  This is a Diesel Switcher (Road type switcher of the GP type) by Masudaya of Japan.  This is a brute!  It is 17" long, 4" high (not including the horns) and 3 1/2 " wide.  It does have flanged wheels and the gauge is 2 1/2 " that is 3/4" larger than "G" gauge.  IAW the box this toy has..."mystery action" (whatever that is), realistic whistle (for a diesel?), engine sound, and headlight.  It is powered by 3 "D" batteries.  This dates from the 1960's which was a golden era in Japanese lithographed tin plate and I think you will agree they did a marvelous job on this item.  I also liked the slogan of the was printed on the box..." For the Children of the World from...Masudaya"  Their trademark by the way, which you may recognize from other toys is "TM" in a diamond shaped logo.

Here she is with her box from the side.  The "N?W" notation is either N&W perhaps meaning Norfolk and Western or NEW just meaning that it was new.  I cannot really interpret the stylized "E" between the N and W.

Japanese floor switcher side

View from the front quarter showing the "headlight" and the multi-color lithography

Japanese floor switcher front quarter

Here from the rear or end of the long hood,

Japanese floor switcher rear

A couple of top views showing that the lithography continues on all sides plus add on fans , Horn, and vent

Japanese floor switcher partial top view

The side of the box the way the caution reads..."Ages 3 and Up" luckily I qualify.

Japanese floor switcher top

I included the close up of the cab area to illustrate the quality of the lithography done in Japan at this time.  Multiple colors, peoples faces, rivets, stripping, vents (in two colors),treads etc.  Quite elaborate.

Japanese floor switcher cab view

Well its strange, not exactly a common toy train maker but it is tinplate!  Best wishes



Images (6)
  • Japanese floor switcher side
  • Japanese floor switcher front quarter
  • Japanese floor switcher rear
  • Japanese floor switcher partial top view
  • Japanese floor switcher top
  • Japanese floor switcher cab view

Ok Tinplate fans, today I am offering something quite different.  It is an engine from my small collection of lithographed tin toys.  This is a Diesel Switcher (Road type switcher of the GP type) by Masudaya of Japan.  This is a brute!  It is 17" long, 4" high (not including the horns) and 3 1/2 " wide.  It does have flanged wheels and the gauge is 2 1/2 " that is 3/4" larger than "G" gauge.  IAW the box this toy has..."mystery action" (whatever that is), realistic whistle (for a diesel?), engine sound, and headlight.  It is powered by 3 "D" batteries.  This dates from the 1960's which was a golden era in Japanese lithographed tin plate and I think you will agree they did a marvelous job on this item.  I also liked the slogan of the was printed on the box..." For the Children of the World from...Masudaya"  Their trademark by the way, which you may recognize from other toys is "TM" in a diamond shaped logo.

Here she is with her box from the side.  The "N?W" notation is either N&W perhaps meaning Norfolk and Western or NEW just meaning that it was new.  I cannot really interpret the stylized "E" between the N and W.

Japanese floor switcher side

View from the front quarter showing the "headlight" and the multi-color lithography

Japanese floor switcher front quarter

Here from the rear or end of the long hood,

Japanese floor switcher rear

A couple of top views showing that the lithography continues on all sides plus add on fans , Horn, and vent

Japanese floor switcher partial top view

The side of the box the way the caution reads..."Ages 3 and Up" luckily I qualify.

Japanese floor switcher top

I included the close up of the cab area to illustrate the quality of the lithography done in Japan at this time.  Multiple colors, peoples faces, rivets, stripping, vents (in two colors),treads etc.  Quite elaborate.

Japanese floor switcher cab view

Well its strange, not exactly a common toy train maker but it is tinplate!  Best wishes


I would love to stuff a STD Gauge motor in one of those😜🤪


Fatman / jhz563 :  Thanks for your comments on my Masudaya.  Trademark is certainly confusing but appreciate the information.  jhz...I would agree, a lithograph GP type diesel in 0 gauge would be really neat.  The flat sides would give you plenty of room to make the design and the colorful liveries of the past would make for a neat engine.

Best Wishes


Fatman / jhz563 :  Thanks for your comments on my Masudaya.  Trademark is certainly confusing but appreciate the information.  jhz...I would agree, a lithograph GP type diesel in 0 gauge would be really neat.  The flat sides would give you plenty of room to make the design and the colorful liveries of the past would make for a neat engine.

Best Wishes


If you search ebay, you will find that they also made an identical engine in the Santa Fe livery.

Just fresh from an attic in France this little 240 loco made by JEP.   It was the entry level model in electric from 1933-37 and has seen many variations. It has no reverse so forward only and the matching cars are simple for passengers and classic JEP for freight sets. It can be found with different types of tenders, piping on the loco, with or without front lights depending of the type of current used, only low voltage of 20v have a front light. Couplers may also be of several types.

Those little locos are not very sought after and under appreciated by JEP collectors even if they could be fun to search and not expensive. They where also made in clockwork so a lot of variations to discover....

120 NORD 1933-1120 NORD 1933-2

Here are some different ones with their sets,

120 NORD 1933-34-35120 NORD 1934-4120 NORD 1934-6120 NORD 1935 - 1120 NORD 1935 - 2



Images (7)
  • 120 NORD 1933-1
  • 120 NORD 1933-2
  • 120 NORD 1933-34-35
  • 120 NORD 1934-4
  • 120 NORD 1934-6
  • 120 NORD 1935 - 1
  • 120 NORD 1935 - 2

Daniel : The JEP loco's are neat and I have not seen them before except in some book pictures.  I like the little ones myself, because it think it likely that because they were cheaper, Mom & Dad are more likely to have purchased them for their children and hence they were really played have a history.  Thanks for sharing.

OBTW I just purchased the new book "Hornby Trains in France" by Chris Graebe.  If you have not seen it you should take  a look, the pictures are beautiful, full color, etc and complete with a reasonable history of when they were manufactured.  I found my copy on e-bay from  Chris himself and it came with a signed memo!  

Best wishes


Hello Don, small models are as interesting to collect than the big ones. They where more affordable in their time by modest families and have been priced by their previous owners, you are so right. The Hornby book on French models is a must have, sure you will enjoy it.

From the same attic also came this one, unfortunately tender is missing but I will find one. She came with her matching passenger car. I already have the same model so I will not keep this one. It is a streamlined model from 1935, very popular little 240 loco which has been made in lithos and painted brown, the first models are stamped NORD and as the old railways companies became the SNCF in that same year the lettering was very fast changed for it.


And finally best of all was this JEP electric loco from the Paris-Orleans railways.  Came with her box which is fine, unfortunately no passenger cars.... this model is the 1938 version and as I didn't have this variation that is one more in the the attic is empty and all the missing trains have certainly been trashed a long time ago.  Finally those ones are saved and will be preserved.

2d2 PO 52d2 PO 6

Have a nice weekend, Daniel


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  • 1
  • 2
  • 2d2 PO 5
  • 2d2 PO 6

@FRENCHTRAINS/ @Robert S. Butler :  Those JEP trains are really neat, the "modern" streamlining of steamers parallels what was going on in the US in the 1930's with locomotive streamlining...really great to see.  Thank you for posting.  I have the French Hornby example of the PO locomotive but in Hornby it was (unrealistically) an 0-4-0 and based on what Daniel posted, the headlight is in the wrong place!

French Hornby Train- close up front view [2)

Best wishes



Images (1)
  • French Hornby Train- close up front view (2)

@Don McErlean very nice French Hornby! And agree with you regarding @Robert S. Butler and @FRENCHTRAINS JeP! I almost picked some up at a train show on Sunday but arrived late and it was packed away after my first go around. I love the size and uniqueness of not only JeP but Hornby as well. While I don't have any of either in significant numbers, they're certainly distinct from the Central European offerings- in a good way

It's been awhile since I posted in tinplate. Here are some items I've gotten recently:

Prewar Flyer 1115 Automobile car- I believe that the doors or roof aren't original to the car. Lionel/Ives transformer station sans transformer and a Bing Illinois Central Boxcar. All in pretty good shape except for the doors of the Illinois Central

Prewar AF 1115 Automobile car Ives:Lionel station Bing IC

In addition to the station transformer above, these are the other 3 tinplate items I bought at the show on Sunday- almost all bodies/housing have either no nicks/scratches or very few!

Ives LV Boxcar NYC&HR 128 large gon Hoge Tom Thumb PH

Hoge Tom Thumb Powerhouse with original transformer(on the inside) and chord intact, roof has some bent portions but for $10 thought it was a decent deal

Ives Lehigh Valley RR boxcar- also got it for a low priced to the seller saying the roof isn't original- although it doesn't appear it's not original, it's also pretty scuffed. Appears to be a version produced between 1920-1925 judging by the trucks and paint.

Ives N.Y.C. & H.R. 128 gondola. Nice, larger size that looks great with prewar 800/2800 series Lionel. Two red crossbars, cream color

Hoge tom thumb powerhouse prewar hamburg jan 2022

Lastly, side shot of the Tom Thumb Power House  showing the control for the transformer


Images (3)
  • Prewar AF 1115 Automobile car Ives:Lionel station Bing IC
  • Ives LV Boxcar NYC&amp;HR 128 large gon Hoge Tom Thumb PH
  • Hoge tom thumb powerhouse prewar hamburg jan 2022
@StevefromPA posted:

It's been awhile since I posted in tinplate. Here are some items I've gotten recently:

Prewar Flyer 1115 Automobile car- I believe that the doors or roof aren't original to the car.

Prewar AF 1115 Automobile car Ives:Lionel station Bing IC

I would guess that your Flyer boxcar is 100% original.  Flyer was simply using up various colored lithograph doors to get rid of them and your car appears to have gotten a set of blue doors.  Here is a picture of mine with the same trucks/frame/roof.  Although it has green doors, I have differing variations with brown litho doors, orange litho doors, and red litho doors. 

Steve from PA : Here is my 1115.  It appears to be like the one just below NWL's in the picture in his response.  No journal boxes, no brake wheel, lithographed ladder and black frame.  8 wheel car was made from 1919-1929.  The cars with the lithographed ladder and no brake wheel or journals were the earlier cars.  The one's like yours and NWL  pictured are later '29-30 and Flyer put the "add on" ladder right over the lithographed ladder.  However I agree, the car you have appears to be original.    Don

AF Automobile Car


Images (1)
  • AF Automobile Car

Steve from PA : Here is my 1115.  It appears to be like the one just below NWL's in the picture in his response.  No journal boxes, no brake wheel, lithographed ladder and black frame.  8 wheel car was made from 1919-1929.  The cars with the lithographed ladder and no brake wheel or journals were the earlier cars.


Actually, the lithographed cars with the brass ladders, journals, and brakewheels  are from 1930 and after, the gray 8-wheel trucks are the key, as they were not produced until 1930.  I believe the 1930 catalog indicates "brightly colored cars with brass trim" and the 1931 catalog states "enameled" for a description, as the artwork did not change.

The 4 wheel lithographed freight cars were sold at least through 1935/1936 in various low priced/uncataloged sets, as at least a couple of the cars in my post date to the mid-1930s.  Some of the late 4 wheel cars come with the brass trim and some come without the brass trim.


Last edited by Nation Wide Lines

@NWL:  Doors, Doors, Doors ... wow you have more doors than the singing group (bad joke).  Neat display.  Thank you for your input on the dating of the 4/8 wheel lithographed cars, it is confusing for sure.  In addition, AF printed 8 wheel cars with either the 1115 or 1112 number (I have a red 8 wheel with the 1112 number) so its really confusing.  Thanks again.

Today, I have a new acquisition to post.  It is an American Flyer " Hummer" locomotive and tender.  As best I can tell from my very limited reference material this example is from about 1924 (really dated by the tender ) although it has some aspects (open bottom motor) which might make it slightly earlier.  The Hummer line was AF attempt to secure more business in the low end of the toy train market. They catalogued "Hummer" trains from 1916- 1927.  Only clockwork , usually cataloged in sets although by 1924 American Flyer did provide a separate price for the loco (no tender) @ 60 cents (reference "American Flyer Prewar O' gauge by Alan R. Schuweiler).

Here is the locomotive and tender , Note the number on the tender is "513" and the loco has added hand rails.  Both of these items help in dating this pair to about 1924.

American Flyer Hummer loco and tenderAmerican Flyer Hummer loco front quarterAmerican Flyer Hummer loco side

Here is the underside of the clockwork motor.  At some point, the bottom was closed via a sheet metal cover, my reference material does not give an exact date for this change.

American Flyer Hummer motor underside

The "Hummer" tender with crackle like finish and the rectangle containing the number "513".  This dates this tender to about 1924 as does the addition of add on hand rails date the loco.

American Flyer Hummer tender side American Flyer Hummer tender on loco

The real of the tender with the name..."The Hummer" and a picture of the AFL winged bird below (hard to discern through the crackle finish )

American Flyer Hummer tender rear

Well best wishes for a great week...



Images (7)
  • American Flyer Hummer loco and tender
  • American Flyer Hummer loco front quarter
  • American Flyer Hummer loco side
  • American Flyer Hummer motor underside
  • American Flyer Hummer tender side
  • American Flyer Hummer tender on loco
  • American Flyer Hummer tender rear

The "Hummer" tender with crackle like finish and the rectangle containing the number "513".  This dates this tender to about 1924 as does the addition of add on hand rails date the loco.

American Flyer Hummer tender on loco

The real of the tender with the name..."The Hummer" and a picture of the AFL winged bird below (hard to discern through the crackle finish )

Well best wishes for a great week...


Was that "crackle finish" intentional or did it happen with age ? Whatever the answer I like it !

The "crackle" or "alligatored" finish occurs, but I am not sure that it would be attributed to age, as it does not happen on all items.  I would suspect that it has something to do with the drying process of the lithograph, but I don't know.

As NWL said it’s possible it’s age but I don’t know.  The only pictures I have show a smooth finish so it’s clearly at odds with the reference material I have but who knows if that is a complete picture   Good question maybe some others will have an input.


I've been trying to think where I've seen it before and I just remembered. The Pre War Lionel 439 control panel with the knife switches. I've only seen it happen on the dark maroon Pre-War version not the Gray (?) or post war offerings. Some have it and some don't and to varying degrees. Based upon this I'd say this means it happens with age . Actually I don't know what this means,  it just creates more questions than answers lol.

I've always been a fan of textured paint i.e.,  crinkle, wrinkle, crackle, hammertone, etc. I just think it looks neat on antiques. It gives the item a look and feel of precision and quality.  You could spray wrinkle paint on an old index card and make it look valuable.

439 [1)439 [2)


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  • 439 (1)
  • 439 (2)
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@G-Man24 posted:

I've been trying to think where I've seen it before and I just remembered. The Pre War Lionel 439 control panel with the knife switches. I've only seen it happen on the dark maroon Pre-War version not the Gray (?) or post war offerings. Some have it and some don't and to varying degrees. Based upon this I'd say this means it happens with age . Actually I don't know what this means,  it just creates more questions than answers lol.

I've always been a fan of textured paint i.e.,  crinkle, wrinkle, crackle, hammertone, etc. I just think it looks neat on antiques.

Actually, that is more of an orange peel finish and is something to do with the type of paint finish and is entirely different from the lithograph alligatoring.

Last edited by Nation Wide Lines

Actually, that is more of an orange peel finish and is something to do with the type of paint finish and is entirely different from the lithograph alligatoring.

Hmmm. Not sure I'd call that "Orange Peel" but I agree it's different. I know orange peel because I've painted plenty of automobiles in "orange peel" .  Unintentionally of course

Last edited by G-Man24

Gonna wade in with ideas rather than facts on this (lol)

Looking at it from a semi-scientific perspective ...

I think the effect is dependent on both how the surface coat is applied AND the environmental factors the piece experiences over a long time .. all metal expands and contracts with heat and cold , and whether the piece "alligators" or not would be an indicator of how well the elasticity of the topcoat ( paint or litho ) holds up over time ... if the topcoat is not 100% bonded to the entire area , over time the weaker attachment lines will have more stresses on them as they are no longer fully in contact with the underlying metal ( on a molecular level ) thus they crack minutely along weaker "fault lines"  as they are pushed and pulled by the expansion and contraction , and over time the topcoat contracts away from the lightly fixed areas as it no longer has the bonds to keep it taut across the entire surface . the topcoat is still bonded to itself more than the metal or base-coat so even tho the coating doesn't flake off you get "Islands" of coating moving on the surface of the metal or base coat.

  Most surface coatings tension as they dry or lose solvents, its why brush marks even out a little after drying etc ... Even when "dry" coatings continue to off-gas volatile's over a very long time ( in minute amounts ) and its often these volatile's that give coatings their flexibility.. which explains why alligatoring takes a long time and is associated with decent age . The effect could also take place WITHIN the coating itself if the "picture" part is a separate identity from the overall composition.

Litho in particular is several layers of pigment bearing substrate ( ink) applied over each other ... over time each colour layer may also minutely expand and contract at different rates .. the Green over Yellow of Dons AF tender seems to be that way .. the green top ink has moved and contracted over time more than the yellow base ink which has remained tightly affixed to the metal , thus the green ink "islands" have formed and contracted over the years ?

Its what commercial orange peel paints and processes rely on , also Hammerite etc ... the Hammerite is a tough intact coating , but as it dries the pigment components are less attached to the binding matter and they shift to create the distinctive Hammered Look .

The clever bit with them is they keep the outer and inner surfaces of the coating attached to whatever you are painting , allow the alligatoring of the pigment to take place then bind it in super tough top and bottom clear layers to provide a durable overall finish ... they achieve intentionally the same process in minutes rather than the years it takes our toys to

I have the same tender with some of that. Usually see it on pieces that have been clear coated with something like a varnish. The under and upper finish age differently.

Here is a Dorfan, but they did it intentionally.


Love the look of that Dorfan. I guess I have a hard time believing, in the case of Don's AFL tender, that the manufacturer intended it to happen knowing that it could distort the graphics/lettering to the point where it's nearly illegible .

After a longer time, a lot of news in the collection. But some need help.

A big Karl Bub loco from around 1910.


The tinplate on some parts was destroyed, had made them new.


In the clockwork was a part broken.


Nearly complete, but needs 4 front wheels ( the next to do)


A small Bing loco is missing 3 of the 4 wheels, I make them new.

Had made a mold for hard lead. Left the Bing wheels, right the wheels for the big Bub loco.



A Bing crane car is missing the crank to turn.



But not all need help.

Bing coal car 10/547 from around 1910


Bing car 10328 made 1911-1915


And a very rare Bing acid car 10297 made 1911-1922




Images (23)
  • bub-aufbau01
  • bub-aufbau17
  • verzinn03
  • verzinn05
  • bub-uhrw03
  • bub-uhrw05
  • bub-uhrw12
  • bub-uhrw14
  • bub-uhrw16
  • bing4711
  • form09
  • form10
  • bing10285-01
  • bing10285-03
  • bing10285-04
  • bing10285-09
  • bing10-547-01
  • bing10-547-02
  • bing10328-01
  • bing10328-02
  • bing10297-01
  • bing10297-02
  • bing10297-04
Last edited by Arne

OK Tinplate Fans, I have something for you that is essentially NONSENSE but IT IS Tinplate!  Now on 2/10 in the "Marx Train Pictures" thread Fatman allowed as he now has 2 pieces of plastic in his collection but would not likely have how can you scenic a layout without using some plastic.  Well here is your solution...I present to you...Lithographed, tinplate rock formations !!

Now tinplate purists you too can have they are:

Marx tinplate rock formation 2 plus ruler

In close up  Both formations are each about 4" long, 2.5" wide and about 1" high at the highest point.  We have flowers, weeds, grass, dirt, and rocks...all presented in lithographed beauty (LOL)!.

Marx tinplate rock formation close up

I just got these in the mail and they are going on my layout.  Folks...don't take this too seriously it is just for laughs and can't compare with the fabulous trains posted elsewhere.  Just for fun.



Images (2)
  • Marx tinplate rock formation 2 plus ruler
  • Marx tinplate rock formation close up

OK Tinplate Fans, I have something for you that is essentially NONSENSE but IT IS Tinplate!  Now on 2/10 in the "Marx Train Pictures" thread Fatman allowed as he now has 2 pieces of plastic in his collection but would not likely have how can you scenic a layout without using some plastic.  Well here is your solution...I present to you...Lithographed, tinplate rock formations !!

Now tinplate purists you too can have they are:

Marx tinplate rock formation 2 plus ruler

In close up  Both formations are each about 4" long, 2.5" wide and about 1" high at the highest point.  We have flowers, weeds, grass, dirt, and rocks...all presented in lithographed beauty (LOL)!.

Marx tinplate rock formation close up

I just got these in the mail and they are going on my layout.  Folks...don't take this too seriously it is just for laughs and can't compare with the fabulous trains posted elsewhere.  Just for fun.


I “think” they are by Chein


The " Great Train Drought" of 2022 has broken , courtesy yet again of Dutchboy!

He's done a great job finding quite a few early locos that need bits n bobs sourced and replaced , but he tempted me into letting the moths out of the wallet with a glorious 1950's Distler rake to add to the mayhem at Casa Fatmanos .

@Fatman posted:

The " Great Train Drought" of 2022 has broken , courtesy yet again of Dutchboy!

He's done a great job finding quite a few early locos that need bits n bobs sourced and replaced , but he tempted me into letting the moths out of the wallet with a glorious 1950's Distler rake to add to the mayhem at Casa Fatmanos .


that´s one of the last Distler trains. Loco No 14 LK and coaches No 14C in the rarer blue colour. Made around 1960. Distler had made trains only till 1961.


Greetings Friends,

I just wanted to share with you a piece of luck I found on Ebay.  It is the Kibri 52-1 large station approximately 28 inches long.  Produced between 1925 and 1930 this was the first of the large Kibri stations.  It was very dirty  and probably turned potential purchasers off.  But, when I cleaned it up it looks pretty good---and it is very rare.  So here is a photo of the 52-1 and by comparison the 52-3 produced between 1929 and 1935.KIBRI 52-1 Small Cabinet copyLAYOUT 52-3 WITH CIVILIANS LOOKING TOWARD CROSSING copy


Images (2)
  • KIBRI 52-1 Small Cabinet copy

Thanks Lew, one of those things that I'd never know unless someone told me.  You have some wonderful buildings and I always appreciate these Tin forums, especially the variety and history associated with wonderful and colorful items OGRR members share.  You are right about your new stations being large...28" long makes for a huge footprint.  Nice to know that the peace has been restored too.  All the best, Chuck

Those stations are awesome.  I would station the army men at another post is all, doesn't seem to fit the mood, but never mind me.  I like ladies in pretty dresses much better.  Very cool.

Oh geez now I see you have found a new place for the army guys, I like this look much better.  Didn't see that before my first thought, weird but I'm kind of relieved.  Might be the current events happening.  Nothing against army men, trust me, just seemed out of place.  I'm actually sitting down to watch - To H#// and Back - a small sample of the exploits of Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier in American history.  I have heard or read there is no way all the things he did could ever be fully told.

Cheers and Peace out,       W1

Last edited by William 1

A while ago I purchased a lot of tin rolling stock and a few engines (and buildings too).  The one I am going to share in this thread caught my eye because it was so well done, it was almost like new - but the Engine and Tender just didn't seem right, even though they had extra detailing and add on's.  This 'Brown' set has been a shelf queen, and the Pullman cars were named after States, and they were numbered.  This weekend, out of curiosity I pulled out the Greenberg guide and looked them up.  My initial thought was holy cow, I am a rich guy...but then I realized that a very talented individual had repainted a set of 'O' gauge cars and Engine etc to replicate a more expensive 'Standard' gauge outfit.  The individual matched the State names and Pullman numbers, some really nice work.  Something like this should be shared with others who have similar interests.  Enjoy.  Chuck

PS - let me know if I did ACTUALLY strike it rich (LOL)


Images (8)
  • Lionel repainted 675 with extra lights
  • KIMG0110 New York Observation #415
  • KIMG0112 675 Locomotive Side
  • KIMG0114 Box Tender with extra stancions and rails
  • KIMG0115 California Pullman #412
  • KIMG0116 Colorado Pullman #413
  • KIMG0117 Illinois Pullman #414
  • KIMG0119 Observation Deck

@Chuck242:  That is really a nice set, someone with real skill matched the numbers and colors to produce a "mini" state set.  Some other "oddities" that I noticed are that the cars are definitely pre-war and have pre-war trucks and couplers.  The engine (#675) and the tender however are post war, variations of which were made from 1947-1952 - one of the best post war steamers by the way (at least in my opinion).  So someone must have mounted pre-war trucks or at least couplers to the tender at the end mating to the train. I have a similar set of expert re-paints, they are two 610 Pullman's and an 612 Observation from the 1920's that should be Mojave for their year of manufacturing but someone (very expertly) painted them green and re-did the number plates and name plates.   Why did they do that?  My guess is that they did it to match the green #253 locomotive that came with the cars.  However, they look great and run well and no one can notice the difference unless you are a pre-war collector like me who just had to look !!  So you didn't get rich except in having a great running and good looking passenger set for your personal railroad...not too bad a pay off anyway.



Recently scored these two 500 Prewar standard gauge cars to complete my collection of every color scheme, don’t need every variation.  Been looking for the 513 cream and maroon for a while.  It’s all original and really nice.  Pretty sure the  517 coal set caboose is a restoration, the only car I have that isn’t original, but it’s a beauty so I’m happy with it.  All done, next step is to build a layout and get my track off the floor so my guys have room to run.  Got the switches and track I need so I’m pretty excited about that.

Cheers,       W1


Images (1)
  • 5BCF3D46-CD6C-4313-9C67-82B0EFB7897B
Last edited by William 1

Ok, who is the genius who buried my favorite topic/thread on the forum in this section.  I looked forward every week to seeing what new things guys had to share in the tinplate forum.  I stumbled on this by accident almost and now see it is not as active and fun as it used to be.

I guess that’s my rant, and I really don’t like to go there, but geez…. Why kill a good thing.  Just sayin…

Well, I must admit being taken aback at the comment by pd, not sure what he is driving at but to me this thread has been really great with some postings of trains that I would never have seen any other way. 

So to continue with my own contribution, I did post on 1/14 pictures of my long sought, Marx Monon FM "B" unit, the 4 wheel version.  At that time I believe I noted that they also made an 8 wheel "B" unit, but candidly since I had searched for so long for any "B" unit I doubted that I would ever encounter another one.  Well, that's what is so unique about this hobby. Low and behold, I had the opportunity and did in fact acquire the 8 wheel version of the Monon FM B unit.  Pictures below.

Here is the Marx Monon FM diesel "B" unit, 8 wheel variety.  This really shows the Marx art of lithography, note the use of shadows in the portholes, hatch doors, and vents to give the illusion of depth, the car side is in fact completely flat.

Marx Monon B unit 8 wh side

Here is the classic quarter view.

Marx Monon B unit 8 wh quarter

Finally the end view.  I am really impressed with the shadow effect for the end doors.  They look remarkably 3-dimensional and when you look at the item, you would swear that they in fact are openings in the side.  They are not, the doors are completely 2 dimensional and flat.  The optical illusion is really well done.

Marx Monon B uniw 8 wh end

Well that's my newest tinplate, best wishes to all



Images (3)
  • Marx Monon B unit 8 wh side
  • Marx Monon B unit 8 wh quarter
  • Marx Monon B uniw 8 wh end

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