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I've had limited success attempting to add realistic mountains and tunnels to my layouts in RR-Track v5.  I understand how the "Point" contour works, but I've had no success at all with the Open Line and Closed Line contours.  Frankly, even the Point contour results in odd effects where it intersects the track, and the edge of the terrain base.

I actually managed to create a realistic slope by first extending the terrain, placing a point, and then retracting the terrain to its original extent, leaving the point outside its base.  (I had to "trick" the program because this is normally not allowed.)  So experienced layout designers:  What are your tips for an effective work-flow for creating terrain in RR-Track?  

Is it possible to create custom mountains and tunnels as polygons?

Finally I also have a little experience with SCARM.  I've seen some great 3-D layouts created with that program, but I watched a youtube tutorial about forming terrain in SCARM and it looks quite complicated.  I wish they could make it as easy as it is in Trainz (a RR simulation game.)  In Trainz you can raise mountains in no time at all, and the "smart" interaction with the track is excellent.  Thanks in advance for your help!


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Hey J,

Your getting itchy about the layout again. I think it would be a lot of work for a couple of roundy rounds that won't scratch the large radius itch.

I have looked at a number of ceiling layouts and the roadbed hanging\support methods. None are easy or inexpensive if you want it to look good.

Perhaps a shelf method on three walls and ceiling hangers across the loft opening, if you must.

The Energizer Bunny is at it again.

BTW, Ted, I put each of these 4 levels on a different layer, but that can get unruly if you use a lot of levels to create a mountain. If you put them all on the same layer though, you'll have problems selecting individual levels to adjust their size, color, etc. What I do is add a small "tab" to the polygon and make sure it doesn't overlap the tabs for the other levels. That way I can select the tab for the level I want to adjust while keeping them all on the same layer.

EDIT: Here's a little easier way without needing tabs just by making sure you are able to select each level if you need to by adjusting the size of each level so they don't completely overlap each other.


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Last edited by DoubleDAZ

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