Wondering if anyone can provide some insights -
I have a "new" MTH Crocodile with scale wheels which refuses to take a curve. The lead wheels come off the track as it enters the curve. This happens with either end leading into the curve.
I am a neophyte when it comes to scale wheels - everything so far has been 3-rail Hi-Rail wheels. I do have a 3rd Rail M10000 which runs fine on my existing layout.
My layout has curves ranging between 36 to 44 inch radius. Track and switches are Ross. MTH suggests a minimum 36 inch radius for this engine.
As far as I understand this engine should take these curves. Anything I am missing???
I understand Ross with its relatively flat rail profile should work with scale wheels. The only thing I can see is the 3 axle trucks are widely spaced. While there is some side to side play with the truck, seems to me these trucks need a much larger curve than recommended by MTH.
Eventually I would like to run this engine off its catenaries and operate with two rails.