I think it is a good challenge to engineer an interesting layout into a small space. These layouts are easy to pack around for display to promote the hobby. They can also be made for easy expansion or as joinable modules. Or it can be a way to make a trial start into a model railroad with a different theme.
"The Great O Scale Micro Layout Contest" has a layout size limit of 1892 square inches. Please refer to the pinned thread for more information. If you don't like the size restriction, then by all means build a layout that suits yourself!
Sometimes just a basic circle can be an interesting layout if it has creative scenery. Check <http://www.carendt.com/index.html> for more ideas on micro-layouts, especially regarding scenic treatments.
Size limit for contest = 1892 square inches. Some possible configurations:
43.5" x 43.5" = 13.14 sq. ft. = 1892 sq. inches
29"x 65" = 1885 sq.in. enough for an O27 figure-8 with 90-degree crossing
28.5"x 66" = 1881 sq.in. enough for an O27 figure-8 with 90-degree crossing and O54 easements
32"x 59" = 1888 sq.in. enough for an O27 figure-8 with 45-degree crossing
36"x 52.5" = 1890 sq.in.
39"x 48" = 1872 sq.in. enough for an O27 double oval
19"x 96" = 1824 sq.in. long shelf layout
15.5x 120" = 1860 sq.in. long shelf layout
13"x 144" = 1872 sq.in. long shelf layout
9.75"x 192" = 1872 sq.in. long shelf layout
48" diameter circle = 1810 sq. in. enough for multiple circles
49" diameter circle = 1886 sq.in. enough for multiple circles
I will be adding track plan ideas that fit the size limit for the contest. I am not a judge or sponsor for the contest, but I was given an OK to start this thread with the idea of promoting interest in the contest!
If you have any questions about the contest rules, please do not ask questions here; refer to https://ogrforum.com/d...nt/11707689407393103