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Looking for a recommendation on what type of tracks to use on a trolley line that I am adding to my yet unfinished layout.  The line will be at table level and meander through some buildings and industry.  I have used the Atlas 027 track on another trolley line that I did on another layout, but it really isn't very "trolley like."  Thank you in advance.

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If your are running on streets, I recommend Super Streets (K-Line/Lionel) or the currect version from Bachmann called Easy Streets). If you are running them in non-street areas, you might try some O-27 Lionel track with lower profile,  Gargraves looks more realistic or just bury the ties in the landscape to look more realistic. You can get transition tracks if you want to go from Easy Streets to other brands of track. 


If you are running trolleys with live working overhead pantograph, you might consider using some two rail O gauge track and use the catenary for the electric that would normally be recieved throught the pick-up roller from the center rail. 


I am planning to do a two rail line on my next layout to run my Lionle EP-5 on.  It is easy to convert the pantographs to an electrified catenary system. Not sure if your trolleys would be easy to convert.   

Thanks!  I have never seen the EZ street track.  I just ordered a small quantity, just so I can look at it and see if it will fit in??


I am making the trolley line a "point to point" track run.  When the trolley gets to one end, it will stop and reverse direction.  Is this difficult to do with some type of automated device?  There will be no switch track or anything fancy on the trolley line....yet.  

Thanks again.

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