I am attempting to fine a good train inventory software. I have train Minder but I can find no up dates so I assume they went out of business. Any suggestions?
Russ Stephenson
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I am attempting to fine a good train inventory software. I have train Minder but I can find no up dates so I assume they went out of business. Any suggestions?
Russ Stephenson
Replies sorted oldest to newest
MS Excel, MS Access
TheDude23112 posted:MS Excel, MS Access
That's what I also use. For modern equipment and similar to comparative shopping apps, is there an APP that you could use your smartphone and scan or manually enter the UPC bar-code on the box to compile detailed description/quantity database?
TheDude23112 posted:MS Excel, MS Access
I now use Access for all my home inventory and I really like, especially for searches. I was able to buy a copy through my Navy Program office for $10 under a MS/DoD program. I also keep a simple list of cars that I buy multiples of, like Weaver B60s, MTH R50s, GGD P70s, etc., in Excel so I don't buy duplicate numbers. I keep the Excel spreadsheet updated and in my phone for easy reference.
I also set mine up in Excel, I'd be interested in seeing what others have set up just as an example. It's always interesting to see the different variations that others come up with. Do you all separate your rolling stock into separate categories, this is what I have done and I've also set up different categories for my motive power too. I have even set one up for miscellaneous items like transformers and other stuff. How about you guys?
OpenOffice spreadsheet.
Excel. Simple enough to do. I even enter purchase price and what it is valued at elsewhere. Just don't total the purchase price column at the bottom unless you have a good cardiologist or an understanding spouse!
I also use Excel
Either of the MS software discussed above are better than any marketed train inventory software. The problem is once they are published and sold to you they are never kept up to date. It is a nightmare. Much better to make your own.
I use Apples Numbers, Numbers is loaded on all Apple Computers, they even give you a phone number to call for help in setting up your spread sheet. Below are some screen shots. Under Templates are projects that I am working on, & can not show here.
When I want to share my Numbers Spread Sheet it can be exported as a PDF • Excel • CSV • Numbers.
This is what Apple has to compete with Office.
Office Word = Apple’s Pages
Office Excel = Apple’s Numbers
Office Power Point = Apple’s Keynote
I do own Microsoft Office, will never use it again because free help is only a phone call away with Apple’s Pages, Numbers, and Keynote or walk into any Apple Store for help.
I've been using trainzauctions.com to build my inventory. It can be exported to Excel for portability. There are several nice thing about this site. First, it is run by our forum sponsor, Trainz! They bought the site a few years ago. I was already using it, and it kept my inventory. You can browse the existing catalog, click on an item and add it to your collection. This makes it super easy. Many of my items are so old, they are not in the catalog, so I am adding them. This creates a crowd based system for developing a comprehensive catalog. If more of us used this, it would make it easier on all of us! It includes pictures as well. You can then post an item for sale or even add items to your wish list. The base membership is free. There is a Gold level membership as well that I have not bought yet. There is an upload template too, but I have been having trouble with that.
I use a freeware application called RRTrains2000.
It's a general model railroad inventory program, so it's not specific to O Gauge (i.e. no comprehensive dropdown lists of manufacturers and everything they made). For most people used to the usual inventory programs, this is its biggest handicap/deal-breaker. You have to enter each detail (manufacturer, roadname, type, etc) manually the first time its added to the database. On subsequent entries recurring details can be picked from a drop-down list (so, if for example you're entering a whole pile of Menards flatcars, you only have to type "Menards" once)
--A single photo can be added to each entry, but it's a link to a file location on a specific drive letter rather than embedding the photo in the database.
If the database and photos are only stored/updated on one PC it's not a big deal, but the links can break if you move the DB+photos (say, on a thumb drive) to a different computer that may assign it a different drive letter than the one the DB was created on. (example in the excerpt above, the application expects the photo to be on drive E: ). The application also has no built-in ability to display photos, instead relying on the default image viewer/editor on a particular PC.
--The upside is that oddballs that might not be included in curated lists (obscure outfits like KMT/Kusan, or scratchbuilt/kitbashed models) can be added the same as any other entry. The program can go in to details such as dimensions, load and running gear:
and acquisition information:
It's up to the owner to come up with naming conventions for things like types of trucks, wheels and/or couplers
The boxes shown above only appear when adding or editing a record. The overall database is the main screen.
The question may come up as to why I didn't simply use Excel. Well, none of the computers I ever had, encompaassing laptops and desktops going all the way back to the Windows 3.1 era came with Microsoft Office applications preloaded. By the time I decided to digitize my collection records, I'd have to buy MS Office as a standalone retail product subscription to make use of it. (and even if there was a relatively inexpensive option I overlooked, I'm several hundred records into RRT2000 at present, so it's too late to switch)
(edit 10/14: restored missing images)
I use FileMaker Pro on a Mac. I can put in photos of each item along with any other info categories I set up in the database.
Hello, I had used AppleWorks to set up my original database but since AppleWorks is no longer supported, I have converted to iDatabase. It was not trouble free because the conversion from one application to the other is the process of saving the original database file to a generic file type that is readable by the new application. The information was all there but not in the correct spot and all of the individual items were not identical. So it keeps me busy during rainy days!
I created a Apple Numbers file for all my stuff like 5 years ago, so it's really out of date. I kinda wish HyperCard was still around as that would have been a great app to do it in. I've thought about created a database or web based system now that I have a NAS that I can host it on and if set up correctly access from anywhere I have internet. But right now I'm more focused on other things.
I've used two to three train database programs always to be orphaned by them. So, I decided to do what has often been suggested here. Use Excel. I was fortunate enough to be able to get my last program converted to Excel so I didn't have to go through the murderous re-entry process. I'm pretty ignorant on Excel, but I just use it in a rudimentary way for listing my items. I bought Excel for Dummies, but seem to lack the motivation to read it and upgrade my skills. It can do a lot more than I do with it, but I think that I'm lazy about it because I just use it as a listing for myself and insurance purposes.
If I ever retire (near 70 and keep going) I might read it.
Train Minder went belly up a number of years ago. I was able to export all the data I wanted to a file that, with a bit of massaging, I was able to import to Excel. I’ve used the Excel spreadsheet for a few years, but sorting and reporting aren’t that easy. I’ve always wanted to use Access (which I was fairly fluent in before I retired 6+ years ago). Recently, I joined LOTS and they offer members an Access database that does a pretty good job of keeping your inventory. It allows you to modify the included tables and forms (add or remove data fields, etc.). Luckily, I was able to import my Excel data relatively easily (keeping in mind I am somewhat knowledgeable of both Excel and Access). I haven’t had too much time to play with the data after I loaded it, but it looks very promising.
I have Windows 10 on a PC and laptop. LOTS wasn’t sure if the database would work with Win10, but it seems to work fine. I also use Microsoft Office 365. Office 365 gives me all the components (Access, Excel, Word, etc.) and is automatically updated on a constant basis and costs just under $100 a year. In addition, it can be loaded on (I believe) up to 5 separate devices and 5 iPads.
I use Apache Open Office, but any decent spreadsheet will do a fine job. It is all in how one sets it up.
I see we have a few different types of inventory, mine is pretty much like Ron's. I have various sheets set up within the inventory, I have a main page that everything is loaded into and then from there I break it down by types of rolling stock, locomotive types, steam or diesel, sets and miscellaneous items like transformers or whatever. This way I can go in and print out a sheet that will give me just cabooses or passenger cars. I did put a column for who I bought it from but I generally don't put the price down however, I'm considering adding a cost column so my wife will have some kind of idea what to ask if I should pass away or if I should suddenly need to sell them.
This a great thread, I also own a MAC and I love it but I wasn't so sure about the Numbers App but I plan on looking into it. I was trying to get one of my pages to load but I'm doing something wrong because it won't do it for some reason, I'll keep trying.
Thanks guys
I believe the best software program for most hobbyists to use is probably OpenOffice Calc. It does just about everything Excel does. The biggest difference is that the OpenOffice suite of applications are all FREE. The OpenOffice Suite can be downloaded in its entirety for FREE. OpenOffice's applications appear to parallel MS Office's applications. Apart from being FREE, I believe anything you create with OpenOffice can be saved in MS Office's format. MS Office formats can be read by OpenOffice's applications. In some cases, OpenOffice has different names for the same functions as Office. However one can use the Help function to figure out the name needed. OpenOffice can be installed on Linux and Mac OS X systems too. That makes exchanging files with others very easy.
I have a suggestion for those using Excel spreadsheets like the one PRRronbh posted above. There are tabs entitled "Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", "Sheet 3", etc. at the bottom. Using OpenOffice Calc, one can re-name each sheet by right-clicking on the tab. I believe it can be done the same way with MS Office's Excel too. (I don't have Excel anymore, so I can't verify that.) One could then segregate the items in the list like this:
This would allow you to print each list separately. One could even save each sheet into separate files later if so desired.
OpenOffice is an open source product. That means anyone can view the source code if they want. There is a coordinated effort with all who wish to donate their time to fix errors and/or add new functionality for each version. I have never personally found any kind of glitch nor error in functionality, although I've been using OpenOffice for over 10 years.
phrankenstign posted:I believe the best software program for most hobbyists to use is probably OpenOffice Calc. It does just about everything Excel does. The biggest difference is that the OpenOffice suite of applications are all FREE. The OpenOffice Suite can be downloaded in its entirety for FREE. OpenOffice's applications appear to parallel MS Office's applications. Apart from being FREE, I believe anything you create with OpenOffice can be saved in MS Office's format. MS Office formats can be read by OpenOffice's applications. In some cases, OpenOffice has different names for the same functions as Office. However one can use the Help function to figure out the name needed. OpenOffice can be installed on Linux and Mac OS X systems too. That makes exchanging files with others very easy.
I have a suggestion for those using Excel spreadsheets like the one PRRronbh posted above. There are tabs entitled "Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", "Sheet 3", etc. at the bottom. Using OpenOffice Calc, one can re-name each sheet by right-clicking on the tab. I believe it can be done the same way with MS Office's Excel too. (I don't have Excel anymore, so I can't verify that.) One could then segregate the items in the list like this:
- "Sheet 1" could be renamed to "Engines".
- "Sheet 2" could be "Rolling Stock".
- "Sheet 3" could be "Buildings".
- "Sheet 4" could be "Die-cast".
- "Sheet 5" could be "People Figures"
This would allow you to print each list separately. One could even save each sheet into separate files later if so desired.
OpenOffice is an open source product. That means anyone can view the source code if they want. There is a coordinated effort with all who wish to donate their time to fix errors and/or add new functionality for each version. I have never personally found any kind of glitch nor error in functionality, although I've been using OpenOffice for over 10 years.
Exactly, my train inventory is spread over 10 Sheets.
And then can sort ant Sheet for how I want it displayed.
RailRide posted:
I looked at this program and it was one of my favorites out of all similar programs I could find. Overall I think it would probably work for many folks out there. Maybe even most of them. It seemed to be pretty thorough and did have some very nice features as you describe above. It is definitely worth a try and giving it a good chance. (BTW, none of your pictures are showing above, they all say 'Image Not Found'.)
I ended up sticking with a FileMaker database I already had a bunch of train stuff entered into. If I was starting over I might go with one of the open source programs or I'd definitely at least give them a go anyway. Most likely it would NOT be Filemaker or MS Office. Those are all getting too expensive and eliminating all of our options. I don't want any subscription software. Never say never, but that just rubs me the wrong way for some reason.
I keep it simple and use Microsoft Word to list and track my garage and estate sale and thrift shop purchases. This stared in 2009 to mainly keep track of tools and vintage stereo gear and miscellaneous items and to date has 40 pages of items listed by date. For each date all purchases are entered with item description and condition, price and note of GS or ES or TS. I include an item for train shows, name and place of show or meet and list of purchased items including description and condition and items passed. I also include train items purchased at train stores, this forum and eBay.
Prior to 2009 I have pencil and lined paper lists of train items on different pages. Titles are Steam Locos, Diesel Locos, Accessories, Train Books and Magazines by number of issues by year. These lists include item description, manufacturer and item number, condition, where bought and some times whom it was bought from. Back in my train show days I had some favorite dealers or trains sellers house number and name and phone number.
In the 1970s I had Dave in Pittsburgh whom I contacted every six months I was there on vacation from overseas. He was my major source for Marx switches, track, engines and cars, etc. when I stared my layout. In those days most of my train stuff came from Dave and no list or tracking was needed.
I use excel
Excel for me.
rtr12 posted:RailRide posted:I looked at this program and it was one of my favorites out of all similar programs I could find. Overall I think it would probably work for many folks out there. Maybe even most of them. It seemed to be pretty thorough and did have some very nice features as you describe above. It is definitely worth a try and giving it a good chance. (BTW, none of your pictures are showing above, they all say 'Image Not Found'.)
I looked at my post just now and spotted the missing images. They've been restored
I still am an old Wordperfect user which comes with Quattro Pro which I use for my train inventory. I have separate categories for motorized units, freight cars, passenger cars and I am creating a separate category for accessories. I use my laptop which permits me to bring the computer down to my trains.
An added benefit of keeping an inventory is for insurance purposes in case disaster strikes (flood, fire, etc.)..
John F
Being an iPad user, I use the aforementioned Numbers app. I’m lukewarm on how good it is, the problems I run into are more a function of using a touchpad device instead of a full keyboard. It is adequate for my small collection. Adding sheets(pages) for various cars, accessories, etc. is very easy. One created feature is in the description column, the product number underlined is a “link” to the Lionel product page in their library; giving complete info on the specific item. Here’s a screen shot of part of the file.
As I mentioned above, I use Access as my primary inventory for all items I own. It would be interesting to see what columns other forum members use in their home made programs. Here are mine:
Category: trains/appliances/bikes/etc. I keep it on the trains category so that is what I see when I open the program.
Name: MTH G5/Lionel T1/etc
Road: PRR/SF/NYC/etc
Sub-Category: Engines/boxcar/passenger car/etc
Type: Steam/express/coach/etc
Info1 (mostly for trains): Command Type (TMCC/DCS/CONV)/Wi-Fi data/electronics info)
Serial/Cab#: Cab or car number
Info2 (strictly for Lionel engine ID): Cab2 ID number
Manufacturer: MTH/Lionel/etc
Stock number: 20-xxxxx/6-xxxxx/etc
Color: SE
Era (for my use to determine how I use it): 1950/AFT/Modern/O-31/NCT
Location: SE
Description: word picture of item and any modifications (ERR upgrades)
Value: What I paid for it
Purchased: Date
Seller: Whom I bought it from
What I like about Access is it is a database program, not a spreadsheet program. It is very easy for me to find out anything about my collection, from how many Atlas PRR X-21 Express Boxcars in the 2XXX series I have to seeing what Cab2 ID is available when I buy a new TMCC engine.
While I got my copy of Access cheap, there are other database programs that are free or low cost. Most allow you to import data from Excel or spreadsheets.
CAPPilot posted:As I mentioned above, I use Access as my primary inventory for all items I own. It would be interesting to see what columns other forum members use in their home made programs.
What I like about Access is it is a database program, not a spreadsheet program. It is very easy for me to find out anything about my collection, from how many Atlas PRR X-21 Express Boxcars in the 2XXX series I have to seeing what Cab2 ID is available when I buy a new TMCC engine.
While I got my copy of Access cheap, there are other database programs that are free or low cost. Most allow you to import data from Excel or spreadsheets.
I agree with Ron - IMHO a database is the way to go. I only have to maintain one table of all items in my collection and I can query it to extract any subset I am interested in. I can also set up reports for any common views I need.
As for the fields I use, in general, I have the same fields as Ron. I have never tracked when or where I bought pieces, how much I paid, and I don’t sell stuff, so those fields are immaterial to me. I do have a field for the Legacy/TMCC ID number and one for a Train Number for “lashups” (mea culpa) - as my number of engines grows, it really helps to have a printed list of ID’s at hand.
RailRide posted:rtr12 posted:RailRide posted:I looked at this program and it was one of my favorites out of all similar programs I could find. Overall I think it would probably work for many folks out there. Maybe even most of them. It seemed to be pretty thorough and did have some very nice features as you describe above. It is definitely worth a try and giving it a good chance. (BTW, none of your pictures are showing above, they all say 'Image Not Found'.)
I looked at my post just now and spotted the missing images. They've been restored
That's much better!
Thanks for all of the good suggestions. I understand MS Excel but would need to get up to speed on Access, both programs were mentioned by more that a few. I have a lot of data in Train Minder and hopefully I can figure out how to move it into excel.
Again, thanks to all for the great info, you guys are the best.
Russ Stephenson
rgsteph posted:Thanks for all of the good suggestions. I understand MS Excel but would need to get up to speed on Access, both programs were mentioned by more that a few. I have a lot of data in Train Minder and hopefully I can figure out how to move it into excel.
Again, thanks to all for the great info, you guys are the best.
Russ Stephenson
I also was into Train Minder with a bit of data and was not interested in inputting everything to Excel. Been a long time since I did it, but there is some sort of export feature in Train Minder. I believe you can choose which fields you export or just take ABSOLUTELY everything (I don’t recommend that!!!). I don’t remember if it was the default or if you had to choose a comma delimited file for the output. Excel can import a comma delimited file, but be aware, it is not perfect. Each Train Minder entry will be a separate line in the comma delimited file. After you get it into Excel, you will most likely have to do some manual movement of some fields (if I remember correctly, some fields in a record were blank which might cause some fields to end up in the wrong columns), but the intervention is infinitely less painful than reinputting all your stuff. Good luck.
I'm fortunate to have been an MS Excel user for some 30 years so I've grown with it. I also know Access pretty well. I use Excel myself - all the same kinds of columns previous posters have mentioned. I keep track of color, whether or not there's a box with the item, roughly where it is (I have access to three layouts as well has having storage shelves and boxes). I'm about to start using it to track maintenance and breakdowns.
Several people have implied that you use a database so you can sort and filter your DB. Using Excel's sorting, filtering and pivot table functions you can pretty much do anything Access will do without the overhead. I also keep track of the sets I collect in a separate worksheet, cross-referenced by set number. I include items I need to buy to make up sets in my collection.
All my data is on Google Drive so I can pull up my inventory on my iPhone whenever I need. I can also easily convert it to Google Sheets or any other open source spreadsheet
My collection is of 240 Lionel postwar items.
If you'd like a copy of what I use, please email me from my profile.
I have been using word, separate files for steam loco, diesel loco, boxcar, etc. My problem is I like a picture of the item and the end of the box. My file on boxcars is now 7 MB. Excel does not seem to help in reducing file size. Would access help this file size issue?
One way is to upload your photos to a service like Picasa or Google Photos - they're mostly free. Then you can hyperlink to the images in the cloud and you don't carry the storage overheard in your Word doc.
I hyperlink to Tandem Assoc. or Postwar Lionel sites for catalog-type photos - the box ends are another matter altogether though.
BandoMN posted:Several people have implied that you use a database so you can sort and filter your DB. Using Excel's sorting, filtering and pivot table functions you can pretty much do anything Access will do without the overhead. I also keep track of the sets I collect in a separate worksheet, cross-referenced by set number. I include items I need to buy to make up sets in my collection.
I, at least, did not mean to imply that you couldn’t sort or filter in Excel - I have used both functions extensively over the years. Pivot tables,on the other hand, I freely admit I have NEVER understood!!! What I do feel Excel lacks is a report writer which, IMHO, Access does very well. And again... with a single database, I do not need various sheets for various topics - just my preference.
All my data is on Google Drive so I can pull up my inventory on my iPhone whenever I need. I can also easily convert it to Google Sheets or any other open source spreadsheet
With MS Office 365, you get OneDrive which allows access to your data across various platforms, although Access isn’t available on my iPad/iPhone, but I can either print a report of export data to Excel and view under all my iOS devices.
My collection is of 240 Lionel postwar items.
My collection consists of over 375 items of various ages from postwar to modern.
If you'd like a copy of what I use, please email me from my profile.
Apples55 posted:Russ;
Train Minder went belly up a number of years ago. I was able to export all the data I wanted to a file that, with a bit of massaging, I was able to import to Excel. I’ve used the Excel spreadsheet for a few years, but sorting and reporting aren’t that easy. I’ve always wanted to use Access (which I was fairly fluent in before I retired 6+ years ago). Recently, I joined LOTS and they offer members an Access database that does a pretty good job of keeping your inventory. It allows you to modify the included tables and forms (add or remove data fields, etc.). Luckily, I was able to import my Excel data relatively easily (keeping in mind I am somewhat knowledgeable of both Excel and Access). I haven’t had too much time to play with the data after I loaded it, but it looks very promising.
I have Windows 10 on a PC and laptop. LOTS wasn’t sure if the database would work with Win10, but it seems to work fine. I also use Microsoft Office 365. Office 365 gives me all the components (Access, Excel, Word, etc.) and is automatically updated on a constant basis and costs just under $100 a year. In addition, it can be loaded on (I believe) up to 5 separate devices and 5 iPads.
I also have Trainminder and have no issue transitioning to MS Excel or Access .. do you have any idea as to how to export the data or mine the Minder data base so i don't have to retype all of my inventory ?
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