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This winter has suffered a number of boring weekends in which there is no

known train show for include this weekend.    And a small and understocked local LHS just turned out its light.  I think there is a show in the NE, but they have weather to condend with, per the nightly nooze. There are dry bottom lakes and parched pastures in Texas,  but am I the only one that misses the time when arrayed around one city there were

three trains shows on the same day?  Really had to race around to hit all of them..... 

Chicken every Sunday?  No longer a train show every Sunday...and I, for one, do not like it!

Wasting a perfectly good, dreery weekend.....  In warmer weather the

excuse is to get outdoors..(does not apply here..I do trains year around)...

but no warm weather are the shows?

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I think Eddie G has explained why the other advice won't be followed..for that and other reasons, and why I thought my brother was kidding when I went with him to

look at a vacation condo for sale in Silverton, Colo., known for its July 4th snow storms.  (He was, and bought one down the west coast of Florida)  I mean, I really

like the Four Corners area, train hog heaven,  in the summer and fall....but winter?  Right out of school I moved to Arizona...I had had it with trudging across snowdrifted campuses.

I second Vinny26's comment about train shows in Florida. I only go to two that are put on by the same club and thats only because it is ony about 4 miles away. Within an hour and a half I'm outta there and on my way home. But after wandering for 13+ years in the choo-choo show desert, hosanna, hosanna, my wife's transfer/promotion finally is coming through. We will be moving to NJ  in April. The way I look at it, I'll be trading 4-5 months of beautiful winter weather for sucky cold and snow. But I'm also trading a train room the size of a large walk-in closet for a house with a nice sized basement. York will be 3 hours away and more local train shows than I can shake the proverbial stick at. Right now there's only 1 good LHS in this area. We'll be moving to an area where there appears to be numerous shops within an hour or so of our future home. In short, I'm leaving the desert for the choo-choo promised land. Amen brothers and sisters!
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