You have to load the steam PS32 chain files for proper operation. If you've never loaded a chain file before, there's a bit of a power cycle rain-dance needed to properly load them.
You use the FLASH icon on the loader toolbar and follow the same process you use to load a sound file, browse for the ZIP file attached and say load.
Once it loads, remove all power from the engine and TIU, wait until you hear the beep code complete. Then power up the TIU & engine, and you should again get a series of beeps and then it'll start up. At this point, I shut down and again turn off power for about 30 seconds, then fire it up again. At this point, it should come up silent and you can start it up using the remote. Then you should be good to go. At this point, I'm likely to do a factory reset, primarily to be able to load it again with the proper name displayed. Since you probably don't have the dealer loader, you can't put in a permanent name, so that step may not be needed.
One oddity. If the proper files are already loaded, it's likely not to do the beep codes. In that case, the proper steam files were already loaded. Given that they come with diesel sound files, I don't take that for granted.
I've attached the PS32 steam chain files for full sized smoke units to this post.