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I have Lionel's 1992 model of the SR #4501 2-8-2 in the Southern Crescent paint scheme.  Alex Malliae is bringing this engine into the 21st century for me by adding ERR electronics, a new smoke unit and 4-chuffs/rev.  I want to buy passenger cars for it similar to the cars it pulled in 1976, but I've searched the internet but could not find any clear color pictures of the cars from this time period.  Could not even tell if the cars were heavyweight or lightweight.  Need some advise from all you SR experts:  Has any manufacturer made passenger cars in the mostly correct colors that would work?  Thanks.



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Excursion trains in the 70's were assembled from what ever was available.  The consist would vary from excursion to excursion.


The Burlington, for example, usually had a mix of heavyweights and streamline cars, sometimes, the Q even used their double deck gallery commuter cars.


Southern's streamline fleet consisted mostly of unpainted stainless steel fluted sided Pullman Standard cars.  By the 70's, I don't think there would've been any heavyweights painted in the "Crescent Limited" scheme.  Southern used a solid dark green for their remaining heavyweights, I'm not sure of the exact color.


It's also possible cars from other railroads would be in the train.



Rusty and Dave,


Thank you for your inputs.  The few pictures I've found of 4501 in the 70s didn't show much of the consist, but you could see the cars were different styles.


4501 was not painted in the Crescent Limited scheme, but in a green scheme that I think was called just Crescent or passenger green.  You are correct in that there have been no 1:1 cars painted in the Crescent Limited scheme since the 30s.


I did not think Southern had any unpainted stainless cars by the 70s; learned something new.  So a mix of the dark green HW and stainless cars, with some unpainted stainless would work.  These are cars that are available from MTH that I'm looking at.


Another question:  Did the excursion trains ever have any cars marked for other roads, or were they all SR cars?



Johnny and Phil,


Thanks for the clarification on the type of cars and the picture (I assume the picture is from the 70s).  My operating layout, if it ever gets up and operating, is set in the late 40s and I have Lionel's seven car SR HW set pictured below (click on link) to run on the layout.  I was going to get a separate consist to run with 4501 because I thought the excursion trains had more streamliners.  Looks like I'll just use the Lionel cars.  Thanks.




Southern Heavyweight Passenger Car 2-Pack

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