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Nice work everyone. I like the roofing granules idea. I priced it out and found stock in a 5 gallon bucket of IKO brand in grey. I have a ways to go until I will be ballasting however!  Tonight after the kids went to bed I cut two 16” pieces of plywood to go on either side of my twin arch bridge.

E00A7739-FC78-4D8D-AF09-FC1924AE41B9ABFA0B36-2DE6-4BBE-BC0C-275C89D90AC9My original plan was to have two arch bridges in a row , but after much testing with the bigger locos in particular the Big Boy, my layout is about 5 “ short in order for me to have enough straight clearance before going onto the bridge from the O72 curve. It was a disappointment as the twin bridges were going to be a key focal point. Anyways, I’m over it and working away on the upper level. Bench work is now roughly in place for upper level and next I will fit the track and test the larger rolling stock again for clearances. Here are some pics:


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Gethardt, that is a shame you don’t have room for both bridges.  Bridges certainly do add considerable interest.  The single bridge still looks good.  It is amazing how much material is needed to ballast even a modest sized layout.  I’m taking in the discussion on roofing granules too, but I prefer to ballast after my basic scenery is in, so it is a way off for me too.

@Berkshirelover726- Hope you were able to get things dried out. The layout is looking good.

@Gerhardt- the single bridge still looks good. Keep testing clearances as you go.

Last night I was running my PRR Boxcab and noticed that the front pilot truck kept picking switch points and derailing. The truck is very light and only has a thin spring to provide downward force. Further complicating things is that the speaker for the horn is mounted right above, and I think the magnet is lifting the pins a bit. I took it apart and stretched the springs, it's a little bit better but still not right. I will have to add some weight to the truck.
I think this engine might be a good candidate to do my first ERR upgrade in. Now that I have a Cab1L, I'm planning on upgrading a few of my conventional engines. Lot's of space inside to fit the boards.

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Thanks Mark and Bob,

The challenge is that the spacing on the fasttrack is different than the spacing for the MTH bridges. The distance required between rails so that I can have switches to crossover from the inner to the outer loops is the standard 6+ inches for Lionel fast track. The bridges are closer to a 4 1/2 inch spacing. Not sure if that topic Has been covered before, but it is taking some time for me to figure out the track exactly. That’s pretty much my next step after I temporarily  affix these pieces. Anyways that’s a longwinded answer for why I can’t use my double arch bridge somewhere else on the upper loop because I need to have that spacing for the crossovers.

Nice work everyone!

Cody, Nice little video of your trains running, I really like the hand car on the upper level! I sure hope you will be able to get your leak fixed soon!

Gerhardt, Things are looking good! I am with Mark as that bridges make things look good and you have a very nice bridge to work with! I have alot of used Ballast to wash and rinse many times then dry so I can reuse it! LOL I know I am cheap!

Bob, I am truly sorry your having problems with your PRR Boxcab, but I am glad you have ideas on how to fix it! But then again if it was a Burlington Boxcab I am sure you would not have any problem at all! LOL

Randy, I sure hope when you get the last 2 cars done you will show photos of the whole Circus Train!

Well guys I worked on the layout redo today and got 90% of the yard track put down. I would have got more done but there is a darn noise ordinance and I cant start hammering till 8AM. Here are a couple photos.133IMG_20210623_141154IMG_20210623_141212

I hope everyone had a great day!


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@p51 posted:

Wow, seems like just a few months ago you were still building the addition to the house to put this in. You've made incredible progress!

Thanks Lee, I'm trying to do it right this time. Also I forgot about servicing the heat/ac unit. Didn't want to have to climb on to the layout to clean the filters and maybe break something!

Minor project, replaced the last lionel postwar 027 switch on my two little layouts with a prewar Marx.  I prefer the Marx because they are all metal. Fewer accidental reverses, derailments, etc with them. I do have some Marx single reduction, large gearIMG_20210623_100222IMG_20210624_165427IMG_20210624_165448 motors that will run thru these. As usual the supervisor was on hand to inspect the final result.


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@mike g. posted:

Thanks Lee, I'm trying to do it right this time. Also I forgot about servicing the heat/ac unit. Didn't want to have to climb on to the layout to clean the filters and maybe break something!

Maybe break something like your leg?  That’s my concern.  
Although, I might fall off and hit my head cracking the concrete floor into crumbs with my hard head.  😄

@beardog49 posted:

Minor project, replaced the last lionel postwar 027 switch on my two little layouts with a prewar Marx.  I prefer the Marx because they are all metal. Fewer accidental reverses, derailments, etc with them. I do have some Marx single reduction, large gearIMG_20210623_100222IMG_20210624_165427IMG_20210624_165448 motors that will run thru these. As usual the supervisor was on hand to inspect the final result.

Which does the cat prefer?  That seems to be the question.  😉

@beardog49- the cat is a trip. Looks like the bridge is a favorite spot.

If the earth was flat, cats would knock everything off 

I started the next phase of ground cover in the yard last night. The "dirt" is still wet in these pix, (even this morning), so I will give it plenty of time to dry out before I continue.

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Hammer, dremel, soldering gun, glue, blade, pliers, drill, rulers, etc. These pictures perfectly capture an o gauge train enthusiast on any given day, LOL!  It certainly looks like parts of my layout and workspace.

Hi Mike,

Looking good.  Two questions:  

1.  Is that switch going to the tunnel on the wall going to be a "faux" tunnel for visual effect?  I think that's a cool idea (and I may borrow it..).

2.  The warehouse / building flats that are a couple inches wide are nice.  What did you use to make those?

Thanks, G

Bob, things are looking good! Keep up the wonderful work and I hope to see more!

Gerhardt, the tunnel in the corner near the flats is real. I plan on running a line down to our Gazebo one to just have fun and 2 so I can run my future Beer train down to guest! LOL

I was able to get  a little more done the last couple days, but I didnt take photos as were getting ready for a trip to North Dakota to see the in laws! Of course while there I will be making a trip to Menards to see what train stuff they have in stock! LOL

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

@mike g. posted:

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Just as hot here as it is for you, Mike. I still can't believe it's going to be close to 110 DEGREES the next couple of days. It never got that hot in all the years I lived in Florida!

Anyway, I mounted the original ET&WNC spike I recently acquired and put it on the layout room wall...



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68124455-4BA0-4389-8E9B-0EC1D298E527E4C585A6-E697-40EF-B887-E21204CA66C8F6C0424C-3664-40E0-9548-1CBB0A9ADD571B0D83B4-3DE3-4AB9-BCDB-90CF4FCEED61C8AC30B1-1A88-49A1-B821-F8587CA57097Hi guys, it’s supposed to hit over 100 degrees up here in the far north too this week. Crazy, my igloo is melting. Anyways enough corny humor…

I made some significant progress and actually pieces together my entire upper two loops today. A lot of fiddling around to make sure there is enough clearance with the big boy and 21” passenger cars.  I also placed the rotary coal tipple and its spur track. 

Next I will need to mark some of the plywood for cuts and then tear it all down so I can cut and paint the plywood. I’ll also be fitting and cutting the ceiling tiles and will do that in the garage. Easier than balancing over the train table!

Ive also decided to remove the bottom level Of train shelves to give more space for the sky of the layout.

I was originally going to do the upper loop about 6 “ lower and I’m glad I bumped it higher but now the shelves are just too close. Sad to lose the storage though….I don’t know about you guys but I never have enough space!

My plan is to take the Fastrack apart and label each piece so it goes together easy peasy next time!

Going camping with the kids for Canada Day so probably won’t here much from me for the next week, enjoy the weather and July 4!!


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Hi All! Happy Sunday!

Mike G- don't break the bank at Menards. Don't forget to keep enough gas money to make it home.

Gerhardt- looking good. Make sure you check clearances in both directions. What clears going forward may not in reverse.

Lee- it's amazing that you found that spike. More amazing that it has survived all these years. Very cool! I like the way you are displaying it too.

Sunny and only in the 80's here on LI this week. Being surrounded by a 65 degree body of water does tend to keep our temps lower when the wind is out of the south.

After doing many outdoor chores yesterday, I put a wash of black and dark brown acrylic on the dirt in the yard last night. I think the results are exactly what I was going for. Just need to add some spots of turf and weeds and call it done. Some junk, old RR ties, etc. too.
I'm also recycling a small berm I made when I was experimenting with plaster cloth for the first time. It will be placed in the rear corner to separate the yard tracks from the main. Should be a good spot to do some railfanning too!

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Looking good Bob. Seems like yesterday you were cutting and wiring the switches.

No progress on the TPRR. Have a major master bath remodel to do before we sell the house, contractors want an obscene amount of cash for the work. I'll do it myself and hire out a plumber to do the plumbing hook ups. Gosh, I really not want to do the floor tile work. Tub, fixtures and shower base are on order.

Every time I think about TPRR I want to tear it apart and start over, which makes it hard to want to do detail work. What I probably really need to do is go to a train show to relight the bug. First one for me would be the 8/8 one in Wheaton, IL

That is looking very impressive Bob and the berm is an excellent idea. Are you going to add anything for ground contrast?

I'm going to add some detail to the berm and will blend it into the layout when I place it.

@ScoutingDad- nothing goes as quickly as I'd like but the journey is part of the fun. Good luck with the bathroom remodel. I did our master about 7 years ago. Everything except the tile work.


Hello everyone! Looks like everyone is having a great start to their week, and is busy with their projects. For me, scenery reinforcements arrived on Thursday, so I started back on the task of layout scenery. Instead of continuing work on the mountain, I decided to work on the town by adding streets and sidewalks. To do this, I am using Eric Siegel's method for the roads and using Woodland scenic's smooth it with concrete coloring for the sidewalks. So far, it seems to be going well, and with any luck, I should get some good progress done, both scenery and video, throughout this week. Thanks for reading, and happy railroading!



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