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So, I will try this again, and hopefully the images will stay attached this time.
I added a few as well.
I wired up the two Ross Regular 11 Crossover Switch pairs in the outer loop of my layout.
They have been wired to operate in pairs, each pair from a single actuator.IMG_1293IMG_1292

I wired up the two Ross Regular 11 Crossover Switch pairs in the outer loop of my layout.
They have been wired to operate in pairs, each pair from a single actuator.

Red Arrows are spade connectors, for non-derailing, bent at 90 degrees, and offset, to insure that they can't be inavertantly pulled out from below.
Yellow arrows are insulated pins.
Reg11 NonDerailing Hookup

The two switch controllers to the upper left are for these switch pairs. The other two are not hooked up to switches yet.


Space for all 15, required, switch controllers.


Commons for switches (15 total)
Upper Arrows: Two used two switch pairs.
Bottom Arrows: Extra connections for future accessory groups.
2021-06-17_19-33-00 [1)

Brake out connections under table.
Control wires coming in thru holes at top.
One of the cables to a switch pair going off to the bottom left.

Terminal Block at switch pair.
Three Green wires to the left,
Three Red Hot wires in the center,
Three Yellow (White) wires at the right,
Two Green Non-Derailing wires to the right of and connected to the Yellow Wires.


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  • Reg11 NonDerailing Hookup
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Gandydancer 1950  Great Hafner set.  Hafner never produced an electric train, he felt they would be too expensive to be considered toys.  He made trains (actually his son led the company for most of the more modern era) through the 1950's when he sold out to Wyandotte Toys who continued to make the trains but under their name and only for a short period.

You might consider re-posting these pictures under the "Tinplate" pictures post, I bet other tinplaters would love to see the set.



Started ballasting the yard last night. I quickly ran out so I will continue after I pick up more tomorrow. This small gravel disappears much faster than the larger stuff I've been using on the mains.

2021-06-20 10.41.252021-06-20 11.12.562021-06-20 11.13.07

The end of track 2 is up against a turnout so I did a wooden bumper for this one instead of using a Lionel bumper. I'm going to add a red LED on top tied in to track power for the siding.

2021-06-20 10.42.072021-06-20 10.42.15

Happy Fathers Day to all!



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  • 2021-06-20 11.12.56
  • 2021-06-20 11.13.07
  • 2021-06-20 10.42.07
  • 2021-06-20 10.42.15
@RSJB18 posted:

Started ballasting the yard last night. I quickly ran out so I will continue after I pick up more tomorrow. This small gravel disappears much faster than the larger stuff I've been using on the mains.

Have you considered roofing granules?  You can buy buckets it from many big box stores, it's tons cheaper than buying little bottles of ballast.  I comes in various grits and all sorts of colors.

Have you considered roofing granules?  You can buy buckets it from many big box stores, it's tons cheaper than buying little bottles of ballast.  I comes in various grits and all sorts of colors.

The gravel is about $4.00 a jar. Reasonable enough for my little layout. Now...if I was ballasting your layout, I'd look for quantity for sure.

2021-02-02 18.42.132021-02-02 18.42.30

The larger ballast I'm using is a $1/ lb bag. Can't do much better than that IMHO.



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  • 2021-02-02 18.42.13
  • 2021-02-02 18.42.30

Hello everyone, and happy father's day to our father's! Over the past few days, I was able to make a lot more progress on the layout. To start, I continued to work on the mountainside that cascades off of the top level of the layout. As you can see, I continued to use the cardboard and newspaper method for this section and was able to get a good-looking result. The only difference between this section and the section I started with, is that I place the newspaper "buns" on the outside of the cardboard. I had to do it this way because one, I wanted to create a more rocky surface, and two, the mainline curves around behind the cardboard structure. As a result, I only had enough clearance between the track and the structure to build out the tunnel. Currently, the project has been halted, for now, due to running out of building materials. Thankfully though, I placed an order of supplies through TrainWorld three days and it should arrive by Friday. In the meantime, I will finally be producing more product review videos, so stay tuned for them. Thanks for reading, and happy railroading!



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@RSJB18 posted:

Finished the bumper yesterday and installed it on the layout. I had enough gravel left to ballast it too.

2021-06-20 16.31.16


I really like this bumper.
Very nice job.
Could you post pics of what it looks like at the bottom, where it mates with the track, and maybe how the light is hooked up?
BTW, those beams look bigger than the ties.
Are the track ties?

Last edited by RWL
@RWL posted:

I really like this bumper.
Very nice job.
Could you post pics of what it looks like at the bottom, where it mates with the track, and maybe how the light is hooked up?
BTW, those beams look bigger than the ties.
Are the track ties?

Thanks @RWL

The bumper is modeled after the Fastrack earthen bumper. I've made several of these for the layout. The pieces are all scraps of balsa from previous projects. The uprights are 1/4" and the braces are 1/8". I mounted the LED on a small piece of project board and ran the two leads to the rails and soldered them on. It's just glued to the ties of the track. As long as the engineer is paying attention, it should hold up.

The others I've made are glued to the plywood board. These two have taken decent hits from over eager engineers and survived.

2020-07-19 20.30.022017-08-07 19.35.25


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  • 2020-07-19 20.30.02
  • 2017-08-07 19.35.25

That is really a nice "chair". I could see myself in it! LOL

I finished sealing the Homasote roadbed today. The platform is 1/2 plywood on L girder construction with 1/2" Homasote roadbed. The Homasote was relatively easy to cut with a 45 degree bevel using the table saw (outside of course) and then cutting kerf slots at about 1/2" intervals for the curved sections. I used half width strips for the curved sections. The saw blade was about 1/16" wide and the curve fits very snug on the O31 tubular track. It is very fragile though and I did break some pieces. The Homasote was glued down with Elmer's School Glue and held down while the glue was drying with drywall screws. (later removed) I used Zinsser Kilz all purpose water based primer. It is fast drying and has good gap filling ability.Left Table Yard roadbed fastenedLeft Yard Priming HomasoteCurved Roadbed screwed downLeft Yard Priming Homasote 3


Images (4)
  • Curved Roadbed screwed down: Curved Roadbed screwed down
  • Left Table Yard roadbed fastened: Left Table Yard roadbed fastened
  • Left Yard Priming Homasote: Left Yard Priming Homasote
  • Left Yard Priming Homasote 3: Priming complete
@RSJB18 posted:

Thanks @RWL

The bumper is modeled after the Fastrack earthen bumper. I've made several of these for the layout. The pieces are all scraps of balsa from previous projects. The uprights are 1/4" and the braces are 1/8". I mounted the LED on a small piece of project board and ran the two leads to the rails and soldered them on. It's just glued to the ties of the track. As long as the engineer is paying attention, it should hold up.

The others I've made are glued to the plywood board. These two have taken decent hits from over eager engineers and survived.

2020-07-19 20.30.022017-08-07 19.35.25

Those as well as the new one you did with the red light look awesome, Bob.  I'm definitely going to add this to my future projects list.

@Seth Thomas posted:


Bob, you have a good imagination in the rough ties and red caution light.

What is your source for the red light.  And what is the correct description?
I assume it’s an LED…


Seth- I am a scrounger at heart. Part of the fun of modeling is taking a pile of #$@% and making something out of it

The light is a red LED - 3 mm I believe. I put a 1K resistor in line to run it on the track power.


Wow guys, what great work being done! Bob nice job on the track sidings, ballast and the stopes. Model train, the mountain looks like it's going to be a great addition to your layout. I know there has been more not I'm on the phone as the grandkids are sleeping in my office/ guest room.

Jeff how did you like the West coast?

I did get a little more taken down and 2 sections of cork put back down. Lol I hope to get some time today, and will try and take a couple photos.

Testing crane fitment/height for the final install -


I needed a solution to my station "road to nowhere", so I came up with an idea to build an off ramp under construction.  Unfortunately, I needed to remove the station once again to install the newly constructed base of the crane (I needed more height. Thank gosh I made the station with easy disconnect wiring blocks). Now that I think I have the right height and location right, I'm going to remove the crane and install a blinking red LED at the top (need to warn those future model airplanes).

This is the side of the station that will have the adjoining ramp under construction scene -


I have room to build an elevated on ramp for the other side, but this construction scene should nicely take care of the lack of any ramp for the right side of the scene.


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Mike, you could put the grandchildren to work.  Kids love demolition!  LOL

Strap Hanger, an under construction ramp makes a lot of sense for that scene.  That crane will handle the job!

I have been slowly putting coats of different colored paint on the parts for my Atlas switch tower.  I needed three coats of gray craft paint to cover the tan clapboard siding to make it look like a Western Maryland building.  I have two coats of a sort of maroon on the brown trim, Windows, doors, etc.  The brown plastic still pokes through a bit, but I may leave it.  I’ll post photographs once there is more to see.  It is slow going since I can’t sit very long 4 weeks after surgery.  Yes Mike, I am taking it slow and easy.  😉

@Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, you could put the grandchildren to work.  Kids love demolition!  LOL

Strap Hanger, an under construction ramp makes a lot of sense for that scene.  That crane will handle the job!

I have been slowly putting coats of different colored paint on the parts for my Atlas switch tower.  I needed three coats of gray craft paint to cover the tan clapboard siding to make it look like a Western Maryland building.  I have two coats of a sort of maroon on the brown trim, Windows, doors, etc.  The brown plastic still pokes through a bit, but I may leave it.  I’ll post photographs once there is more to see.  It is slow going since I can’t sit very long 4 weeks after surgery.  Yes Mike, I am taking it slow and easy.  😉

Wishing you a speedy recovery and looking forward to seeing some pics of your Switch tower, Mark.  I owe MikeG for the crane idea.  I came up with it after viewing some photos posted by MikeG of his old layout.  Just another example of how this forum really helps with layout ideas.

Last edited by Strap Hanger

Wishing you a speedy recovery and looking forward to seeing some pics of your Switch tower, Mark.  I owe MikeG for the crane idea.  I came up with it after viewing some photos posted by MikeG of his old layout.  Just another example of how this forum really helps with layout ideas.

Thank you.  Recovery is going as well as can be expected after they take stuff out and put metal in.

I owe Mike for my lift up double bridge idea.  Seems like a common thread.  These are the best compliments to Mike!

Strap Hanger, The crane looks great and that with the construction site it is going to be outstanding! I cant wait to see it all together!

Mark Nice to hear your able to work on your yard tower! I know all about the several coats of paint to cover things! LOL I am really glad your taking it easy and hope you get back to full strength soon!

Thank you both for such kinds words! I have learned alot form both of you and others here on the forum! Thats why I keep coming back! LOL

Well I was able to get some more cork down and got the upper level corner track laid to where it runs to the outside loop area. I still have to solder in power drops and hope to do a little test before I turn back to the lower level in the same area. The big chore is going to be moving the double bridge and actuator to the upper level. Here are a couple photos!


As you can see I had to remove the Morton Salt building as it wont work with the new lower level track plan where it was. I will find a place for it!

I hope you all had a great day! Also I hope you had time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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@RWL posted:

Fathers day was very good to me this year.
Here is what I received from my loving wife and kids.
My wife made it happen, and the kids helped her pay for it.

Just in time too, as I still have the lions share of the wiring, under the table, left to do.

Pretty sure I would sit in that wrong and it would pop up and slam my head into the underside of the layout!



First, happy Tail End Tuesday brought to you by a Williams N5C.

I had the joy of finding out that I didn't fix the leak in my roof when the storm came through today. So lots of clean up there. But I did have a great time just running trains today. I actually used my new Lehigh Valley NW2 switcher for most of the operating session but I decided to take a pics when I switched to the road power...

Hope y'all enjoy!


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