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I just realized I placed this post on the wrong thread last night so here it is in the right place.

Good morning everyone! Part two of my corner spruce up commenced with the back corner hill getting started.

You can see in the first photo this corner is pretty bland and has plenty of space to put another hill. I first started with cutting out two foam rectangles with the same measurements as my Hillside tunnel portals. (8” wide by 5.5” tall) I had originally planned on making these temporary and be replaced by balsa tunnel portals. I realized I have to make them permanent and put the balsa tunnel portals over the foam.

With the foam cut and placed I began work on the hill structure. I used the same method as before. I plan on placing an HO sawmill on top so I had to make the structure pretty sturdy. Thankfully, HO buildings are a lot lighter than O scale buildings so I do not think I need to put a 2x4 behind the hill. (Cough… famous last words… cough)

I left the project tonight with a lot done. I will continue with the structure work until I reach a point that I am happy with how it looks. I ran out of balsa wood so I need to make a stop at the local hobby shop to get some more.
Thanks for reading!



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Morning guys and gals, I hope everyone is having a great time with their layouts!

@DrSteveDC Steve wonderful work on the lighting! The whole scene looks Amazing!

@Fendermain John the filling station looks perfect! You sure have some great looking scenery!

@pennsyfan Bob sure sounds like you have been busy! You better take a few days off and just run trains! LOL

@ScoutingDad Jeff outstanding work! Things are moving along so fast you will be running trains in no time!

@Steamfan77 Andy you did an outstanding job on the picnic tables and the Pavillion along with the tables will look great in your park area!

@OhB1Looks like you have a great start and it is nice that you have a club to be part of! I hope you will keep us posted on your progress.

@Trainmaster04 If your hill turns out like everything else you do it is going to be Outstanding! I also love the picture of Johnny Cash on the wall!

Well guys as for me I was able to get to the train room yesterday and got some cork laid and hope to get the track and power drops done today. Here is a photo of really nothing but cork waiting for the glue to dry. But you all know as they say if there is no proof it never really happened! LOL


It is not in the photo, but I have a 4x6 post I have to go around and in SCARM if I use 054 curves, I should be able to to get around it before the end of the table where the return loop begins!

I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!


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Tunnels and retaining walls have been the agenda since New Years intermingled with Paula’s kidney stone, my colonoscopy, and a Boy Scout BBQ that delivered 1,150 plates Friday. 

Have you seen the Woodland Scenics Shaper Sheet product? It is heavy aluminum foil backed with something like a thin cotton batting. We ordered a roll to see what it could do thinking that it might be good to use for a tunnel.


First we measured for the tunnel and then cut a generous portion since we weren’t sure how it would work.

Then we balled up the piece and straightened it out, leaving the folds and creases to resemble rocks, etc and painted the cotton side gray and black.


A box of Quick Oats from Wall Mart was perfect for creating rough curves for a single tunnel.

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Hot glue worked well to hold everything together. We were surprised at the strength of the whole thing and it appears to us that the foil is thick enough to prevent a problem with sagging.


Yesterday Rich came over and we put up most of the retaining wall, going around a curve and preparing for the next tunnel section. There is some caulking to do and Paula has some scenic accents to add but we are pleased with the tunnel. It is a lot faster than some of the methods that we have seen.

97474B0B-2B41-469D-A82D-B1DDD5C7844A       01334609-46C9-45DA-B062-3B62D8DE5F3D

Yes, trains run thru it without signal interference or hitting the walls or ceiling

Next we are going to tackle a two track tunnel and see how that goes.


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@mike g.

Thanks Mike but I really couldn’t run trains till I cleaned up the whole area. All the lines were crowded with tools. 😱last night I cleaned up and this morning I did some scenery work. Here is the added golf course where the team track once was. That’s the trolley station to the left of the golf  D8685318-1910-479E-A175-55B5EA1CFBAEB57EF6FF-392A-4F57-A15F-024498668562932A7C29-AC26-4DDD-9552-F55145DC99E1


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Last edited by pennsyfan

I don't know if this counts as what I did on the layout (one of half a dozen portable table layouts) or as a new purchase. What I did was test a Lionel CNJ Camelback--the one from 1999 (6-18089). As you can tell from the backdrop, this is a Reading Company proposition, so the CNJ loco is clearly "on loan." I had a Reading version but never could get over the obvious differences from a RDG prototype.CNJ 4-6-0 entering Cwn Llwyd

I'm extremely pleased with this loco, as my MPC Reading FM was far too big for a small table layout.

Bob M.


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  • CNJ 4-6-0 entering Cwn Llwyd
Last edited by RDM

Evening everyone! Thank you all for the likes and comments on my previous post. Work has progressed since last and I think I have finished the structure.
I continued today’s work by finishing the top part of the hill and the front side. I made both smooth so I could make the hill be less rugged and more smooth like the main mountain. I did however, add some paper buns to add texture around the front of the tunnel portals. Similar to the other hill, it now awaits plaster cloth and paint.

Thanks for reading!



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Last edited by Trainmaster04

Morning guys and girls, the day is still early and if your anything like me cold! LOL

@Bill Webb Looks like a nice find Bill, I like the idea of the cotton, but I am too cheap. I just go to the CEO and barrow hers! LOL I did this with my old layout crumpled it up then flattened it out painted it black and spray glued it to cardboard. LOL

@pennsyfan Bob that looks great! I bet anyone would love to play there. Also I love all the manhole covers in the road. Some folks just put one or two and call it good, but you show the path of the underground pipe!

@SIRT Great start on the new /old Module! It is really going to look great with the new coal model and backdrop! I know asfor me it would confuse me to work on a 3R-2R hybrid!

@Trainmaster04 Looking good, Ready for Plaster!

@OhB1Nothing wrong with any of them! You might find them on my layout somewhere! LOL

Well guys I did get out to the train room yesterday and got more track laid and power added and tested! Everything worked just fine for now! LOL I know no photo it didn't happen and so I will get some today after I get more track laid!

I Hope you all have a great day and fun with your layouts and trains!

I will check in later.

Trainmaster 04 this looks great. This is fun to follow.

SIRT you are doing some interesting and varied things that require experience. Looking good. Next items look challenging.

Mike G, glad to see that the Track Dept is moving forward. Hope to see photos soon.

Paula ordered additional Shaper Sheet yesterday. She likes the result. How did yours hold up long term?

I am always interested to see all of the updates on this thread.

@MikeG. Glad to see you back in action so quickly. Keep on movin', looking forward to your updates on the layout tune up.

@RSJB18 Bob always great updates and tweaks to your layout. Happy 7th!

@Bill Park Nice job on that kit. I had an old one of those that gave me fits and I never finished. The castings I had were not very well defined so I had a lot of trouble with mortar lines. Yours turned out great.

Finished a plumbing supply building for an area I've been slowly filling out. Also did a few modifications to another building into a reasonable facsimile of the King Syrup factory and modified the electrical with a nice adjustable rectifier so I could just hook it up to my 14 VAC power supply.

Winter is for Trains!




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Afternoon guys and girls, I am back to check in and see everyone's wonderful work!

First off I would like to say Happy Anniversary 7th years to @RSJB18! I sure hope the CEO is as excited as you are!

@Bill Park Outstanding work on your future Mattress Factory!

@B&O Fan Scott you sure do some AMAZING work! Mooney's looks like a nice well stocked store! The Mangels Herold Co. Building is so very impressive!

Well guy I went out to the train room and was able to get everything I wanted to except vacuum the floor. Maybe when I get done here! LOL I was able to get my 054 & 072 & 080 curve mixture all put together and powered up. I even took a short video for you all as proof! LOL

I hope you all have a great night and fun with your layouts and trains!


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@B&O Fan, I just want to give you a compliment on your layout, your buildings, your really neat signs, and your weathering techniques, and I love the B&O Railroad. I’m impressed with the building flats, with neat lighting and the water towers, and yes, The Royal Flush sign….. All cool. @Bill Parks, that’s a beautiful Korber shoe factory, and I like the water tower on the top, realistically cool. @SIRT, Steve, it’s great seeing your posting comments on the many threads and your layouts coming together, great work as always. @Trainmaster04, it’s always great to see your work and that’s a cool tunnel in the making. It’s just fun watching everyone at work. @Mike G., thanks for the kind words about my BNSF, and railroad, your layout is going to be so neat as time goes on, your work is great. I like your bridges, so neat. I admire your tenacity, tear down, re-build, amazing. Happy Railroading Everyone 3878E827-239E-436F-90B1-47EEF86BA90D979EE150-A866-41A6-AA10-D667A2E188818D121C8D-35C0-43DB-83D4-7DAB37044C0A5A9BFB66-3A0B-4587-A264-F659108A410F73C125DF-4A03-4CD7-990E-9BC1BE3C331BFD2F1381-15FD-444C-B1A2-27D248E6B1B2


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@Steamfan77 posted:

I added the first layer of “asphalt “ to the roof of the pavilion. I’ll add another layer and cover the bare spots. I used N scale ballast.



WOW Andy, that looks so realistic! I can't wait to see it on the layout with people! I am guessing you also have a BBQ to go with it and the picnic tables!

P.S. Thanks for the heads up about using N scale ballast for roofing material!

Last edited by mike g.
@mike g. posted:

Nice work! That is going to be a very impressive layout when you're done! I really hope you keep posting!

Thanks Mike! I intend to post more about it, sometimes I forget to. Typically I post updates in my discord, instagram, and YouTube. I'll need to make sure I add the forms to my list of places to do layout updates. College has me tied up for a few weeks but I'll be back February 10 to make more progress

@Sams Trains posted:

Thanks Mike! I intend to post more about it, sometimes I forget to. Typically I post updates in my discord, instagram, and YouTube. I'll need to make sure I add the forms to my list of places to do layout updates. College has me tied up for a few weeks but I'll be back February 10 to make more progress

Ŵow I just post here and find it hard to keep up to date! And your doing 4? Wholly cow!

@mike g. posted:

Ŵow I just post here and find it hard to keep up to date! And your doing 4? Wholly cow!

Discord and Instagram are easier to manage because I can do small or large updates fairly quickly from my phone. Youtube videos I save for larger updates since I have to edit and upload videos which takes a while.

If you are interested in checking out my YouTube, you can find it here:

After getting help from three dealers and inspecting thirteen (13) CSX F40PH engines, I finally have a three-engine set that has all the parts and no damage.

I did have to feed a ditch light LED into its opening on CSX-2 and another on CSX-3.   Also two engines were missing parts in factory-sealed boxes. Three had broken air hoses, bent horns and broken piping in the factory-sealed boxes.  Factory-sealed boxes do no guarantee that an item will have all the parts and that they will be intact. One dealer inspected three engines and found yellow paint on the gray nose of a CSX-1. They found a factory-sealed engine missing a roof lift-ring, that was not in the carton, and a third with out-of-position roof panels glued and tilted upward at an angle.

The kinematic coupler porches can occasionally cause the three engines to ping-pong bounce back and forth and derail an engine in a three-engine lash-up.  The front of the engine likes to lift upward off the rails.  The traction tires grip the rails very well, maybe too well.

I have painted the interiors of five CSX cars and seven Ski Train cars. I just need to paint more Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People in the 23 packages of 24 people that arrived last month. I can paint eight to twelve people in an evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


Videos (1)

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