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Yesterday, Sunday, 8/6/2023, My helper, Zora Maya Keith came to visit to get a bit more done on the layout. Though, I don't have any photos of either of us "in action" due to the fact that we were simultaneously working on different projects, I do have some photos of the results at the end of our session.

I dislike brush painting! Zora Maya said that she really liked to paint. So, she painted as much of the new transformer cabinet and 2 extra shelves that she could in the time that she had. Though the photo below is not very good because my phone camera seems to be overwhelmed by the color red, to the point of making the built-in center shelf not visible, her paint job was GREAT! The two extra shelves need a bit more paint.


While Zora Maya was painting, I was trying to rejuvenate 3 ancient Lionel O-27 remote control tracks that will be used only for uncoupling on 3 new sidings. With help from my son, Chris, we identified where to hook the wires leading to a single pole, single throw. momentary, surface mounted push-button switch to be mounted on our new control panel.


After doing what I could on the remote-control tracks, I started another project, Turning an MTH Rugged Rails, O-27, PRR Combine into a Rail Post Office car with detailed interior. First, I dismantled the coach and cut the wires to the MTH lighting system to be replaced with strip LED lighting using Gunrunner John's AC to DC converters.


I will not use the stock MTH interior. I will cover the floor below with plank wood and use figures from Model-Tech Studios with workers sorting documents into pigeon-hole cabinets with U. S. Mail sacks laying around them on the floor. Also, I will open a sliding door on the coach and have an attendant standing by the opening waiting to retrieve a sack of mail from the mail hook when the train passes the next station. So, the photo below shows the remaining parts of the coach that I need for the project prepared for the next step in the process.


More progress will be reported as it happens.


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@Randy Harrison, hope you will post photos of your RPO progress, especially the interior components. My North Coast Limited train has an RPO with added mail hook, but the interior needs help. Good luck.

PS: Some folks here, myself included, have disassembled those 027 uncoupling tracks to remove the magnet assembly, then reinstalled the magnet assembly in other track systems, Gargraves/Ross primarily, by removing a small portion of the center rail. It makes for a tidy installation.

@Pingman posted:

@Randy Harrison, hope you will post photos of your RPO progress, especially the interior components. My North Coast Limited train has an RPO with added mail hook, but the interior needs help. Good luck.

PS: Some folks here, myself included, have disassembled those 027 uncoupling tracks to remove the magnet assembly, then reinstalled the magnet assembly in other track systems, Gargraves/Ross primarily, by removing a small portion of the center rail. It makes for a tidy installation.

You mean like this?

2021-04-29 20.52.472021-05-08 19.37.222021-05-08 20.34.20


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  • 2021-04-29 20.52.47
  • 2021-05-08 19.37.22
  • 2021-05-08 20.34.20
@Pingman posted:

@Randy Harrison, hope you will post photos of your RPO progress, especially the interior components. My North Coast Limited train has an RPO with added mail hook, but the interior needs help. Good luck.

PS: Some folks here, myself included, have disassembled those 027 uncoupling tracks to remove the magnet assembly, then reinstalled the magnet assembly in other track systems, Gargraves/Ross primarily, by removing a small portion of the center rail. It makes for a tidy installation.



Thanks for your reply. As progress is made on the RPO, I will try to remember to take photos of the process and post them here.

On the subject of the remote-control tracks, after reading Jim Barrett's article and successfully removing an electro-magnet from one of the tracks, I found that process is more trouble than I wanted to tackle. So, my plan is to just use the existing remote-control track with new 2-conductor, 22 AWG wire and a push-button control. The O-27 track is the same railhead height as Gar Graves track and can be easily connected, as is, to the Gar Graves track.

@trestleking posted:

Layout progress is still at “baby step” #2 , with  #1 being - “ buy the house/ train room”.  So I found an unused 20 amp circuit on the unfinished side of the basement & was able to find a semi-convenient hole to route the 12 gauge wire through the train room ceiling & down a sidewall.  Now to patch those holes & move on !

Rich in WV.

Look on the bright side Rich, at least you're doing layout related work.


Hang in there, Rich.  I spent 2 years on the "get the basement ready" step: acid etch and stain the floor, install the electrical for layout power and ceiling lights (and get it inspected), paint the ceiling, wires, ducts, etc. black, drywall and paint the walls for "sky" backdrops, and stuff like that.

In the end, it was worth it.  The basement went from before:


to after:



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Last edited by Bob

First, thanks to @RSJB18 for the terrific photos. A variation of his work is to simply remove the center rail with the magnet attached, then trimming the excess rail and slipping the 027 rail ends over the Gargraves/Ross track. The same result can be achieved using O gauge UCS track, as well.

Super "O" uncoupling track sections, approx. 2" in length, have been used with GG track. Lots of alternatives. And GG has offered its own ready-made uncoupling track sections.

@Randy Harrison, thanks for offering to keep us apprised of your RPO project. As for the uncoupling track article you referenced, it escapes me. It's been 30+ years since my layout and its uncoupling magnets were adapted. There is a DIY uncoupling magnet in my fishing tackle cum parts box made from a nail, sewing machine spool and magnet wire from a thread from @gunrunnerjohn at least 35 or so years ago.

Good luck with your projects, Randy.

Due to the recent bad weather and humidity I found some time to make some progress on my overpass and raised section of my urban area. I completed the Wit and Wisdom diner kit in the spring and am slowly adding some detail into the scene as I have time. Found the Mini newsstand on the bay and it fits right in on the empty corner space.





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Decided to begin work on the LIONEL F-3 ABA trio for the NP NCL train. The A shells will be modified with P&D Hobby scale brass number boards, scale porthole windows, and a second Mars/headlight in the door. The original number boards have been carefully ground off with the Dremel and a drum sander. Next the holes must be enlarged.

GM Demonstrator 2GM Demonstrator 1


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  • GM Demonstrator 4
  • GM Demonstrator 3
  • GM Demonstrator 2
  • GM Demonstrator 1
Last edited by Pingman

Evening guys, first off I want to say I hope all you folks back east are safe and well and that your trains are still dry!

I got off work early today to rescue the wife as the garage door would only open halfway. I figured while I had the free time, I would comment now instead of waiting till the weekend! LOL

@John's Trains John nice work on the Menards Barbershop! I sure like their building, but sometimes they just need a little help!

@ScoutingDad Jeff I am glad you got the slider bar and pin problem fixed! I really like the idea of your town area, but then again, you're in the same boat as I am with figuring out placement of things! You just might have to break down and scratch build a transfer freight building!

@boomer0622 That sure is a sharp looking building! Also your second attempt for another photo did not work.

@Randy Harrison Randy you guys sure get alot done on Sunday! It sure is really nice to see that you have such great help!

@trestleking Rich with the power ran and the holes patched I would imagine the next thing on the list would be train running!

@Bob Bob wow what a transformation!

@B&O Fan Scott looking really good!

@Pingman WOW Carl all I can say is you must really have some BRASS ones to make all the modifications to these expensive cars that you do! I would be scared S*******! LOL

Well guys I am so sorry to say that there is nothing from me today, but it was nice to see all the great things you all have been doing!

I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!

On a previous post I showed a project using a set of Williams Madison cars as donors to create NH&I passenger cars.
That set had a baggage car that I’m not using. I had earlier obtained an MTH express car at a good price. Down side it had scale trucks and no couplers. I removed the Williams trucks and installed them on the express car. The express car body and frame were one piece. I had to remove the roof to unscrew the trucks. I ran the car in a train to check the clearance of the couplers, etc. I was going to paint the trucks black; but I noticed my other express car had a greenish color on the trucks. I’m going to try and match that color. So now I have a baggage car shell that I’ll put in the scrap box, and scale trucks I’ll probably put on the for Sale board  





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@B&O Fan posted:

Due to the recent bad weather and humidity I found some time to make some progress on my overpass and raised section of my urban area. I completed the Wit and Wisdom diner kit in the spring and am slowly adding some detail into the scene as I have time. Found the Mini newsstand on the bay and it fits right in on the empty corner space.




Love the “NightHawks” scene!!!!


@mike g. posted:

Evening guys, first off I want to say I hope all you folks back east are safe and well and that your trains are still dry!

I got off work early today to rescue the wife as the garage door would only open halfway. I figured while I had the free time, I would comment now instead of waiting till the weekend! LOL

@John's Trains John nice work on the Menards Barbershop! I sure like their building, but sometimes they just need a little help!

@ScoutingDad Jeff I am glad you got the slider bar and pin problem fixed! I really like the idea of your town area, but then again, you're in the same boat as I am with figuring out placement of things! You just might have to break down and scratch build a transfer freight building!

@boomer0622 That sure is a sharp looking building! Also your second attempt for another photo did not work.

@Randy Harrison Randy you guys sure get alot done on Sunday! It sure is really nice to see that you have such great help!

@trestleking Rich with the power ran and the holes patched I would imagine the next thing on the list would be train running!

@Bob Bob wow what a transformation!

@B&O Fan Scott looking really good!

@Pingman WOW Carl all I can say is you must really have some BRASS ones to make all the modifications to these expensive cars that you do! I would be scared S*******! LOL

Well guys I am so sorry to say that there is nothing from me today, but it was nice to see all the great things you all have been doing!

I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!

You do yourself an injustice to say there was nothing from you today, Mike. In fact, you accomplished a lot. Today and weekly, you take time to note carefully what everyone else has done and then offer personalized encouragement, advice, and humor. Nicely done, sir!


@B&O Fan posted:

Due to the recent bad weather and humidity I found some time to make some progress on my overpass and raised section of my urban area. I completed the Wit and Wisdom diner kit in the spring and am slowly adding some detail into the scene as I have time. Found the Mini newsstand on the bay and it fits right in on the empty corner space.



Your 1930-ish bridge, diner, and the rest of the city scene look great!

Opened up the OEM number board locations to accommodate P&D Hobby brass replacements for the NP NCL F-3A units this evening.

GM bodywork 2GM bodywork 1

Not shown are molds made from the lower headlight on the K-Line F-7 TMCC AA pair purchased last spring to give me something to run the passenger cars with while the LIONEL ABAs were in process, and then sold. The molds will yield at least one useable headlight bezel to place on the door per the prototype.

K=Line NP NCL 2K-Line NP NCL 3

Getting the K-Line NP NCL F units out showed how vastly better they are than the LIONEL shells; and the strong temptation resurfaced to keep them and use the LIONEL shells for a Great Northern Empire Builder project in the works. Soooo tempting. But the frames are already painted for the NP NCL so the K-line will end up on the For Sale forum.

A good day.


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  • GM bodywork 2
  • GM bodywork 1
  • K-Line NP NCL 3
  • K=Line NP NCL 2
@Bob posted:

Hang in there, Rich.  I spent 2 years on the "get the basement ready" step: acid etch and stain the floor, install the electrical for layout power and ceiling lights (and get it inspected), paint the ceiling, wires, ducts, etc. black, drywall and paint the walls for "sky" backdrops, and stuff like that.

In the end, it was worth it.  The basement went from before:

to after:

@Bob, wow, what a transformation !  I really, really, hope my basement prep takes less time, but yours turned out great !

Rich in WV

Awhile ago I added a new "operational feature"- a Presidential Train, of Harry Truman's "whistle stop campaign" of 1948.  Truman traveled the country for (I think) 30,000 miles via a Special Pullman observation car (the "Ferdinand Magellan", "USA Train Car #1") pulled by several different railroads.  Of course there was no "Air Force One" at the time.  The Magellan was also used symbolically by Reagan in 1980, and Clinton in his campaign.   

An actual model of the Ferdinand Magellan is hard to find on O, or prohibitively expensive. So using "modeler's license" I used MTH heavyweight passenger cars instead of Pullmans.

I made two different scenes of spectators on moveable plastic scenery sections.  I also have several PA State Police "radio cars"- grey 1949 Fords- plus a flatbed with two black limousines which I call the president's cars, even though his Cadillac limo actually traveled in a boxcar.  Makes for a 9-car train. (Truman's was 13 cars.)

Operationally, you to move the entire train from speech site to speech site, (I have three),  place the Presidential train car and a few others for "reporters and communications" on a siding, then move the rest of train to a yard for storage.  Through all of this the State Police cars are placed appropriately. Truman train 1Truman Train 2Truman Train 3Truman Train 4Truman Train 5

I have fun with this!


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  • Truman train 1
  • Truman Train 2
  • Truman Train 3
  • Truman Train 4
  • Truman Train 5
Last edited by Mike Wyatt
@Mike Wyatt posted:

Awhile ago I added a new "operational feature"- a Presidential Train, of Harry Truman's "whistle stop campaign" of 1948.  Truman traveled the country for (I think) 30,000 miles via a Special Pullman observation car (the "Ferdinand Magellan", "USA Train Car #1") pulled by several different railroads.  Of course there was no Air Force One" at the time.  The Magellan was also used by Reagan in 1980, and Clinton in his campaign.   

An actual model of the Ferdinand Magellan is hard to find on O, or prohibitively expensive. So using "modeler's latitude" I used MTH heavyweight passenger cars.

I made two different scenes of spectators on moveable plastic scenery sections.  I also have several PA State Police "radio cars"- grey 1949 Fords- and a flatbed with two black limousines which I call the president's cars, even though his Cadillac limo actually traveled in a boxcar.  Makes for a 9-car train. (Truman's was 13 cars.)

Operationally, you to move the entire train from speech site to speech site, (I have three),  place the Presidential train car and a few others for "reporters and communications" on a siding, then move the rest of train to a yard for storage.  Through all of this the State Police cars are placed appropriately.

I have fun with this!

Sounds nice; but where are the pictures?

Just a friendly reminder to post what you are doing on your layout.  This is not the place to post vacation trips, tours, or anything unrelated to the intent of this long going thread.  Too many of you are using threads like this to talk about off topic subjects and for chit chat.  Chit chat can be done via profile email please.

Some small projects underway:

1.  Remove TCA lettering from convention car that will become an NP NCL day coach (interior insert shown);

2.  Install two brass scale number boards (awaiting resupply from P&D Hobby Shop);

3.  Fill in hole created by removing taillight housing from Lionel aluminum observation car rear roof section -- a difficult job for me; and

4.  Not shown are the many headlight bezel impressions in modeling clay that were filled with epoxy in the hope that two would be satisfactory.



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On Twin Pines RR2, did a test run under power to check the switches and track as laid. The video pulls a short train out of the lower yard track 7 to the upper level and back down in track 1. No issues - guess the extra work and detail paid off. 

Yard Test  on YouTube

The video was edited down from over 4 minutes to 33 seconds. I wanted to give a feeling on how the engine performs up and down grade as well as backing into the turnouts.

Last edited by ScoutingDad

Dave, NICE work on those trees. Those look like what you would see along the right of way. Most commercial trees seem more the type you would see in a residential area.

The flocking looks like long static grass. The armatures look very real seeing they aren’t perfectly straight.  Can you share your method as to how you made them. I’m always up for trying different ways of making trees.

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