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Finished the cleanup and installation work for new accessories on our "barn" layout. We are now ready to welcome train friends to our home this coming Saturday.


Should be a fun day for all of us. Two layouts to view, good food including lobster rolls, and for those who like the water, boat rides on our beautiful lake. 

Well me and my dad are doing some sort of extension in two places: On a lower section of the layout and a upper section of the layout.

The min curve on these sections is 0-60 and the max is 0-72. 

Problem is that some parts near the Control Panel have a 0-60 curve leading into a 0-48 curve and after that it leads into a bridge with 0-48 curves for the outside loop and 0-60 curves for the middle loop.


Question: If 1st curve is 0-60 and 2nd curve is 0-48 does that make it a 0-54 since its a decreasing radius curve? 

Had I known yesterday that I had a string of 12 consecutive days working on the layout, I would have found at least an hour to spend down there. On the other hand, maybe I needed a day off. Here are some pictures from Sunday and Monday...


The track centers are all drawn for the "A" yard, and the final switch count for the entire layout is in - 303. I added the ladder by pass track, so when you want to use the wye, you don't have to go through all those switches.



I carved the roadbed profile into this section. With a little cleanup, it will be ready for paint and ballast. When that's done, it'll be time to finish the last piece of benchwork.



I also installed those chunks of 2x4. People often ask, "How do you do curved benchwork using grid style?" There you go.



That brings us to today. Jon came over and we continued hanging fascia. This piece sticking up may look a little strange now, but its purpose will become clearer in the coming weeks.



Everything was going along great until these "bad boys" came to the party. Jon started into the curve with the next piece of fascia, got it all screwed into place, then OOOPS! The ladders on the auto rack were rubbing. 



So that piece had to come off, and we had to put in a 1/4" spacer all the way around the curve.



After that it was smooth sailing.



In spite of the setback, we still managed to crank out 40' today, including some of the trickiest parts.



Tomorrow I have a new helper coming over. Joe wasn't born a "train guy", but I'll work on that. I think I can save him.


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Last edited by Big_Boy_4005

Finally laid out my first idea. I decided to try using the MTH Station which probably takes up almost half the real estate. What is shown in the pics is two sidings at the station to store my RDC's. One siding to store maybe a yard switcher or a single boxcr for unloading at the station. The other two sidings I am hoping to place the Lionel Grain elevator on one and on the other siding the Walther's Sur-Sweet building and the Brookside Creamery. Another plan would be just do the station and fill in the remaining open space with commercial buildings. Here are some pics.............Paul






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Originally Posted by Spence:

Elliot; just amazing. I am thoroughly enjoying your build.

Thanks Spence.


Had something interesting happen here on the forum the other day, that I really got a kick out of. In amongst my alerts was a post like, but when I saw which post, it was not what I expected. It was my very first post to this topic back on page one. Talk about a trip down memory lane.


Back when we were on page 100, I spent some time rereading everything here. It's not just my progress that is fun to look back on, but everyone else's as well. A lot of people have come and gone, but very few have been around since the beginning.


I know that there are some who don't like this topic, but I still say this is the best topic on the entire forum.


Thanks for starting it Jim.

An alternative would be to raise the station on a platform with the track passing underneath. That would save you the large footprint of the station and you can create a nice little diorama with the station and steps leading down to platforms underneath it. I see in some of the photos you have a raised section of track. You may even be able to run a siding of the second level over and past the station, resulting in two level passenger service.
Originally Posted by paul 2:

Finally laid out my first idea. I decided to try using the MTH Station which probably takes up almost half the real estate. What is shown in the pics is two sidings at the station to store my RDC's. One siding to store maybe a yard switcher or a single boxcr for unloading at the station. The other two sidings I am hoping to place the Lionel Grain elevator on one and on the other siding the Walther's Sur-Sweet building and the Brookside Creamery. Another plan would be just do the station and fill in the remaining open space with commercial buildings. Here are some pics.............Paul






Finished wiring lights.....


Next project....wiring up the accessories......I have made a list with check boxes. I will read each instruction manual and plan it's installation......


The list.....(the numbers, when listed, are from memory)......


350 Transfer Table

497 Coaling Tower

Steam Clean, Wheel Grind Shop

415 Diesel Fueling Station

192 Control Tower

K-Line Paint Shop


182 Magnetic Gantry Crane

138 Water Tower

MTH AF Coaling Tower

MTH 334 Dispatch Board

K-Line Ford Dealership

MTH Operating Transfer Dock


128 Newstand

TMCC Culvert Loader/Unloader

364 Lumber Loader

362 Barrel Loader

264 Lumber Unloader

2305 Oil Derrick


AF Sawmill

364 Sawmill

AF Oil Drum Loader

352 Icing Station

3662 Milk Car Platform

494 Rotary Beacon

Operating Scrap Yard


Hopefully, I will finish this chapter by the end of the year......then signals, ballast, ground cover and finishing touches.




I am still thinking about idea one. I have to add the buildings to see if it will work. Didn't work on the layout yesterday had to get yard work in before the rains sets in again. Been a wet spring/summer so far in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio  but for me the rain days have provided a lot of work days on the layout. Today though I am heading to Monroeville Pa to a train show with a couple of guys. They said it is a good show. Maybe I will comes across something I need..........Paul

I had a Kanawha Jr (Birk jr) stop smoking the other day.

Inspection found it measured at 29Ω but it wasn't conducting high current.

I didn't have a resistor handy, so it got one of my PW ceramic elements for pellets.

All is well and she smokes fine again .

Working on this one is sooo easy. Tucking wires back nicely was the hardest part.


Painted some color streaks into the mine then dry brushed grey overtop.

 I have rectangles forming the entrance, and a cap along a retaining wall, and must decide if they are timber or are stone next. 


Originally Posted by Putnam Division:

Finished wiring lights.....


Next project....wiring up the accessories......I have made a list with check boxes. I will read each instruction manual and plan it's installation......


The list.....(the numbers, when listed, are from memory)......


350 Transfer Table

497 Coaling Tower

Steam Clean, Wheel Grind Shop

415 Diesel Fueling Station

192 Control Tower

K-Line Paint Shop


182 Magnetic Gantry Crane

138 Water Tower

MTH AF Coaling Tower

MTH 334 Dispatch Board

K-Line Ford Dealership

MTH Operating Transfer Dock


128 Newstand

TMCC Culvert Loader/Unloader

364 Lumber Loader

362 Barrel Loader

264 Lumber Unloader

2305 Oil Derrick


AF Sawmill

364 Sawmill

AF Oil Drum Loader

352 Icing Station

3662 Milk Car Platform

494 Rotary Beacon

Operating Scrap Yard


Hopefully, I will finish this chapter by the end of the year......then signals, ballast, ground cover and finishing touches.





 Does the k-line paint shop have multiple stencils or just NS? (that's what I've seen).



 Decided one retaining wall was too long, and broke out the razor saw.

Painted the wall ruddy brick red, and re-capped it with "stone" blocks.

Waiting on the glue to dry ....which is the worst.

At least you can see paint flash as it dries

Mortar lines with a knife for a brush is next.

Time to run that Birrr...I mean Kanawha again

Had the neighbor kids and their Dad over to see my layout last night and today. They were amazed at the progress I've made    While they were here a derailment occurred  inside Mount Randolph on the lower level mainline .... my Williams scale B&O Hudson pulling a mail/milk trains took a spill on the far southeast curve.  I thank my lucky stars for installing an access hatch  


Later this afternoon I took the neighbor kids and their Dad to MB Kliens in Cockeysville, Md.  to check out trains. They had a great time checking out all the trains and viewing the layouts ... especially the O gauge layout.   While there I picked up my new MTH Premier Western Maryland heavyweight RPO car I had on order .... very nice!  Now I can model Western Maryland passenger trains as they prototypically ran ( usually 2 cars ... coach and combine or RPO )  back in the day.


NEWS FROM PATSBURG: Earlier this week I spent time making a new access road into Patsburg.  Its paved  with roofing shingles and looks terrific!!!  Roofing shingles are extremely cost effective .... the mayor and town council of Patsburg are thrilled with the results and of course too with the total cost of the project.  


The mayor and town council have already Okayed plans to repave and pave new roads using roofing shingles. 


Other news from Patsburg - The fire department received a new 1953 Ford F-100 mini pumper and immediately put it into service.  The mini pumper will share quarters with the 1952 Seagrave pumper at Engine Co 5.  I'm sure that with the dry months ahead, the new mini pumper will be kept busy extinguishing grass and brush fires ( from steam loco sparks )  alongside the railroad tracks.   


The Patsburg downtown urban renewal project is coming along great.  Several buildings and a large gooseneck street light were wired for lighting this week ... and look terrific especially after dark


NEWS FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS:  The mayor and town council continue the tug of war over a zoning issue .... where to relocate Wicked Wandas Gentlemans Club ... Purveyors of Fine Massage.  It has been suggested to ban WWGC all together, however it has been reported that several member of the town council and the honorable  mayor himself frequent Wicked Wandas to " unwind".    The mayor and town council have given Wanda one more location to try out before taking her fate to a vote later next week.  


And there you have it ... the latest from Patsburg and the Free State Junction Railway.





Definitely a cautionary tale about the need for access hatches...either way, though, no use crying over spilt milk. (Sorry, couldn't pass up the pun.)
Originally Posted by trumptrain:

Had the neighbor kids and their Dad over to see my layout last night and today. They were amazed at the progress I've made    While they were here a derailment occurred  inside Mount Randolph on the lower level mainline .... my Williams scale B&O Hudson pulling a mail/milk trains took a spill on the far southeast curve.  I thank my lucky stars for installing an access hatch  


Later this afternoon I took the neighbor kids and their Dad to MB Kliens in Cockeysville, Md.  to check out trains. They had a great time checking out all the trains and viewing the layouts ... especially the O gauge layout.   While there I picked up my new MTH Premier Western Maryland heavyweight RPO car I had on order .... very nice!  Now I can model Western Maryland passenger trains as they prototypically ran ( usually 2 cars ... coach and combine or RPO )  back in the day.


NEWS FROM PATSBURG: Earlier this week I spent time making a new access road into Patsburg.  Its paved  with roofing shingles and looks terrific!!!  Roofing shingles are extremely cost effective .... the mayor and town council of Patsburg are thrilled with the results and of course too with the total cost of the project.  


The mayor and town council have already Okayed plans to repave and pave new roads using roofing shingles. 


Other news from Patsburg - The fire department received a new 1953 Ford F-100 mini pumper and immediately put it into service.  The mini pumper will share quarters with the 1952 Seagrave pumper at Engine Co 5.  I'm sure that with the dry months ahead, the new mini pumper will be kept busy extinguishing grass and brush fires ( from steam loco sparks )  alongside the railroad tracks.   


The Patsburg downtown urban renewal project is coming along great.  Several buildings and a large gooseneck street light were wired for lighting this week ... and look terrific especially after dark


NEWS FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS:  The mayor and town council continue the tug of war over a zoning issue .... where to relocate Wicked Wandas Gentlemans Club ... Purveyors of Fine Massage.  It has been suggested to ban WWGC all together, however it has been reported that several member of the town council and the honorable  mayor himself frequent Wicked Wandas to " unwind".    The mayor and town council have given Wanda one more location to try out before taking her fate to a vote later next week.  


And there you have it ... the latest from Patsburg and the Free State Junction Railway.






Busy day. I keep wandering back to the layout


 Rummaging in my parts for some S car wheels to use on a static mine loco, I came across two stainless horns from boat modeling, but no S wheels yet .

 So I took a chopstick, and cut a cross bar, and drilled screw pilot holes to attach the horns, mounted it all in a washer-like weight to make pole mounted warning sirens for the mine.   

A little trolley therapy for a Sunday morning! 



This was built by Bill Ondeko of Springfield, MO.  Bill took one of those Enco buzzer Birneys, painted it, added passengers and powered it with the power truck from a K-Line track speeder.  Sideframes and pole are from a Bachmann On30 single truck streetcar...




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Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel

We had a surprise visit from someone who hasn't seen the layout in seven years, since he was twelve.  He's a handsome college sophomore now, and while he was in town he had to stop and see the layout and sign the guest book.  I showed him a Thank You card that he had made for me in 2008 for running the trains for him.  Nice visit.

I ask my You Tube friend Matt, to make a video for myself. He is from the Buffalo, New York area. At the end of his videos, he always ask for video suggestions, that he could make for his subscribers. So I did.

He features two train rooms in his videos.

    He posted the video last night and I have watched it several times today.

My question is about how to correctly use MTH /DCS, Key #9 & the PFA announcements.

You have to use the "DIR" Key with the "PFA" Key and I have always found this to be confusing. Below is his video. Please check out his channel.


Had a great work session Friday with my newest crew member Joe. However it got off to a bit of a rough start when I threw him into the deep end of the pool.


I set him to the task of wiring, but tried to have him do some of the hard to reach areas before he really had a feel for the tools and materials. Once we switched to an easy to reach area, he was off to the races. I had him finish off a section of the upper deck that I started back in March.




Saturday I got a couple of small projects done, but much of my time was spent vacuuming and picking up, in advance of forum member Len B's visit Monday.


I got all the screw holes and seams filled in on the fascia from Jon's visit Thursday.



At this point, I'll have to wait until after Len's visit to sand and second coat this area. I just don't want to have to vacuum again.



I also got the last two car card pockets hung. My wife made up the cards for these cars earlier this week. It was fun putting them to use. Things are starting to fall into place and the railroad is getting a more finished feel and look.



My sister and her family are coming over for dinner tonight. I'll use my two nephews as potential "gofurs" as I test run the trains for tomorrow's visit. Honestly, I don't remember the last time they ran. Could it have been last Christmas?  Yikes.



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Originally Posted by trumptrain:

Had the neighbor kids and their Dad over to see my layout last night and today. They were amazed at the progress I've made    While they were here a derailment occurred  inside Mount Randolph on the lower level mainline .... my Williams scale B&O Hudson pulling a mail/milk trains took a spill on the far southeast curve.  I thank my lucky stars for installing an access hatch  


Later this afternoon I took the neighbor kids and their Dad to MB Kliens in Cockeysville, Md.  to check out trains. They had a great time checking out all the trains and viewing the layouts ... especially the O gauge layout.   While there I picked up my new MTH Premier Western Maryland heavyweight RPO car I had on order .... very nice!  Now I can model Western Maryland passenger trains as they prototypically ran ( usually 2 cars ... coach and combine or RPO )  back in the day.


NEWS FROM PATSBURG: Earlier this week I spent time making a new access road into Patsburg.  Its paved  with roofing shingles and looks terrific!!!  Roofing shingles are extremely cost effective .... the mayor and town council of Patsburg are thrilled with the results and of course too with the total cost of the project.  


The mayor and town council have already Okayed plans to repave and pave new roads using roofing shingles. 


Other news from Patsburg - The fire department received a new 1953 Ford F-100 mini pumper and immediately put it into service.  The mini pumper will share quarters with the 1952 Seagrave pumper at Engine Co 5.  I'm sure that with the dry months ahead, the new mini pumper will be kept busy extinguishing grass and brush fires ( from steam loco sparks )  alongside the railroad tracks.   


The Patsburg downtown urban renewal project is coming along great.  Several buildings and a large gooseneck street light were wired for lighting this week ... and look terrific especially after dark


NEWS FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS:  The mayor and town council continue the tug of war over a zoning issue .... where to relocate Wicked Wandas Gentlemans Club ... Purveyors of Fine Massage.  It has been suggested to ban WWGC all together, however it has been reported that several member of the town council and the honorable  mayor himself frequent Wicked Wandas to " unwind".    The mayor and town council have given Wanda one more location to try out before taking her fate to a vote later next week.  


And there you have it ... the latest from Patsburg and the Free State Junction Railway.





Bravo on your layout progress. Post the photo on the forum that you sent me of your new layout help. It shows off the road paving well.

Hi Everybody-- First off, to our mutual OGR buddy "Elliot"--  you are simply amazing..

Your layout has some 303 switches ??  WOW !!  You're going to have to hire a full time Train Dispatcher along with a Towerman..  (grin)


As for me, things are going pretty slow on my project in my Living Room. I opened up a lot of boxes in the garage to expose what I have bought since I retired last October, either from Shows or from Ebay.  Unbelievable.  Found five more Trolleys.  All kinds of Santa Fe passenger cars..  Beautiful freight cars.  I'm NUTS !!

Anyway, I made up a Santa Fe Super Chief train (partial)..  That sucker is LONG.

There are four Santa Fe cars that will probably be for Display Only !!  They are 70-footers..  I will be able to supply power to the display tracks so as to light them up.

Yesterday, I found my old Lionel PRR 2065 loco.  Runs GREAT.  Whistle sounds GREAT !!

Have another six or so steamers to discover and figure out where I will store them.  This includes three Lionel turbines and two NYC Hudsons.  I'll need a roundhouse!

Not trying to brag or anything, but when I retired just short of FIFTY years with the telephone company, I went NUTS with my checkbook and bought all kinds of stuff!

Probably should NOT have.  Suzie is a train buff too.  Today, I'm finding all the freight cars and storing them on 400-inches of track that is within the CART on caster wheels that we designed and roll under the layout.  Otherwise, I don't know where I would put them!  I still have to hook up signals, crossing gates, 132 station, interlocking tower (rail-king), 445 tower, two diners, bus depot, saw mill, halloween structures, and who knows what.  Lighting has to be installed within Suzie's immense Plasticville structurers.  You thought I retired, didn't you ?

So, got to get back down stairstairs and put stuff away.  Suzie is at the Mariners baseball game today, as well as last night.  She works for them--her 13th Season.

Photos will appear eventually.  Cheers to all.



Last edited by keyrouteken
Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

I ask my You Tube friend Matt, to make a video for myself. He is from the Buffalo, New York area. At the end of his videos, he always ask for video suggestions, that he could make for his subscribers. So I did.

He features two train rooms in his videos.

    He posted the video last night and I have watched it several times today.

My question is about how to correctly use MTH /DCS, Key #9 & the PFA announcements.

You have to use the "DIR" Key with the "PFA" Key and I have always found this to be confusing. Below is his video. Please check out his channel.


Gary, thank you for Posting.  

Matt, thank you for recording.

At first I didn't like the cab chatter, but when I finally learned there is a method and sequence, I have found it fun to use.  I like the passenger engines naming the train and station.  I think it especially nice to add fun to a very small layout like mine!

Had some time today, so I built the basic framework for the first module -- the street-running section(lower right of the top view) of my switching layout. I need to get fascia material, some sound board, and some Masonite for the streets. The track is just sitting there to check the side clearances of where I put the screws to hold the roadbed to the cross members. I'll be using ScaleTrax for this one.



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After about a month of other priorities, I finally got to work on installing backdrop.  I had been curving a 12' sheet of drywall on the floor using saw horses, but it was a four person job to lift, turn, and fit the curved sheet.  Friends Tom, Tim, and Steve came over today to help.  My wife graciously mowed the grass while we worked on the layout!



Now on to taping the seams!


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This weekend was all about power.  I finished tying lights, outlets, switches and some extra wiring into the new sub panel.  Ran #10/3 wire down into the basement and am finally ready to tie into the main panel.  No more extension cords from more jamb packed power bars.  I think to celebrate I'll go shopping for a window unit A/C.



Ken, the plan is to have a crew of 8-10 to run this railroad when it is completed. One position will be a dispatcher. He will have control of all the turnouts on the mainline using a computer system (about 125 switches). The others are yard and industrial switches and thrown by hand and are the responsibility of the rest of the crew.

Worked on scenery for the river scene and power plant, then tied the town together. Working only n the high level scenery. Looks kind of cheesy without any of the necessary details that make the scene but I'm looking to make progress then I can come back and add details.












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Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

Worked on scenery for the river scene and power plant, then tied the town together....



That bridge complex is an especially attractive feature and balances so nicely with the cityscape in the background, kind of adding muscle to the whole impression. Cool job!. And when you craft the water below the bridges into place , Wwooooooweeee, that's going to be a very rich setting - something stopping visitors in their tracks, I'll bet.


Matt-  All those bridges tied together are absolutely FANTASTIC.  Very impressive.  All you need now is the Potomac flowing underneath !


Today is Monday, July 13th.   I have train stuff laying all over the house. Trying to pick things up and get things in order and looking neater.  Takes time and then I'll worry about more WIRING later on.


Photo 1.  Trolley Yard   Latest count is sixteen trolleys.


Photo 2.  SP 4-8-8-2 # 4294   Plus, a Trainmaster plus a CSX SD-70ACe plus whatever.


Photo 3.  Sunoco Oil Terminal


Photo 4.  Rear view of Greyhound Bus Depot-- # 132 Station and Chat & Chew Diner

   will be squeezed into this space !


Photo 5.  Eight Santa Fe 60-foot cars sitting on display storage tracks.  There will be

   another storage track in front of (alongside) that yardstick.  It will be used to store

   four Santa Fe 70-foot cars.  Power will be wired to all storage tracks to light up

   cars or to activate sounds on locomotives.


LOTS of planning and building yet to come..  Cheers.









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Originally Posted by brwebster:
Originally Posted by Moonson:
Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

Worked on scenery for the river scene and power plant, then tied the town together....



That bridge complex is an especially attractive feature and balances so nicely with the cityscape in the background, kind of adding muscle to the whole impression. Cool job!. And when you craft the water below the bridges into place , Wwooooooweeee, that's going to be a very rich setting - something stopping visitors in their tracks, I'll bet.


The 300 placement on piers, along with the accompanying lead in bridges is pure artistry.   Can't wait to see the completed visual once the river receives water.


Just noticed that another bridge will be placed in front.  Keep 'er low so as not to block the view.  



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