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suzukovich posted:
M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
suzukovich posted:

Lot of cool stuff and Spelling on my reply to Elliot's post is another reason I should try to sleep at night.   Really nothing major other than finally got the lash up between my Atlas GP35 and the Lionel GP35 to work. Also made a new video, hopefully we wont see video of Mitch with his two left feet dancing to the music.

(dance) (dance) (crash) (ow)

RSJB18 posted:
suzukovich posted:

That's why here isn't allowed to dance at train shows. What's scarier is he puts them on flats when not in use. 

But he could do a serious "Silly Walk" with two left feet. Where's John Cleese!


ObActuallyWorkingOnTrains: If you have a 3535 Security Car or anything else using that shell, and the end tabs break off, a couple of 1/4" brass L channel pieces cut to the proper size and cemented in place (I used ACC gel) will do the job nicely!



Repaired just in time for the stand off in the other thread. But now for something completely different a Alligator disguised as a Zebra. A killer chibi gi-raffes worse nightmare.  


If anyone spots a dead parrot we are all doomed

Moved some boxes off the tables but after a few times of hitting my head on a shop light hanging a bit to low I raised that one up and then decided to take a short hiatus from the layout and redo the lighting in the basement. So I went to the Depot and bought all the stuff I need to do that. So that is what I may start later today or wait till tomorrow and get an early start on it. Figured this was the route to go before I start adding any more tables giving me more light to see what I am doing..............Paul

I spent a few hours last night rounding up wire and stuff to wire my layout for isolated loops and buss wiring the two loops.  Finished up that task after a few hours of work this morning. And a bunch of cleaning!   Room cleaning and track cleaning!   I don't know what I dislike the most.  Soldering or cleaning??   Not really, it was fun and I got to learn a few things! 


Today I set up a signal and all the wiring from accessory power etc. to test the signal and its relay. I used a slab of florist foam that I use to hold tree trunks when I make trees to set the signal and relay on.  I used long round head pins to hold the signal and relay in place so I could test everything before installing on layout. I will have a pair of signals facing opposite directions. I spent 2 to 3 hours figuring out how to wire everything, splicing wires to the accessory power wires, cutting and splicing, soldering, and wiring everything together and then placing the light beam emitter and the light receiver.  I was surprised when I turned on the accessory power that it worked. I used my hand to act like a train interrupting the beam so as to activate the relay and change the dignal from green to red. Tomorrow, I will go through the same process with the other signal. They will be installed as a pair facing opposite directions. We bought the signals a few years ago, but the layout was not ready for them until now  



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I bought a set of these over the weekend. Yes, they’re HO, but they make them very large for whatever scale they make them in, I suppose to represent very large potted plans that stand as high as a chair or furniture. I wanted some small potted plants (the kind you can pick up with one hand and can sit in a windowsill) and these seem to be just about right for that. I’ll place them in various places on the layout, just a tiny little detail. A couple will go on the railings at the farmhouse, one or two at the log cabin, and maybe one or two in the cupola at the depot (I still haven’t gotten to building interiors to drop into that and the farm house, and eventually running lights to them), even though it wouldn’t likely be seen there.

paul 2 posted:

Last night got a call from one of the guys from the Tuesday night crew asking if he and a couple of the other guys could come over to see my layout. I said yes so for the next three days I will be cleaning up so there will be some moving around space in my worlds of chaos


At least you have the time. A pal of mine who is conducting his own mass experiment in chaos theory (with a model railroad as the basis) got a call from a group of people who wanted to come by and see the layout that evening. He said he took around, knew there was NO way he was going to get stuff cleared away as he described it as “looking like ISIS had just attacked the layout” and presented it as an ‘it is what it is’ situation. He was shocked how well it was taken by those who showed up, as I guess anyone can relate to that.

As for me, a local group does a day-long layout tour in the general area. I’ve gone the last few years to check out everyone else’s stuff. I’d contacted the people running that, asking if they’re want me layout if I could swing it. They jumped at the chance, but I had to remind them I had some issues I needed to figure out. First, that’s my father-in-law’s birthday (they live about an hour south of us). My wife was okay with that as just her and her sisters go down there for that anyway (I don’t mind her parents, they’re actually good folks). Then, I’d be there all day ALONE. I wouldn’t be able to work the door if I’m in that back room with the layout, and wouldn’t be able to keep track of anyone between the door and the layout room. I’m VERY uncomfortable with that part. Third, there’s my aging Dachshund. He is hard of hearing and while I could put him in his kennel in our bedroom at the other end of the house, if he suspected people were in the house while he was kenneled, he’d probably start whining and howling. Still not sure how this is going to go, if at all…

Been busy with grand-kids and working on the paint job for the Lionel ALCO A-A two motor powered set. So not as much layout work as train work.

So I will skip to the end result. The A-A and one Lionel Boxcar re-paint.

The way I look at it is it is a win win,
 I bought a set of Texas Special 210 ALCOs for parts to build the 4 motor ALCO A-B-A set that had trashed shells with no front skirts and the driver unit needed gears. So, I had Hudson John swap out the drive gears and built the A-B-A set. Then I thought maybe I could make something out of what I had. The 4-motor set did not pull much better with 4 than with 3 motors. So I made this into a 2 motor A-A set. Front is a 202 reduced to one winding on the motor so it can run a 3 position E-unit and the last powered B-unit I built for the 4-motor set. This set is the result. Not bad for something that was trash bound.

 A fun project and I did it with things that were going to the trash. 

Had to let them dry good before I did the decals.

Done till I get the Alaska Eskimo guy for the boxcar.





Here is the whole train less a correct caboose that I have not yet got in the mail.

Not perfect but also not bad. The grand-son loves it and the Menards Alaska cars are nice.

 "A fun project and I did it with things that were going to the trash."

"Not perfect but also not bad. The grand-son loves it and the Menards Alaska cars are nice."

Maybe I'm in a minority here, but I think it looks great!! Isn't this what part of the hobby is supposed to be about.. I'm putting Kadees on some post war and MPC stuff that 'nobody' wants.. Adding some minor details, weighting them properly and such.. Will post some pictures when they come out of the Woodson RR 'shop'.. Rivet counters may 'knock' them, but so what..

Woodson posted:

 "A fun project and I did it with things that were going to the trash."

"Not perfect but also not bad. The grand-son loves it and the Menards Alaska cars are nice."

Maybe I'm in a minority here, but I think it looks great!!

I don't you are in the minority.

I think he did a really good job with that!

Thanks guys,

I have learned a lot on this first shot at re-painting and next time I will do better.

Did I forgot to add,,,,I did have fun!

I do have a Lionel Illuminated Alaska square window caboose # 6-16523 from the early 90s on the way to back it all up.

Now to get back to work on the elevated loop.


Mark Boyce posted:

The Alaska Alcos look very good!  Looks like a good match for the cars!  I could hear your grandson in the background.  Sounds like he was having fun!!

Thanks Mark, I am blessed, he makes it all good, for 3 he is a good engineer and every time he comes over he wants something to take home. We stopped at Menards when I took him home today and he picked out a Santa Fe tractor out of their big box of Denver Diecast  $2.99 stuff.

Last edited by KRM
KRM posted:

Been busy with grand-kids and working on the paint job for the Lionel ALCO A-A two motor powered set. So not as much layout work as train work.

So I will skip to the end result. The A-A and one Lionel Boxcar re-paint.

The way I look at it is it is a win win,
 I bought a set of Texas Special 210 ALCOs for parts to build the 4 motor ALCO A-B-A set that had trashed shells with no front skirts and the driver unit needed gears. So, I had Hudson John swap out the drive gears and built the A-B-A set. Then I thought maybe I could make something out of what I had. The 4-motor set did not pull much better with 4 than with 3 motors. So I made this into a 2 motor A-A set. Front is a 202 reduced to one winding on the motor so it can run a 3 position E-unit and the last powered B-unit I built for the 4-motor set. This set is the result. Not bad for something that was trash bound.

 A fun project and I did it with things that were going to the trash. 

Had to let them dry good before I did the decals.

Done till I get the Alaska Eskimo guy for the boxcar.





Here is the whole train less a correct caboose that I have not yet got in the mail.

Not perfect but also not bad. The grand-son loves it and the Menards Alaska cars are nice.

They look great. Nice restoration project.

KRM posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

The Alaska Alcos look very good!  Looks like a good match for the cars!  I could hear your grandson in the background.  Sounds like he was having fun!!

Thanks Mark, I am blessed, he makes it all good, for 3 he is a good engineer and every time he comes over he wants something to take home. We stopped at Menards when I took him home today and he picked out a Santa Fe tractor out of their big box of Denver Diecast  $2.99 stuff.

What a blessing indeed!!

I got that 1:43 scale Studebaker truck in the mail today. It looks really good, but I'm going to have to take it apart to paint it to look like a US one. But you can look at it right next to a 1:50 scale GMC diecast made by solido. Comparing them, you can see the massive difference in size.0220171808-1_resized

The problem is the screws holding it together. They used an odd screw head that looks like a recessed triangle. They're made in Europe I guess but I have no idea what kind of tool to use to take it apart.


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Miggy posted:

Hello Woodson, Can I be on your team, sir? I appreciate ya.

(I don't know how many rivets I got - left - loosing a few now-a-days) (not counting, it's about the FUN)

p51 posted:
Woodson posted:

 "A fun project and I did it with things that were going to the trash."

"Not perfect but also not bad. The grand-son loves it and the Menards Alaska cars are nice."

Maybe I'm in a minority here, but I think it looks great!!

I don't you are in the minority.

I think he did a really good job with that!

Thanks folks!! To make myself clear, I wasn't knocking "rivet counters".. The hobby has room for everyone, IMO!! I love all the creativity and information that everyone shares on this Forum!! I appreciate being part of it!!

p51 posted:

I got that 1:43 scale Studebaker truck in the mail today. It looks really good, but I'm going to have to take it apart to paint it to look like a US one. But you can look at it right next to a 1:50 scale GMC diecast made by solido. Comparing them, you can see the massive difference in size.0220171808-1_resized

The problem is the screws holding it together. They used an odd screw head that looks like a recessed triangle. They're made in Europe I guess but I have no idea what kind of tool to use to take it apart.


Defiantly can see the difference but still cool.   Made in china nothing surprises me anymore.

p51 posted:

I got that 1:43 scale Studebaker truck in the mail today. It looks really good, but I'm going to have to take it apart to paint it to look like a US one. But you can look at it right next to a 1:50 scale GMC diecast made by solido. Comparing them, you can see the massive difference in size.

The problem is the screws holding it together. They used an odd screw head that looks like a recessed triangle. They're made in Europe I guess but I have no idea what kind of tool to use to take it apart.

That's a security screw.  Harbor Freight sells the bits to take those apart.


So I'm normally not one to by "As seen on TV" stuff but...

Saw this in a local store yesterday and found a perfect use for it. Got tired of dragging out the drop light every time I was working on the wiring under the table. This was the perfect solution. It has magnets on the back too so I didn't even have to mount it to the table.

2017-02-21 07.01.42


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  • 2017-02-21 07.02.16
RSJB18 posted:

So I'm normally not one to by "As seen on TV" stuff but...

Saw this in a local store yesterday and found a perfect use for it. Got tired of dragging out the drop light every time I was working on the wiring under the table. This was the perfect solution. It has magnets on the back too so I didn't even have to mount it to the table.

2017-02-21 07.01.42

LOL I was working under my layout and my wife handed me one of those!!!    Works pretty good and produces a "wider" light than a flashlight!  Cheap too! 


Miggy posted:

>>Ponders: Where does he get those Awesome ALASKA Decals? very nice!! I need to use the grandson pass to walk through the "Train Detector"... just may help. lol

Is there a decals specialty shop?


 They are HO scale Microscale Decals Number 87-480 for Alaska Diesel locomotives, New paint 1980s

 I ordered them not knowing if they would do it or not but they seem to be just fine.

 They would cover the whole side of an HO unit.


I like fried spam........................ That being said I did get most of my out of box rolling stock back onto the layout after the "wire your layout" weekend.   May drop a few more feeds down but I checked it and the track voltage is the same all the way around both the inner and outer loops.  Now to come up with more sidings and a place to put my Menards depot with Lionel platforms. 

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