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suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Oh, yes, I forgot!!!  Short term memory is the first to go.  Just ask my Mum!  What?  What? 

I can see it now Brian is opening all those boxes, comes across that anniversary present he bought but couldn't find. That's what happens when you have to buy a 40ft milvan to store your trains in and don't have an inventory list to what's in it.  

briansilvermustang posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


suzukovich posted:
Moonson posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA

Frank I wish I had the room you have. I guess I pretty lucky with my wife, My layout took over the bonus room and she was ok with that.

In my case my wife felt sorry for me.  While the daughters were in college, she suggested I build the Ceiling Central in the family room because I had nowhere for a layout.  Due to recurring carpal tunnel, It took me 3 winters until it was "finished".  In the meantime, one daughter married, the minimalist, and she quickly removed all her belongings leaving a small bedroom set, with twin bed.  My wife suggested I put the Christmas layout in a corner there.  I think 4 x 8 took up more room than she thought, 3 years later, it is still there.  When our other daughter, the hoarder, moved out, it has taken a year, and there are still things there.  She did clean out the art studio, but a bunch of that was boxed up in the family room so I couldn't get the stepladder up to reach derailed trains on the Ceiling Central.  This summer, she finally cleared most of it out, and I can once again reach most of the CCRR, except for the spot right above daughter's upright piano, that she doesn't have room for at their place.  So that is why I say designated areas, but none of the first two are less than ideal.  Now that I am working 3 days a week, I hope to get started on the layout in the former art studio, my first full train room since 1993; though it is only 130 sq ft!  We will see what other shoe falls to delay my plans!   

TedW posted:
briansilvermustang posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


                       guess you could say I have her " TRAINed " well

Last edited by briansilvermustang
briansilvermustang posted:

     or should i say we make a nice couple together...........just not totally coupled.......

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


Brian:  And the reason your sleeping in the train room is?

Last edited by suzukovich
suzukovich posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

     or should i say we make a nice couple together...........just not totally coupled.......

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....


Brian:  And the reason your sleeping in the train room is?

          running out of room in the house.....

Last edited by briansilvermustang

   Moonman, looks like you stand an equal chance of being published in Home & Garden as OGRF. 

   This place used to be similar, restyled upstairs every 5 years and Lionel central downstair. Neither Grandparent had much to say about either end of the staircase...till Grandma claimed the wall of Generals....and added skirts and curtains.......and better lighting........and decent seating.....and a fridge........ I.e. she did the "detailing" that made Gramps world more comfortable and he just did wiring made sawdust and bought the paint. Ceiling tunnels had been okay-ed, but she was going to have it her way. Never quite got there.

   Now I'm off to walk Puppi and hopefully bump into "Katey" again and a possible Susie Q for myself  

Thanks for the inspiration gentlamen.


Adriatic posted:

   Moonman, looks like you stand an equal chance of being published in Home & Garden as OGRF. 

   This place used to be similar, restyled upstairs every 5 years and Lionel central downstair. Neither Grandparent had much to say about either end of the staircase...till Grandma claimed the wall of Generals....and added skirts and curtains.......and better lighting........and decent seating.....and a fridge........ I.e. she did the "detailing" that made Gramps world more comfortable and he just did wiring made sawdust and bought the paint. Ceiling tunnels had been okay-ed, but she was going to have it her way. Never quite got there.

   Now I'm off to walk Puppi and hopefully bump into "Katey" again and a possible Susie Q for myself  

Thanks for the inspiration gentlamen.


A gentle correction to "Moonson" instead of "Moonman".   

Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

LOL I am in the same boat there Mark, that's why the wife want an extra room built off the back of the garage! So the trains wont be in the house!

Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

Mike I was showing the pics that Frank had posted. She liked the layout and the house. Then I got when we talking  of having to take down the layout while they replace the drywall , carpeting and other things in our living room from the storm damage. You are going to rebuild the layout in the garage right? 

My wife was gone so I built my layout in the dining area and would have  built in the living room but there was a free standing round fireplace in the road. made me think (??)  why confine this masterpiece you built to the attic, basement,  garage etc ??   Let the rest of the family put the TV and old couch in those dreary places. I really liked my layout where it was convenient and close at hand all the time. I had no female friend to please or kids to criticize so I did what I wanted. Now I am happy with a 8' x8' carpet RR with 2 loops.  Better than nothing.

suzukovich posted:

She also said a 40ft Milvan  or Sealand container was out of the question. 

.......but a K-line container would be to get it past working on that...

          told them it's just part of my train layout......

          I think it blends in with the yard alright......

          see, you can hardly see behind a little O gauge engine.......

          now hopefully I can find someone with zoning that likes trains.......


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suzukovich posted:
mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

Mike I was showing the pics that Frank had posted. She liked the layout and the house. Then I got when we talking  of having to take down the layout while they replace the drywall , carpeting and other things in our living room from the storm damage. You are going to rebuild the layout in the garage right? 

When we can afford it we are adding a train room to the back of the garage. 12' X 24' , I would have had it done by now, but we had to spend $5000 on our bulldog for emergency surgary!

jim pastorius posted:

My wife was gone so I built my layout in the dining area and would have  built in the living room but there was a free standing round fireplace in the road. made me think (??)  why confine this masterpiece you built to the attic, basement,  garage etc ??   Let the rest of the family put the TV and old couch in those dreary places. I really liked my layout where it was convenient and close at hand all the time. I had no female friend to please or kids to criticize so I did what I wanted. Now I am happy with a 8' x8' carpet RR with 2 loops.  Better than nothing.

Jim, You are right in your situation.  If my wife passed on, my daughters would say, Do whatever you want Dad!

mike g. posted:
suzukovich posted:
mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

I'm in the same situation Mark, that's why the wife wants a room built off the back of the garage, that way no trains all over the house!

Mike I was showing the pics that Frank had posted. She liked the layout and the house. Then I got when we talking  of having to take down the layout while they replace the drywall , carpeting and other things in our living room from the storm damage. You are going to rebuild the layout in the garage right? 

When we can afford it we are adding a train room to the back of the garage. 12' X 24' , I would have had it done by now, but we had to spend $5000 on our bulldog for emergency surgary!

Sorry to learn this, Mike!  How is Pup doing after surgery?

briansilvermustang posted:
suzukovich posted:

She also said a 40ft Milvan  or Sealand container was out of the question. 

.......but a K-line container would be to get it past working on that...

          told them it's just part of my train layout......

          I think it blends in with the yard alright......

          see, you can hardly see behind a little O gauge engine.......

          now hopefully I can find someone with zoning that likes trains.......

Invite them over to run trains Brian. They will surely grant you a permit then.

Or tell them you are only putting the container in the yard, not the drop well flat car too.


HI Mark he is doing fine, someone threw something over the fence and he ate it. Blocked him up completely so they had to open him up to remove it, at the same time they found that someone had hit him or something cause his spleen was bleeding also. Needless to say now we keep a close eye on him and have installed video cameras where he goes outside!

briansilvermustang posted:
suzukovich posted:

She also said a 40ft Milvan  or Sealand container was out of the question. 

.......but a K-line container would be to get it past working on that...

          told them it's just part of my train layout......

          I think it blends in with the yard alright......

          see, you can hardly see behind a little O gauge engine.......

          now hopefully I can find someone with zoning that likes trains.......

I like it!  I saw the two times I visited Brady's Train shop in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, they had a small K Line container beside their shop!

mike g. posted:

HI Mark he is doing fine, someone threw something over the fence and he ate it. Blocked him up completely so they had to open him up to remove it, at the same time they found that someone had hit him or something cause his spleen was bleeding also. Needless to say now we keep a close eye on him and have installed video cameras where he goes outside!

Wow!  That could have been bad!  I'm glad he's okay!

mike g. posted:

HI Mark he is doing fine, someone threw something over the fence and he ate it. Blocked him up completely so they had to open him up to remove it, at the same time they found that someone had hit him or something cause his spleen was bleeding also. Needless to say now we keep a close eye on him and have installed video cameras where he goes outside!

Takes a real low life to do this to someone's pet.. I hope find the culprit and your pet fully recovers!!!

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