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Today I hosted my local club. We meet once a month at each others houses. Everyone had a good time. After supper I had the urge to work a bit on the layout. I got another section of cork down so I can finish track on the lift out section. Still had time so I had a bunch of foam board of odds shapes left over so I took the buildings I had cut out and pieced then on the foam. I managed to get a number on the boards. Tomorrow I'll have to get some more foam board to finish the remainder of the buildings. Pics...................Paul



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paul 2 posted:

Today I hosted my local club. We meet once a month at each others houses. Everyone had a good time. After supper I had the urge to work a bit on the layout. I got another section of cork down so I can finish track on the lift out section. Still had time so I had a bunch of foam board of odds shapes left over so I took the buildings I had cut out and pieced then on the foam. I managed to get a number on the boards. Tomorrow I'll have to get some more foam board to finish the remainder of the buildings. Pics...................Paul


Nice Paul, did you use glue under your new plaster? If so how is it holding up for you?

I haven't done much in the past few months, but I finally started making progress again.  I am working on wiring and installation of my signal system from Custom Signals.  Terry drew up the plans for me & I purchased most of the components last year, but other priorities delayed this part of the layout work.  Here are a couple shots of the control boards mounted and beginning wiring.

The boards here will control intermediate signals and interlocking signals. About 25 more boards will be added for signals protecting the yard leads and running tracks.


I have the plywood mounting board laying flat on the area that will eventually be the main yard on the layout.  It is easier to work on the wiring on the flat surface, then I'll mount the board vertically under the layout, connecting the runs to the individual signals, track detection circuits, and relays for the switches.



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          started painting the bottom of the upper shelves flat black.....

                                               and ran some trains........

                                     a  " WABASH "  commuter train.......

                             an excursion train getting ready to pull out....

                                        evening starting to set in ........

                                                 time to call it a day !! 


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
briansilvermustang posted:

          lunch break train run.......


Brian, I see you have a Williams, cab # 3748, same as mine. I run mine on O27 tubular and it's a great runner, but it literally makes clunking sounds around every corner - I'm assuming it's because it's not designed to run on O27. Do you ever hear that in yours? What's your minimum radius track?

Country Joe posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Fortunatly, my first cataract surgery is scheduled for two weeks from today!!!

Mark, I'll be praying for a successful surgery and quick and easy recovery. You should come out of it with 20/20 eyesight.

leapinlarry posted:

Mark, I am getting in late on the good luck and get well wishes for your upcoming eye surgery...May God Bless You and all the Doctors/Nurses/Everyone involved in making your life Betters...Your Tennessee Connection...

Joe and Larry,

Thank you very much, I will appreciate your prayers!  Not too late, the first eye is scheduled for Sept 28th.

 Joe, I was praying you and all my other friends in Florida and Texas would be safe during the recent hurricanes.  Are you in an area that had much damage?

Anthony K posted:

I haven't done much in the past few months, but I finally started making progress again.  I am working on wiring and installation of my signal system from Custom Signals.  Terry drew up the plans for me & I purchased most of the components last year, but other priorities delayed this part of the layout work.  Here are a couple shots of the control boards mounted and beginning wiring.

The boards here will control intermediate signals and interlocking signals. About 25 more boards will be added for signals protecting the yard leads and running tracks.

I have the plywood mounting board laying flat on the area that will eventually be the main yard on the layout.  It is easier to work on the wiring on the flat surface, then I'll mount the board vertically under the layout, connecting the runs to the individual signals, track detection circuits, and relays for the switches.


That is an impressive undertaking!  I'll be glad to see how it all turns out!

Brian, I like what you're doing. What a plus to be able to add all that shelving to have your things out in the open so you don't have to sift through boxes to find an item. Today I am glad I went out when I did. I got the last black foam board at Staples. When I got home I glued the remaining buildings to the board and laid the last of the track I had. But it was a good stopping point because I decided to modify my track plan so in the spot that is still open I am going to add some switches to access the Morton Salt building with two extra sidings to hold hoppers cars. After dinner, taking the wife out because as she is the CEO of the railroad. I told her I ran out of track so she said get what you need. Unfortunately it will be a few days till it gets here so I'll have to jump to something else. I have so many irons in the fire that all I have to do is pick one. Pics for today......................Paul



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trumptrain posted:

A knock came to my door yesterday at noon.  It was the little boy next door whose was turning 11 yesterday.  He was having an outdoor party later that afternoon and wanted to know if he could bring his friends over to see my trains.  My heart sunk, for I was getting ready to leave for a business meeting which was going until 7 p.m.  I told him I was so very sorry and that I would get back home until 7:15.   He said that his party would be long over by then.

At 7:15, as I pulled into my driveway, kids on bicycles rode up alongside my car as others ran alongside.  It turns out that they waited for me to come home so they could all see the trains.   I opened the back door to my house, welcomed the kids in, and the birthday boy led his friends directly to my train room.  The kids, boys and girls ranging from 18 mos. - 12 years old , eyes as big a saucers, were so totally captivated by the trains.  They stayed for about an hour and would have stayed longer but their parents came to round them up to go home.  

You can't tell me that todays kids don't love trains...... because they do!!  All of them wanted to come back again and everyone enthusiastically thanked me for showing them the trains.   I was deeply touched.  

Reading this was great especially after the last two weeks with Irma. Bob's right about kids today. They maybe into electronics but when they see trains it all changes. With the run up to Irma. Some of my son's friends came to the house. I finally relented and ran the BN units for them. Except for the one none had never seen O Gauge trains. Thanks for the post as I needed to read something that brought a smile in what has been a long two weeks.

Finally got back to the train room, after a delay for kitchen remodel, whew.  Gave up trying to get my fixed glass octagonal window replaced and just put my backdrop on Masonite over it. The 15 yr old Backdrop Warehouse scene went on w/o a hitch with vinyl wallpaper paste and now I am on to benchwork.  My 9 ft x 13-1/2 ft room really tightens up when benchwork is assembled. I'd like to call it Lehigh Junction -unless someone else has that name. Mine will feature the 60's-70's era, when - The only maintenance was "deferred maintenance " !Sept 2017 dump 067


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Brian, I sure love all the engines and rolling stock you have! I also like how you are making room for them all with the new shelves! If I had to tray and keep track of all that my head would just spin! I wouldn't know what to run, what to shelf, heck I would most likely forget where I put the stuff, and it would be right in plain sight! LOL

Brian, The Wabash Geeps remind me of a postwar GP7 in Wabash livery I had, build date 3-57.  I shipped it off to a Postwar fan recently.  Speaking of birthdays, that one was 60 this spring, a year younger than me!   Still runs great!  Maybe better than I am running!    Oh yes, I am not able to run any more; just a brisk walk!

I am with Mike on not knowing what to run, or even what I had if I had what you have!  I'm glad you are sharing so much of your fabulous collection with us!!!  I am sending a real big thank you!!! 

Last edited by Mark Boyce
paul 2 posted:

Brian, I like what you're doing. What a plus to be able to add all that shelving to have your things out in the open so you don't have to sift through boxes to find an item. Today I am glad I went out when I did. I got the last black foam board at Staples. When I got home I glued the remaining buildings to the board and laid the last of the track I had. But it was a good stopping point because I decided to modify my track plan so in the spot that is still open I am going to add some switches to access the Morton Salt building with two extra sidings to hold hoppers cars. After dinner, taking the wife out because as she is the CEO of the railroad. I told her I ran out of track so she said get what you need. Unfortunately it will be a few days till it gets here so I'll have to jump to something else. I have so many irons in the fire that all I have to do is pick one. Pics for today......................Paul


The Empire is taking shape Paul. It's good that the CEO has approved the additional budget request!


Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

tried it once, guess I like trains.......kinda like "if you go fishing one more time,

i'm leaving"  gee i'm going to miss her..........actually  was really into cars and racing

       back then, late 80's,  one day she decided she didn't like doing that anymore,

                                     and we went our separate ways...

    do have a girlfriend now, who also likes trains, and helps work on them with me....

Last edited by briansilvermustang
suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Oh, yes, I forgot!!!  Short term memory is the first to go.  Just ask my Mum!  What?  What? 

Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA


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Last edited by Moonson
Mark Boyce posted:
suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

Oh, yes, I forgot!!!  Short term memory is the first to go.  Just ask my Mum!  What?  What? 

I can see it now Brian is opening all those boxes, comes across that anniversary present he bought but couldn't find. That's what happens when you have to buy a 40ft milvan to store your trains in and don't have an inventory list to what's in it.  

Moonson posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA

Frank I wish I had the room you have. I guess I pretty lucky with my wife, My layout took over the bonus room and she was ok with that.

Moonson posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

 My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know thatthey should stay in their designated areas!  

Hi Mark, I'm with you on that score. In our house, including the fact of my wife's strong and affectionate support of my model train hobby (many of my scale steam locomotives were gifts from her, for example, and she is especially fond of our inviting guests to the house for a layout operating session,) not a single train item is anywhere in the nine rooms above the basement trainroom (partly viewable below)

Part of 1st floor at Christmastime.... (no train items anywhere)...


The basement trainroom layout begins here, at the foot of the cellar stairs, under the breakfast room and family room...

frontmiddle_12connection betwix oldand new roomsphoto 1IMG_8609

...under part of the kitchen area...

IMG_0852, which was my missive to myself before I ever started the layout in 1995, not even at Christmas, anywhere; not even under The Tree (as seen above.)

Maybe, that is a good topic for a thread somebody could start - how many of us have/tolerate/accept/happily include train-related items outside of a reserved room(s) for the purpose of the hobby(?) I wonder.

FrankM, Moon Township, USA

Impressive....upstairs and downstairs!

This morning I starting cutting out the buildings and found some at the corners had come loose. I had gone to another adhesive glue. Maybe I should of stuck with the first. First was 3M and this time I used Lok tight adhesive. So I re glued the ones that needed it and was able to get all the buildings cut out. Later today I'll start getting the lift out section done so it can be lifted out................Paul

suzukovich posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Pardon me for asking Brian, but are you married?  If my question is too personal, please just ignore me.   It seems trains are overrunning your house.  My wife is very tolerant of my trains, but I know that they should stay in their designated areas!  

That's why he is going to be living in the building with his trains!!!!!!!!!  

So true- I was discussing my expanding collection with the CEO the other day. She said "you have more trains on your layout then you have room to run them". I said- "yea- I do. Gotta put up some shelves to hold the ones I don't want to run"

Got a puzzled look " why don't you stop buying trains" she said.

Then the discussion worked its way to Brian's train house and ever expanding shelves. She said " you can do that long as you understand you will be living alone"

We all kid our spouses about our hobbies, thankfully they have stood by us (sorry Brian), regardless of our insanity!


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