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Christmas vacation travel, bad weather, and sick kids conspired me from working on the table. But I had a couple of hours today and managed to complete the transformer table, as well as add the "top deck". The top deck is attached to the main table by four screws. It's where my above ground layout will be. When the kids grow in height, I will lift it up, and add a subway system underneath, and then place it back on top. So the table is sort of modular. Just need to put down 11/32" plywood, and a 1x4 bumper around the back and sides. I'll also build a small control box for a couple SPST switches that will control power to the sidings and a couple of accessories. And then to paint it all black.20180108_17085920180108_170905



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Last edited by Deuce
RSJB18 posted:
p51 posted:


Lee- the tank looks great. I wasn't sure where you were going with it when it was painted tan. I thought it looked too clean and shiny for your layout The weathering is just right.

Thanks, Bob. The lighting is always tricky, as it's actually painted in light gull grey, similar to D&RGW MOW colors. That way, I could make my own decals on my computer.

As a water car, I figured that some rust streaks would be likely, but not too much if its to be used as potable water. The frame and base is weathered pretty harshly, but not so much the tank. I could have weathered and aged the paint on the tank more, as this wouldn't have been repainted for several years before the layout takes place (it's the name of the RR before the ET&WNC bought them out) but I decided against 'going all Malcom Furlow' on it.

The modification of the tender into a water car will be in the 2018 On30 Annual.

Deuce posted:

Christmas vacation travel, bad weather, and sick kids conspired me from working on the table. But I had a couple of hours today and managed to complete the transformer table, as well as add the "top deck". The top deck is attached to the main table by four screws. It's where my above ground layout will be. When the kids grow in height, I will lift it up, and add a subway system underneath, and then place it back on top. So the table is sort of modular. Just need to put down 11/32" plywood, and a 1x4 bumper around the back and sides. I'll also build a small control box for a couple SPST switches that will control power to the sidings and a couple of accessories. And then to paint it all black.20180108_17085920180108_170905


I’m glad you finally got a chance to get back at it!  Yes you have to plan for the kids to grow fast!!  Looks great!

Over the weekend, I made a few changes to the layout. After running the 2055 (which I've named "Old Bill" in honor of the gent who originally owned it) for a while, there were a few things that started to bother me a bit. Grandson was fine of course, just happy to see trains running! The first thing that was irksome was not enough space for the #97 Coal Elevator that we picked up at the DuPage Train Show a few months ago. Then we noticed that that there really wasn't a good place to park rolling stock, and then we saw that there was no way to change direction on the loop without physically picking up the engine. Grandson and I messed about in SCARM with some ideas, and he really liked the train simulator. I did have trouble with trimming tracks to fit. So we did two "major" changes to the layout tracks, end result of which was more siding space, room for the Coal Elevator, and eliminating 1 switch.

There's a bunch of stuff on the layout right now, so I'm a bit embarrassed to show any pictures, however here's the SCARM file of what we've done. After running "Old Bill" for a while, we like the changed layout so far. While it isn't great that changing back to the original direction of travel requires backing around about 1/2 the layout, at least it is an operating "feature" that we don't have to pick up the engine.

Next thing to work on is getting the switches to be all directly powered instead of track power.


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Pulled up the rest of the carpet that was in the closet that I removed the wall from.   What a pain.  And pulled hundreds of nail gun staples!!  Got all that cleaned up and some stuff put away.   Studying track.   I have a ton of fastrack and it hasn't giving me any problems so I think I'll stick with it.   But I been looking at curves.  I have 036 and 048.  Was going to use the 048 and get some 060 for the inner and out main on the main level.   But I'm reading that you cant use 048 with 060 ..  Or 036 with 048 because O48 is some kind of oddball??  So I think I'm going to have to buy some 060 and 072 curves.   Which I think will make a better mainline anyway!   


Edit.   I just ordered 16 060 and 16 072 curves from Mario's Trains. Hope it pays off! 

Last edited by carsntrains
Slowhands posted:

Over the weekend, I made a few changes to the layout. After running the 2055 (which I've named "Old Bill" in honor of the gent who originally owned it) for a while, there were a few things that started to bother me a bit. Grandson was fine of course, just happy to see trains running! The first thing that was irksome was not enough space for the #97 Coal Elevator that we picked up at the DuPage Train Show a few months ago. Then we noticed that that there really wasn't a good place to park rolling stock, and then we saw that there was no way to change direction on the loop without physically picking up the engine. Grandson and I messed about in SCARM with some ideas, and he really liked the train simulator. I did have trouble with trimming tracks to fit. So we did two "major" changes to the layout tracks, end result of which was more siding space, room for the Coal Elevator, and eliminating 1 switch.

There's a bunch of stuff on the layout right now, so I'm a bit embarrassed to show any pictures, however here's the SCARM file of what we've done. After running "Old Bill" for a while, we like the changed layout so far. While it isn't great that changing back to the original direction of travel requires backing around about 1/2 the layout, at least it is an operating "feature" that we don't have to pick up the engine.

Next thing to work on is getting the switches to be all directly powered instead of track power.

What kind of track are you using? Your track plan looks pretty good!!! 


Jim, the outside loop is FastTrack, mostly from the LionChie John Deere set. The majority of the track is Lionel tubular track, with the black ties. The switches are all 022 that I actually had fun rebuilding; all but 2 were inexpensive train show purchases (two were part of the original set that wife got from her friend, Bill's widow.)

Slowhands posted:

Jim, the outside loop is FastTrack, mostly from the LionChie John Deere set. The majority of the track is Lionel tubular track, with the black ties. The switches are all 022 that I actually had fun rebuilding; all but 2 were inexpensive train show purchases (two were part of the original set that wife got from her friend, Bill's widow.)

They are not realistic, and I'm sure that the new modern track and switches are great, but I still love post war 022 switches.

For me, Post war O22 switches, when in good operating order, work great, are easy to maintain and repair, which for me is a very rare once they are in good operating order,  and capture the spirit and charm of postwar Lionel trains.

Congratulations on getting yours at a good price and resurrecting them, which is so satisfying. 

It is also cool that one man's junk is another man's treasure.

Slowhands posted:

Jim, the outside loop is FastTrack, mostly from the LionChie John Deere set. The majority of the track is Lionel tubular track, with the black ties. The switches are all 022 that I actually had fun rebuilding; all but 2 were inexpensive train show purchases (two were part of the original set that wife got from her friend, Bill's widow.)

Sounds cool!  And please do post pictures!  No display is too big! No display is too small! 


46D35982-239F-47D0-A344-828E11320A3CB3D0F1A1-F667-44D9-B342-695A9612B84CB453060A-0D4E-47D6-83B0-30FC3933C892Well this may not be glamorous but I have been using several space heaters in the train room. Since My train room is my converted 2 car garage and it’s detached there is no heat, Just a window A/C unit, Well this cold snap and snow forced me to invest in a heating and a/c system so train buying has to be put on hold for a wile, There was some good news I received a box with my new crane I ordered some time ago so I put it together and will string it this weekend, So I will be warm and get back to playing trains 


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Last edited by fl9turbo2

Deuce, the bench work and the small table for the transformer looks nice! Plus that's a great idea to be able to raise the top as the kids get bigger! Way to think ahead!

Lee- your water car turned out just wonderful, fits right in! I bet you could set it anywhere on the layout and it would look like it belongs!

Slowhands, sounds like a lot of work going on there, I hope things run smooth for you as you go along!

carsntrains, Keep up the good work and add some pictures,  now its all up hill from here!

mike g. posted:

Deuce, the bench work and the small table for the transformer looks nice! Plus that's a great idea to be able to raise the top as the kids get bigger! Way to think ahead!


Thanks Mike. I wish I could remember the discussion that gave me the idea here on the forum, but if it were not for OGR and the people here, I would be stuck with a non-expandable table and that'd be that!

This table is going to go in the tool-shed area attached to my workshop. I already told the wife that we'll eventually have to buy an outdoor tool-shed so I can convert that entire area into a train room. It's unheated/uncooled, but it's roughly a 14x10 area which will have to suffice for my train obsession. I should be able to fit plenty of track and train in an area that size ... and I can always go up/down!

Taking down the Christmas Display, did one last run with my new arrival the Peanuts Lion Chief loco and tender. Found that it was not getting traction pulling 5 post war era (1951) freight cars. I was starting to wonder if I had mad a bad deal when I discovered that the caboose had a frozen truck which was dragging it down.   The caboose had been sitting in a box since 1989 and most likely last run some time in the mid 1960's.Peanuts


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Vacation from the layout today, maybe. First a lunch with a bunch of TCA guys at 1:00 then tonight the Tuesday night crew will be getting together so not much time to do layout work. But hopefully by the end of the day my scenic materials and cork will be here so I can start back in tomorrow on the layout. However if I have time between the two maybe I could do a little work before I go back out tonight...........Paul

This is my first compact gargraves uncoupler that I have bought.  I have a siding with the cork already down that I want to sneak in.  I've also used a couple atlas uncouplers since they are much cheaper, but I have grown to really like the 107's, it gives you the perfect spot to stop the car on a track and not interfere with a passing car.  Especially since I am trying to cram so much in a fairly tight space



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Thaddeus posted:

This is my first compact gargraves uncoupler that I have bought.  I have a siding with the cork already down that I want to sneak in.  I've also used a couple atlas uncouplers since they are much cheaper, but I have grown to really like the 107's, it gives you the perfect spot to stop the car on a track and not interfere with a passing car.  Especially since I am trying to cram so much in a fairly tight space


Thaddeus, nice track work! got a question for you about uncoupler track sections. Do you know if they work with Kadee couplers also?

What I did on my layout yesterday and last night.

Still working on the flat structures.

Things are slowing down, because detail painting takes time. Went out to watch some football, at a friends house and played the card game Euchre. No train room at his house.

1 KeystoneI

1.   Painting the keystone and header over the windows, along with the window sills.

2 Calendar 2018

2.   Today: I hung up the Family Train Calendar in the shop next to the train room.  This is a custom family wall calendar that I design and have ten copies printed at one of those online printing company’s.  I do this every year.

Photo’s for this post, shot with an iPhone 7 Plus, I call this the dark side of photography, Not using a camera.

Today I am going to take the grandchildren to a train store.



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  • 1 KeystoneI
  • 2 Calendar 2018

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