Paul2, nice work on your tracks and bridges.
Chris A, I really link your building project. The arched piers below complement the the wall sections perfect and the coloring on the brick is outstanding.
Andy , nice job on the ground foam. I like you stone walls that the track is elevated on.
Well I worked on trying to get the lift-out section into shape for the sawmill, log pond area. I don't think anything is more messy that pink foam bits everywhere. Here is a overall shot of the lift-out it's around a little over 2ft. wide and about 5ft. long. Because of the way the tracks run around this area, I couldn't go deep with the pond. I plan on going really dark with the pond, a brown and black for most of the area and a little lighter on the perimeter. Since these had tons of floating tree debris in there it will look good, I think.
I have a B.T.S. log dump kit, but I wound up cheating a bit and scratch building the dump section because I can't raise my track high enough to accommodate the trestle bents for underneath it, so I will fake the bents beneath the log dump and on top will be covered in decking . With all the debris floating around it won't even be seen. Looking forward to getting the pond and banks painted and sinking the trestle and mill into foam and start on water. I have a bunch of 1/2 logs that will be sprinkled around pond and I may have a few fresh logs in water by log dump.
Here is a photo of the foam lift out of what I have so far ( don't mind the can goods, I needed weight to hold foam down while Gorilla glue sets up)
Log dump stained and nut bolt washer detail added
Here is the B.T.S. photo of the log dump. Other side of my dump track will have the crane.