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Chris A. that is a great tip on the roads! Thanks from all of us here on the forum for all the great information you share!

Mitch, I bet the kids just loved your trains along with Fortescue! Nice job!

John, I am with Bob! Return for full Refund!

Bob, Thanks! I am getting ready to go out as soon as I finish here to try some other cars! If it still happens I will just redesign that area into 072. I know it will take up more space, but I want the trains to run smooth and look good at the same time!

Not started on the layout yet, still negotiating "trackage rights" in the 30' x 30' space ….and fixing up the house.

But I got train fever and had to bust out some track & test-run my new-used Kline TM, ran great.IMG_0016 [3)

      While exploring the neighborhood I found an adjacent old ROW.  A nearby logger told me it was named the Buffalo Valley RR and

it went bust before they could lay track in the 1800's.  


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Started work on a custom hopper. This will be my first attempt at decals since I was a little kid building car & airplane kits(!). 

I started out with this Lionel N&W 3 bay center flow hopper. I chose this for my guinea pig because it's a decent looking hopper and there's plenty of them available and usually cheap so, if I were to ruin this one it wouldn't be any great loss. 


First step was to remove all the lettering.  I experimented with different ways of removing the lettering and found that really fine sandpaper (320) works really well. I experimented with other ways that left the hopper looking worse for wear so I ended up re-painting it.  I lucked out in that I found a nice light grey primer at the store that is an almost perfect match most light grey colored hoppers. 


Stay tuned. 



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Finished swapping out the rolling stock and locos. I recently picked up some nice WM cars from Forum member Charlie Powell @cpowell Thanks Charlie! They are all very nice. Unfortunately the trailer doesn't clear my upper level so the trailer will have to sit on the side till I find something else to load on the flat car. The tractor was a nice bonus!

I also bought a LIRR Tanker that I haven't put out yet.

Bob2019-03-02 17.21.182019-03-02 17.21.302019-03-02 17.22.062019-03-02 17.22.20


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2019-03-02 15.52.21

I went downstairs intending to work on a scratch-built background building and instead ran my Atlas O USRA 0-6-0 steam locomotive CNJ #107. It threw a traction tire after about twenty minutes and I spent the rest of the afternoon finding the spare tire and installing it. I enjoy running this locomotive. It has excellent detail, great steam sounds and runs well on O-54. Broken traction tire in front of locomotive...




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Ralph M posted:

Started work on a custom hopper. This will be my first attempt at decals since I was a little kid building car & airplane kits(!). 

I started out with this Lionel N&W 3 bay center flow hopper. I chose this for my guinea pig because it's a decent looking hopper and there's plenty of them available and usually cheap so, if I were to ruin this one it wouldn't be any great loss. 


First step was to remove all the lettering.  I experimented with different ways of removing the lettering and found that really fine sandpaper (320) works really well. I experimented with other ways that left the hopper looking worse for wear so I ended up re-painting it.  I lucked out in that I found a nice light grey primer at the store that is an almost perfect match most light grey colored hoppers. 


Stay tuned. 



 The decal removal looks good so far I really enjoy Decaling and custom work looks like you’re off to a good start don’t sweat it  I think you’ll do just fine 

RSJB18 posted:

Finished swapping out the rolling stock and locos. I recently picked up some nice WM cars from Forum member Charlie Powell @cpowell Thanks Charlie! They are all very nice. Unfortunately the trailer doesn't clear my upper level so the trailer will have to sit on the side till I find something else to load on the flat car. The tractor was a nice bonus!

I also bought a LIRR Tanker that I haven't put out yet.

Bob2019-03-02 17.21.182019-03-02 17.21.302019-03-02 17.22.062019-03-02 17.22.20

Bob I like out locomotive who makes that?  Charlie offered that stuff to me but my email kept messing up I guess he didn’t get the message that I was going to pass on it. I have to go to my sever and  see what’s going on. Anyway that stuff looks nice I really like it locomotive if you talk to Charlie tell him I’m sorry I didn’t get back with him due to my email breakdown 

5D2B686F-1F11-4218-ACC9-BF16B16D2E82BCA5AB45-70B5-4965-A2CD-E1C887E31608B60B86E8-F67B-4CE9-B9F3-E498259A7F83I was going to laydown some ballast today but the garage was very cold so I grab the rest of my all nations box cars and brought them inside then I decided to try to finish up this old Mack H67  I bought from dan models in Romania I still have the details to paint.  I added some Don Mills wheels and also a Detail West HO scale locomotive airhorn here’s what I have so far.


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Patrick, looks like a fun night!

Ralph, looking good! I hope the paint and decals go just as good!

NSRAILFAN, Wonderful job!

Bob, you sure picked up some nice looking cars there! I don't know if its my server or not but your video kept stopping then starting again!

Chris A. You are so right, the extra work you put in really has paid off! Amazing work and it looks wonderful on your layout

LEE D, You sure like those old Mack truck! One thing is for sure you sure do a great job on them! Your doing a nice job on the figure also!

NSRailfan100 posted:

Well Mark,

i finally bit the bullet and weathered the SD70Ace I bought from you a while back! Personally I think it turned out great.


I agree, it looks great!  I’m glad it has a great home!!

I am two days behind again.  I had a lot of errands, visiting my parents, mother-in-law’s birthday, two doctors appointments for me, but I did get a few minutes here and there to put down cork roadbed, smooth it out, and fit track pieces.  I’ll get some photographs tomorrow I hope.  I did try out a new Scale Railking PS3 AS-616 in my favorite road name that I got a great price on.



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MikeG.  Thanks I can’t help it I love those old Mack’s  my dad drove a Mack H67 like the one I’m building  but it was blue he also drove several other kind of Macks I just love those old East Coast trucks specially the ones that are built in Allentown Pennsylvania if you know what I mean 😉

Mark.  That’s a nice looking engine 

Last edited by lee drennen

Well guys I did what Bob suggested, I went out this morning and ran a few more cars behind my ES44AC threw the 054 switches and curves. Did not bid well, all the cars I tried lifted when entering the switch and once again when entering the first curve back the other way! Lesson well learned!

So I did what any good Model Rail Road builder would do! I tore it out! LOL20190302_12430020190302_12430420190302_124310                                          I rand the same engine threw a 072 switch and had no problem, so the plan is to put in 2 072 reverse loops in place of the 054! I also packed up most of the cars I had on the layout while I do this! 

Yesterday MR. Brown brought a package for me so I moved my attention to putting down more cork in anticipation of my order of switches and 072 curves. I figure always have to keep moving forward! I dropped one of my yard  legs so I could have room to put a road in front of the Train Station and some parking!20190302_15405820190302_154105


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Have spent the last few days completing my cityscape using some purchased flats and ones I printed off the internet.   I printed flats in O, S, HO and N scale with the goal of producing a forced perspective.  I don’t know how well I met my objective, but at least it is better than the blank wall that stood before.  The wall pictures will remain and have to be my “stand-ins” for clouds.  The next task will be to add some loading platforms and steps to the industrial buildings along the yard tracks. 


Also found time to paint the steam cab awnings which will be weathered with the engines in a distant future.


Another job is to reinstall my TIU (had it upgraded to 6.1) & WiFi system so I can get back to running some trains on my iPad.

It's been wonderful reading and viewing all the activity and project posts - Great Stuff!   However, it’s a full-time job trying to keep up and I’m retired.   How do you Worker-Bees do it?????

Cheers to all, Dave


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mike g. posted:

Well guys I did what Bob suggested, I went out this morning and ran a few more cars behind my ES44AC threw the 054 switches and curves. Did not bid well, all the cars I tried lifted when entering the switch and once again when entering the first curve back the other way! Lesson well learned!

So I did what any good Model Rail Road builder would do! I tore it out! LOL20190302_124300     

Mike, I know how you feel, but this is the time to get it right!!!  Good move!  Cheers,  Dave

Finally! I have something to report:

1) After being botched up by my Mexican bank, my Social Security began this month. And that means--MORE TRAINS! I mean, What do you guys do with your Social Security?

2) I have made a final decision: no more Bachman HO trains. They do run, but I have two different German HO sets that are so far superior that it is ridiculous. Unfortunately, the two German trains do not have knuckle couplers, and I had previously decided that I will only buy HOs with knuckle couplers.

3) I took down one of my four rail lines to make room for more N scale trains. The Bachman N scale that I have runs great, and I am willing to add another one.

Steve, Mike, Dave thanks for your positive comments.  Until a couple of years ago, my model building skills weren't really all that developed.... with the major roto cuff shoulder surgery this past summer I have had lots of time on my hands to "keep busy".   

So I am living proof that if you stick to it and keep trying to improve, it's pretty good bet you'll get a lot better at these modeling projects.   For me, if I am not really earnestly trying to constantly improve, on each new project, it doesn't feel right....   Got too much of the perfectionist gene, and not enough of the patience gene...   

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Big Curves make happy trains.  My minimum O-72 curve was my best decision.  I bought four more Atlas O O-72 switches from MB Klein, 2 left, 2 right.  I was surprised that had them.  Now they don't.

I did not pre-order 18 of the 21" passenger cars I planned to get.  Quality of what I am receiving is very poor. Returned my last six engines to dealers or am waiting for parts.  I did pre-order the Santa Fe nine cars and four UP Excursion and Challenger21" passenger cars.

Painting people is no longer necessary.  I have fourteen boxes done.

Time to press down on the clutch and change gears.  Going up.  Upper level needs to be finished.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Another busy Saturday WOW!

Chris A- the factory looks great. Bravo Sir . The details you added make it look like its been around forever. Fits perfectly on the layout too.
Darlander Dave- another great group of buildings. I think you achieved what you were going for. Once you detail the front and have some trains parked there it will be fine.
Mike G- sorry about the rip out but a least you found the problem now. Goes to show that it's important to test track as you go. Cork looks good too.
Mark- nice WM loco.
Lee- Thanks- The WM GP-7 is a Lionel Legacy model that I bought from Mark last year. It's a very nice engine, now I need to pick up a Legacy system so I can play with all the cool features. Nice trucks you're working on too.
John- if it wasn't for bad luck you'd have none at all. Good move to change gears and do some track work.
Mitch- I'm sure a good time was had by all!
Ralph M- The hopper looks good so far.
Mel- sorry about the hiccup in operations. At least you found the tire and got the loco running again.

WHEW I think I got everyone.


Last edited by RSJB18

Chris A.  Every angle you take the pictures from the building still looks great! Nice attention to detail and placement on the layout!

Joh, Thanks for sharing pictures of your layout! Very Nice! I am sorry you didn't get the cars you wanted but with all the past problems I don't blame you for not ordering!

Bob, Great job on the list! I know sometimes I will be gone for a day and from all the stuff I fallow on the forum I will have over 100 emails from here! LOL

No train work for me today, Grandma and I are going to stay the night with the grandkids!

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and have lots of fun on there projects! Don't forget to take time out to run some trains!

Mike glad you decided to make that change! I still don't get why there was trouble with the O54 curves and turnout. But I'm sure the O72 stuff will fix it! 

Al those are cool buildings! Must be a huge layout to have room for all that stuff! 

thinking about ordering a Lionel coal tower. Can't run steam with no coal. And maybe a few more cows!!! 😊


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