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lee drennen posted:


everything looking great sorry no work on anything this week busy at work maybe this weekend. Keep up the good work I see lots of progress and thanks for all the likes and pos. Complements means a lot. Been kinda down today kinda missing my little Beagle dog. She passed away back on Feb. 7 she was 12yrs with the weather getting warmer I miss the walks in the woods when I got home from work with her. I guess the hardest part is she passed away while I was holding her. Anyway carry on and thanks for your kind works and encouragement try to get something done this weekend.


My sympathies Lee.  We have a 13 y.o. Beagle/Basset X.  We got her as a rescue from Virginia while we had 2 senior LABS who are both gone now.  She makes us laugh most every day.  She's taking antibiotics now for a UTI.  We know she won't be with us forever, but we treasure each day she is here.



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lee drennen posted:


everything looking great sorry no work on anything this week busy at work maybe this weekend. Keep up the good work I see lots of progress and thanks for all the likes and pos. Complements means a lot. Been kinda down today kinda missing my little Beagle dog. She passed away back on Feb. 7 she was 12yrs with the weather getting warmer I miss the walks in the woods when I got home from work with her. I guess the hardest part is she passed away while I was holding her. Anyway carry on and thanks for your kind works and encouragement try to get something done this weekend.


Sorry to hear about the loss of a dear family member Lee. It's amazing how these furry creatures weave themselves into our lives. Hang in there and keep her memory alive.


lee drennen posted:


everything looking great sorry no work on anything this week busy at work maybe this weekend. Keep up the good work I see lots of progress and thanks for all the likes and pos. Complements means a lot. Been kinda down today kinda missing my little Beagle dog. She passed away back on Feb. 7 she was 12yrs with the weather getting warmer I miss the walks in the woods when I got home from work with her. I guess the hardest part is she passed away while I was holding her. Anyway carry on and thanks for your kind works and encouragement try to get something done this weekend.


So sorry about the beagle. Over the years i've had 7 beagles and know how sad it is when you lose one.

lee drennen posted:


everything looking great sorry no work on anything this week busy at work maybe this weekend. Keep up the good work I see lots of progress and thanks for all the likes and pos. Complements means a lot. Been kinda down today kinda missing my little Beagle dog. She passed away back on Feb. 7 she was 12yrs with the weather getting warmer I miss the walks in the woods when I got home from work with her. I guess the hardest part is she passed away while I was holding her. Anyway carry on and thanks for your kind works and encouragement try to get something done this weekend.


                        THAT IS A VERY HARD THING TO HAVE TO GO THRU...

    Lee, sorry about losing your buddy...  I lost my train buddy about six years ago...

        LACY,  I still really miss her !!   she was 12 years old, and her hips gave out...


           I still see her everyday,  laying next to some of her toys...  next to the TV...

                            that 's IZZY watching a Brown's game with me here...





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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Nothing too glamorous, but in the middle of adding 110’ of sidings to my attic layout. The expansion makes the footprint 40’ x 10.5’ and the layout now contains 18 022 switches on two districts, 11 blocked sidings, and a total of around 350’ of track. Had to upgrade to a Z4000 for trains and use my ZW for switches and accessories.

Just goes to show how a simple idea can get quickly out of hand!

Still have to put covering over the insulation, run the wire, put down track bed, fasten down track, paint, etc etc. Stay tuned!





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Hello all, just Checking in here. Haven’t had much time for trains the past few weeks. Did manage to get my buddies layout wired this week though. Heading to York on the Friday still. I’m sure I’ll be posting after that. Lots going on right now away from trains.

Hopefully everyone is doing well and having a good time with trains.  Nice to see everyone’s progress here! 


I hope everyone is doing well.  Today's rainy day gave me more time to paint people.  The last couple of nights I awoke and got up to paint until I was sleepy again.  I can't take any sleep aids because I care for Mom and have to be able to hear her moving around at night, and then get up to help her.  Someone stated that the painting is therapeutic, and they are probably correct.  I get in an intense focus when I paint.  Occasionally I come up for air and a cup of coffee.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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lee drennen posted:

A62F7E32-F9CF-4A51-93CF-F7F524F75DAC6B1973EE-DE84-42EA-BE40-55C1238C60BDGot this Lionel Standard O car done today. 

Kevin. I like those switches looking good 

We hate the loss of the little beagle Lee.

Each trip to my daughter's house I am greeted by  three four legged welcome committee.  Although this morning the oldest died from seizures at the vets office. Pip was a 15 year old Australian hound. So now only Treavor and the beagle, Lizzie, will meet me there.  I spend my first 15 minutes giving my famous hugs and rubs.  Pip Will be missed.

CGWFOREVER, what a great idea! It turned out looking wonderful on your layout!

Kevin, quite the undertaking in such a tight area! But man is that great progress!

Vincent, wat a great looking ship, sometimes you find some of the best stuff at garage sales!

Andy, have fun at York!

Lee, another nice job on the box car! How many of them do you have to do?

John, looks great! But I do have 2 questions for you. 1) Do you paint standing people for along your streets on your layout? & 2) what are you going to do when your done painting people?

Bob & Brian, what great pictures! Sure make for a nice start to Sunday morning!

Yesterday I started to rewired most of my control panel cause it was a rats nest. I still have 3 more switch wires to hook and hope to get my plan back from the printers on Monday morning. Then I can drill the holes for the toggle switch's and get them installed!20190330_154848                                              I hope everyone has a great Sunday!


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"WOW" I had some catching up to do. Friday and Saturday I was tied up with the TCA meet in Parma.

Lee, sorry to hear of the loss of you best friend and walking companion. Our pets are one of the family and we miss them when something happens to them.

Vince, nice looking ship.

Johan, cabooses look great.

Mike g, you're getting there. Control panel is looking good.

Mark, hope you can find time to work on your layout again. I'm trying to gert as much done as possible because weather is turning warmer and I have a lot of yard work to get done. All I can hopoe for is a lot of rain days to work on the layout.

Today I added some more smaller trees, a couple of more bushes and mat grass in spots. I screwed down track coming off the bridges. So that area is done. That just leaves making up the plank roadway to go across the bridge. Pics...........Paul



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John. Thank you and sorry for your loss as well

Bob. Never heard of such a thing now that’s cool. Can anyone do that? 

Paul. Thank you I’m usually getting over a lost of a animal by now but she was so closer to me than I thought. Your layout is looking good 

Mike. Thanks I don’t know how many I’ve Custom built so far I’ll have to count them 

Bob, That is a great catch on the Curve Webcam!

Brian, BNSF looking good!

Mike, Yes it's better to get rd of the rats nest now, while you are still building and testing!

Paul, You have really done a great job with that narrow piece of layout with the trains going through a forest, then plunging out over the great gorge, and right back in a forest!  Thank you for the hopes I can get back to the layout.  I don't know what the near future holds.  I had been working part time but they haven't needed me so this is my final week of unemployment.  My marketable skills are over 10 years old and what I have been doing the last 11 years isn't really wanted by anyone.  I finally was offered and accepted a part time position with the local cable company in a tech support call center role.  They are a competitor of my previous telecom employer.  Dealing with the upset or nasty customers will be the challenge.  The pay is much lower than I had even been getting in unemployment, but it is an answer to prayer we will be getting something.  I think I am going to have to file for Social Security to make ends meet.  Well I am older than both my dad and father-in-law were when they fully retired.  After training, it will be shift work, so it remains to be seen what train shows, events I can go to.  Well it won't be too many years, I am pushing 63.

So anyway, that and doing what yard work I am still capable of at home and at my parents' house may keep me from much layout work.  At least I have a start that I can do a little bit here and there when time allows.  That is the good thing!!!

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