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RSJB18 posted:
p51 posted:
RSJB18 posted:
p51 posted:

I grew up in North Florida. Nobody would want to (or I think could) model the terrain there.

Florida has no terrain πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I once frequented a form of diorama builders and there was a guy who asked people to challenge him to model terrain types. He usually met the challenge, too.

Until I started posting.

I showed photos of around Olustee and "Tate's Hell" and he finally said he had me stumped, as he couldn't figure out how to model that.

I'm not Florida bashing but the average elevation above seal level in the state is 6'.......

  Actually, I think one of the first Trrrrains was out of Talahassee before 1850.

 Starting the math to figure out seal level is a beach...😏

Your shots have been exceptionally good lately Lee.

This has been driving me nuts's "Gorilla brand "gel super glue"".

"Gorilla Glue" to any carpenter/builder is an expanding foam glue not suitable for most modeling. THAT product made the brand; not gel super glue, nor did they invent gel super glue,  and other brands are just as good imo, maybe better. "Gorilla Glue" was expanding glue only, years before I saw their "super glue"  (or call it "Krazy Glue" they were first 2 old brands of the 70s advertisements, now "universal" names for cynoacrylate glues)

Mixing this lingo is eventually going to lead to someone making a huge mistake in product use.... I was in charge of product choices for a few years, and saw that a lot of names and marketing are the root cause of costly mistakes... believe me it's going to happen to a novice sooner or later. This "mistake" is happening enough I would ban the brand in my departments.... sooner or later, I swear. (I also did ad work, so noticed the trends more so maybe, always being interested in interpretations/influence of them)

For balsa use wood glue and a clamping overnight or close to it. Doing this the grain along the bond is more likely to give way than the bond. Clamping doesn't have to be intense. Strong rubberband, plastic hobby/craft clamps are ok; but leave on for 24hrs. (I built balsa gliders from a couple of solid blocks. They gotta land and survive, and those landings might be nose dives every now and then. For how light it is, it is really amazing how much shock and abuse the wood can take once you work with it. ("... it is, it is ..." took 25 key presses to type due to google"spellwreck", the crap os hate it so bad here...second time, it doesn't care, lol )

Odenville Bill, that grade in the curve seems steep by eye, even as a downhill only. Can you start the grade's rise right at the under crossing? it would stretch that grade, lowering it and derailment, mininum voltage might be too fast.   Going down into curves throws centrifugal forze on top of the downhill AND inertia from the dead ahead momentum... I think (inertia and momentum are tied but not the same ) (Also, check steam cowcatchers and drawbars don't bottom out and short on the center rail at the bottom of the steep grade. You have to ease into that 5% with X inches of 1%2%3%etc. to stop bottoming lower inia grade, or flanges sailing over rail tops at the top

Mark, spray glue in the shade, bottom to the sunπŸ˜‘..while the face...

..and arms get hit with sunscreen 😁

Elliot, I know that sound too 😯Only one thing does itπŸ˜• Rest it now while you might have a shread of tendon left to heal on without a reattachment. I swear they tried to pop mine fully(twice) at phsical therepy wanting to operate. It took years but that lifelong limp and never running again they promised?  Where is that limp today Doc? πŸ™„ (I was back to running miles daily by babying it for a few years, then breaking it in again slowly...not in months, years. Worth it imo.)

  Lets see... I found a Bluetooth speaker that got ran over a year or two ago. IMG_20190512_222542~3 The crate cover for the red Altec Lansing mini h2o BT speaker that I threw together a few weeks back works pretty good, so I began to coax the crushed BT speaker unit back to life to provide a "whistle shack or billboard" type piece, but in another form that might be a moving load or stationary scenery. I noted long ago that my Tyco HO whistle billboard's box shape and color remind me very much of the roof top industrial HVAC units I worked with. I added some "fan covers" and "voila", no strings attached ( ) HVAC. ("Needs" some panels scored in really, but "good enough for mine")

  I first needed a new speaker after reattaching wires and cleaning the mud and crap that had made it into the formerly waterproof device (a BTS-06..forget who made it.. a hands off, phone operating device vs simple speaker)(see I'm not a strict Luddite, I'm not a tech junkie either. I bought enough crap that sounded better described than it was to use ) ... the whistle/bell is really all I'm doing it for, the chuff you heard hasn't been on again since the video. IMG_20190512_225750~2IMG_20190512_230338~2IMG_20190512_231619~3IMG_20190512_230557~3

....But anyhow, looking for an old phone handset(landline) I found an old walkie talkie to rob a tiny speaker from instead. While working on the electronics, I was thinking about what my new cover might be, the old Tyco, and a type of hvac/cooling tower unit I always liked for the shape, called a crossflow unit (see pic) The shape itself is more prevelent in industrial applications than comfort hvac, but "whatever".  It's a rooftop look that varies from 4' tall to 40'; and I saw it in the walkie talkie shell already dissassembled for the speaker. It is a crossflow unit. Or part of one anyhow, it will have a lower section in a second.IMG_20190513_010231~3

here is a big one... like I said, 4'-40'.

th [20)IMG_20190513_004846~2   It took some modding inside; old speaker offset and misc. bracing removed until it was flat and smooth because I needed the speaker to fit further up inside, to fit best, and sound best (better than orig. spot),which also spoiled my plan for the usb charging port to fit into the oval up high and an led jumped from the BTS-06 to the panel's round hole. Oh well.IMG_20190513_004932~2

The buttons/board should end up behind the battery panel, Im not to sure if it will fit. I want to run a sheild plate so the magnet doesn't wipe out any chip memory by accident (its how you "erase" some customizable chips and data storages)

So I might have to jump in two new off board switches(for on/off and volume up at least) It has auto shut off and resets volume if off.

The back side batt. cover looks like a hvac panel cover. The battery will sit on the bottom panel/floor, to help offset the speaker weight which is making it top heavy and tippy right now. IMG_20190513_005927~3

The battery cover even has a triangle and lightning bolt like a big electric panel .  The press tab to open it looks like a handle so I'll paint it silver/black to help that thought along. Rare, but I've seen handles kinda like that on machines, so, "Sold".

I need to sound deaden this plastic housing though, as it resonates and emits what sounds like a speaker rattle but isn't. It makes the noise even if he speaker is just set next to it.

  I've got rubberised undercoat spray; thick rubber tape (bike inner tube trick); aluminum duct tape (industrial, a thicker metal/adheasive than big box versions), two different mill thicknesses of regular duct tape,some rubberized clear vinyl tape I got at a yard sale, like clear electrical tape; or some soft hot glue..... I'm thinking undercoating spray might be easiest, but I'm worried on plastic reaction to it long term as well.

 Kinda neat. The 1st speaker was for music, I just decided to play around and it lead to fixing another... so both were more or less free, one by finding and fixing one by coincidence of a music player working out via size alone. (there are smaller BT speakers too)

I've also done more on the popcicle stick barn expansion. The east wing has a skin, roof, 3 windows cut, 1-Β½ of them framed. Needs some glass, paint and eventually a months late revival of the group build thread that inspired it for a full "reveal"; but so far so good on it being modular/convertable. Each wing lifts off. When done, I should have a barn/shed; a carriage house; and two large market stands/3 wall shelters, etc; or a combo choice somewhere between that. (Like one veggie stand, a shed(sm barn), "carriage house"(no barn shape ) and tool room(one wing left attached to carriage house). Or a business with two wings & a shed... etc. One wing, one window and not finished... the roof joists have slots on the left here, that simple slip over the beam on the lower center(carriage house) next to it.



Crap. My picture files are still huge and my clipboard isn't holding once I move from the browser. (15mpx camera makes some big ones) . I need to eat, then edit/crop them smaller and update this. Maybe an hour or so...?


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Just wanted to update something regarding Gorilla Super Glue.  So far, since i'm shut down from going any further until my dowels arrive, by mail, that haven't even been shipped yet, the work I've completed to this point using Gorilla Super Glue, not the foamy stuff or the stuff in the commercial where the gorilla invades the home of the nice couple and repairs their glass coffee table.  Just the tiny tube stuff with the blue cap that looks like any of your mainline super glues.  My balsa wood frame for my covered bridge is still there, tight, hasn't shown any compromising appearance due to the glue.  As I stated a few days ago when I brought up this project with the forum, I tried buying Testors model glue because it had a brush application.  But, sadly, and stupidly on my part, I didn't read the label where it said plainly, "for plastic". 

I don't like the tube glues because regardless of how you try to dab that stuff on, gravity takes over, or like caulk tubes, you're finished caulking, but the tube isn't finished presenting the caulk out the end of the nozzle.  I don't know if you have ever experienced that phenomenon, but the only thing I've ever found that stops the flow is to yank the plunger back and kill the pressure.  Glues can do that, shampoo bottles, you squeeze out what you need, it pours out uncontrollably.  My glue has done this once or twice but not over and over.  But......once the pole is up or support beam is on, it's on.  Not only that, if you can set the pole or the beam in place fast enough, you don't have to hold it long to be able to let it go.  Just don't accidentally get any on your fingers, and be careful, glue is like a virus, it hunts for hosts.  So don't get your level too close to where you glued the post to the shelf because this stuff doesn't discriminate, it sticks to wood, plastic, metal, hair, fingernails, your dog, your cat, drywall, hamburger, skin, and can be used to seal up cuts that won't stop bleeding. 

As for that foamy, water activated stuff, I never could get that stuff to work.  ONE LAST WARNING.  Sorry.  Don't, I repeat, don't, use any of this type of glue on Styrofoam of any kind.  I was worried that balsa wood might fit that category, but so far I haven't seen this.  Glue not specifically stated on the packaging to be designed for use with foam based products, will eat through Styrofoam like acid.  I made the mistake of trying a quick fix once using some of that white packaging block Styrofoam that when you cut it with a hot knife it makes spider webs.  I forgot, used gorilla glue, couldn't get it to stick.  Looked on the back where I dabbed the glue, major hole was forming.

Just flat out exercising many trains, East to West & West to East on a single track with passing sidings.  All lines, all power.  Traffic jams at the turntables,  Couple of whoops but no discernable damage.

This could turn out to be fun.  

Built this thing for crew operation but it is boiling down to a one man show so I am changing some of the control panels.

Overall a pretty good day so far. The mail person dropped off a package that I ordered from Scenic Express. Over the weekend they had a 15% off sale so I thought why not stock up on a few items. I headed down to the basement and finished cutting out the rest of the flats along with some signs that were on some of the flats. Figured I could use them as extra signs on the buildings. Now the task of cleaning off the tables so I can start placing the flats against the backdrop to see what order will look best. Pics............Paul 2



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paul 2 posted:

Overall a pretty good day so far. The mail person dropped off a package that I ordered from Scenic Express. Over the weekend they had a 15% off sale so I thought why not stock up on a few items. I headed down to the basement and finished cutting out the rest of the flats along with some signs that were on some of the flats. Figured I could use them as extra signs on the buildings. Now the task of cleaning off the tables so I can start placing the flats against the backdrop to see what order will look best. Pics............Paul 2


Paul. Wow. Looking a so nice. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thanks Paul, Mark and Butch. Good news, more x-rays and no obvious structural damage. That one was kind of scary. It still hurts, but I've found that the prescription pain meds plus regular over the counter stuff taken together, get me through the day. It feels pretty good in the morning when I've been off it  for eight hours, but as soon as I start moving around, ow.

I'm back to not driving again, not that I can't, but it gets uncomfortable after a short time behind the wheel. I'll give it another shot next week. 

In addition to the doctor, we went and looked at an apartment for my son and his roommate. Lot of hoops to jump through these days, and a real catch 22 situation. They have to have proof of income here, but they don't have jobs here yet. How do you get an apartment? Looks like I may be paying their first six months in advance, and they'll have to pay me back. Not optimal, but I can do it for them, it's just one of those dad jobs.

As for trains, I haven't emailed Patrick yet, so he may read it here first, but we WILL work on Saturday. I'll just have to do things while sitting. I have a bunch of little projects that fit that bill.

BAR GP7, I love the entire appearance of the inside of the boxcar20190530_185305 [2) (as well as its whole outside, too, of course!) The grime and wear to the metal surfaces; the wooden floor chipped at the entrance area the most, from shipments being loaded and offloaded; the well-worn older skid for the machine, all are elements of really very sharp detailing, that's for sure! I'm fond of detailing things but doing what you have so expertly done to the inside would never have occurred to me. You have just given me my first lesson in that regard, and my mind is sucking it up!

Imagination + real-life experience = success !



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Last edited by Moonson

Happy Friday!

Lee- the video looks great. The static siding makes the run by look very realistic.

Elliot- glad to hear it's not major. Don't over do it tomorrow with Patrick.

Paul- the flats look really nice. Very detailed images.

Johan- WOW . Just spectacular!

Daniel- nice scratch build. Thanks for sharing.

Jonathan- The board looks good. Can't wait to see it all loaded with track and trains.

Maybe I can squeeze in some layout time this weekend. Almost caught up with the outdoor work except for cutting the grass each week now.


Thanks bob. Maybe I can get back to some kinda normal. I finally got my garden in and I’m almost caught up on yard work.

Eliot. Please take care of your self so you can play with trains.

Johan. Love the Boxcar pics

Lee  Sorry for a late reply your pics and work are always fabulous don’t ever doubt it

Paul. I like those back drops I have to get some of those for sure  

Dan. That piggyback rig looks cool! And it a Mack 

Brain. You always hit my soft stop of my heart with those CSX pics it’s my favorite modem Rail. 

Moonson posted:

BAR GP7, I love the entire appearance of the inside of the boxcar20190530_185305 [2) (as well as its whole outside, too, of course!) The grime and wear to the metal surfaces; the wooden floor chipped at the entrance area the most, from shipments being loaded and offloaded; the well-worn older skid for the machine, all are elements of really very sharp detailing, that's for sure! I'm fond of detailing things but doing what you have so expertly done to the inside would never have occurred to me. You have just given me my first lesson in that regard, and my mind is sucking it up!

Imagination + real-life experience = success !


FrankM: Thank you very much Sir. I always appreciate your nice words. 🀝



RSJB18 posted:

Happy Friday!

Lee- the video looks great. The static siding makes the run by look very realistic.

Elliot- glad to hear it's not major. Don't over do it tomorrow with Patrick.

Paul- the flats look really nice. Very detailed images.

Johan- WOW . Just spectacular!

Daniel- nice scratch build. Thanks for sharing.

Jonathan- The board looks good. Can't wait to see it all loaded with track and trains.

Maybe I can squeeze in some layout time this weekend. Almost caught up with the outdoor work except for cutting the grass each week now.


Bob. Thank you very much. 🀝


lee drennen posted:

Thanks bob. Maybe I can get back to some kinda normal. I finally got my garden in and I’m almost caught up on yard work.

Eliot. Please take care of your self so you can play with trains.

Johan. Love the Boxcar pics

Lee  Sorry for a late reply your pics and work are always fabulous don’t ever doubt it

Paul. I like those back drops I have to get some of those for sure  

Dan. That piggyback rig looks cool! And it a Mack 

Brain. You always hit my soft stop of my heart with those CSX pics it’s my favorite modem Rail. 

Lee. Thank you.


Paul, How did I miss the big city that is popping up like mushrooms in your basement!  Those are looking great!!

Johan, that car is super inside and out!  I really enjoyed the article of your group in the latest C T T!  Great job!

Daniel, that tractor trailer on a trailer looks great!

Brian, Super Great Northern Day!!

Elliot,  I'm really glad!!!    I tried going down to once a day on my pain meds for my lower back and leg.  The calf and foot are worse than the back.  I'm going to have to go back to twice a day I think because of pushing the mower.  Oh well, they told me to not do the exercises too much as they won't help, and I can't really hurt it.  Hmmmm.....  That's easy for those younger doctors to say!  

Elliot, very glad to hear it was not serious and that in a few weeks you should be a lot better.

Mark and Bob, thanks for the compliments on the city going up. I just started to lean some flats at the back to get an idea but as you can see in the pictures I have to clear a lot of stuff off the tables so I can get back there to work on it. The biggest problem will be is to find places to put the stuff that's on the tables.

Today the mail person dropped off another package. Even though it is a railking car I had to have it after I saw it on Mr Muffins site. Growing up in Niagara Falls New York there was a Great Lakes Carbon Plant so I had to have it for Nostalgic reasons. I took some of the flats and placed them around. Although I can see I'll have to do some changing around till I get the look I want. Once that is done I'll be working on 3D flats for in front of those flats. The two flats I had already put on the backdrop will have to be taken off and moved higher. So I am hoping for a couple of rain days this weekend so I can do this. Pics................Paul 2



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It's been a good day.


A friend at the American Legion asked me if I wanted two piles of old model railroad magazines and I'm getting ready to get into the recliner and start enjoying them.


Later today, two friends we haven't seen in years (but keep in touch with on Facebook) came by to see my trains, and they were impressed. The husband had heard about my two Lego dead rail trains, and since he used to make Lego structures as a hobby, he is interested in buying both sets from the store.

Mark Boyce posted:

Paul, How did I miss the big city that is popping up like mushrooms in your basement!  Those are looking great!!

Johan, that car is super inside and out!  I really enjoyed the article of your group in the latest C T T!  Great job!

Daniel, that tractor trailer on a trailer looks great!

Brian, Super Great Northern Day!!

Elliot,  I'm really glad!!!    I tried going down to once a day on my pain meds for my lower back and leg.  The calf and foot are worse than the back.  I'm going to have to go back to twice a day I think because of pushing the mower.  Oh well, they told me to not do the exercises too much as they won't help, and I can't really hurt it.  Hmmmm.....  That's easy for those younger doctors to say!  

Mark. Thank you. I like that CTT -article too. Roger Carp & CTT team made a really great job on that.


Hi everyone, I see there has bee a lot of great work being done while I have been away! I had to go back and look to see when the last time I was here and it was on the 25th, 3 pages ago, 625 emails where 95% were from here! LOL

I handed out a lot of likes as there is to much to comment on everything but I do want to call out a few things so here I go!

Elliot, I am glad your knee was not something serious! I hope you take it easy and let it mend. You and Patrick ae doing amazing work on your layout so don't over do it so you can keep going!

Patrick, Your engine house is going to look great on your layout! Your lift out section turned out perfect Nice work!

Paul 2, As usual your flats look wonderful, and will really bring the layout to life!

Mark, I really like the ceiling layout I could see just turning it on and letting it run while you work on your new layout! Just the sound of the train going would be inspiration ! You track work you have sofar look great!

Lee, the new bookcase looks wonderful in place of the old ones and you cant beat the price! Stoney Creek Valley area sure looks like it would be a wonderful place to live! Amazing work Lee!

Superchief, the sure is quite the yard and the ballast looks great! Keep up the good work!

Johan, what does one say! Your skills and attention to detail are just amazing! You really know how to bring a scene to life! I always look forward to see what your going to post next! Thanks you so much for sharing your wonderful skills with the rest of us!

Brian, I see your still keeping up with all the great photos, but it kinda seems you have forgotten us folks on the west coast ! LOL Keep them coming as I look forward every morning to see the new photos! 

I haven't done anything it the train room for over a week as the wife has gone on vacation to see her parents in North Dakota. I was left behind cause of my tubing, and to watch after the store. That sure has become a lot more then I thought, I get up at 3AM go to the store do book work, then go to my Hyperberic treatment, and then back to the store. I finely get home and to be around 9PM.

But before the wife left I did start working on a drive device for my old Lionel Yard crane so I can make it move forward and back. I hope to get some time today to work on it, but I have yard work to do first and who knows how long that will take!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday and I will check in later to see all the great work you all are doing!


"Brian, I see your still keeping up with all the great photos, but it kinda seems you have forgotten us folks on the west coast ! LOL Keep them coming as I look forward every morning to see the new photos! "


    so some western it is, Mike...    have a great day !!










































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Brian, you ROCK! That should carry me for the next 2 weeks! LOL I sure love them all. One day I am going to have to get me a silver and red Santa Fe!

Mark, busy days, but only one more week to do then the wife is back! Which is a good thing the fallowing Monday after she gets back I go in to get all my teeth yanked! LOL Then I get a week off! Lucky Me! LOL

I didn't get any train room today, but tomorrow is looking better! Just one yard chore and then I am free to do as I please! I hope everyone had a great day and an even better Sunday!

mike g. posted:

Hi everyone, I see there has bee a lot of great work being done while I have been away! I had to go back and look to see when the last time I was here and it was on the 25th, 3 pages ago, 625 emails where 95% were from here! LOL

I handed out a lot of likes as there is to much to comment on everything but I do want to call out a few things so here I go!

Elliot, I am glad your knee was not something serious! I hope you take it easy and let it mend. You and Patrick ae doing amazing work on your layout so don't over do it so you can keep going!

Patrick, Your engine house is going to look great on your layout! Your lift out section turned out perfect Nice work!

Paul 2, As usual your flats look wonderful, and will really bring the layout to life!

Mark, I really like the ceiling layout I could see just turning it on and letting it run while you work on your new layout! Just the sound of the train going would be inspiration ! You track work you have sofar look great!

Lee, the new bookcase looks wonderful in place of the old ones and you cant beat the price! Stoney Creek Valley area sure looks like it would be a wonderful place to live! Amazing work Lee!

Superchief, the sure is quite the yard and the ballast looks great! Keep up the good work!

Johan, what does one say! Your skills and attention to detail are just amazing! You really know how to bring a scene to life! I always look forward to see what your going to post next! Thanks you so much for sharing your wonderful skills with the rest of us!

Brian, I see your still keeping up with all the great photos, but it kinda seems you have forgotten us folks on the west coast ! LOL Keep them coming as I look forward every morning to see the new photos! 

I haven't done anything it the train room for over a week as the wife has gone on vacation to see her parents in North Dakota. I was left behind cause of my tubing, and to watch after the store. That sure has become a lot more then I thought, I get up at 3AM go to the store do book work, then go to my Hyperberic treatment, and then back to the store. I finely get home and to be around 9PM.

But before the wife left I did start working on a drive device for my old Lionel Yard crane so I can make it move forward and back. I hope to get some time today to work on it, but I have yard work to do first and who knows how long that will take!

I hope everyone has a great Saturday and I will check in later to see all the great work you all are doing!

Mike. Thank you very much Sir. This forum and all you guys are Super. I am really glad i found this great forum and i can share my pics & stories. 🌏 🀝



   "Brian, you ROCK! That should carry me for the next 2 weeks! LOL I sure love them all. One day I am going to have to get me a silver and red Santa Fe!"


          Mike, here is my 1st Christmas train at 4 months old...

                                       a HO Santa Fe passenger set, still have it and it still runs !








        Santa Fe and B&O are some of my favorites...


























          I hear Santa likes "Santa Fe" a little too...





















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