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Thank you Mark, come to Tennessee and I will take you on a fantastic layout tour, just allow me a few days, Nashville, Clarksville, Evansville, Hawesville, Cincinnati. It’ll be a fast tour, but fun nonetheless. Bill Bramlage, Farmerjohn, Dr. Jack Fisher, Bob Bartizek, and Dixie Union Station, a nice hobby shop. Oh yes, my layout to. Happy Railroading, your layout is looking good to. What a fun hobby.   


Last edited by leapinlarry
darlander posted:
third rail posted:

I have been working making a Slag dump for my Steel mill layout. The photos  show the progression from bare wooder and screen wire through 2 layers of plaster soaked handi-wipes tof painting and detailing. Bought some fluorescent red and yellow and orange paints at the craft store. I will try to get some pictures posted under a black lite so you can see the effect.


Great scene development and very effective use of color and detail!   Will you be highlighting with ultraviolet lighting?   Well done and Looking forward to more progress posts.

Cheers, Dave

PS:  Just noticed your reply about LED black lighting.    Looking forward to seeing how well it works as LED UV appears to be an emerging technology. 

I took some pictures with an LED black light . Here's how they turned out.  20190804_163003 The first one is my attempt at molten Slag just poured from the thimble.  They kind of look like space aliens crawling up the slope. 20190804_16292720190804_162847

The last two are of Slag cooling in the bottom of the pit.

I will try to find a stronger bulb. I think LED'S are too weak. 


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leapinlarry posted:

Jacks layout is in three rooms of his basement, and as one walks through the different rooms, it gives a feeling of long distance running of his trains. His scenery, scenic details are simply amazing. Paul Kallus has offered many videos of Jacks fine work and vision in the hobby. Go to that thread and enjoy the talents of Kent Cooper, builder, and Jacks Wonderful Vision of what a three rail scale toy train layout can become.  At one time, in this space was a large LGB layout and an American Flyer layout. I was able to see these years ago. The outdoor G Guage layout is extraordinary, possibly 150 feet long, 3 to 4 feet high off the ground, 30 feet wide. A fantastic wooded area is Real. A Day with Jack Fisher is a day you would both enjoy, and never forget. He is a humble gentleman, that loves electric trains. AB95C149-AE81-43AB-9CDB-84B84F32BFF57F434F71-884E-4AA9-A235-66AC3BD71B1446161DE8-7A16-4463-B3A4-428A52E0A2C18B405A16-6D90-4BEE-9907-A870B572B86734D7DE34-A207-407F-A1F1-C54610109315A121A1FD-F42E-47F5-9237-C9989375BAB07A3274B7-0DBD-4475-A700-E6835E7153E5E68F9E82-9261-4186-A5D4-26BF02D701B971252091-CEBE-477F-B221-C691A56FD9AB42455AF7-C185-4556-94F6-7627D8802AF03CFA5487-5DDD-4F8E-BEB6-36F87F225BC9B78ED5CC-9BB3-419A-8896-DB223533A99EC233608F-C4C9-4CC7-994D-883FB84BEC5CD45FD15E-49CC-4D0D-93F7-A1E013F9947118C57072-D3C9-4997-9050-9F707085D5EF2F1D73E7-E0C8-44D1-9FCB-5751898277A4

What a great layout! All aspects from the track plan through scenery look well executed. Of course the detail takes the layout to another level. This is one I would love to see in person. Thanks for sharing.


Jon1443 posted:

Spent some time cleaning out the room where I had been keeping a lot of spare, extra, and “to be repaired” parts as 6 months from now that room will become a nursery for our first little one! Fingers crossed for a boy as my wife has said it will be train themed if that’s the case


My boy is 4 months old tomorrow. Life will never be the same. It's amazing how you can be so happy to be miserable.

Here's to sleepless nights and dirty diapers!

Mark Boyce posted:

Larry and Paul, Thank you for sharing so many photographs and video of Dr. Jack's layouts and outdoor trains!

Ralph, that orange really makes the engine for sure!

I got a little bit of time to finish sanding the cork on my next section of layout and took the section outside to spray the gray stone flecked paint for temporary/permanent ballast.  This time I didn't paint gray over the cork and Homasote first, but just sprayed.  The gray I painted first made for very light looking ballast.  This spray makes for a darker, dirty look.  I'll leave it sit to see how I like it before fastening the track back down.  Left is previous, right is today.

2019-08-04 17.25.50


        hi Mark,  both look good, but I like the one on the right better...       road trip to Tennessee 



Thank you for the opinion on the shade of gray, Brian!  Thank you everyone for the likes.

Just now after supper, I took that piece off the layout to cut the wood to the right size and shape with the saber saw.  There will be a steep wooded hillside that will be lightweight that I can remove to get at the switches underneath.  Of course I will have access from the rear also.  The upper roadbed is supported by a cross brace down the middle with 4 corners supported from the lower level.  So here it is with track just slipped back on top to see how it looks.  That's all for a while.

2019-08-04 19.14.16


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John, Your really going to like the new LED lighting! It makes a big difference on how your layout will look from a lighting aspect! What a wonderful layout you have there, are the LED's dimmable?

Ralph, Looks much better! Just a little thing like that can change everything!

Larry Thanks for sharing such an Amazing Layout! That would be near the top of my list of layouts to see right after Elliot's and your of course!

Mark, things are looking good on your layout! I agree with Brian the right one looks a little better to me!

Well no train room this weekend, but I did get a chance to order the last 3 sections of track for my layout. So I am happy! I hope every one had a great weekend and had fun!

Maybe I will get some time tomorrow after I get back from the VA to get my hearing aids checked out. Hour and a half there and hour and a half back. I sure hope its just my hearing aids as if I need a hearing test I will have to come back another day!

Well tomorrow is Monday so do your best to do what you can to have fun! LOL

Hey Y'all,

By the time I finished talking on my ham radio it was 94 degrees.  Too hot for the train room.  With the CFO's permission, I set myself up to solder in the living room.  I'm on a bit of a lighting kick.  I found a large, forgotten stash of resistors and LEDs (ham radio leftovers).  I assembled five white 10mm , two red 3mm, and six blue 5mm.  The big white LEDs will run on 13.8vdc.  They will light buildings.  The blue will go on my control panel to indicate siding power.  The red ones do not have a destination yet.  I have been running my modest lights on a CW-80.  I only run lights on this transformer.   I run conventional engines and a LC+ with my Lionel VW transformer.  I soldered all evening.  After putting my toys back in the train room, I tripped and fell (again).  Nothing broke this time.  Heat shrink and installation TBA.  The black RC mustang will be gutted for future railroad projects.  I'm just waiting for the lightbulb to come on in my head.  Any ideas??



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NS1975, The ballast turned out looking really good, the trees are a great addition to the track side! Nice placement of the Menards truck and painted figures. Helps bring things to life!

Bill, Looks like you have enough to light everything in the train room! How do you know what side to place the resistor? I hope your ok after your fall! It sounds like that has been going around lately, a couple of other forum members have taken a tumble lately. I hope its not a new trend!

Brian, wonderful photo's. I hope you also have a great Monday and try to stay cool! Don't forget to stop at the store to get Marci and Izzy some more Ice Cream! LOL

Everyone have fun today! Oh and please watch where your going so you don't have a tumble! 

Vincent Massi posted:

Larry, I remember this law firm from a Three Stooges movie. I made a copy of your photo, I'm going to get it printed, and I am going to glue it somewhere on my lay-out.

Please don't sue me.C233608F-C4C9-4CC7-994D-883FB84BEC5CD45FD15E-49CC-4D0D-93F7-A1E013F99471

Love the name of the firm...however pet peeve....there should be no apostrophe in either of the "attorneys"   Other wise this is great!

Mike G,

You will often hear that the resistor goes on the positive side.  As long as the LED and resister are in series the voltage and current will be the same.   If you are using DC to run your lights, the positive power goes the positive side of the LED.  If you get it backwards, it won't light.  A LED is still a diode, a "one way" street.  I do not need a choke or bridge rectifier due to my simple engines.  The incandescent bulb in my favorite caboose died of old age.  I replaced the bulb with a LED and a 1000 Ohm resistor.  There are inexpensive boards available from forum advertisers that offer further benefits for little money.  Isn't that right Gunrunner?

Yesterday's fall kept me in the house today.  I did make up a few more red LEDs, and read some from "Greenberg's Repair and Operating Manual 1945-1969."  I retrieved two nice motors from the black RC mustang.  Then a pain pill and a big nap.  Maybe tomorrow I'll achieve greatness.  We will see.


CurtisH posted:


Isn't the plaster going to change te height of the trestles?


Curtish, yes that is what I assumed as well.  When I put the plaster down wet I pressed the trestles into place to mark where the pilings will go.  I think that will work but if not I'll dig into those spots with a sharp blade.  If I need to take up more of the plaster than anticipated I think I'll still be ok as I'm going to add some rip rap around the pilings.  That should hide whatever errors I create for myself.

At least that's the plan.

Bill, thanks for the information! I have just been buying the LED's that have the resistors already attached, cause I am slow and a little lazy like that! LOL

Steve, The river and trestle are looking very nice. Your moving right along with wonderful progress! Keep up the great work!

Brian, more wonderful photo's! Its nice I know I can wake up and except to see more pictures from you that make me want to get out to the train room!

Mark, We all have a tumble sometime. It just how bad it is and you know as well as I do the older we get the longer it takes to heal and hurts a lot more! LOL I hope your doing well !

Today is Tuesday and I had a wonderful trip to the VA yesterday to get my Hearing aids fixed, LOL Didn't fix the problem so they said its my ears. Come back next month and we will check them, all this after an hour and a half drive there. I tell you some days just suck! LOL

Well I hope everyone has a great day and please try to find some time for FUN!

Today was the 1st time in a few weeks I was able to work on the layout.

I designed the layout so the actual layout board can come right off and be worked on in other areas of the house, such as my garage.  This will keep messes out of the office when I do things like plaster cloth or paint.

I will also glue everything really well so if I ever need to move the layout to another area of the house permanently, it will be very easy too.  

Today I started to cut and lay the foam base.  I will glue it down tonight so it sets up for 24 hours before I have to move it.  Unfortunately the layout has to vacate the garage on Thursday so I can replace the wheel bearings on the wife's mini van.  

I hope to have everything glued down today.  Fri or Sat night I plan to set all the plaster cloth and paint "rust" the rails, and by Sunday have the 1st train run on the layout!



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Odenville Bill posted:

Mike G,

You will often hear that the resistor goes on the positive side.  As long as the LED and resister are in series the voltage and current will be the same.   If you are using DC to run your lights, the positive power goes the positive side of the LED.  If you get it backwards, it won't light.  A LED is still a diode, a "one way" street.  I do not need a choke or bridge rectifier due to my simple engines.  The incandescent bulb in my favorite caboose died of old age.  I replaced the bulb with a LED and a 1000 Ohm resistor.  There are inexpensive boards available from forum advertisers that offer further benefits for little money.  Isn't that right Gunrunner?

Yesterday's fall kept me in the house today.  I did make up a few more red LEDs, and read some from "Greenberg's Repair and Operating Manual 1945-1969."  I retrieved two nice motors from the black RC mustang.  Then a pain pill and a big nap.  Maybe tomorrow I'll achieve greatness.  We will see.


Great use of rest time, Bill!!  I have managed to not fall for a while.  As Mike G. tells me, don’t rush it!

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