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paul 2 posted:

Johan, the way you did the yard scene with the backdrop makes it the look like it is deeper then it actually is. Very good and I like the  weathering job on the refridgerator car.

Lee, I really like the way you have been doing the All Nation cars.

Brian, great pics.

DECOYNH, good looking layout. 

Mike g, watching your progress got me started on working on the layout again.

So this morning I got down early, pulled the nails out of the cork and painted the road bed. I'll let that dry and later, while doing more laundry LOL, lay down some track or maybe lay down ballast first. Pics Paul 2



Paul. Thank you. Because we dont have a so much space, we must use a some tricks like a background pics. Hope we have a some day a much bigger clubroom. 🤝


decoynh posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:


Time to ship those potatoes, Johan.  It won't be long before the snow flies.

An employee at the Cape Shark Potato Company went to the doctor. The employee had a potato stuck into each ear, french fries stuck into his nostrils and a bag of potato chips  shoved into his mouth. "Doctor, what's wrong with me?" he mumbled.

Well, for starters," explained the doctor, "you need to eat more sensibly."

Bryan, Paul 2 is just going to love that! Next thing you know he is going to want one for his layout!

Lew, Nice setup and the best part is the story that goes with it! Nice work on both!

Paul 2, Those are some nice looking trucks! It was nice of the wife to let you unpack them before you took them down stairs! But I do have to say the time you have been spending down there sure looks good! Wonderful job on laying the cork and getting it painted! Your moving at record speed!

Johan, I know I am a day late but thats normal for me, The yard is not empty, it has a wonderful building and a great scrap yard! put them together and it makes a great looking scene!

Jeffpo, Great looking start! That for sure is not going anywhere!

Lee D, WOW you sure do take on some serious projects! I cant wait to see the finished product~!

Bill, I wish I could help you out, but to be honest I cant. Dont know anything about them!

Tom, Good idea on cleaning the track again and again and again! LOL The trustworthy engines wont hurt either!

Bruce, Great Job on the M-113 & M1A1! Great looking train!

I hope you all have a great night and an even better tomorrow! I know I am a day late, but sometimes thats how I work!


Vincent, you know there is always someone posting as I am getting my comments in! But I don't want to leave you out, so I think that you did a wonderful job on the ship! Then again maybe you have to much free time on your hands! LOL I really love what you bring to this forum!

So guys, I am sorry that I haven't commented for a couple days, I have been working a little on the layout and on home projects and by the time I come in I am so beat its time for a shower and bed. But I do want to get you all fine folks up to speed where I am.

So yesterday I pulled out the top of the mountain and center section and took them out to the garage so I could paint the undersides black. While the paint was drying I finished my foil walls for my tunnels, and did a little touch up paint on the little hill on the right side of my layout. 

When I was done with that I pulled all the tape and paper up off the layout, did a little cleaning and  RAN SOME DARN TRAINS for 30 minutes!

This Morning I worked on gluing down low batting to the mountain parts and started painting trees I got at Walmart last year at the end of Christmas for .25 cents each. I also unpacked a train that I have been wanting to put out for along time but have been waiting. It a nice Coors train and I really like it and have to thank Larry Sr.

So here are some pictures to entertain you fin people! I hope you all enjoy and have a great night!IMG_20191026_072754045IMG_20191027_155339316IMG_20191028_153559823_HDRIMG_20191028_153633537IMG_20191028_153643401IMG_20191028_153406273IMG_20191028_153412250IMG_20191028_153354948


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paul 2 posted:

Johan, the yard looks great. One great scene.

Mark, very nice article on your Christmas layout........congrats 

Mike g, killed two birds with one stone. Got some laundry done and cork glued down for the next section of track. Not sure now if i am going to add the switches I bought  this area. I might just put in some uncoupling tracks. Pics...................Paul 2



Thank you, Paul!!

These photographs and the later ones show good progress!  I’m glad to see you back at laying tracks again!!

Mike, The layout work looks good!  I’m glad you had time to run trains!!

With surgery a week away and so much to do for elderly relatives as many here know, I retired again!  I was going to be off a while anyway, and with clearing less than $250 a week, we decided to call it quits on my part time tech support fiasco.  43 years in telecom, and an entry level support job was the most dreaded time of my life!  It is a shame, the company is a very good one to work for, if you are in a position that matches your abilities.  So, I am joining the rest of you happy retired train guys 6 days before my 63rd birthday!  LOL

Mark Boyce posted:

Mike, The layout work looks good!  I’m glad you had time to run trains!!

With surgery a week away and so much to do for elderly relatives as many here know, I retired again!  I was going to be off a while anyway, and with clearing less than $250 a week, we decided to call it quits on my part time tech support fiasco.  43 years in telecom, and an entry level support job was the most dreaded time of my life!  It is a shame, the company is a very good one to work for, if you are in a position that matches your abilities.  So, I am joining the rest of you happy retired train guys 6 days before my 63rd birthday!  LOL

Mark, Thank you sir! I really enjoyed the time running trains for a little while!

I am glad you called it quits, its time for you to take care of yourself and lovely wife! I know you still have elderly family to watch for, but if you think about it, this is your time. I hope things go well with your knee replacement and you recover fast!

As you know I am semi retired due to health issues and only work for 2 days a week. But I am fine with that as that is my train money!

Apples55 posted:
mike g. posted:

When I was done with that I pulled all the tape and paper up off the layout, did a little cleaning and  RAN SOME DARN TRAINS for 30 minutes!


And THAT, Mike, is what it’s all about... congrats  

Apples (Paul) You are so right! The layout may look like its been exploded a few time, but when I was running the trains everything else just kind of went away! It let my mind relax and just enjoy the sound and watching them go around and around! What get therapy !

I fixed all my switches!!  Thank you Mr. Greenberg.  They all had the same solder joint broken.  Before I could test, Mrs. CFO wanted to go to Lowes.  No argument from me.  We got what she wanted and I got a mess of #6 x 1 1/4 wood screws to fasten down my switch controllers.  When I got back on the mountain, I had a badly crushed box shoved in my mail box.  I got LEDs for all my O22 switches.  Only one broke bulb.  I have been waiting three weeks for these.  The seller was slow to deliver and rude in emails and on the phone.  I will pay more to buy somewhere else.  A quick bite of cold pizza and back to the train building.  My switch engine did the track testing, then both #1055 Texas Specials came out for more "don't tag".  I've got to video that.  I noticed last night that a light was out in one of my passenger cars.  I brought it to the big house for evaluation.  You have all been busy today.  Great work gang.

Mark, I retired three times before it stuck.  Enjoy.

Johan, we get snow about as often as you get hurricanes.  While working in New York, I saw enough snow for a lifetime.

Mike G, your good work deserves a train load of cold refreshments.

Vincent,  That pirate ship would make a great hood ornament too.

I stopped in a new antique shop about 15 miles from here.  They have a very old RR cross buck I think I need.  One with the cats eye jewels.  It would look great on the train building.


Vincent Massi posted:
decoynh posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:


Time to ship those potatoes, Johan.  It won't be long before the snow flies.

An employee at the Cape Shark Potato Company went to the doctor. The employee had a potato stuck into each ear, french fries stuck into his nostrils and a bag of potato chips  shoved into his mouth. "Doctor, what's wrong with me?" he mumbled.

Well, for starters," explained the doctor, "you need to eat more sensibly."

Vincent. 😂 Does he eat a load?


mike g. posted:

Bryan, Paul 2 is just going to love that! Next thing you know he is going to want one for his layout!

Lew, Nice setup and the best part is the story that goes with it! Nice work on both!

Paul 2, Those are some nice looking trucks! It was nice of the wife to let you unpack them before you took them down stairs! But I do have to say the time you have been spending down there sure looks good! Wonderful job on laying the cork and getting it painted! Your moving at record speed!

Johan, I know I am a day late but thats normal for me, The yard is not empty, it has a wonderful building and a great scrap yard! put them together and it makes a great looking scene!

Jeffpo, Great looking start! That for sure is not going anywhere!

Lee D, WOW you sure do take on some serious projects! I cant wait to see the finished product~!

Bill, I wish I could help you out, but to be honest I cant. Dont know anything about them!

Tom, Good idea on cleaning the track again and again and again! LOL The trustworthy engines wont hurt either!

Bruce, Great Job on the M-113 & M1A1! Great looking train!

I hope you all have a great night and an even better tomorrow! I know I am a day late, but sometimes thats how I work!


Mike. Thank you Sir. Cant wait when i see a more nice scenery pics on your layout. 🤝


Lee D, Thank you and thanks for the invite to SWSAT! I didn't know it was called a calf and really don't know what it is used for or hooked up in the right direction. I just know it looks cool! LOL

Bill, Thank you! There is nothing ever wrong with a trip to LOWES! I am glad you were able to get all your switches fix and still had time to run trains! I hope the light in your passenger car is an easy fix!

Johan, It will be awhile before you see anything nice, but I sure am working at it!

Well guys I do hope to get out in the train room today, but first I have to fix my golf cart. For some reason it is smoking like a steam engine out the tail pipe. Not sure what it is so I am going to check the spark plug, the air filter, the carb and while I am at I might as well change the oil! LOL

Everyone have a great day and please find some time for your trains and layout!

WOW- I just checked the forum yesterday evening. Everyone's getting busy on their layouts. You can tell the cold weather is setting in.....

A big congratulations to Mark Boyce. Enjoy your retirement and your trains.

Mike- That Coors train is SHARP! Great colors and the calf unit is a nice bonus. Who made the set?

Paul2- I have the same storage problem on a smaller scale. I've run out of places to stash stuff too. I started swapping out engines and rolling stock last night and had to pack 5 diesels away in a box because my display shelves are full.

Johan- Why am I craving french fries??????

Vincent- Great looking Pirate ship. You mentioned Thomas trains the other day. I've got a ton of the Tyco Thomas stuff with the blue plastic track and switches. We bought them when my son was little and he (we) really had fun with them.

Bill- that's a great looking cross buck. Glad you got your switches fixed.

Matt and Number 90- clean track makes for a happy layout.

As I mentioned I started swapping out equipment last night. I will be running in a New York state of mind for a while. A couple of weeks ago @Leroof started a thread looking for a K-line Greenport Scoot set. I posted pix of mine and after some back and fourth, it appears that the passengers in my coaches are not original to the set. I always thought they looked out of scale (and they are). So I opened one up last night. These look like the cheap imports. Still happy with the set though.

Have a train-filled day everyone!

2019-10-28 19.06.352019-10-28 19.06.46

I found this guy on the floor in the back of the car. He must have hit the bar car pretty hard on the 5:12 out of Penn.

2019-10-28 19.07.13


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  • 2019-10-28 19.06.46
  • 2019-10-28 19.07.13

Mike.  your welcome and don’t for get I’ll remind you later this week it’s a lot of fun.  The calf can be hook either direction what ever you like the most.

Bill. Great score love that old sign

Bob. Nice passenger car next time strap them in lol 

Great progress everyone sorry no work last night some friends invited us out to the house for my Birthday maybe I’ll get some work done this evening be safe today 

Odenville Bill posted:

I fixed all my switches!!  Thank you Mr. Greenberg.  They all had the same solder joint broken.  Before I could test, Mrs. CFO wanted to go to Lowes.  No argument from me.  We got what she wanted and I got a mess of #6 x 1 1/4 wood screws to fasten down my switch controllers.  When I got back on the mountain, I had a badly crushed box shoved in my mail box.  I got LEDs for all my O22 switches.  Only one broke bulb.  I have been waiting three weeks for these.  The seller was slow to deliver and rude in emails and on the phone.  I will pay more to buy somewhere else.  A quick bite of cold pizza and back to the train building.  My switch engine did the track testing, then both #1055 Texas Specials came out for more "don't tag".  I've got to video that.  I noticed last night that a light was out in one of my passenger cars.  I brought it to the big house for evaluation.  You have all been busy today.  Great work gang.

Mark, I retired three times before it stuck.  Enjoy.

Johan, we get snow about as often as you get hurricanes.  While working in New York, I saw enough snow for a lifetime.

Mike G, your good work deserves a train load of cold refreshments.

Vincent,  That pirate ship would make a great hood ornament too.

I stopped in a new antique shop about 15 miles from here.  They have a very old RR cross buck I think I need.  One with the cats eye jewels.  It would look great on the train building.


Bill. Yep, i hate snow too. +20C would be a nice around the year.


Mike, you do have that cow&calf coupled correctly. I think there were two reasons for calves. One reason was $$, the same as for B units (saving the cost of the cab and controls). The main reason was that during frequent back-and-forth switching moves the cab of the other unit blocked the engineer's view looking "back" meaning he had to hang out the window when backing to see "around" the cab of the other unit. 

Happy Birthday Lee.  When I turned 40, my doctor said "it's all down hill from here."  Want me to sing?  I only know one song.

Johan, many times this summer it was over 36C with 50% relativity humidity.  I would rather sweat than shiver.

Twenty nine hours awake y'all.  I discovered a bulb had fallen out in one of my passenger cars.  I like an easy fix sometimes.  I also put three 10mm LEDs in my #132 passenger stop station.  And, installed a new bathroom faucet, a new door knob on the pantry, and batteries in the smoke detectors.  Someone stop me!



Johan. Thanks and love that Piggy pic 

Brian. WOW never had that kinda wish before love that cake of course it’s a Mack 

Lew  Thank you and you can just send that C&O switcher to the house it will make a great gift 

Seth. Thanks I’ve pick out my engine now it’s up to Lew 

John Thank you   and another great pic

Vincent. Thanks and I wish  at least felt like it anyway 

Guys I really appreciate the Birthday Wishes you are the best 

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