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mike g. posted:

I know I am a day late! Seams like that's been my life lately! LOL

Lew, Great tips! Where did you get the diodes?

Bill, LOL I checked and were here! But I could not find Bald Rock Moutain! LOL Sure sounds like you have been busy! Good luck on your Hot Air Scan!

Vincent, your Christmas layout is really coming along!

Johan, beautiful city scene ! Love all the weathering on your cars!

Mark, I don't care what the CEO says were done moving! LOL

Jim, The whistle sounds great! How do you plan to power your air compressor?

Howard, I hope the Final Photo is because its done and not coming down! I think it looks great!

John, Perfect! LOL

John R, With the cold weather sounds like a good idea to stay inside and work on warm projects!

Jim Thanks for all the information on how you did the rock walls on your river bank!

Rick, sorry for your loss, But its great that you will always have memories of you and your dad running trains!

As for me I have to go back down to the store to do some repairs, then it will be time to hang more Christmas lights! If I am lucky I will have some time later today for trains I hope! LOL

I hope you all have a great day and find time for your trains and Layouts!

Mike. Thank you Sir. 🤝


paul 2 posted:

Mike g, yes, a lot more track to put down and tables to still build.

Patrick, nice buys at York. They added to your scenes.

Johan,so many great pics of the layout, your weathering techniques and your engines and rolling stock and engines.

Chris a, enjoyed the video a lot. Has to be a great feeling of accomplishment to be able to now run trains around the layout and through that great looking scenery. 1ST class operation.

Mark, from the sounds of it you are progressing very good and well on your way to a speedy recovery from your surgery.

 And to all the rest who have posted so many good pics of what you have gotten done........."KUDOS" to all.

This morning had a chance to work on the backdrop a bit more. Ran out of double faced tape so I have to get to Menards to get more and a few other things too. Maybe later this afternoon I'll jump to laying out some more track to figure out how I want to do this area. Still not sure as to what type of building flats I want to along the bottom. Plus I have two packages coming this afternoon ( hopefully but at least one ). Pics........Paul 2


Paul. Thank you.


Paul 2, Thank you.  It do does seem things are going as well as can be expected.  This morning. I compared notes with my friend who had his knee replaced 4 days before me.  Same surgeon, same hospital, same outpatient PT clinic, same therapist.  

Paul, I would say you are in a state of ‘city planning’. The backdrop is really looking good for that shelf depicting a good size city industrial and railroad area!!  I’m glad you are getting some time to work on it again.

darlander posted:
geysergazer posted:

What'd I do? The Postman stopped by with an eBay item which I immediately installed:


As recommenced by the experts here, it is a two-way transient suppressor diode across the track buss at the output terminals of the Z 1000 power brick. This is to protect the $$ electronics in the PS3 Sw1500 from voltage spikes. Don't want something bad happening to this:


An MTH Z-4000 supplies track power to my layout.   I operate DCS in a WiFi environment.  Do I need this added protection or is the two-way transient suppressor diode mainly recommended for older power sources?   Thanks!

Cheers, Dave

Dave, I hope some of the people here with much more knowledge&experience with the electronics than I possess chime in on this.  I don't know if the Z4000 has them built-in, nor do I know whether the WiFi Explorer does, but my two cents worth is that as cheap as TVS diodes are I'd install them, especially in each locomotive (if your re comfortable with doing that sort of thing). It was easy on a PS3 SW1500.




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Last edited by geysergazer
mike g. posted:

I know I am a day late! Seams like that's been my life lately! LOL

Lew, Great tips! Where did you get the diodes?

Bill, LOL I checked and were here! But I could not find Bald Rock Moutain! LOL Sure sounds like you have been busy! Good luck on your Hot Air Scan!

Vincent, your Christmas layout is really coming along!

Johan, beautiful city scene ! Love all the weathering on your cars!

Mark, I don't care what the CEO says were done moving! LOL

Jim, The whistle sounds great! How do you plan to power your air compressor?

Howard, I hope the Final Photo is because its done and not coming down! I think it looks great!

John, Perfect! LOL

John R, With the cold weather sounds like a good idea to stay inside and work on warm projects!

Jim Thanks for all the information on how you did the rock walls on your river bank!

Rick, sorry for your loss, But its great that you will always have memories of you and your dad running trains!

As for me I have to go back down to the store to do some repairs, then it will be time to hang more Christmas lights! If I am lucky I will have some time later today for trains I hope! LOL

I hope you all have a great day and find time for your trains and Layouts!

thx Mike G


@PRRronbh Why yes it is a Turbine convertable! It's by New Ray. I have probably had this about 20 years or so. Maybe from Walmart? I suspect that even Jay Leno doesn't have one like this...Lol! I really like finding the one of a kind cars for my Mid Century modern Christmas houses that I make.

Thanks for noticing,



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Last edited by John Meyncke

Johan, I'll try to do do a layout scheme in the next few days of what I have done so far.

Well one of two packages arrived today. I found this on the B. The other package should come from Scenic Express tomorrow. Maybe after dinner I'll have a chance to go down and do some track planning for that open space I have. I'mm really nor sure how I want to do it. Don't know if I want to do one track with the Menards buildings on it or do individual sidings for each building or maybe a mixture of both. Anyways a pic of the vat car which will go with the Herkimer Sauerkraut factory.............Paul 2



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  • DSCN0124
John Meyncke posted:


@PRRronbh Why yes it is a Turbine convertable! It's by New Ray. I have probably had this about 20 years or so. Maybe from Walmart? I suspect that even Jay Leno doesn't have one like this...Lol! I really like finding the one of a kind cars for my Mid Century modern Christmas houses that I make.

Thanks for noticing,


As a freshman year engineering student at Unv. of Cinn. in 64/65 Chrysler brought in two the the Turbines for the engineering students to see and hear.

I have the K-Line 2dr hard top version model because of the experience with the real car.

New Ray did get "creative" with their convertible version.


Last edited by PRRronbh
geysergazer posted:
darlander posted:
geysergazer posted:

What'd I do? The Postman stopped by with an eBay item which I immediately installed:


As recommenced by the experts here, it is a two-way transient suppressor diode across the track buss at the output terminals of the Z 1000 power brick. This is to protect the $$ electronics in the PS3 Sw1500 from voltage spikes. Don't want something bad happening to this:


An MTH Z-4000 supplies track power to my layout.   I operate DCS in a WiFi environment.  Do I need this added protection or is the two-way transient suppressor diode mainly recommended for older power sources?   Thanks!

Cheers, Dave

Dave, I hope some of the people here with much more knowledge&experience with the electronics than I possess chime in on this.  I don't know if the Z4000 has them built-in, nor do I know whether the WiFi Explorer does, but my two cents worth is that as cheap as TVS diodes are I'd install them, especially in each locomotive (if your re comfortable with doing that sort of thing). It was easy on a PS3 SW1500.



Thanks Lew for the reply.  I also hope others with more knowledge and expertise will advises and respond.  Thanks!

Cheers, Dave

paul 2 posted:

Johan, I'll try to do do a layout scheme in the next few days of what I have done so far.

Well one of two packages arrived today. I found this on the B. The other package should come from Scenic Express tomorrow. Maybe after dinner I'll have a chance to go down and do some track planning for that open space I have. I'mm really nor sure how I want to do it. Don't know if I want to do one track with the Menards buildings on it or do individual sidings for each building or maybe a mixture of both. Anyways a pic of the vat car which will go with the Herkimer Sauerkraut factory.............Paul 2


Very nice Paul 

Bob. I thought you were retired? Well another wash out today these cold days really take it out of me. Everyone looks like there having fun on the layout keep up the good work. 

Lew. Thanks for the info about the ICC I always figured the tank car couldn’t be near the power unit and the caboose. 

Paul. Get progress and a nice find on the bay 

Ron. Always like the turbine car 

Mike G,  Here is a link to my location.  Click on "Detail" then "show map".  Look for a little house with a big garage on the really big mountain.  Search Backbone Ridge in Alabama.

John,    One of my Fathers coworkers got a Chrysler turbine in 1964.  I got to ride in it once!  He said it was weak on acceleration but got over 20MPG.  I remember it got louder the faster he drove.  It idled at 18,000 RPM.  Fifty five, including prototypes, were built.  All painted metallic rootbeer.

Bob,  Thank you for your contributions to my disability income.  Retire if you are tired.  Come on in, the water is fine.

After a short nap in a MRI machine, I was too tired to do anything but take a larger nap in my recliner.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.



Last edited by Odenville Bill
chris a posted:

Called my son to get some tips on adjusting the Sony DSLR camera he gave me, to take better videos.   Hooked up the B&O EM-1 articulated, and unpacked some more California Zephyr passenger cars.   Here's the link to the video,  fortunately it's half the length of yesterdays !!!

Was the Silver Feather in that consist?  I was in the real one today on the Arkansas and Missouri, giving tours to the Chamber of Commerce...  ;-) 


Honestly Mitch,  I have no idea.   I loved the passenger cars and started buying them used from other members here on the forum, and one or two on ebay....   Although I did some reading on the Zephyr, I finally decided not to get too fussy about which cars, and attempting to model actual prototypical trains.  That's really cool that you were in that car today though!  Did you take any photos ?  I'd love to see a couple.   Chris

Odenville Bill posted:

Mike G,  Here is a link to my location.  Click on "Detail" then "show map".  Look for a little house with a big garage on the really big mountain.  Search Backbone Ridge in Alabama.

John,    One of my Fathers coworkers got a Chrysler turbine in 1964.  I got to ride in it once!  He said it was weak on acceleration but got over 20MPG.  I remember it got louder the faster he drove.  It idled at 18,000 RPM.  Fifty five, including prototypes, were built.  All painted metallic rootbeer.

Bob,  Thank you for your contributions to my disability income.  Retire if you are tired.  Come on in, the water is fine.

After a short nap in a MRI machine, I was too tired to do anything but take a larger nap in my recliner.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.



Bill - OMG!  Really enjoyed your link.  You are truly a miracle worker on old cars.  We love the old Model T Brass cars.  Your '34 Fords are special.  The picture of your "wife" with the Plymouth is also remarkable!

Thanks for sharing.

Brian, I have to agree with Lew! Your pretty clever with the clearance sign! You got yourself some sharp looking Yellow & Blue Santa Fe engines there! I think I have seen them somewhere before!

Patrick, You always post wonderful photo's of your layout! The plus with this time is the story of Club LT as you were going to the UofM!

Mark, I know what you mean. Our kids have a split level and I hate the stairs when we go there to visit. My in-laws have a split level and now they are looking at getting a power lift chair system to go up the stairs! No thank you! I am glad your PT is going well and that your keeping up with your friend! But don't over do it!

Paul 2, The backdrop scenery is coming along nicely! Be careful when you go to Menards! You know they sell train stuff there! LOL

Bob, don't worry your not the only one not retired! But someone has to keep working to pay into SS so the  ones that are retired get there just do!

Lee D, Thank you all rested up and ready to get wet! Pouring rain here today and still have Christmas lights to hang per CEO!

Jim, sounds like you have this all planned out!

Bill thanks I couldn't see a map as it requires a login! So I guess you might live on some secluded beach somewhere and just telling us your in the hills! I hope every thing went well with your MRI! Beautiful cars! I would really love to have that 1934 Ford Maroon!

Chris A, Wonderful video & wow that California Zephyr really looks Sharp! It is so nice to see how smooth your trains run. Thanks for sharing another video and showing the lift out section and huge loop!

Well I better get some breakfast and find my rain gear! I hope this wnt be an all day thing as I have train stuff to do! LOL

Everyone have a great Friday and please try and find some time for your trains and layouts!

Again Paul 2 Be careful at Menards! LOL

geysergazer posted:

What'd I do today? I thought more about transient suppressor diodes, these widgets:

I installed one yesterday across the posts on the Z 1000 power brick to protect against voltage spikes harming electronics. But shouldn't it be IN the locomotive immediately down-circuit from the $$ electronics we are trying to protect? So I looked under the hood of a PS3 SW1500 and wa la: the power and ground leads from the pickups and truck-frames are wire-nutted to the circuit board power leads. Easy-peasy: I just added a protector diode between  the two wire nuts:



BTW, a tip: if you need to remove the cab/hood from an MTH SW1500 removing the truck frames gives access to the front two cab screws so as to not scratch the paint on the truck frame. Don't ask me how I learned this 

I'd like to see this reposted maybe in MTH DCS PS2/PS3 to see what the experts say. It looks like a sound idea but I don't think most of those guys follow the What did you do on your layout today. 


Finished getting the layout in show condition since I am on our NMRA layout tour for this Saturday.  While figuring out what to run and to test run all the tracks I noticed my new Amtrak ES44 sounds where so faint almost like a whisper.  I just received this engine new about a week ago and everything ran fine the first time I had it on the track.  I tried everything I knew (delete engine and re add, feature reset, factory reset, change engine number)  Then I got real desperate and called Paul to see if he had any tricks he knew that may be the cause of this.  I immediately realized my mistake since Paul never runs anything he was just as clueless as me.  The only thing we figured out together was that maybe something had worked loose on the engine.  So I took everything apart and sure enough the plug from the engine down to where the speaker is located was just barely together.  So to thank him I called him back and turned horn up to 100% and once he answered the phone blasted the horn into the phone.  With friends like us who needs enemies, right Buddy. lol

Probably looking at around 35 to 50 people showing up on Saturday throughout me 3 hour time frame. 

Front headlight all wired up now.   Used a quart paint can, and a lamp socket to build it. 


I also added a bell.


Hopefully this weekend I will get "Polar Express" stencled on the side of the boilder and then hand rails.  

I also created a builders plate in photoshop, and will have it printed.  As much as I wanted to print it on 4x6 metal, $15 a print is just too much.  I plan to laminate the prints and add them to the side of the boiler. 

builders plate

These little details will really set this float apart!  


This weekend I plan to get the smoke machine hooked up  and tested.  



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Last edited by Jdevleerjr
chris a posted:

Honestly Mitch,  I have no idea.   I loved the passenger cars and started buying them used from other members here on the forum, and one or two on ebay....   Although I did some reading on the Zephyr, I finally decided not to get too fussy about which cars, and attempting to model actual prototypical trains.  That's really cool that you were in that car today though!  Did you take any photos ?  I'd love to see a couple.   Chris

Sure did!


Dave Ripp. posted:
geysergazer posted:

What'd I do today? I thought more about transient suppressor diodes, these widgets:

I installed one yesterday across the posts on the Z 1000 power brick to protect against voltage spikes harming electronics. 

I'd like to see this reposted maybe in MTH DCS PS2/PS3 to see what the experts say. It looks like a sound idea but I don't think most of those guys follow the What did you do on your layout today. 


Good idea.  Done 

RSJB18 posted:

Thanks for all the encouragement guys. I have 10-15 years to go so make sure you leave some SS $$$ for us younger guys.

Bob, it isn’t us you have to worry about leaving SSA money for you.  LOL

I’m not like Bill with disability, but I was backed into a corner where I had to start drawing earlier than I had expected.  We never know what will happen 

mike g. posted:

Brian, I have to agree with Lew! Your pretty clever with the clearance sign! You got yourself some sharp looking Yellow & Blue Santa Fe engines there! I think I have seen them somewhere before!

Patrick, You always post wonderful photo's of your layout! The plus with this time is the story of Club LT as you were going to the UofM!

Mark, I know what you mean. Our kids have a split level and I hate the stairs when we go there to visit. My in-laws have a split level and now they are looking at getting a power lift chair system to go up the stairs! No thank you! I am glad your PT is going well and that your keeping up with your friend! But don't over do it!

Paul 2, The backdrop scenery is coming along nicely! Be careful when you go to Menards! You know they sell train stuff there! LOL

Bob, don't worry your not the only one not retired! But someone has to keep working to pay into SS so the  ones that are retired get there just do!

Lee D, Thank you all rested up and ready to get wet! Pouring rain here today and still have Christmas lights to hang per CEO!

Jim, sounds like you have this all planned out!

Bill thanks I couldn't see a map as it requires a login! So I guess you might live on some secluded beach somewhere and just telling us your in the hills! I hope every thing went well with your MRI! Beautiful cars! I would really love to have that 1934 Ford Maroon!

Chris A, Wonderful video & wow that California Zephyr really looks Sharp! It is so nice to see how smooth your trains run. Thanks for sharing another video and showing the lift out section and huge loop!

Well I better get some breakfast and find my rain gear! I hope this wnt be an all day thing as I have train stuff to do! LOL

Everyone have a great Friday and please try and find some time for your trains and layouts!

Again Paul 2 Be careful at Menards! LOL


Thank you!  I think both of us are smart enough to take it slow and easy.  We are just comparing problems and side effects.  
I agree it isn’t worth putting in a chair lift.  That would make the silly midway landing with the front door even more awkward.

modeltrainsparts posted:

This topic has been covered dozens of times on here in the electrical section with some very clear and cogent explanations by the forum's electrical guru, GRJ. Is it really necessary to re-post in another section?


I posted in this thread because it's what I did today and that is the subject of the thread. Mine being the first photo I have seen on these forums of a TVS diode in an engine is why I posted about it in the DCS forum as well. Also too, if you had read my Post in the DCS forum you would know that I ask a question which is exactly on-topic for that forum.

Mark Boyce posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Thanks for all the encouragement guys. I have 10-15 years to go so make sure you leave some SS $$$ for us younger guys.

Bob, it isn’t us you have to worry about leaving SSA money for you.  LOL

I’m not like Bill with disability, but I was backed into a corner where I had to start drawing earlier than I had expected.  We never know what will happen 

True. Just hope my kids still have it available to them.

Hope the knee is doing better.

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