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@p51 posted:

Am I the only person who keeps staring at this photograph, and thinking that it looks like a menorah?

Like a lot of things, it can be hard to figure out what something is going to be at this stage. Dave did say he had a vision for it. I am interested in what he is going to do with it, especially if the u-shapes don't connect to anything.  Trolleys going back and forth? 

@ScoutingDad posted:

My 2019 Christmas present from my wife arrived this afternoon. MTH Rail King Cab Forward SP Steamer. Had just enough time to put it on the rails and power it up. I need an exhaust fan - it puts out a LOT of smoke! Photos or video later.  Christmas in June - who would da guessed?   

I  make sure the smoke works when I first get the engine, then turn it off For good.  It messes with my wife’s asthma.

This morning I worked on the switch order for session #1. The order involved first picking up 2 Box cars from a printing business, picking up 1 reefer from a wholesale grocery warehouse. I had to move the previously spotted gondola of wood at the Tool and Die Company to get to the pickups.  Second phase was spotting 2 full reefers at the warehouse, and a box car at a furniture factory next to the warehouse and returning the gondola to its previous spot. These are in the photo. There were several manuvers to get this accomplished.


Tomorrow I plan to continue working the switch order that involves a brewery, an ice house, a drygood warehouse,  a farm equipment transfer warehouse, a motorcycle machinery and parts warehouse, and a fresh produce transfer facility. I'll post photos of that later.


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Still painting people for 21" passenger cars.  Union Pacific Excursion #4 and Challenger #3 two-packs arrived today from Charles Ro.  I need to order more Preiser 65602 unpainted people, but my suppliers in Germany cannot ship through German Post Office or DHL yet.  They can't ship to North or South America under German restrictions.

I did find four more packs here in the United States, but had to pay $37.95 per 24 pack, $10.00 more than my German suppliers.

Trump just announced no flights from China to the United States starting June 16, 2020, so my China supplier might not be available either.

How do we work when we cannot get supplies?

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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F32291B6-3A20-465A-A3F1-FB9078EF9F18FD6A620F-895C-4093-BCC6-F34139898C6DThe last couple of days I was adding a couple of details to the logging section of the layout.

I repainted a logger figure, made a new tree for the logger to be cutting down, and started putting it together. It’s not all finished yet. 



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Logging scene looks great John.

I purchased some leds from Evan Designs a few weeks ago, just got around to adding them to various structures.  Still working on getting things finished, and sorry for shots in daylight if they are hard to see.

Don't know what I did with first pic rotation.

Next two pictures are add of flashing warning light on bridge with routing wires through painted straws.

Korber building with welding lights - this one looks much better at night.

Last one is Plasticville church with wall lamps.  Those are the O gauge lamps, should have gone with the HO size.



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Last night, I painted this cash register casting, and put some plastic castings of bottles, scattered around the new country store, as well as randomly sitting all over the layout. The cash register itself represents the final of many details that went into the interior.


Ironically, at the angle this thing is that, he won't be able to see it through any of the open windows on the layout. But it was important to me that it was there.


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@p51 posted:

Last night, I painted this cash register casting, and put some plastic castings of bottles, scattered around the new country store, as well as randomly sitting all over the layout. The cash register itself represents the final of many details that went into the interior.


Ironically, at the angle this thing is that, he won't be able to see it through any of the open windows on the layout. But it was important to me that it was there.

The interior of your building is stellar and deserves to be seen. Is it too late to make your roof detachable to show layout visitors inside?


Had some fun with a vintage video game idea.  First suggested by Frizzinbee.  They are O scale.  The bottom photo shows the real miniature arcade games, that are certainly NOT scale.  As you can see, those games light up nicely, are completely licensed, and play much like the original games.  The lit marquees look great and the sound is exactly like the real thing. 

Oh, yeah.  That tabletop Pacman is just there to hold the roof on while I wired the LED's out the back.  I actually have a real one, with the original Pacman chip in it.  A prize possession, that holds your cocktail flat as you sit and play.






I finally decided on two machines in front, four in the back.  It allows you to see the side cabinet art.   Of course, the camera skews the light but, it looks good to the eye.  This is placed in one of the very few locations on the 35 foot table layout that I can't reach, from either room.  Can't get a backdrop in there either.  I used a small pole to get it there.





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Lot's of great work going on. Mini video games and cash registers WOW !

Lee and Jerry- very nice.

Ralph- not sure if I can accept defacing a NYC steamer, but since you converted it to one of my other favorites I'll let it slide. 

Mayor Magoo- I just used some of the same lights from ED. They make lot's of great stuff. I used the O scale coach lights on my Ameritowne building, I guess they are a little big on P'ville.

2020-04-11 17.25.28

Can't mention everyone but again, lot's of great work.

I've been away from the layout for a few weeks......overdue for some train time. Now that the spring/ early summer outdoor work is done I hope to get back soon.



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@p51 posted:

Last night, I painted this cash register casting, and put some plastic castings of bottles, scattered around the new country store, as well as randomly sitting all over the layout. The cash register itself represents the final of many details that went into the interior

Ironically, at the angle this thing is that, he won't be able to see it through any of the open windows on the layout. But it was important to me that it was there.

I totally understand!   Looks wonderful!

Cheers, Dave

Trying to get used to a dual action airbrush since my 20+ years old Badger single action developed an air leak about the same time I replaced its air compressor partner with a new model.  Results were so inconsistent that a replacement airbrush was ordered via Amazon only because a free return was offered.  The compressor and airbrush issues arose in the midst of painting 8 aluminum cars--just when I was getting into the swing of painting again.

Meanwhile, I spent time on the phone with a nice fellow at Badger to determine if my old faithful could be repaired, and discovered the defective body could be replaced for $8 plus shipping so it was ordered.

Also opened an eBay purchase:  two, new UP 15" aluminum offset dome cars for donor use for an as yet undetermined paint project.  Happily they arrived as advertised; very pleased with the purchase price--love the dome cars.  


The interior of your building is stellar and deserves to be seen. Is it too late to make your roof detachable to show layout visitors inside?


Nope, the roof is easily removable. The light is attached on the upper wall, just for that reason.

Doesn't help for short people, though. Some friends came over for dinner tonight, and they had problems seeing the full interior as neither is tall and the structure is well away from any layout edge...

@p51 posted:

Nope, the roof is easily removable. The light is attached on the upper wall, just for that reason.

Doesn't help for short people, though. Some friends came over for dinner tonight, and they had problems seeing the full interior as neither is tall and the structure is well away from any layout edge...

Well, I guess I am out to see the detail. Five-foot two life. Also, love your style and skill of detailing! I can understand what you mean about why you need to have detail in the building. Not a lot of people do put detail in their buildings, so it is nice to see someone doing it. Thanks!

Gang, I had to take down my "Battle of Atlantis" lay-out (Aquaman won) so I could remove the extension on my train table so we could fit a new washing machine through the door. Anyway, today we began construction of "To the Moon, Alice!" Since my wife had already assembled a 1,087 piece Lego Lunar Lander,SUNP0002SUNP0003SUNP0004SUNP0005 I let her start.

Trains and other accessories are on the way!


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Evening y'all, here is a two day update.

I figured out the design of the third level on the living room floor.  I then made several uprights 11 1/4 inches tall.  I took the track apart into sections.  Next I put each section on a 3/16 piece of plywood and cut bases to fit the track.  I was able to put over half of the new level in place.  Photos below.  I hope to finish the woodwork tomorrow.  Stay tuned.




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Morning guys, All I can say is WOW! Everyone is doing such great work. I had planned to get out to the train room early this morning, but it has taken me over an hour to get up to speed from all the different pages here on the forum. 336 emails later and I have finely reached this point.

Lee, Ray, Jerry your additions and projects are just outstanding! You all make your layouts look so real and fun to view. I hope to get to that point one day but its been really slow for me with all that's been going on here.

I have been getting a couple minutes here and there in the train room to work on facia and still have more to do. If anything it seams like I am just making a big mess, but I will get that cleaned up when I am finished with the facia.

I hope you all have had a great weekend sofar and fun with your layout and trains! I will check in later with some photos of my little project!

Everyone have a great day and be safe!

Update on 225 x 63 inch layout. I got the rest of my 2 x 4 ceiling tiles down for my sound deadening and some track laid. I cut a 45 crossover wrong so I need another and I'm also waiting on 4 - 30 inch straights from Legacy Station. Several cuts to make where the track exits on the 45 it's just slopped together right now. I deviated from my original plan that Dave Detert - DoubleDAZ helped me with I think I'll skip the double 90 exit.  With scenery,trim and plexiglass around the table I have no worries on being close to the edge though it did come closer than I planned.  The rooms a train wreck I guess since I'm in a holding pattern I can clean up some.



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Michael Hasty, the cardstock buildings you make look so cool, great work on the colors and the styles your using, Mike G, your right everyone is making great progress and building neat structures, Sidehack, awesome building, really great engineering, also your layout is so cool the way the trains come between the buildings, RSJB18, Bob, Mark Boyce is right your BL2’s are cool, that particular body styles growing on me, it’s cool, as is your layout. Dave Ripp, now your trackwork makes sense, looking like it’s ready for a one day in the future expansion, or possibly an end look for depth, it’s so unique. Everyone has so many unique ideas, making this hobby so much more fun. I played with the trains for a few minutes today. Happy Railroading 3F66F8C5-C963-4F1D-A5D3-FE307715493B77B431D9-3178-4D1C-AB4E-D16F23A386A378EF228E-4BD7-439C-94C2-2C1D75B264F24C4BA8A1-C40F-49E3-AF89-C4343B2FA390


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I have returned to the Lionel Alaska 21" Dining Car after painting more Preiser 65602 seated people.  140 of the 240 are perfect. The remaining 100 will be finished with hair color as I begin detailing passenger cars.

Finding time to work has been difficult. Here are some pictures of the finished interior before I add the seated people to the car.  I cut and added seat backs to the molded cubes that are the bases for the seats at the tables.

Update:  Eight figures have been added to the center dining area.  Most had a leg removed, butt ground down, an arm broken off and re-glued on top of a table, and paint touched-up.  It only took two hours for the eight people.  Now I need to add people to the eight remaining tables.

Update #2:  Four more tables have eleven more seated passengers.  It took three hours of careful grinding and paint touch-up.  I have four more tables to finish.

Update #3:  The car is competed, finished, done.  I am tired, exhausted, pooped. 

Wait a minute:  I put the body shell on the car and noticed two problems,

1.  There is a spot in a dining area window that I needed to move to the walkway by the kitchen.

2.  The vacant table needs to have people sitting at it.  The windows do not line up with the seats.  The end walls of the dining area show through windows on both ends of the dining area.  I am not going to change these now, or I will be slowed in detailing the other Alaska Cars.

NOTE:  The Alaska Dome Car has round tables on the lower level of the long end of the car.  This is the FIRST I have ever seen this interior pattern.

Was this fun or what?  The next car will be the Alaska Dome.  Why you may ask?  That's a very good question.

Have a good week.

Sincerely, John Rowlen










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@leapinlarry posted:

Michael Hasty, the cardstock buildings you make look so cool, great work on the colors and the styles your using, Mike G, your right everyone is making great progress and building neat structures, Sidehack, awesome building, really great engineering, also your layout is so cool the way the trains come between the buildings, RSJB18, Bob, Mark Boyce is right your BL2’s are cool, that particular body styles growing on me, it’s cool, as is your layout. Dave Ripp, now your trackwork makes sense, looking like it’s ready for a one day in the future expansion, or possibly an end look for depth, it’s so unique. Everyone has so many unique ideas, making this hobby so much more fun. I played with the trains for a few minutes today. Happy Railroading 4C4BA8A1-C40F-49E3-AF89-C4343B2FA390

Larry, Thanks. Question, I like the extended fascia how high is it above the layout? Also the water between the hill and the tracks looks prenominal. 

Thank you all for the likes as this has been a fun model railroad adventure for us. The curves are 096 to 0120 in the area of the B&O F units and the side facia board is only about 1-1/4 inch above the table work, and as it goes around is 1-1/2 above the table, and actually goes down to 3/4 above the table... We run trains slow and have few wrecks, however we do have derailments from time to time, but nothing goes off the table. Thanks for asking. F70ED631-FC7D-4A49-8A68-A030F1D19207DBF5A4EE-5644-495C-819F-B2517F6D93EC435431E2-A3C6-438B-A6CA-CD2433363C84281F5E8E-6A66-48BD-AEEA-355CBB16D59DBBCA9423-5546-4817-85E7-04352306D746


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I printed some scale copies of 1943 magazines, and put some of them in the Country Store, on the counter and around the figures. I also took a plastic tube, split lengthwise, and painted it to hide the wires which run up one wall. Hey, a brown column along a wall looks kind of odd, but it's way better than lose wires just hanging there like that.0607201536a-010607201537c-01


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