@Jeff_the_Coaster_Guy posted:Good call. It rarely works out when you try to convert something you love as a hobby into something you sell. As soon as you take money for it, that involves expectations, delivery deadlines, complaints about design choices, stress...
It's easy to live with small things that you might have done differently if you're doing it for yourself. Nothing as aggravating as getting a call from a customer with high expectations to the tune of "...you said in your message the cooks would be making bacon and eggs. But it's clearly goetta and grits...I want you to re-do it in time to give to my grandchild for her birthday on Tuesday. I paid yo $200.00 I expected bacon and eggs. My grandkid hates goetta."
I so agree, I will not do this for money, it is so much fun now. I do run across a few people I like and have done work for them but I will not accept payment. Used to do it a long time ago but it does take the fun out of it. When I think of something I'd like it is a challenge to see if I can make it either from simple to complex. Keeping that 3D printer running.