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Good call.  It rarely works out when you try to convert something you love as a hobby into something you sell. As soon as you take money for it, that involves expectations, delivery deadlines, complaints about design choices, stress...

It's easy to live with small things that you might have done differently if you're doing it for yourself.  Nothing as aggravating as getting a call from a customer with high expectations to the tune of " said in your message the cooks would be making bacon and eggs.  But it's clearly goetta and grits...I want you to re-do it in time to give to my grandchild for her birthday on Tuesday.  I paid yo $200.00 I expected bacon and eggs.  My grandkid hates goetta."

I so agree, I will not do this for money, it is so much fun now. I do run across a few people I like and have done work for them but I will not accept payment. Used to do it a long time ago but it does take the fun out of it. When I think of something I'd like it is a challenge to see if I can make it either from simple to complex. Keeping that 3D printer running.

I stated the Union Pacific "Challenger" Coach #5460 and first had to re-install an axle in one truck side frame.  Upon further inspection, I found the toilet in one bathroom was installed backwards. This is the fifth Lionel 21" coach car that has had this manufacturing error.  I rotated the toilet 180 degrees into the correct position.

The seats now have three coats of tan and I am finishing the toilets and sinks.  Hopefully later tonight,  I will start adding Preiser 65602 Seated People that I painted.  I was lucky to find two more Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People 24-packs in the United States.  My German sellers still cannot ship to the United States due to German Postal restrictions.

UPDATE:  Made quick work of adding Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People to the Challenger Coach #5460.  The seats do not line up with the windows, so I only placed people at seats with a clear view.  Here are a few pictures.

Have a good evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen



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Last edited by John Rowlen
@mike g. posted:

Sorry I have been away for a while. I am really enjoying all the posts. Everyone is doing such fantastic work and I want to thank you for putting it up here for the rest of us to enjoy!

There is nothing new from me as the CEO has been keeping me busy. I do have some ideas of what I want to get done next, just have to get time on the train room to get a good plan together.

I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!

I too have been doing work for the CEO, Mike.  I have been able to slip in a little on the layout here and there, and hope to have something to report soon.  Actually, I just have to get the photographs ready.  

@John Rowlen posted:

I stated the Union Pacific "Challenger" Coach #5460 and first had to re-install an axle in one truck side frame.  Upon further inspection, I found the toilet in one bathroom was installed backward. This is the fifth Lionel 21" coach car that has had this manufacturing error.

The seats now have three coats of tan and I am finishing the toilets and sinks.  Hopefully later tonight,  I will start adding Preiser 65602 Seated People that I painted.  I was lucky to find two more Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People 24-packs in the United States.  My German sellers still cannot ship to the United States due to German Postal restrictions.

Have a good evening.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

Had the same issue..... re-install an axel in one truck side frame.

Talk about fixing manufacturing defects - I bought a new'ish SF GP60M Diesel PS3 over eBay and had issues with derailing despite the seller assuring it was in perfect condition. Turns out one of the wheels was not completely seated on its axle, so the wheel base width between the flanges slightly exceeded the track width. A very light application of pressure with a large C-clamp brought the wheel into alignment - engine now runs great. Lesson here is "never assume new equipment is manufactured properly if you are having issues".  Quality control is not what it used to be or mean.


Greetings all-

I moved a step closer to calling the building flat I've been working on done. I finished assembly yesterday. Added a backdrop image of sky and clouds to the wall.

I also added one more building print behind the main one. Not completely realistic but I think it will work overall. When mounted to the wall, the factory building in front blocks most of the flats anyway so its more of having something other than a blank wall behind the building.

All part of the learning process for the next layout.....


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Last edited by RSJB18
@John Rowlen posted:

I stated the Union Pacific "Challenger" Coach #5460 and first had to re-install an axle in one truck side frame.  Upon further inspection, I found the toilet in one bathroom was installed backward. This is the fifth Lionel 21" coach car that has had this manufacturing error.

Sincerely, John Rowlen

Backwards? It isn't a special throne with a view out a window? ...


Thank you for catching my typo. I rotated the toilet 180 degrees by using an Excel knife to cut the rectangular post loose from the floor.  I originally thought the backwards toilet was some factory worker's idea of a joke.  But it has occurred five times so far.  As it arrived from the factory, it is only able to be used by a "Phew" with the window open and legs hanging out.

Have a good week.

Sincerely, John Rowlen



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IMG_20200630_141407IMG_20200630_151727IMG_20200630_142444IMG_20200630_142341IMG_20200630_142247IMG_20200630_141655After morning walk and chores, finally completed the last segment of the first operating session. The M1a had to take the nine car tanker and a single empty 2 bay coal hopper train through town to bypass the mainline for fictitious track repairs. Eventually the train reached destination. The engine dropped the train for switching to a siding and went to take coal at engine facility.

Then I started yard orders for session no. 2. Picked up a boxcar from a business and another from the engine facility and took them to the yard. Picked up several 2 bay coal hoppers at engine facility and 3 from a coal business and brought them to the yard to build train.

Many switching manuvers. I'll post few pics later.


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I reformatted my switch lists to include my new hopper cars.

Goodness knows when I'll get to use them in a session, though. 


I went to a local printing place, because my printer wasn't working very well, and encountered a really mouthy jerk who was hostile for really no reason. I made it really clear that I wasn't to be talked to like that, and the look on his face was well worth it. He really didn't expect me to talk back to him.  During that, I looked him up and down real quickly to make sure he wasn't packing, and that I was standing right next to the table that had all the scissors on it. I used to teach hand-to-hand combat in the Army, so I wasn't too worried...


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Beats me, Ray. Probably having a bad day before I dared to ask him if he was using the copier, but that was no excuse.

I'm too old to let people talk to me like that, but also far too young to use age as an excuse to keep quiet.

I'd be seething right now had I not stood up to the guy. It's been a while, but I still remember how to motivate someone to a trip to the ER if I have to, if he isn't armed.

Still, it probably wasn't the smartest thing I did today, and I made sure to watch my back going out to my SUV afterward, and then making sure I knew where my 'tools' were, if you get what I mean.

He was smart and stayed inside. My only worry was if he'd followed me, how I'd have explained to the police and my wife afterward. I was trained that a fight isn't over until the loser has had the worst day of his life.

Or, worse.

It all worked out, as I left and went to a locally owned copy place nearby that I'd never been to, where the prices were very reasonable and the employee was very nice. I'll be sure to deal with them in the future.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Last edited by p51

I have track for a twice around over and under all around the layout room except for the lift up section.  Wiring is still just alligator jumpers to individual drops.  Here is my solution to the inside loop where it has to be higher than the loop against the wall so I can see the track and future buildings behind.  This K-Line set of wooden piers will serve the purpose until I get a better idea.  No hurry since I will want to scenic everything behind it first.  

2020-06-30 12.08.222020-06-30 12.08.14

Even though everything isn't leveled and secured to the tabletop, it supports this SD40-2 and caboose fine.

2020-06-30 16.15.04


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@Mark Boyce posted:

  Here is my solution to the inside loop where it has to be higher than the loop against the wall so I can see the track and future buildings behind.  This K-Line set of wooden piers will serve the purpose until I get a better idea.  No hurry since I will want to scenic everything behind it first.  

2020-06-30 12.08.14



That looks like a great way to handle it.

@RSJB18 posted:

So now I have to figure out how to smuggle a 3D printer past the CEO????? I have a hard enough time with the trains

Very nice Ray. Seems like imagination is the only limitation to what you can make with that thing.


If you get one in a kit form the box will be smaller, easier to smuggle.   Yes if you plan ahead then divide and conquer the imagination is probably the only limit.

Finally got all the train stuff into the new house, finally have a basement rather than an attic, much larger too. Also started working on the rough designs for the new layout. looking good.

Finally have enough space for a full O-72 Y to turn my vision line big boy and other large steamers. plan to have 3 atlas bridges to allow a walkway into the middle.


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Completed my Alco C630 conversion project.  This unit came off the shelf as an MTH Union Pacific Alco C628.   The Duluth Missabe & Iron Range Railroad bought ten C630's from the UP in 1973 to alleviate a power shortage.  The UP color scheme was preserved, old markings were painted over and a simple DMIR herald was added to show ownership.

The model is a RailKing scale C628, so it had lots of room for added detail.

Yesterday I installed the pilot bridges that I scratch built from brass.  Pilot foot boards were also scratch built from brass.  The MU stands, firecracker antenna and all weather windows were purchased.   I highlighted the vents with some caulk dust and sprayed the entire model with a matte finish.   Sometime in the future, I would like to give it a heavier weathering, but first I need to do more research on weathering techniques.   For now, it’s helping to move iron ore as part of a three unit lash up.

Cheers, Dave

As delivered MTH RailKing C628:


The added horsepower of the C630 required a bigger venting system. The venting was modified with scrap styrene:


 Pilot step bridges test fit, Cab end stowed, back end engaged:


Additional details:


 Finished Look:





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I took some time today away from the heat and bright sun to detail the Alaska 72' Baggage Car from the four-car set.  The doors do not open and one window is blocked by the 60' interior used in the car.  I moved the interior around and painted the floor with Yellow, Sand, Dark Tan and Earth Red Testor's Flat Acryl Paint.

Fortunately I was able to find some crates and people to put inside the baggage car near the doors so they would be seen through the windows.

Back out to work around the pool after dinner when it cools down.  The weeds love this weather.

Sincerely, John Rowlen



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IMG_20200703_100331IMG_20200703_103324IMG_20200703_095756IMG_20200703_093722IMG_20200703_093531Getting some household chores and projects done during these unfortunate circumstances. Too hot to fish here now. So, Session No. 2 yard orders are moving along. The 505 B6 assembled a 10 car coal hopper train for the Decapod to haul the empties and retrieve loaded cars for eventual  return trip through town. The switcher rests on a spur after taking coal and water at the engine facility. Meanwhile in town the daily commuter train stopped in town to drop off and pick up mail and travelers. It made it through town but encountered a hold signal at Block 2.

B6 No. 5244 pulled 2 boxcars from the outer port yard track and 2 reefers and a boxcar from the bridge spur to start the switching train for town. The last boxcar was coupled to make the BBRRBB switch train. More to follow. Stay well.


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You are getting some serious work done and I like your "temporary" solution to raising the inside loop. Sounds like you will have some time to finalize the idea until scenery work is completed on the backside. 

acrking76, all I can say is wow! This looks like a great space and as Mark said, your track plan looks wonderful. Can't wait for you to start your build. What are the dimensions of the area for the layout? It also looks like you have a direct entrance to the basement from outside, which makes the whole situation ideal. Congrats on your new home and train room. 



You are getting some serious work done and I like your "temporary" solution to raising the inside loop. Sounds like you will have some time to finalize the idea until scenery work is completed on the backside. 


Thank you Dave!!  Yes, I will have some time for a permanent solution.

Someone mentioned an 11x11 room being tight.  Here I am set up ready to cut a shelf for my Z4000 to go under the layout.  I would cut it on the patio, but it's too hot today.  88-degrees is nothing for a lot of folks, but it's about as hot as it gets around here.  

2020-07-03 17.57.37


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The Lionel 2027230 Union Pacific Excursion 2-pack #3 arrived with the "Walter Dean" Dome Observation with EOT Lights and the "City of Denver" 36-seat Dining Car without sound and an empty kitchen area.  Looks like I get to scratch-build another kitchen.

I thought the 2-pack would have a Dome Dining Car in it, but that will probably be the Union Pacific Camera Vision Dome since there are two upright posts molded into the lower lounge to hold the camera board and feed wires up into the Tables in the Dome.

Here are a few pictures of the " Walter Dean" Dome Observation.  I will post progress here as I complete the car.

UPDATE:  The interior has been painted with three coats of paint.  I am now painting more Preiser 65602 Unpainted Seated People.  I have six boxes of twenty-four people and then I am out of people to paint.  My German suppliers still cannot ship to the United States.

Have a Happy Fourth of July.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Sky and clouds for the train room!   I had beige walls in my train room and it was reminding me too much of the Saharan sand, so it was time to fix it. Plan A....  purchase a backdrop. Price with discount was over 1100$ including a discount, so......   Plan B.... I tried using some cloud paper on the walls, but it became too repetitive and the clouds were too evenly spaced as i started put some up, so I canned that idea. Plan C.... headed to my hardware shop and bought some deep blue paint.  ....dark enough that I could dim the lights and do twilight runs without the sky looking too pale.  For clouds, I was not confident of my artistic talents with a brush, so I decided to make use of my computer and inkjet printer.  I found some images of clouds, isolated individual clouds in a photo editor, and then shaded the surrounding sky on the cloud pic to be a close match to my wall color.  I then printed it out on a matte nylon "art canvas" 8 1/2 x 11" sheet for inkjets, and mounted it with double-sided removable tape i purchased off of Amazon.  I've already moved some of the clouds more than once as I decide adjust their distribution in the sky.  Here's a few pix.   Not sure whether I'll leave it as a mostly sunny day or add more.




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