Jeff Thanks for the compliments:
I think you are referring to the station on the lower level, It's an MTH , read many posts on this forum about taking them apart painting the window and door frames, weathering the brick then putting it back together. Keystone Ed did a great write up some years ago, which is who I copied in terms of removing the plastic base and making my own platform out of MDF, medium density fiberboard. There is also a great video segment on doing this on the Black Diamond Railway videos available through TOYTRAINSONTRACKS.COM
I spray paint all my track with Rustoleum Camou Brown. There may be some sections that were done year's earlier with a red oxide primer, but I much prefer the Camouflage Brown. It's dead flat. I really try to shoot it all outside or in my garage before installing it. I always use the blue shop towels wrapped around a small block of wood to wipe the tops of the rails, dry first pass, then a second pass with Acetone or Lacquer thinner.. I usually cut the towels up before I start and have small sized wipes ready to wrap around the block of wood. Purpose of the wood block is so I only wipe the wet paint off the top of the rail surface. As I finish ballasting sections, I have started to go back with my airbrush and blend everything together with light overspray of acrylics... It blends the harsh blue gray granite ballast with the dark ties and rails. I do add india ink to my diluted white glue when I finally set the ballast to darken it some.
Water tank in the Engine Service Yard is made my Walther's CornerStone 833-3311 I think is the part #... You have to keep an eye out on eBay and on the forum as they don't come up for sale that often. I assume you're asking about the tank in the next photo ? There's a smaller cylindrical tank up by the Coal Mine, but I picked it up from a forum member assembled and have no idea who made it.
Trees: I purchased the Scenic Express Super Trees large bulk pack kit plus numerous bags of their Leaf materials. They do look good, problem for me, is or should I say was, that I watched more than a few videos and thought I would be getting super trees branches that were over 7 inches tall, with decent sized trunks... That turned out NOT TO BE THE CASE..... I complained, they sent me a few more armatures. I also ordered one of their "Sage" Branch tree kits. and followed the directions to glue the super tree branches onto the woody Sage Trunks. I like the product, it's tedious gluing the branches and then the leaves but the results are hard to argue with. My other opinion is that they charge way too much for these branches, but I haven't found any good substitute.