“In the case of the original poster, I do not think it fair to post the shop's name but a letter should be written to the owner expressing the outrage it deserves. It is entirely possible the owner has no knowledge this is or has happened until someone calls it to his attention. “
Don, point taken, I will do that.
I remember reading this and writing it down about 20 years ago from a sales self help book - "Reason why customers are lost: 1% die, 3% move, 5% miscellaneous, 9% price, 14% different product, 68% attitude or indifference of sale or customer service."
“Actually, a letter--politely and properly worded--is what should have been done FIRST, rather than airing the problem on a public forum.”
I fail to understand the dressing-down for posting this thread. I have read many threads lamenting about the LHS; that they need our support. Well here is a thread that falls under woe to the hobby; we need the LHS’ support. I didn’t name the shop because I am not seeking to do it harm. I did not respond to “Is it XXX?”; because I am not going to fall into that guessing game.
“There are just some customers that just can't be satisfied, so you move on and forget about the one you lost.“
This may have some merit; but with that attitude when a customer walks in, would seem to doom any relationship. This second time customer (the first being when he bought the set) was not unreasonable in asking for help in getting his train repaired. He didn’t blame it on the shop owner or say that he wanted the repair for free. He just wanted to get it repaired. Instead he was lied to and blown off.
“Everyone should be self-employed for at least one year in their life.”
Having worked for a large company that lived and breathed customer service; there was a motivational speaker at one of our VP meetings that related the story about the president of a failing airline that wanted to wake up his higher management. He called a meeting at a location where everyone had to fly into. Then he took steps to screw with their connections, lose their luggage, etc. When they all arrived at the meeting, grumbling, etc,; he merely asked how they liked being treated the way they treat their customers; and told them to fix it.
As I wrote above, "I will take him under my wing, and expose him to many of the good in this great hobby."