I plan to use Lionel's Accessory Switch Controller (ASC) to control some of the track blocks on my layout. These blocks will have engines and lighted cars on them, and I want to be able to turn off power to those blocks when I'm not using those trains. I was going to use Block Power Controllers (BPC), but while the BPCs have the same specs as the ASC the BPCs control fewer blocks (4 vs. 8).
The SC-2 Switch Controller can control 12 blocks. But I'm not sure if it is better than the ASC for this application because it is a different design. I've also heard the SC-2 has connection issues since it is not hard wired to the Command Base. I assume both the SC-2 and ASC will work with the Legacy Command Base and I will not have to get out an old TMCC Command Base.
I would like your thoughts on the SC-2 vs. ASC for block power control. Thanks.