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No problem for me. Boxes stack until you run out of ceiling and floor space. The down side is finding stuff since it's buried under more stuff.


Actually, as you now own TWO sets of layout-shrinkers, there's only one reasonable solution. Build a new set of shelves in another room. Start by measuring the bedroom. Make sure you let your wife know what you're doing. Assuming you survive this, ask her where the new shelving should go (rejecting the obvious "get rid of some trains" response). Place the new units there.

Yunz need to lay more more shelves...expand your horizons!   Eight big EMDs is a terrific start, but you really need more.  Case in point;  I got two big A-B-A sets of B&O E8s, and a third set on the way. That does not include the A-B-A sets I've got in E7s, E6s, and EA/EB.  Then we get into the other roads!  Can't have too many E units! ....but that doesn't mean you can't try !

Originally Posted by scott.smith:

I do have additional shelves in my family room.

If I could just figure out how to add more without upsetting my wife. I have 36 locomotives on display in that room.

Scott Smith

 Now we know what happened to all the N&W steam when they retired them. Scott bought them and used shrinking potion.  But on the serious side. The book shelves are in the way. 

Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:



Actually, as you now own TWO sets of layout-shrinkers, there's only one reasonable solution. Build a new set of shelves in another room. Start by measuring the bedroom. Make sure you let your wife know what you're doing. Assuming you survive this, ask her where the new shelving should go (rejecting the obvious "get rid of some trains" response). Place the new units there.

I think it would be awfully difficult to walk around York with a train shelf sticking out of your kiester.



you have close shelve brackets with 5 lines of trains on each shelf; how do you get the back ones out? How small are your hands??


Steam Engines are only kept on the front two shelves. Some of the diesels are all the way back behind other diesels. I keep rolling stock related to one another on the space directly behind the other piece. For instance I have a set of Western Union Cars. Engine on the first shelf, followed by WU tank car on the next shelf back , followed by WU Tool cars. That way I disturb as little as possible pulling out trains to run.

Scott Smith

Last edited by scott.smith

The problem is have wasted space taken up with a window.  It's gotta go



Here are close up's of the window. Notice the mountains can be removed.




Below the layout isn't any help either:






One more wall;



Sorry if the pictures are taking too long to load I didn't compress them as I normally do.

Scott Smith


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