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It wasn't O scale, but several years ago I saw someone who had three A-B-B-A lashups all together running on a display layout.

It was funny because the train fans all snickered when they saw the 'all power' train going by and the non-train-fan people with them were all asking what was so funny, as they didn't realize that there wasn't a single freight or passenger car in the entire consist.

Originally Posted by Lima:

... Those A-B-B-A E units must be about 6 feet long for each set?

Yep... that's about right!    I have three of the MTH E8's... two ABA's (Green NYC, and Tuscan Pennsy) and one ABBA (Santa Fe).  The latter will head up my GGD El Capitan train.


For comparison sake, an F3/F7 ABBA is about the same length as an E8 ABA.  So yes, the E8 units are noticeably larger and very impressive.  Consequently, an E8 ABA is quite sufficient (since the two A's contain the power).  I only bought the full ABBA for the Santa Fe E8, since the El Capitan will be a very special train in its own right.  So why not do it up in style -- even though the prototype used F7's.  I just prefer the look of the E8's for what will already be a very long train anyway.  And my railroad couldn't pass up on a terrific deal with the E8's as an added bonus!!! 



Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Originally Posted by H Scheg:
My Wife would kill me, all the while complaing that the kids need clothes food and other crap!

Screw it!  I will Ebay the kids ��

LOL.....Believe it or not, some one auctioned his family a while back. He got a few offers before eBay shut him down....


Kids are waaaay more expensive than trains 

Five solutions to your problem follow.

1. There are some non-train items taking up shelf space. They gotta go!

2. Expand your train space into other areas of the house. Perhaps your wife will be compassionate about your dilemma?

3. Give some trains away on loan to other railroads. Start with the dusty stuff on the shelves. By the way, I have space available!

4. Make York, Pa off limits. Ask Rich Melvin to blackout your access to the For Sale Forum on this site.

5. The next time you see trains you gotta have, take some depressant drugs. Give your wallet, cell phone and credit cards to your son. Strap yourself into a reclining chair and give the drugs a chance to work. No peaking at any Tom McComas videos or RFD TV.


Let us know how No. 2 works out!

Last edited by Bobby Ogage

Display shelves are great for temporary storage but contending with all the dust that accumulates could be a problem. I prefer to store in original boxes all equipment that is not needed on the layout. I also have a few fully enclosed display cases for individual models.


I worked at a bakery where all the floors and wall surfaces were varnished. In addition they had fans and filters running continuously that were used to pull air across each area to eliminate dust collection on any of the manufacturing equipment and exposed product. This "laminar" air flow was hardly noticeable when in the area.

Originally Posted by Number 90:

UPRR used to run 6 E8/E9 units on the City of Los Angeles out of Los Angeles.  In Cajon Pass you could hear them coming for miles.

Do you have any pictures or videos of 6 UP E8/E9 units on the City of LA? I've only seen pictures/videos of 5 UP E8/E9 units.


Gregg - Each MTH E8 ABBA trainset has 2 motors in each A unit. The B units have no smoke/sound/motors.

I run only steam and my passenger trains are just locals and mail trains.  But I also love passenger diesels.  Every time I get the bug to buy some great paint scheme in the future I will reflect on this thread and the length of ABBA power.  I just have to get my diesel kicks seeing photos and videos.

Love the attic pic!     

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