According to Charlie Nassau on the 3-Rail side, the Y3's are shipping this week.
But, I wonder what the difference is between the 648178/648197 ATSF and 648180/648198 N&W American Flyer Y3's are?
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According to Charlie Nassau on the 3-Rail side, the Y3's are shipping this week.
But, I wonder what the difference is between the 648178/648197 ATSF and 648180/648198 N&W American Flyer Y3's are?
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Road numbers.
6-48197 ATSF #1797
6-48198 N&W #2020
Well kept secret.
Ah, shame on me for not checking the catalog for the original numbers (N&W #2009 ATSF #1795) and not connecting the dots...
Preorders must've been good for these two.
Yeah, only 4 months behind schedule probably is a record.
Hopefully, the Y3's won't get caught up in the LA dock strike!
I would like to see some photos of the N&W version. Al
I would like to see some photos of the N&W version. Al
Don't worry. When my Y3 shows up, I'll be posting pictures.
I found this picture of the N&W Y3 on the Lionel blog:
Who would have the best price on a N&W Y3? Al
These look pretty nice! Has anyone received one? Curious to hear how they run and sound.
I have to say that this is a very nice looking model. If Lionel can turn out one of these steamers a year then I might find myself giving S another shot.
The thing that just boggles my mind is that they are lagging so far behind with the track system. Personally, I won't be buying anything in S until there is a fully fleshed out Hi-Rail track system from Lionel or MTH. Perhaps in a year or two things will be different?
I just got fed x tracking and it is the same order number that my y3 is on the package weights 8.3 lbs. dilivery is 12/14 I will let you know.
Unfortunately, my LHS seems to be at the bottom of the distributor's list, it'll probably be two more weeks before I see mine.
while I post these pictures today, I am taken back by the events that have unfolded here in Connecticut today My heart is out to all those who were effected today by this unspeakable event, while Christmas is what started my entry in American Flyer in 1950, I cannot comprehend what scars will be left on the children that survived.
while I post these pictures today, I am taken back by the events that have unfolded here in Connecticut today My heart is out to all those who were effected today by this unspeakable event, while Christmas is what started my entry in American Flyer in 1950, I cannot comprehend what scars will be left on the children that survived.
Mark in Oregon
Well today I started tolevied the new locomotive, and to my supersize legged no orange module, the last time On my challenger I had a defective one and it took 3 months to get a replacement. This is unbleivable and just plain poor quality control!!!!!!!
Well today I started tolevied the new locomotive, and to my supersize legged no orange module, the last time On my challenger I had a defective one and it took 3 months to get a replacement. This is unbleivable and just plain poor quality control!!!!!!!
I'm not sure about lionels s scale legacy stuff, but I know with the o guage locos you can load the info manually if you don't have the module. Theres no excuse for the lack of a module, but loading the loco manually will get you running with full legacy features in less than three months.
Well today I started tolevied the new locomotive, and to my supersize legged no orange module, the last time On my challenger I had a defective one and it took 3 months to get a replacement. This is unbleivable and just plain poor quality control!!!!!!!
I'm not sure about lionels s scale legacy stuff, but I know with the o guage locos you can load the info manually if you don't have the module. Theres no excuse for the lack of a module, but loading the loco manually will get you running with full legacy features in less than three months.
IIRC, at the fall York, Lionel was considering not including orange modules anymore and instead had other ways of getting the info uploaded into the locomotive or to make you enter the set-up manually. It was discussed here:
But I cannot say for certain that anything was ever decided. If you can confirm it, please let us know. If I understand correctly, these 2-8-8-2's are some of the first Lionel locomotives with the IR sensor on the bottom of the tender and it may well be that it is one of the first to not offer an orange Legacy module.
Found this on Page 2 in the Lionel . . . Keep the orange !! thread, October 23:
"Folks, The Orange module may not be included with the loco in next year's O gauge product. Currently it is not included with current production Flyer locos. The Legacy V1.51 operating system presets all of the module settings, and even expands the functions with the AUX2 menu. The only item you need to enter is the name and road number - which is very quick, and only once.
While this seems like an inconvenience, many folks change the name we pre-select, opting for a better identifier after loading the Orange module. The IR track and LSU allow over-riding the Orange module settings. Many of the new features in V1.51 we are now bringing to you cannot be preset by an Orange module.
At some point you have to move forward and expand the features, even if it changes the product deliverable. Note for MAC users, the iPad is your solution as we plan to migrate the LSU features to the iPad.
And note: we can make the module available for a particular loco via Customer Service (for a handling charge).
CTO, Lionel LLC"
Now, I don't have a Legacy system, so I don't have a clue about the modules, orange or otherwise. I run TMCC via a Trainmaster Command Base and a DCS TIU.
I just looked at my last email I sent on my iPhone last time I use that, anyway I talked to Charles Ro and they will find out what is going on, I review the manual that came with the 2882 and it states insert the orange module. So I will call Lionel on Monday.
Ben, glad to see that you like your Y3 so much! Enjoy man! Was curious if you can say what version of Legacy yours came with. Since it did not come with an orange module, did it happen to come with v. 1.51 as Rusty referenced above?
Picked up my N&W Y3 last night (Friday) at my friendly LHS. Shot a couple of quick pictures this morning. Three things come to mind right off the bat.
1. The box is reasonably sized for the locomotive, not the massive monolith suitable for apes dancing around it that the Challenger came in.
2. Heavy metal... The tender weighs just about as much as the locomotive!
3. I wish these things came with scale wheels. The Y3 fits so nicely into a scale environment otherwise:
Nobody ever takes rear shots of steam locomotives, but I do:
Oooo La-La, Close coupling of the engine and tender:
And we climb into the Kansas Grain Belt's airship for an aerial view:
I haven't put down a loop of S-Trax track to exercise it yet, but we did test run it at the LHS, which brings us to:
The Dark Side...
My Y3 failed on the test track. It ran in fine reverse, but when placed in forward, it wouldn't move and smoke came from the locomotive where smoke shouldn't come from. The LHS owner said it's the same thing occurred to a Santa Fe Y3 he ordered for store stock.
This one was another he ordered for stock that passed a test run and was in the display case, so he exchanged locomotives for me on the spot. Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this.
Another customer had two on layaway (Santa Fe and Pennsy) so those were test run immediately with the customer's permission. Both of them ran fine.
So that's 2 failures out of 5 locomotives, not a good average. Hopefully, it was just a fluke. The two failures go back to Lionel.
A scale wheel conversion is probably going to be available via a 3rd party. I will post more on this topic when I have all of the details.
Jon, you absolutely just made my day. I'm assuming it will be a company like NWSL or similar. Honestly, i don't really care who does it as long as it works. it would be fantastic if all future steam offering could be converted. With your excellent DCC implementation that really opens up a lot of options for a lot of people. As soon as you can confirm the details I'll probably order a pair of Y3s.
Great news!
A scale wheel conversion is probably going to be available via a 3rd party. I will post more on this topic when I have all of the details.
Developments like this amaze me. Who'dve thunk it!
Mike, try a "reset" according to the instructions. Even tho fan is working, heating element may not be. This happens sometimes during shipping.
~Long Live Lionel~
That's because the UP Y3's didn't have a smokebox front number board:
Image: Smoke Over The Divide, Ehernberger and Gschwind, E&B Publishing, c. 1965
It's not the first time things changed between the catalog and the final product. You got the standard "Verify contents/features on the box" type of reply, right? The "Talk to Us" folks are not always the most helpful or charming people in the world. I think sometimes they work in an isolation chamber hidden in the basement.
Are the N&Ws the only ones to have shipped so far? I’m waiting on a PRR model and haven’t heard a thing.
Tom Stoltz
Are the N&Ws the only ones to have shipped so far? I’m waiting on a PRR model and haven’t heard a thing.
Tom Stoltz
As far as I can tell, they're all out. A friend of mine has a Santa Fe and PRR sitting on layaway at our LHS, Carl Tuvson's posted a review with the UP. The only one I haven't seen is the Virginian.
Give it a little time, because of Christmas falling so close to the distributors receiving their shipments, shipping from the distributors is a little messed up. My LHS got part of his Lionel shipment last week and is expecting the remainder this week.
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