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Before the winner and honorable mentions are named, I'd like to thank all of the particpants, sponsors, OGR, and last but not least all of the followers of this thread who gave encouragement! All of the entries were awesome, and the judges had fits deciding who to give the nod to.


Transit Modeler

This was the hands down favorite of the judges. Here's what was said about the layout: "What we liked: Everything! Great attention to details! The trains and the trolleys were great. The cars and people added life to the scenes. The new fallen snow in town gives the plows something to work on. Even the houses have Christmas lights on them."

Honorable Mentions


LMS Lines



Congratulations to all!!! Please send an email to with your contact information so I may disseminate it to the sponsors.

All Entrants

Save those photos and layout building documentation for submittal to OGR. Publication of your material will earn you some train money Smile Contact Mr. Miller for further details.

On a personal note, I believe this photo should be on the cover of a Christmas card!

Again, thank you everyone for making this contest a success!

The Winter Wonderland and Holiday Layout Contest
Deadline: December 26, 2011, at 11 p.m. EST. Entrants will post at least 5 pictures of their layout in this thread. The Winner, Honorable Mentions, and Special Category Winners will be announced on January 7, 2012.


1. Deadline to post pictures is December 26, 2011.

2. Post a minimum of 5 pictures of your layout.

3. The layout must be completed in an area not to exceed 50 sq. ft.
Users do not need to use all 50 sq. ft. The size was decided upon to allow the construction of any shape layout the modeler wishes to build.

4. The layout may be layed out on the floor (Carpet Central), built on benchwork, or built on a table.
I recommend that modelers who build their layout on the floor use some type of underlayment (such as wood, foam, or posterboard) to help keep track of space used and to provide areas for scenery. Additionally, this will help prevent carpet fibre from entering gears and wheelsets, and will keep grease and oil from dropping onto the carpet or floor.

5. All surface area of the layout must be sceniced. Christmas trees, Nativity scenes, Menorah's, and other holiday decorations count as scenery and must be within the boundaries of the layout.

6. The layout must incorporate gingerbread, fruitcake, or candy canes.
If using gingerbread, I suggest making more than you will need and to have a glass of milk on hand.

7. A winter snow scene must be present on some portion of the layout.
I realize in some parts of the world, Santa comes in a stagecoach. Feel free to model your part of the world during the winter/holiday months, but you must model snow on some portion of the layout.

8. Use your imagination and have fun!

Hello fellow forumites! There has been quite a buzz on the forum lately concerning Christmas layouts. If one stops to ponder for a moment, it's not hard to determine why this hobby has a fascination with trains and holidays. It was during this time of the year that many of us received our first train set as a child. We also gathered together with family and friends for celebration, raising voices in laughter and story telling. As humans, we associate feelings and events together. That's why we are drawn to putting up a layout during the holiday season, even only if temporary: To rekindle the magic and warmth of our memories, while creating new ones with a new generation of family and friends. And with this contest, your friends list has just grown a wee bit longer as we exchange tips and ideas during this contest.

You will notice that some of the rules are more relaxed and some weren't included at all from the last contest. The nature of the contest itself will tend to those matters. Focus on enjoying the contest and involving family and friends in the planning and building stage!

This contest is open to O gauge (3r, 2r, 3rs, Proto48, On30, On3) and S gauge.

Award Distribution:

One Winner
Four Honorable Mentions
True Scene Ground Crew Category (See Rules for Special Awards)
RCS Rail Layers Category (See Rules for Special Awards)

Rules for Special Awards
Please ensure that you read both the Rules for Special Awards and Sponsored Awards sections for full compliance.

True Scene Ground Crew Category To compete in this category, users must use True Scene Modeling products in the construction of their layout. Users must submit a brief summary of how the product was used and post at least three pictures of the product on the layout in addition to the required five layout photos. One winner will be chosen by True Scene Modeling. View the special offer for Winter Woods and Alpine Snow.

RCS Rail Layers Category To compete in this category, your layout must use RCS switches and track. Entrants must write a brief summary of how RCS products were used and post at least three pictures of RCS products in addition to the five layout photos. One winner will be chosen by Ross Custom Switches.

Judges Panel

Dave Allen
Evan Designs
True Scene Modeling
Ross Custom Switches

We have received a new sponsored award! Thank you Dave Allen for your work on finding another great sponsor! Darstaed and Trains Hoover will award 3 Private Owners Vans to the winner. Here is a sample of one of ten vans to choose from. Click on the picture to go to the Trains Hoover Advan webpage.

I am honored to debut Evan Designs new Colored Light String!!! Click on the picture or follow the links in the Awards section. Another home run by Evan Designs!

Sponsored Awards

Sponsored by Dave Allen from the OGR forum: The winner will receive $100.

Sponsored by Evan Designs: The Winner will receive a copy of Model Builder with Brickyard, a Welding LED Kit, a Fire LED Kit, and the new Colored Light String. Each Honorable Mention will receive both the Welding and Fire LED Kits.

Sponsored by True Scene Modeling: The winner of the True Scene Ground Crew Category will receive three bags of Bulk and/or Modeler. The Overall Winner and four Honorable Mentions will receive one bag of Modeler. View the special offer for Winter Woods and Alpine Snow.

Sponsored by Ross Custom Switches: The winner of the RCS Rail Layers Category will receive a switch with a value not to exceed $100.

Sponsored by Darstaed and url=]Trains Hoover[/url]: The winner will receive three Private Owners Vans


September 19, 2011 - Updated Award offering from Evan Designs.

September 4, 2011 - Changes in the wording and numbering of the Rules have been made in order to simplify them and to make the language uniform.

September 2, 2011 - True Scene Modeling has a special offer on bags of Alpine Snow and Winter Woods. Tips to assist you in making winter scenes are included with each bag.
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Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This new contest is certainly timed right for the upcoming holiday season. Keep in mind that if the winning layout is creatively executed and nicely documented with a good series of high-res photos, it and one or more of the honorary mention winners (actually, everyone who enters is a winner in my view), might well be candidates for a feature in next year's holiday issue of the magazine. That would also earn the winner(s) $400 and 12 comp copies of that issue.

I, too, will likely add a new-in-box locomotive or complete set to the prize pool if the winner is deemed worthy of publication, but I haven't yet determined just what item or set that might be.

There are a couple of rules that I, personally, would not have included (#3 for example because I'm not sure how the inclusion of edibles enhances/fits the concept, and the inclusion of S gauge, which precludes a winner from OGR publication), but what's done is done.
Last edited by Allan Miller
You have put a lot of time into the rules for this great Chrismas setting layout contest and I am sure a lot of us appreciate your work.
However, I have a couple questions on requirments to be met and that you can help me out.

I know Ross is one of the supporters of our forum and they make high quality products. How ever, why should 2 Ross switchs in the layout be a requirment. This is a costly item if a person like myself does not have any on hand. And as for those working in S-Scale and ON-30,I don't think Ross makes switchs for these gauges. I feel these requirments will disqualify a lot of forum menbers.
I know that I will be blown out of the water and unable to participate in the constest if I have to buy Ross switches. Confused
Originally posted by AL CLAIR:
...How ever, why should 2 Ross switchs in the layout be a requirment...
I know that I will be blown out of the water and unable to participate in the constest if I have to buy Ross switches. Confused


Building your layout with RCS products is not required in order to participate in the contest. Using RCS products is required only if you wish to participate in their sponsored sprecial category.
Like the idea, but have a question.

1) "Empty space (space not occupied by the layout) is allowed in order to route track around furniture or other obstructions not part of the layout..."

2) "The track and all scenery must remain within the boundaries of the layout."

I understand the scenery but Track in line 1 seems to contradict line 2.

Since I have a carpet layout around the perimeter of the room, I usually decorate a corner for the holidays (track passes through it).
Am I correct in assuming that this section would be eligible (staying under 50 sq ft. of course).

Originally posted by Dtrainmaster:
1) "Empty space (space not occupied by the layout) is allowed in order to route track around furniture or other obstructions not part of the layout..."

2) "The track and all scenery must remain within the boundaries of the layout."

I understand the scenery but Track in line 1 seems to contradict line 2.

Thank you for pointing this out. I plan to make a revision to this area.

Since I have a carpet layout around the perimeter of the room, I usually decorate a corner for the holidays (track passes through it).
Am I correct in assuming that this section would be eligible (staying under 50 sq ft. of course).

All track connected to the area you want to decorate must be counted in your alloted square footage. Remember, you have 50 sq. ft. to work within. You said you wanted to run a carpet central around the perimiter of the room. For example, you allot a 4" width of layout to lay under your track. To make the oval around a room measuring 12' x 12', you would require approximately 16 sq. ft. of layout. The remaining amount of square footage may be used for the decorations in the corner. In this case, that would be around the size of a 4' x 8' piece of plywood.

Please post the dimensions of your room, the width of your track and the radius/diameter of your curves so that I may assist you in determinging your requirements.
For example, you allot a 4" width of layout to lay under your track.

Wouldn't it be simpler to define only the decorated section as the entered layout?
In other words, this would be similar to the way a modular layout's sections are judged individually.

Either way, it works for me. You may have other reasons that I have not thought of for establishing the rules as stated.

One more assumption. The 4" width allotted to connecting trackage does not have to be decorated, correct?

Originally posted by Dtrainmaster:

Wouldn't it be simpler to define only the decorated section as the entered layout?
In other words, this would be similar to the way a modular layout's sections are judged individually.

One more assumption. The 4" width allotted to connecting trackage does not have to be decorated, correct?


Rule 3 states "All surface area of the layout must be sceniced." Your track, whether it rests on an underlayment or not, is considered part of the layout. Scenicing the track that runs around the room can be as simple as adding snow.

This is a layout contest. Consideration has to be taken on how well you integrate all portions of the ayout.

I seem to read you feel a winner in S Gauge would take it out of possible inclusion in OGR. Why? You have shown other scales in OGR like ON-30. Those are often included as part of an overall layout and do not have 3 rails. Would you tell some of your advertisers they have to remove the mention of other scales in their ads?

Heck, if someone builds a layout like Dave Allen did and wins he deserves to have it shown. After all we do have an S Gauge forum page here, don't we?

Just my two cents.
I thought I explained my thinking on that subject, Owen, but I guess not fully or accurately enough.

Sorry, but I will not be featuring S gauge in the magazine, even though I personally like S gauge and S scale.

We're an O gauge and O scale magazine, and that's what our readers and advertisers expect us to be (they are paying the bills, not just for the magazine, but also for this forum). 3-rail O gauge comprises the bulk of our editorial material, of course, because that is the largest segment of this particular niche. We also cover 2-rail O scale when we find contributors, and we also welcome O scale narrow gauge submissions (of which On30--O scale models--is perhaps the largest and most popular segment).

You won't find O gauge/scale in S Gaugian magazine, and you won't find S gauge/scale in OGR. We each know, and respect, our places and our audiences.

If and S gauge layout wins the current contest (I had no part in developing the rules) there's always CTT and S Gaugian as possible outlets for publication.
Last edited by Allan Miller
Originally posted by youngstown:
Stewart, what is your opinion regarding the inclusion of a Christmas tree on the layout? Do you feel that is detracts from the layout from a judging perspective or is it required because we are judging "under/around the tree layouts"?

If you want to incorporate a Christmas tree into your layout, go for it! Make sure you follow Rule 3 if doing so. A Christmas tree is not required to be included on your layout.
Originally posted by Allan Miller:
If and S gauge layout wins the current contest (I had no part in developing the rules) there's always CTT and S Gaugian as possible outlets for publication.


That is a class act, suggesting a possible 'S' gauge winner on the OGR forum have the layout published in CTT. Reminds me of the CEO's of Gimbels and Macy's in 'Miracle on 34th Street.

There has been no activity on this thread for more than a week. No widespread interest in the contest? A revised set of rules/requirements needed? Too early in the season to consider? Something else?

We can't really keep this thread in featured status unless there is a fair amount of activity and discussion. I will leave it here for another week to see if things pick up. If that doesn't occur, the thread will be kept alive, but no longer featured.
good afternoon...

i had plans to enter a small layout...actually a very small layout...but i can't get past rule 4...

my waistline is a growing tribute ginger bread, fruit cake and candy canes...(plus chocolate)...all served with cold milk...especially at Christmas...but i just can't make it work on my layout...

i know you can't please all the people all the time...anyway...just my thoughts...

my very best regards... in hot and humid north florida...
Originally posted by sawdust43:

i had plans to enter a small layout...actually a very small layout...but i can't get past rule 4...

...but i just can't make it work on my layout...


Post some more information about your layout so we can help you solve your problem. This is one of the benefits of participating in our hobby and this forum.

If you have tubular track, here's a fun project: Use gingerbread to make rr ties and crush some candy cane to make ballast.
Hi Stewart,

I would like to participate in the contest but, am confused by the size restriction of 50 sq ft. I have 4, 3' x 6' (6' x 12')platforms that I put my holiday layout on with the Christmas tree. That is 72 sq ft, I assume the tree counts in the measurement. Also, I am taking my yard, which used to be in the 6' x 12' display area and building it separtaely, so I can build a better village, it will be 3.5 x 8 off to the side. Would that be counted as part of the layout for the contest?



At 72", your layout would be too big for the contest.

I assume the tree counts in the measurement

If your tree lies outside of the layout boundaries, then yes, you must add the area of the tree to your layout area to conform with Rule 3.

...I am taking my yard...and building it separtaely... Would that be counted as part of the layout for the contest?

If your new yard is connected to your layout, then yes, it is counted as part of the layout.
Shelly's Easy Evergreen Tree Recipe

Shelly from Evan Designs wanted to share how she made her evergreen trees for the diorama. Thank you Shelly for this great tip!

Easy Evergreen Tree Recipe Ingredients:
• Bamboo Skewers
• Blue Scrubby Pad (Shelly used "Industrial Scrubby" found at Home Depot)
• Brown Paint
• Spray glue, watered down regular glue, or hair spray
• Ground Foam (Shelly used Woodlad Scenics Fine Turf "Weeds". She recommended florist foam for an inexpensive alternative.)
• Dipping container for your ground foam

1. Cut a triangle or several triangles out of your scrubby. The scrubby is flat on 2 sides so turn your cut out piece and trim as needed to make it into a nice cone shape. A 6-foot tree in O is 1-and-1/2 inches tall. I was making lots of trees so I made several 1-inch, several 1-1/2 inch and then some 2 inch big guys for the stand! Even if you only plan to use one tree, it is still a good idea to make a few to give away, and keep the one you like best.

2. Paint your bamboo skewer(s). What I did was make a line of paint and roll the skewer in it. Let it dry then snap or cut it into sections that are longer than your tree or trees. This way you give yourself a handle to hold onto. Snip one end of the skewer into a point and put glue onto the skewer. Push the sharp end of the glue-covered skewer into your tree and
let the glue dry.

3. Pour some of your ground foam into a container. I used the bottom of a 1-quart milk carton.

4. Get out your spray glue or hairspray or diluted white glue and spray the tree thoroughly with it.

5. Dip the tree into the ground foam in your container and swirl it around to be really sure to get all of it.

6. Admire your lovely new Evergreen!
Some ideas for snow....?
combination of cotton and paint...or
combination of anything white with right texture

there have been numerous articles and posts over the yrs.

foam painted a mix of grey/brown followed by white paint was used. Added Woodland scencics snow and snow in the can. Snow in can doesn't stay fluffy but it does stay white and is a good quick way to coat side of trees. Also have used a mix of joint compound and sawdust spray painted white. The photos below uses all the above.

below is a small demo piece. The large grey part is foam, the smaller pieces are plaster castings set into wet fiber followed by stippling with white paint.

Last Christmas we carved out a bit of scrap foam. glued it to 1/4" scrap plywood for a Christmas tree base, with enough room for a small oval. Covered the foam in fiber

painted white (wet brush with dilute white on wet fiber) , add a few sparkles, some cotton pressed into fiber. Added some trees, ornaments a few dept 56 christmas buildings. Everybody was happy. Commercial snow products stick well without need for glue.

Merry candy cane trails (Hint wait one day, sprinkle candy cane pieces into fiber and press down lightly, allow to dry.)

I smell tinplate

Bill D
Last edited by wsdimenna
Christmas Tree Lot: The Back Story
A few people asked us, why is there police and a taxi in front of the tree lot?
The funniest story we have heard so far: "My story has a drunken tree shopper in the shack causing a disturbance, the lot owner had to call the police, and the taxi is standing by to safely drive the shopper home -- with his purchased tree."
Originally posted by Dtrainmaster:
Well, it's been a month and no activity. Is it still on?

Yes, the contest is still on! I let the thread die during the Halloween season (Big Grin) since there was no reason to focus on Christmas yet.

Originally posted by papa3rail:
Rule 4 ;
Do these have to be real or artificial ?

In light of unwanted visitors and our 4 legged companions who like to snack, I will allow artificial replicas to be used.
I am doing a Christmas layout, and also having a little trouble with Rule 4. This seems like a sort of arbitrary design parameter and will limit variety and creativity. My layout will be made with some very old vintage trains and buildings, and I'm not sure I want to add candy themed scenery.

Personally don't think I would do rules- just the best temporary Christmas layout would seem to cover it. You could make it clear that small is good, it doesn't have to be big to win.

Anyway, my 2 cents. That said, I understand the sponsors prerogative to structure it however they want and applaud their initiative and generosity.

OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Ct, Ste 6, Mountain Home, AR 72653
800-980-OGRR (6477)

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