While we're jonesing for things Santa Fe, could I trouble Mark from Menard's to explain to me again the situation regarding the Santa Fe boxcar. It seems to be the only item I see on the site that says "sold out" yet also says available in stores. I checked every store via the website and no one has it in stock. So is this car available or not, and if so how can I get one? Thanks!
It's a little convoluted and I apologize about that.
We suspect there are some left over in our stores from last year's Christmas selection. However, all 14 boxcars that were sold in stores were all listed under the same item (SKU# 279-2654). This system worked well for the stores but it makes it difficult to order a specific boxcar from the store. Difficult, but not impossible.
Let me know if you'd like more details. Otherwise, Cabinet Bob's offer is very appealing!
-Mark the Menards Train Guy