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Yep, …and don’t try and pry them perfectly straight, …..just enough to scoot it by, ….or you’ll have a bunch of broken tabs, and no way to secure the shell back down. Test the crap out of that whistle before you put the shell back on, …..and when you do put it back on, bend the tabs just enough to hold,……you’ll be back in it someday…..


Broken tabs? No problem. When I get oneIMG_20241219_122119IMG_20241219_123656IMG_20241219_123938 of those sheet metal tenders with more than 2 tabs broken, I break them all off! An easy fix is put the shell on the frame and align where the tabs would be. Use a # 50 drill bit and a Dremel and drill a hole right above the tab slot. Drill through the flange on the base. Then use a #2 self tap screw. The screw from a postwar bell bracket is perfect for this application. Now you can take the shell off more than once.


Images (3)
  • IMG_20241219_122119
  • IMG_20241219_123656
  • IMG_20241219_123938

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